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Wastewater-containing dyes are an environmental problem. The prime source of dye pollutants is the textile industry, such as paper manufacturing, food processing, leather, pigments, etc. Dye removal from wastewater using nanotechnology has received attention in recent decades thanks to efficient nanomaterials improving traditional technologies. In recent years, multiple research reports on carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation provided substantial insight into the comprehension of nanotechnology and remediation. This work presents a review and bibliometric analysis of carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation, which have an environmental impact today. The bibliometric study showed that the current research tendency on carbon nanotubes applied in dye removal and photocatalysis is still growing. According to research, this work observed that carbon nanotubes for dye removal exhibit high removal and efficient photocatalysis activity, indicating the functionality of nanotechnology for environmental remediation. The analysis of the parameters involved in the removal studies, such as temperature and pH, showed adsorption behavior. The photodegradation of methylene blue demonstrated the photocatalytic activity of carbon nanotubes attributed to the sp2 lattice of graphitic configuration.
BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA adsorption; carbon nanotubes; methylene blue; photocatalysis; photodegradation of methylene blue
JUAN JOSE REYES PEREZ Luis Tarquino Llerena Ramos Víctor Hugo Reynel Chila Juan Antonio Torres Rodríguez FAROUK SAAD Luis Guillermo Hernández Montiel Wilmer Tezara (2022, [Artículo])
"Cocoa is an economical cash crop that is formerly planted worldwide. Cuttings are a method of vegetative propagation suitable for maintaining desirable characteristics in cocoa trees. A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the optimal concentrations of Pectimorf® (0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L-1) for rooting ability and seedling establishment as well as some physiological trials of 4 months EETP-800 national cocoa cuttings grown under two different substrates (S1: 80% soil + 20% sand and S2: 70% soil + 20% sand + 10% rice husk). The data showed that in most cases there are no significant differences in vegetative growth and root characteristics as well as gas exchange parameters between the two substrates. On the other hand, the application of Pectimorf® concentration enhanced all tested traits compared to untreated plants. The most effective in this regard was 100 mg L-1, that giving the highest value of all trials. As for the interaction effect, the result also shows that the application of Pectimorf® concentration in special at 100 mg L-1 among two substrates had an additive effect on plant growth, gas exchange, and survival percentage compared to non-treated cuttings. The application of 100 mg L-1 Pectimorf® with S2 substrate produced stronger seedlings with a higher survival percentage. This protocol can be used commercially for cocoa propagation commercially."
Carlos Alfonso Sierra García (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La fotocatálisis heterogénea es esencial para la degradación exitosa de contaminantes orgánicos en medios líquidos. Este proceso de oxidación avanzada se ha convertido en uno de los más interesantes para el tratamiento de aguas residuales, que contienen compuestos orgánicos nocivos para el medio ambiente, como los colorantes. En este trabajo se evaluó la actividad fotocatalítica de zeolita MCM-22 pilareada con SiO2/TiO2 (también conocida como MCM-36) para la degradación de azul ácido 113, un colorante diazoico utilizado frecuentemente en la industria textil. Las zeolitas MCM-22 se sintetizaron mediante el método hidrotermal, sujetas al proceso de pilareado de SiO2/TiO2 en diferentes relaciones molares modificado con la asistencia de isopropanol junto a una impregnación húmeda de MnO2 (1 y 2%). Se confirmaron las estructuras mesoporosas de las zeolitas mediante los análisis de difracción de rayos X y fisisorción de N2. Los resultados de espectroscopía UV-Vis de reflectancia difusa indicaron la presencia de especies de óxidos de Ti y Mn. En microscopía electrónica de barrido las muestras se observaron de manera panorámica las muestras, mientras que en microscopia electrónica de transmisión se observó la dispersión de las nanopartículas de TiO2, donde se logró ver la distancia interplanar de estas identificando el plano (100) característico de la fase anatasa, así como la estructura laminar y mesoporosa de la MCM-22. Las cantidades de Ti y Mn introducidas a las muestras se obtuvieron mediante el análisis ICP-OES (espectrometría de emisión óptica de plasma de acoplamiento inductivo). Los resultados de degradación fotocatalítica mostraron que el fotocatalizador más activo fue MCM-36 0:1 consiguiendo un 79.64%, seguido del MCM-36 1:10 (42.70%), 1:5 (34.83%) y 1:3 (25.99%). Se observó que la actividad del TiO2 puede ser inhibida por la adición de MnO2, que envenena el catalizador, posiblemente dando lugar a la formación de una heterounión entre el TiO2 y MnO2, formando centros que aceleran la fotorecombinación.
