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Erick Adolfo Barrios García (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La acuicultura intensiva ha experimentado un rápido crecimiento en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, la intensificación de los cultivos acuícolas ha ocasionado problemas como el estrés en los organismos, desarrollo de enfermedades y un menor crecimiento. Se ha explorado el uso de plantas aromáticas como el romero (Rosmarinus officinalis) por su efecto como antibiótico, antiestresante y estimulante de la secreción de enzimas digestivas y el crecimiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la adición de polvo de romero en la dieta de la lobina rayada (Morone saxatilis) y determinar su efecto en la supervivencia, crecimiento, actividad enzimática (tripsina, quimiotripsina, lipasa, amilasa y proteasas alcalinas totales -PAT-) y composición proximal. Se realizó un bioensayo durante 70 días en un sistema de recirculación de agua de mar donde se probaron cuatro dietas experimentales con diferentes cantidades de polvo de romero: control (TC), 2.5 (T2.5), 5 (T5) y 10 (T10) g kg-1 de dieta. Cada tratamiento se realizó por triplicado con 20 peces por réplica con un peso inicial de 19.59 ± 2.43 g. Las lobinas se alimentaron tres veces al día al 4% de su biomasa. Al final del bioensayo, el peso final de los peces en T5 y T10 fue significativamente menor en comparación con el TC. No se observaron diferencias significativas en parámetros de crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia. El índice hepatosomático en el T10 fue significativamente mayor en relación con TC. En el intestino, la actividad de la tripsina fue significativamente menor en el T10 y las PAT en T2.5 y T10. En ciegos pilóricos, la actividad de la tripsina fue significativamente menor en el T10, la lipasa en T2.5, T5 y T10 y las PAT en T2.5 y T10. La inclusión de polvo de romero en la dieta de lobina en concentraciones de 5 y 10 g kg-1 disminuye el crecimiento y la actividad de tripsina, PAT y lipasa en intestino y ciegos pilóricos. Se requiere investigar la composición química del romero y su efecto como inhibidor de enzimas digestivas y modulador de la microbiota intestinal, además de incluir otros indicadores para conocer de forma integrada el desempeño fisiológico de la especie.
Intensive aquaculture has experienced a very rapid growth in recent years. However, the intensification of aquaculture has led to issues such as stress in organisms, the development of diseases, and reduced growth. The use of aromatic plants, such as rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), has been explored due to its antibiotic, anti-stress, and digestive enzyme secretion-stimulating effects, as well as its growth-promoting properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the addition of rosemary powder to the diet of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and determine its effect on survival, growth, enzyme activity (trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, amylase, and total alkaline proteases -PAT-), and proximate composition. A 70-day bioassay was conducted in a recirculating seawater system, testing four experimental diets with varying amounts of rosemary powder: control (TC), 2.5 (T2.5), 5 (T5), and 10 (T10) g kg-1 of diet. Each treatment was performed in triplicate with 20 fish per replicate, with an initial weight of 19.59 ± 2.43 g. The striped bass were fed three times a day at 4% of their biomass. At the end of the bioassay, the final weight of fish in T5 and T10 was significantly lower compared to TC. There were no significant differences in growth parameters and feed efficiency. The hepatosomatic index in T10 was significantly higher compared to TC. In the intestine, trypsin activity was significantly lower in T10, and PAT in T2.5 and T10. In the pyloric caeca, trypsin activity was significantly lower in T10, lipase in T2.5, T5, and T10, and PAT in T2.5 and T10. The inclusion of rosemary powder in striped bass diets at concentrations of 5 and 10 g kg-1 reduces growth and the activity of trypsin, PAT, and lipase in the intestine and pyloric caeca. Further research is imperative to delve into the intricate chemical composition of rosemary, explore its role as a potent digestive enzyme inhibitor, and its potential as a modulator of the intestinal microbiota. This endeavor should also encompass the incorporation of various additional indicators, aiming for a holistic grasp of the species' physiological performance.
