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Landscape and micronutrient fertilizer effect on agro-fortified wheat and teff grain nutrient concentration in western Amhara

Tilahun Amede Elizabeth Bailey Abdul Wahab Mossa Dereje Tirfessa MESFIN KEBEDE DESTA Getachew Agegnehu Tesfaye Shiferaw Sida Stephan Haefele R. Murray Lark Martin Broadley Samuel Gameda (2023, [Artículo])

Agronomic biofortification, encompassing the use of mineral and organic nutrient resources which improve micronutrient concentrations in staple crops is a potential strategy to promote the production of and access to micronutrient-dense foods at the farm level. However, the heterogeneity of smallholder farming landscapes presents challenges on implementing agronomic biofortification. Here, we test the effects of zinc (Zn)- and selenium (Se)-containing fertilizer on micronutrient concentrations of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) grown under different landscape positions and with different micronutrient fertilizer application methods in the western Amhara region of Ethiopia. Field experiments were established in three landscape positions at three sites, with five treatments falling into three broad categories: (1) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate; (2) micronutrient fertilizer application method; (3) sole or co-application of Zn and Se fertilizer. Treatments were replicated across five farms per landscape position and over two cropping seasons (2018 and 2019). Grain Zn concentration ranged from 26.6 to 36.4 mg kg−1 in wheat and 28.5–31.2 mg kg−1 in teff. Grain Se concentration ranged from 0.02 to 0.59 mg kg−1 in wheat while larger concentrations of between 1.01 and 1.55 mg kg−1 were attained in teff. Larger concentrations of Zn and Se were consistently attained when a foliar fertilizer was applied. Application of ⅓ nitrogen (N) yielded significantly larger grain Se concentration in wheat compared to a recommended N application rate. A moderate landscape effect on grain Zn concentration was observed in wheat but not in teff. In contrast, strong evidence of a landscape effect was observed for wheat and teff grain Se concentration. There was no evidence for any interaction of the treatment contrasts with landscape position except in teff, where an interaction effect between landscape position and Se application was observed. Our findings indicate an effect of Zn, Se, N, landscape position, and its interaction effect with Se on grain micronutrient concentrations. Agronomic biofortification of wheat and teff with micronutrient fertilizers is influenced by landscape position, the micronutrient fertilizer application method and N fertilizer management. The complexity of smallholder environmental settings and different farmer socio-economic opportunities calls for the optimization of nutritional agronomy landscape trials. Targeted application of micronutrient fertilizers across a landscape gradient is therefore required in ongoing agronomic biofortification interventions, in addition to the micronutrient fertilizer application method and the N fertilizer management strategy.


Estudio de la factibilidad ambiental, desarrollo sustentable, urbano, social y legal para el desarrollo de estrategias participativas y de mediación social para la construcción de sistemas de humedales artificiales (SHA) para el saneamiento del aporte del Río Amanalco a la Presa Valle de Bravo

Ricardo Víctor López Mera Jóse luis Martínez Ruiz Eduardo López Ramírez Gemma Cristina Millán Malo Denise Soares (2018, [Documento de trabajo])

Este proyecto ha tenido como objetivo general identificar, mediante un estudio social y legal, la factibilidad de adquirir los predios donde se implementarán los sistemas de humedales artificiales, así como determinar los posibles impactos sociales asociados a su construcción, operación y mantenimiento, con el fin de proponer estrategias de mitigación y lograr la aceptación por parte de las comunidades seleccionadas en el estudio.

Humedales Factores socioeconómicos Calidad de vida Estudios de factibilidad CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Instrumentos financieros y especulación del recurso hídrico


DOI: doi.org/10.24850/b-imta-perspectivas-2021-01

En esta ocasión trataremos un tema que ha generado interés en el sector financiero pero que también ha causado controversia dentro de la comunidad hídrica: la cotización del precio futuro del agua (de California) dentro del mercado de derivados más grande del mundo, el Chicago Mercantile Exchange, cuya razón de ser da entrada a la especulación de los precios de diferentes tipos de derivados existentes, tales como los metales preciosos, los hidrocarburos, los productos agrícolas y, más recientemente, el agua. El mecanismo de operación de estos mercados financieros es a través de “contratos a futuro”, esto es, acuerdos de compra-venta que permiten a inversionistas, tanto individuales como institucionales, utilizar este instrumento para generar fluctuaciones a corto y mediano plazo con el único objetivo de obtener la mayor ganancia económica posible. Si bien la existencia de este instrumento de inversión de futuros de agua (denominado Nasdaq Veles California Water Index) es incipiente y únicamente abarca los precios de los derechos de todas las aguas superficiales y cuatro acuíferos del estado de California, EUA, es necesario comprender las posibles consecuencias ambientales, así como los impactos socio-económicos que este instrumento financiero pudiese generar en la sociedad, principalmente en los sectores de la población más vulnerable, desde un contexto de seguridad hídrica y del derecho humano al agua.

Valor del agua Opciones financieras Mercado de futuros Factores socioeconómicos CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA

Application of ammonium to a N limited arable soil enriches a succession of bacteria typically found in the rhizosphere

Yendi Navarro-Noya Marco Luna_Guido Nele Verhulst Bram Govaerts Luc Dendooven (2022, [Artículo])

Crop residue management and tillage are known to affect the soil bacterial community, but when and which bacterial groups are enriched by application of ammonium in soil under different agricultural practices from a semi-arid ecosystem is still poorly understood. Soil was sampled from a long-term agronomic experiment with conventional tilled beds and crop residue retention (CT treatment), permanent beds with crop residue burned (PBB treatment) or retained (PBC) left unfertilized or fertilized with 300 kg urea-N ha-1 and cultivated with wheat (Triticum durum L.)/maize (Zea mays L.) rotation. Soil samples, fertilized or unfertilized, were amended or not (control) with a solution of (NH4)2SO4 (300 kg N ha-1) and were incubated aerobically at 25 ± 2 °C for 56 days, while CO2 emission, mineral N and the bacterial community were monitored. Application of NH4+ significantly increased the C mineralization independent of tillage-residue management or N fertilizer. Oxidation of NH4+ and NO2- was faster in the fertilized soil than in the unfertilized soil. The relative abundance of Nitrosovibrio, the sole ammonium oxidizer detected, was higher in the fertilized than in the unfertilized soil; and similarly, that of Nitrospira, the sole nitrite oxidizer. Application of NH4+ enriched Pseudomonas, Flavisolibacter, Enterobacter and Pseudoxanthomonas in the first week and Rheinheimera, Acinetobacter and Achromobacter between day 7 and 28. The application of ammonium to a soil cultivated with wheat and maize enriched a sequence of bacterial genera characterized as rhizospheric and/or endophytic independent of the application of urea, retention or burning of the crop residue, or tillage.