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Structural analysis evaluationfor rollers of chassis dynoUsing finite element software


This paper discusses the design considerations for a chassis dynamometer, focused on the rollers system used for measuring the power and torque of a vehicle in a university-level workshop. The design must prioritize factors such as safety, ease of use, adaptability to diverse types of vehicles, and the inclusion of safety systems to protect students and the vehicle. The work suggests adaptative features for the design, such as an adjustable fastening system and a compact and portable design, to adapt the structure into a university laboratory. The study also describes common methods for measuring engine power and torque using a chassis dynamometer, and the accurate and reliable measurement systems used for this purpose. This concludes with a discussion of the manufacturing methods used for the chassis dynamometer and a static analysis of the maximum effort capacity in each roller using Von Mises and Goodman fatigue theories. Developing a chassis dynamometer, in accordance the current patents available for workshop practices in a university is essential for providing students with comprehensive training.

Chassis dynamometer Conceptual design Finite element software Power and torque measurement Structural analysis INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

Can I speak to the manager? The gender dynamics of decision-making in Kenyan maize plots

Rachel Voss Zachary Gitonga Jason Donovan Mariana Garcia-Medina Pauline Muindi (2023, [Artículo])

Gender and social inclusion efforts in agricultural development are focused on making uptake of agricultural technologies more equitable. Yet research looking at how gender relations influence technology uptake often assumes that men and women within a household make farm management decisions as individuals. Relatively little is understood about the dynamics of agricultural decision-making within dual-adult households where individuals’ management choices are likely influenced by others in the household. This study used vignettes to examine decision-making related to maize plot management in 698 dual-adult households in rural Kenya. The results indicated a high degree of joint management of maize plots (55%), although some management decisions—notably those related to purchased inputs—were slightly more likely to be controlled by men, while other decisions—including those related to hiring of labor and maize end uses—were more likely to be made by women. The prevalence of joint decision-making underscores the importance of ensuring that both men’s and women’s priorities and needs are reflected in design and marketing of interventions to support maize production, including those related to seed systems, farmer capacity building, and input delivery.


Gender, rainfall endowment, and farmers’ heterogeneity in wheat trait preferences in Ethiopia

Hom Nath Gartaula Moti Jaleta (2024, [Artículo])

Wheat is a vital cereal crop for smallholders in Ethiopia. Despite over fifty years of research on wheat varietal development, consideration of gendered trait preferences in developing target product profiles for wheat breeding is limited. To address this gap, our study used sex-disaggregated survey data and historical rainfall trends from the major wheat-growing regions in Ethiopia. The findings indicated heterogeneity in trait preferences based on gender and rainfall endowment. Men respondents tended to prefer wheat traits with high straw yield and disease-resistance potential, while women showed a greater appreciation for wheat traits related to good taste and cooking quality. Farmers in high rainfall areas seemed to prioritize high straw yield and disease resistance traits, while those in low rainfall areas valued good adaptation traits more highly. Most of the correlation coefficients among the preferred traits were positive, indicating that farmers seek wheat varieties with traits that serve multiple purposes. Understanding men's and women's preferences and incorporating them in breeding and seed systems could contribute to the development of more targeted and effective wheat varieties that meet the diverse needs of men and women farmers in Ethiopia.


Corrección de defectos óseos en el área de Ingeniería tisular

Correction of bone defects by tissue Engineering


Hoy en día, los defectos óseos representan uno de los casos de mayor impacto en la salud debido a la frecuencia con que éstos ocurren a causa de traumatismos, fracturas, enfermedades congénitas o degenerativas. En la actualidad, los implantes de tejido óseo de gran volumen se encuentran severamente restringidos a causa de las limitaciones de difusión en la interacción con el ambiente del huésped para los nutrientes, intercambio gaseoso y eliminación de desechos. Es por ello que la corrección de los defectos óseos ha cobrado gran importancia en el área de Ingeniería tisular buscando mejorar las estrategias clínicas para su tratamiento. El propósito de esta revisión es proporcionar un panorama general del desarrollo de andamios para la regeneración de tejido óseo, mostrando los avances logrados en los ensayos in vitro e in vivo en la última década

Currently, bone defects cases represent a major impact on health due to how often they occur because of trauma, fractures, congenital or degenerative diseases. Now, bone implants to large volume are severely restricted because of the diffusion limitations in the interaction

with the environment of the host for nutrients, gas exchange and waste disposal. That is why the correction of bone defects has become very important in the field of tissue engineering looking to improve clinical strategies for treatment. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the development of scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, showing the progress made in the in vitro and in vivo in recent decades.

MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Ingeniería tisular regeneración ósea Andamio Tissue engineering Bone regeneration Scaffolds

Manifiestos y proclamas. La Lucha por las ideas en el campo artístico posrevolucionario mexicano (1921-1929)

Iván López Galicia (2023, [Otro, Trabajo terminal, especialidad])

66 páginas. Especialización en Literatura Mexicana del Siglo XX.

Esta investigación recibió apoyo del Sistema Nacional de Posgrados (SNP), del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT)

Recién iniciada la década de 1920 en México, se publicaron una serie de manifiestos artísticopolíticos, estos fueron El primer manifiesto estridentista, El manifiesto del Sindicato de Obreros Técnicos, Pintores y Escultores, y años más tarde el Manifiesto del grupo 30-30. Dichos documentos buscaban irrumpir e incidir en el espacio social del arte, pues contenían un carácter expositivo y performativo. Esos 3 documentos representaban el papel que querían desempeñar los artistas, al tiempo que exponía las ideas con las que éstos se autodefinieron como agentes capaces de lograr un cambio social a partir de sus producciones culturales. Además, los manifiestos establecían el inicio de algo nuevo, actual; pues conducían a sus receptores para orientarlos en torno a cómo querían ser leídos, vistos y juzgados. Finalmente, fue a partir de la emisión de estos textos que se identificaron enemigos en común, pues el género manifiesto es combativo por definición. Si nos enfocamos en establecer una traza histórica de las trayectorias de los sujetos sociales (artistas) que se involucraron en esta batalla por las ideas, es posible apreciar las dinámicas de interacción, las disputas y las relaciones que establecieron en sus propios espacios sociales, las cuales definiremos como campos, siguiendo la teoría de Pierre Bourdieu.

Art, Latin American--20th century. Art manifestos--Latin America. Art--Political aspects--Latin America. Literary manifestos. Revolutionary literature--History and criticism. Authors--Political and social views. Manifiestos de arte. Manifiestos políticos. Manifiestos literarios. N6502.5 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA LITERARIAS