lobina rayada, romero, crecimiento, enzimas digestivas, composición proximal striped bass, rosemary, growth, digestive enzymes, proximal composition CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA ACUICULTURA MARINA OCEANOGRAFÍA ACUICULTURA MARINA
Ana Lilia Perea Rojas (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La Reserva de la Biósfera de Bahía de Los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes (RB-BLACS) es un área natural protegida que provee de distintos servicios ambientales a los pobladores de la comunidad de Bahía de Los Ángeles. Tiene una gran importancia ecológica por la diversidad de especies que habitan en ella y para las especies migratorias que la utilizan, algunas de las cuales se encuentran enlistadas dentro de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Con objeto de estimar el efecto de la pesca sobre el ecosistema se construyó un modelo de balance de masas empleando Ecopath con Ecosim. Mediante una revisión documental, se definieron 32 grupos funcionales (GF) y se construyó una matriz de dietas. El modelo se parametrizó con los valores de biomasa (B), relación producción/biomasa (P/B) y se obtuvieron los valores de eficiencia ecotrófica (EE) y relación producción/consumo (P/Q). El rendimiento total del sistema (TST) fue de 13,689 t/km2/año. El nivel trófico de la captura de 3.48 y la producción neta del sistema de 4,641 t/km2/año. La matriz de impactos tróficos mixtos muestra que los grupos que sufren mayor impacto negativo por los Tiburones son los Odontocetos, Misticetos y Tortugas. Se simularon los cambios en la biomasa relativa de los GF bajo escenarios de incremento y decremento del esfuerzo pesquero (5 y 10%) y no pesca, en un lapso de 10 años. Se encontró que los cambios en el esfuerzo pesquero de Elasmobranquios y los Peces de escama son los que mayor efecto tienen sobre otros GF. Resalta que suspender la pesca tendría poco efecto, tanto positivo como negativo (2-3%) sobre la biomasa relativa de los GF, excepto Tiburones y rayas, que incrementarían 245 y 124%, respectivamente. Este modelo podría utilizarse para la toma de decisiones en el manejo y conservación del ecosistema.
The Biosphere Reserve of Bahía de Los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes (RB-BLACS) is a natural protected area that provides different environmental services to the residents of the community of Bahía de Los Ángeles. It has great ecological importance due to the diversity of species that inhabit it and the migratory species that use it, some of which are listed within NOM-059- SEMARNAT-2001. To estimate the effect of fishing on the ecosystem, a mass balance model was built using Ecopath with Ecosim. Through a documentary review, 32 functional groups (GF) were defined, and a diet matrix was constructed. The model was parameterized with the values of biomass (B), production/biomass ratio (P/B) and the values of ecotrophic efficiency (EE) and production/consumption ratio (P/Q) were obtained. The total system throughput (TST) was 13,689 t/km2/year. The trophic level of the capture is 3.48 and the net production of the system is 4,641 t/km2/year. The matrix of mixed trophic impacts shows that the groups that suffer the greatest negative impact from Sharks are Odontocetes, Mysticetes and Turtles. Changes in the relative biomass of GF were simulated under scenarios of increase and decrease in fishing effort (5 and 10%) and no fishing, over a period of 10 years. It was found that changes in the fishing effort of Elasmobranchs and Finfish have the greatest effect on other GFs. It highlights that suspending fishing would have little effect, both positive and negative (2-3%) on the relative biomass of GFs, except for sharks and rays, which would increase 245 and 124%, respectively. This model could be used for decision making in the management and conservation of the ecosystem.
