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Capability approach and life course cube applied to the migration of skilled women

Lidia Ivonne Munguía Ocampo Arlette Covarrubias (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

A proposal is developed to integrate Amartya Sen's Capabilities Approach and the study of life trajectories, represented in the life course cube of Bernardi et al. (2019), taking as an empirical example the couple migration the skilled women. The life curse cube allows the visualization of the interdependencies between (1) the temporality of women's life course and the historical moment where the migration process occurs, (2) the individual, social, and environmental conversion factors that provide or restrict their ability to achieve those functionings they consider of value to their lives and how they exercise their agency to achieve their well-being, and (3) the micro, meso and macro levels of interaction that together connect life domains over time from the individual environment, the social relationships and considering external societal structures.

Enfoque de capacidades, migración calificada, cubo de curso de vida, trayectorias de vida, género. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Capability approach skilled migration, life course cube, life trajectories, gender

Adecuación cultural de la vivienda: una propuesta de medición

Jesús Ricardo Salazar Judith Ley García (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])

La adecuación cultural forma parte de las siete directrices internacionales que, según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, debe poseer una vivienda para que se le considere adecuada. Sin embargo, evaluar el cumplimiento de esta directriz en las ciudades no es una tarea sencilla, dada la dificultad que representan su conceptualización y operacionalización. En este sentido, el objetivo del artículo es construir un concepto de adecuación cultural susceptible de medición a escala intraurbana. Para ello, se utilizó el enfoque de las capacidades como sustento teórico y el Índice de Desarrollo Humano como metodología análoga, lo que permitió proponer un Índice Sintético de Adecuación Cultural de la Vivienda que se aplicó en la evaluación de la ciudad de Mexicali, México. Como parte de los resultados, se identificó que los habitantes de más de la mitad del parque habitacional de Mexicali poseen pocas posibilidades de personalizar su vivienda conforme a sus repertorios culturales.

Cultural adequacy, Adequate housing, intra-urban indicators, capability approach adecuación cultural enfoque de las capacidades indicadores intraurbanos vivienda adecuada CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Análisis de las conexiones matemáticas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la derivada basado en un networking of theories entre la Teoría de las conexiones y el Enfoque ontosemiótico.

CAMILO ANDRES RODRIGUEZ NIETO (2021, [Tesis de doctorado])

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología No. 602990

In research in Mathematics Education, models have been reported to analyze mathematical connections in which specific connection categories are considered. In the literature, it was identified that the most used model is the Businskas with contributions from other researchers. However, the problem refers to the fact that some categories of connections limit the analysis of mathematical activity and, therefore, the research suggests that the established categories are validated and, if possible, new categories of connections are reported. Other investigations focused on exploring mathematical connections and understanding the derivative reveal that high school students, pre-service teachers, and some in-service mathematics teachers have difficulty connecting multiple representations of the derivative (e.g., algebraic, or symbolic, verbal, graphic, tabular) and establish connections between partial meanings about this concept.

Networking of theories Mathematical connections Onto-semiotic approach semiotic function derivative teacher students HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA TEORÍA Y MÉTODOS EDUCATIVOS TEORÍAS EDUCATIVAS

Value chain research and development: The quest for impact

Jason Donovan (2023, [Artículo])

Motivation: For decades, governments, donors, and practitioners have promoted market-based development approaches (MBDA), most recently in the form of value chain development (VCD), to spur economic growth and reduce poverty. Changes in approaches have been shaped by funders, practitioners and researchers in ways that are incompletely appreciated. Purpose: We address the following questions: (1) how have researchers and practitioners shaped discussions on MBDA?; and (2) how has research stimulated practice, and how has practice informed research? We hypothesize that stronger exchange between researchers and practitioners increases the relevance and impact of value chain research and development. Methods and approach: We adopt Downs' (1972) concept of issue-attention cycles, which posits that attention to a particular issue follows a pattern where, first, excitement builds over potential solutions; followed by disenchantment as the inherent complexity, trade-offs, and resources required to solve it become apparent; and consequently attention moves on to a new issue. We review the literature on MBDA to see how far this framing applies. Findings: We identify five cycles of approaches to market-based development over the last 40 or more years: (1) non-traditional agricultural exports; (2) small and medium enterprise development; (3) value chains with a globalization perspective; (4) value chains with an agri-business perspective; and (5) value chain development. The shaping and sequencing of these cycles reflect researchers' tendency to analyse and criticize MBDA, while providing limited guidance on workable improvements; practitioners' reluctance to engage in critical reflection on their programmes; and an institutional and funding environment that encourages new approaches. Policy implications: Future MBDA will benefit from stronger engagement between researchers, practitioners, and funders. Before shifting attention to new concepts and approaches, achievements and failures in previous cycles need to be scrutinized. Evidence-based practice should extend for the length of the issue-attention cycle; preferably it should arrest the cycling of attention. Funders can help by requiring grantees to critically reflect on past action, by providing “safe spaces” for sharing such reflections, and by engaging in joint learning with practitioners and researchers.


Danzas veracruzanas como grafías de la memoria. Recuerdos de indios, moros, negros y cristianos

GUADALUPE SANCHEZ ALVAREZ (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

Las danzas tradicionales, como las de los pueblos originarios del estado de Veracruz en México, son invaluables discursos históricos de la memoria. A través de ellas y su constante repetición, las comunidades y pueblos practicantes transmiten valores y consolidan sus identidades. Es por lo que se constituyen como complejos sistemas interculturales mantenedores de conocimiento, atributos por los cuales, necesitan ser replanteadas para un análisis en profundidad que vaya más allá de las formas prototípicas acostumbradas. Por lo anterior, en este trabajo se propone examinarlas desde el enfoque historiográfico, no sin antes repensarlas grafías no escriturarias, resultado de la sistematización historiográfica.

Traditional dances, such as those of peoples from the state of Veracruz in Mexico, are invaluable historical discourses of memory. Through them and their constant repetition, practicing communities and peoples transmit values and consolidate their identities. Therefore, they are constituted as complex intercultural systems maintaining knowledge, attributes by which, they need to be rethinker for an in-depth analysis that goes beyond the usual proto-typical forms. Therefore, in this work it is proposed to examine them from the historiographic approach, not without first rethink them nonwriting spellings, the result of historiographic systematization.

Danzas prehispánicas, enfoque historiográfico, memoria, identidad, Veracruz. Pre-Hispanic Dances, historiographical approach, memory, identity. Moros y Cristianos (Dance)--Mexico. Veracruz (Veracruz-Llave, Mexico) Group identity. Historiography. Danza indígena -- México. Veracruz (Veracruz) Identidad colectiva. Historiografía. GT4014.A2 CIENCIAS SOCIALES SOCIOLOGÍA SOCIOLOGÍA CULTURAL FOLKLORE