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is essential for the successful degradation of organic contaminants in liquid media. This advanced oxidation process has become one of the most interesting for the treatment of wastewater containing organic compounds harmful to the environment, such as dyes. In this work, the photocatalytic activity of zeolite MCM-22 pillared with SiO2/TiO2 (also known as MCM36) was evaluated for the degradation of acid blue 113, a diazo dye frequently used in the textile industry. MCM-22 zeolites were synthesized by the hydrothermal method, using the SiO2/TiO2 pillaring process in different molar ratios, modified with the assistance of isopropanol together with a wet impregnation of MnO2 (1 and 2 %). The mesoporous structures of the zeolites were confirmed by Xray diffraction and N2 physisorption analyses. Diffuse reflectance UV-Vis spectroscopy results indicated the presence of Ti and Mn oxide species. With scanning electron microscopy, the samples were observed panoramically, while with transmission electron microscopy the dispersion of TiO2 nanoparticles was observed, where it was possible to see their interplanar distance, identifying the (100) plane, characteristic of the anatase phase, as well as the lamellar and mesoporous structure of MCM-22. The amounts of Ti and Mn introduced to the samples were obtained by ICP-OES (Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) analysis. The photocatalytic degradation results showed that the most active photocatalyst was MCM-36 0:1 achieving 79.64%, followed by MCM-36 1:10 (42.70%), 1:5 (34.83%) and 1:3 (25.99%). It was observed that the activity of TiO2 can be inhibited by the addition of MnO2, which poisons the catalyst, leading to the formation of a heterojunction between TiO2 and MnO2, forming centers that accelerate photorecombination.
MCM-22, zeolita, fotocatálisis, TiO2, azul ácido 113 MCM-22, zeolite, photocatalysis, TiO2, acid blue 113 INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS
"Se estimó el factor de condición (K), el índice gonadosomático (IGS), hepatosomático (IHS) y de grasa visceral (IGV), así como la composición bioquímica en diferentes tejidos de reproductores silvestres de cabrilla sardinera, Mycteroperca rosacea, para evaluarlos a lo largo de un ciclo reproductivo y ver la relación que presentan los cambios con respecto a la temperatura del agua y fotoperiodo de la zona de muestreo. Se capturaron 187 reproductores, 146 hembras y 41 machos en el golfo de California, México. Se observaron diferencias significativas (P < 0,005) en los IGS, IHS e IGV; en el caso de K no se encontraron diferencias. También, se observaron variaciones significativas (P < 0,05) en la mayoría de los parámetros bioquímicos, encontrándose los valores más altos durante la etapa de desove, mientras que los más bajos durante la etapa de reposo. Todos los índices estimados y los parámetros bioquímicos determinados, se correlacionaron significativamente (P < 0,05) con el fotoperiodo, mientras que solo se encontraron correlaciones significativas (P < 0,05) entre el IGS e IGV con respecto a la temperatura del agua."
"Condition factor (K), gonadosomatic index, (IGS), hepatosomatic index (IHS) and fat visceral index (IGV) were estimated and the biochemical composition in different tissues of wild leopard grouper broodstock was determinate too, in order to evaluate them along a reproductive cycle and see the relationship of these changes with respect to the water temperature and photoperiod in the sampling area. 187 brooders were caught, 146 females and 41 males in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Significant differences (P < 0.005) in the IGS, IHS and IGV but not for K were observed. Significant changes (P < 0.05) were also observed in most of the biochemical parameters, being the highest value during the spawning stage, whereas the lowest occurred during the resting stage. Significant correlations (P < 0.05) between all estimated indices and biochemical parameters were observed, while only significant correlations (P < 0.05) between the IGS and IGV with respect to water temperature."
Mycteroperca rosacea, cabrilla sardinera, ciclo reproductivo, composición bioquímica, fotoperiodo, temperatura, golfo de California wavelet sardine, reproductive cycle, biochemical composition, photoperiod, temperature, Gulf of California BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) FISIOLOGÍA ANIMAL FISIOLOGÍA ANIMAL
Variability of Microcirculation Detected by Blood Pulsation Imaging
Alexei Kamshilin (2013, [Artículo])
The non-invasive assessment of blood flow is invaluable for the diagnostic and monitoring treatment of numerous vascular and neurological diseases. We developed a non-invasive and non-contact method of blood pulsation imaging capable of visualizing and monitoring of the two-dimensional distribution of two key parameters of peripheral blood flow: the blood pulsation amplitude and blood pulsation phase. The method is based on the photoplethysmographic imaging in the reflection mode. In contrast with previous imaging systems we use new algorithm for data processing which allows two dimensional mapping of blood pulsations in large object's areas after every cardiac cycle. In our study we carried out the occlusion test of the arm and found (i) the extensive variability of 2D-distribution of blood pulsation amplitude from one cardiac cycle to another, and (ii) existence of the adjacent spots to which the blood is asynchronously supplied. These observations show that the method can be used for studying of the multicomponent regulation of peripheral blood circulation. The proposed technique is technologically simple and cost-effective, which makes it applicable for monitoring the peripheral microcirculation in clinical settings for example, in diagnostics or testing the efficiency of new medicines. © 2013 Kamshilin et al.
algorithm, article, blood analysis, heart cycle, human, human experiment, image analysis, imaging system, male, microcirculation, peripheral circulation, photoelectric plethysmography, process development, Algorithms, Diagnostic Imaging, Diagnostic T CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA MATEMÁTICAS ANÁLISIS NUMÉRICO ANÁLISIS NUMÉRICO