Ecopath con Ecosim, socio-ecosistema, Golfo de California, pesquerías, conservación Ecopath with Ecosim, socio-ecosystem, Gulf of California, fisheries, conservation BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS
OMAR VALENCIA MENDEZ (2018, [Artículo])
Gobies are the most diverse marine fish family. Here, we analysed the gamma-diversity (γ-diversity) partitioning of gobiid fishes to evaluate the additive and multiplicative components of α and β-diversity, species replacement and species loss and gain, at four spatial scales: sample units, ecoregions, provinces and realms. The richness of gobies from the realm Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) is represented by 87 species. Along latitudinal and longitudinal gradients, we found that the γ-diversity is explained by the β-diversity at both spatial scales, ecoregions and provinces. At the ecoregion scale, species are diverse in the north (Cortezian ecoregion) and south (Panama Bight ecoregion) and between insular and coastal ecoregions. At the province scale, we found that the species turnover between the warm temperate Northeast Pacific (WTNP), Tropical East Pacific (TEaP) and the Galapagos Islands (Gala) was high, and the species nestedness was low. At the ecoregion scale, historical factors, and phylogenetic factors have influenced the hotspots of gobiid fish biodiversity, particularly in the Cortezian, Panama Bight and Cocos Island ecoregions, where species turnover is high across both latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. At the provincial level, we found that the contributions of the β-diversity from north to south, in the WTNP, TEaP and Gala were high, as result of the high number of unique species. Species turnover was also high at this scale, with a low contribution from species nestedness that was probably due to the low species/gene flow within the provinces. These results highlight the importance and successful inclusion of a cryptobenthic fish component in ecological and biogeographical studies. © 2018 Valencia-Méndez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Article, biodiversity, biogeographic region, biogeography, gene flow, goby fish, nonhuman, phylogeny, species distribution, species diversity, taxonomic identification, teleost, animal, animal dispersal, fish, Pacific Ocean, phylogeography, Animal Di CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE
Existen factores ambientales de naturaleza física, química o biológica que afectan directamente la alimentación de los peces. Por ejemplo, las altas densidades de cultivo pueden generar estrés en los organismos, resultando en la merma del consumo de alimento y por ende su crecimiento. Sin embargo, algunas especies toleran altas densidades formando un grupo o cardumen que les confiere un mejor desempeño. Otro factor que afecta el comportamiento de algunas especies es la coloración de los tanques de cultivo; demostrando la necesidad de utilizar tanques con un entorno físico adecuado para la especie a cultivar. Actualmente, M. saxatilis se produce en tanques en laboratorio y se engorda en jaulas marinas en Baja California; así que existe un gran interés por mejorar su crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar tres densidades de cultivo (alta: 6.2 kg·m-3, media: 3.1 kg·m-3 y baja: 1.5 kg·m-3) y dos colores de tanque (azul celeste y negro) en el crecimiento, supervivencia, utilización del alimento, índices corporales y concentración de cortisol y glucosa de juveniles de lobina rayada en agua marina para su mantenimiento en laboratorio durante nueve semanas. Los resultados demostraron que los organismos obtuvieron el mayor crecimiento en peso en la densidad media, indistintamente del color del tanque. Asimismo, la densidad afectó significativamente los índices hepatosomático y liposomático, ya que disminuyeron conforme aumentó la densidad. El color del tanque influyó de manera importante en el consumo de alimento (azules: 37.4 ± 1.9 g·pez-1; negros: 35.9 ± 2.0 g·pez-1). La interacción de los factores afectó la TCE, TCA y TEP. Las concentraciones de cortisol (81.8 ± 22.5 ng·ml-1) y glucosa (83.2 ± 11.4 mg·100 ml-1) fueron similares en todos los tratamientos y relativamente bajas para la especie. En conclusión, se logró elucidar bajo qué condiciones de cultivo en laboratorio los organismos lograron superar los factores de estrés sin comprometer su crecimiento y supervivencia, reflejándose en un mejor desempeño biológico. Se recomienda utilizar tanques azules o negros con densidades iniciales de 4.2 kg·m-3 o 233 peces·m-3 para el cultivo de juveniles de M. saxatilis en agua salada bajo condiciones de laboratorio.
Environmental factors of a physical, chemical or biological nature such as high stocking densities can directly affect fish feeding and generate stress in organisms, resulting in a decrease in food intake and therefore growth. However, some species tolerate high densities, forming a group or shoal resulting in better overall performance. Another factor that influences the behavior of some species is the color of the culture tank; warranting the need to use tanks with a physical environment suitable for the species to be cultivated. Currently, striped bass are produced in tank-based hatcheries to be socked in sea cages for growout in Baja California. Thus, there is interest in improving their growth rate and feed efficiency under laboratory conditions. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of three stocking densities (high: 6.2 kg m-3, medium: 3.1 kg m-3 and low: 1.5 kg m-3) and two tank colors (light blue and black) on the biological performance (growth, survival, food utilization), somatic indices and fish stress using the concentration of cortisol and glucose in blood serum as response variables of juvenile striped bass cultured in seawater for nine weeks. The results showed that the organisms had greater growth in terms of final weight when they were cultured at the medium stocking density, regardless of tank color. Likewise, density had a significant effect on hepatosomatic and liposomatic indices, with a tendency to decrease as density increased. The color of the tank significantly influenced the food consumption (blues: 37.4 ± 1.9 g·fish-1; blacks: 35.9 ± 2.0 g·fish-1). The interaction of the factors influenced TCE, TCA and TEP. The concentrations of cortisol (81.8 ± 22.5 ng·ml-1) and glucose (83.2 ± 11.4 mg·100 ml-1) were similar in all treatments indicating low fish stress. In conclusion, it was possible to elucidate under which laboratory culture conditions the organisms were able to overcome the stress factors without compromising their growth and survival; reflected in better biological performance. A stocking density of 4.2 kg m-3 o 233 fish·m-3 for M. saxatilis juvenile reared in saltwater under laboratory culture conditions is recommended.
lobina rayada, densidad cultivo, color tanque, estrés, crecimiento striped bass, stocking density, tank color, stress, growth CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PISCICULTURA PISCICULTURA
RICARDO VAZQUEZ JUAREZ TANIA ZENTENO SAVIN ENRIQUE MORALES BOJORQUEZ Elvia Pérez Rosales Lilia Alcaráz Meléndez María Esther Puente Eduardo Quiroz Guzmán (2017, [Artículo])
"In this communication, the diversity and beneficial characteristics of endophytic bacteria have been studied in Simmondsia chinensis that has industrial importance because of the quality of its seed oil. Endophytes were isolated (N = 101) from roots of the jojoba plants collected, of which eight were identified by partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA gene. The isolated bacteria were Bacillus sp., Methylobacterium aminovorans, Oceanobacillus kimchi, Rhodococcus pyridinivorans and Streptomyces sp. All isolates had at least one positive feature, characterizing them as potential plant growth promoting bacteria. In this study, R. pyridinivorans and O. kimchi are reported as plant growth promoters."
Endophytic bacteria, plant growth promoters, Simmondsia chinensis, seed oil BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA MICROBIOLOGÍA BACTERIOLOGÍA BACTERIOLOGÍA
PABLO MORA ZAMACONA (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"La merluza del Pacífico Merluccius productus se distribuye desde Alaska hasta el sur de México, con una población particular descrita al sur de la península de Baja California conocida como merluza enana, de la que poco se sabe. Dicha población actualmente no es pescada comercialmente, por lo que representa un recurso con potencial de explotación. Las pesquerías potenciales y emergentes crean desafíos y oportunidades para los administradores pesqueros que necesitan tomar decisiones sobre cómo gestionar de forma sostenible una pesquería previa a su inicio. Este trabajo propone y analiza posibles medidas alternativas de gestión pesquera para esta potencial pesquería, bajo incertidumbre biológica y de mercado. Debido al desconocimiento de diversos aspectos de la biología del recurso primeramente se analizó el crecimiento individual del stock y posteriormente se realizó un análisis bioeconómico de la potencial pesquería.
Para el análisis del crecimiento individual se utilizó un total de 240 otolitos y datos de longitud patrón de 932 especímenes muestreados de mayo a diciembre de 2015. La formación anual de incrementos en los otolitos se verificó mediante la relación de incremento marginal y el análisis de borde. La edad se estimó a partir de recuentos de anillos en secciones sagitales de otolitos y el crecimiento se analizó mediante un enfoque de inferencia multimodelo. Se consideraron los modelos de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy (VBGM), VBGM generalizado, Gompertz, Logístico y Johnson, los cuales se ajustaron a conjuntos de datos de talla a la edad observados y retrocalculados agrupados por sexo. Según el criterio de información de Akaike, el VBGM generalizado fue el más apropiado para las hembras (L∞= 31.36 cm, k= 0.15 cm año-1), mientras que el VBGM proporcionó el mejor ajuste para los machos (L∞= 25.35 cm, k= 0.28 cm año-1).
El análisis bioeconómico de alternativas de manejo para una potencial pesquería de merluza enana indicó que una nueva pesquería de dicho stock podría ser biológicamente sostenible y económicamente rentable, bajo un conjunto de estrategias de gestión y reglas de control. Se recomienda un acceso limitado con bajo esfuerzo pesquero ya que resulta más redituable por barco y biológicamente precautorio, considerando la alta incertidumbre asociada con la explotación de una población virgen..."
"The Pacific hake Merluccius productus is distributed from Alaska to southern Mexico, with a particular population described south of the Baja California peninsula known as dwarf hake, about which little is known. This population is not currently commercially fished; hence it represents a resource with potential for exploitation. Potential and emerging fisheries create challenges and opportunities for fishery managers who need to make decisions about how to sustainably manage a fishery prior to its initiation. This work proposes and analyzes possible alternative fishery management measures for this potential fishery, under biological and market uncertainty. Due to the lack of knowledge of various aspects of the biology of the resource, the individual growth of the stock was first analyzed and subsequently a bioeconomic analysis of the potential fishery was carried out.
A total of 240 otoliths and standard-length data from 932 specimens sampled from May to December 2015 were used for the analysis of individual growth. The annual formation of otolith increments was verified using the marginal increment analysis and the edge analysis. Age was estimated from annuli counts in sagittal sections of otoliths and growth was analyzed using a multi-model inference approach. The von Bertalanffy growth models (VBGM), generalized VBGM, Gompertz, Logistic and Johnson growth models were considered, which were fitted to observed and back calculated length-at-age data sets grouped by sex. According to Akaike's information criterion, the generalized VBGM was the most appropriate for females (L∞= 31.36 cm, k= 0.15 cm year-1), while the VBGM provided the best fit for males (L∞= 25.35 cm, k= 0.28 cm year-1).
The bioeconomic analysis of management alternatives for a potential dwarf hake fishery indicated that a new fishery for said stock could be biologically sustainable and economically profitable, under a set of management strategies and control rules. Limited access with low fishing effort is recommended as it is more profitable by boat and biologically precautionary, considering the high uncertainty associated with the exploitation of an unfished stock. Despite the combination of high fishing costs and low prices, the fishery could still be profitable in the long term, although there is risk of overexploitation if high fishing effort is allowed..."
Merluza enana, stock no explotado, crecimiento individual, análisis bioeconómico, pesquería potencial Dwarf hake, unexploited stock, individual growth, bioeconomic analysis, potential fishery CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE REGLAMENTACIÓN Y CONTROL REGLAMENTACIÓN Y CONTROL
Growth Promoting Activity of Annona muricata L. Leaf Extracts on Lactobacillus casei
"Soursop leaves are a source of phytochemical compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, hydrolyzable tannins, and acetogenins. These compounds can have several types of biological activities. Lactic acid bacteria can uptake phenolic compounds present in plants or fruits. The aim of the present work was to investigate the in vitro effect of hexane, acetone, methanolic, and aqueous extracts of soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) on the growth, motility, and biofilm formation of Lactobacillus casei, and to determine compounds related to growth. The minimum concentration promoting growth, motility (swimming, swarming, and twitching), and biofilm-forming capacity (crystal violet) were evaluated. The results showed the growth-promoting capacity of acetone and aqueous extracts at low doses 25–50 mg/L, and an inhibition in the four extracts at higher doses of 100 mg/L. The L. casei growth is related to ellagic acid, quercetin rhamnoside, kaempferol dihexoside, quercetin hexoside, secoisolariciresinol, and kaempferol hexoside-rhamnoside. Hexane extract increased the three types of motility, while aqueous maintained swimming and twitching motility similar to control. The four extracts inhibited the biofilm formation capacity."
"In order to provide information on the current knowledge about the native fish Dormitator latifrons and identify the gaps that must be filled to achieve correct resource management, a scientometric study was carried out using different scientific databases. A total of 103 publications were registered between the years 1972 and 2021. Results indicate that the species has been addressed since 2001 with less than one publication per year, with 2008 being the year with the highest number of publications (10). The main topics addressed were ecology, physiology, and parasitology of fish. The available knowledge generated about the species is concentrated in 68 journals, with Mexico as the most productive country, followed by USA and Ecuador, and the most productive research centers about this fish were Mexico’s Instituto Politécnico Nacional and Universidad de Guadalajara. A total of 285 authors were detected contributing knowledge to the species, with Violante-González in the top with ten publications. The co-authorship co-occurrence maps suggest there is no solid collaborative relationship between the scientific community and that the information generated is insufficient for conserving and exploiting this fish. It is essential to increase the study of thematic areas that allow their comprehensive management in the medium term; topics like reproduction in captivity, aquaculture, and nutrition must be addressed in the future to assure a sustainable use of this resource."
Dormitator latifrons, native fish, amphidromous, worldwide database, regional database, cooccurrence map CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE DINÁMICA DE LAS POBLACIONES DINÁMICA DE LAS POBLACIONES
Gap wind jets (Tehuano winds) trigger supersquirts of colder water and mesoscale asymmetric dipoles in the Gulf of Tehuantepec (GT). However, the effects of successive gap wind jets on dipoles and their effects inside eddies have not yet been studied. Based on the wind fields, geostrophic currents, and surface drifter dispersion, this research documented three dipoles triggered and modified by Tehuano winds. Once a dipole develops, successive gap wind jets strengthen the vortices, and the anticyclonic eddy migrates southwestward while the cyclonic eddy is maintained on the east side of the GT. During the wind relaxation stage, the cyclonic eddy may propagate westward, but due to the subsequent re-intensification of the Tehuano winds, the vortex could break down, as was suggested by surface drifter dispersion pattern and geostrophic field data. The effect of the Tehuano winds was evaluating via eddy-Ekman pumping. Under Tehuano wind conditions, Ekman downwelling (upwelling) inside the anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddies may reach ~ -2.0 (0.5) m d-1 and decrease as the wind weakens. In the absence of Tehuano winds, Ekman downwelling inside the anticyclonic eddy was ~ 0.1 (-0.1) m d-1. The asymmetry of downwelling and upwelling inside eddies during Tehuano wind events may be associated with Tehuano wind forcing. © 2019 Santiago-García et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
article, dipole, leisure, Mexico, cold, ecosystem, factual database, geographic mapping, hurricane, Mexico, satellite imagery, season, water flow, wind, sea water, Cold Temperature, Cyclonic Storms, Databases, Factual, Ecosystem, Geographic Mapping, CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA
Sonia Quijano (2020, [Artículo])
Pseudo-nitzschia is a cosmopolitan genus, some species of which can produce domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin responsible for the Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). In this study, we identified P. subpacifica for the first time in Todos Santos Bay and Manzanillo Bay, in the Mexican Pacific using SEM and molecular methods. Isolates from Todos Santos Bay were cultivated under conditions of phosphate sufficiency and deficiency at 16°C and 22°C to evaluate the production of DA. This toxin was detected in the particulate (DAp) and dissolved (DAd) fractions of the cultures during the exponential and stationary phases of growth of the cultures. The highest DA concentration was detected during the exponential phase grown in cells maintained in P-deficient medium at 16°C (1.14 ± 0.08 ng mL-1 DAd and 4.71 ± 1.11 × 10−5 ng cell-1 of DAp). In P-sufficient cultures DA was higher in cells maintained at 16°C (0.25 ± 0.05 ng mL-1 DAd and 9.41 ± 1.23 × 10−7 ng cell-1 of DAp) than in cells cultured at 22°C. Therefore, we confirm that P. subpacifica can produce DA, especially under P-limited conditions that could be associated with extraordinary oceanographic events such as the 2013–2016 "Blob" in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. This event altered local oceanographic conditions and possibly generated the presence of potential harmful species in areas with economic importance on the Mexican Pacific coast. © 2020 Quijano-Scheggia et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
domoic acid, domoic acid, kainic acid, Article, cell growth, controlled study, diatom, Mexico, morphology, nonhuman, Pacific Ocean, phylogeny, plant cell, plant growth, Pseudo nitzschia, toxin analysis, cell culture technique, classification, diatom, CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA