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Creación de una red de cooperación de organismos operadores

Luciano Sandoval Yoval MERCEDES ESPERANZA RAMIREZ CAMPEROS Gabriela Mantilla Morales (2019, [Documento de trabajo])


Dentro de los objetivos del presente proyecto está el establecer una red autogestora que permita a los operadores de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales obtener y brindar capacitación y asistencia técnica continua entre pares, a bajo costo. De igual manera, se pretende homogenizar los conocimientos técnicos y operativos de los sistemas de tratamiento de agua residuales municipales a nivel estatal y nacional, y elaborar materiales didácticos en temas de tratamiento de aguas residuales que sirvan de soporte al personal de la red para impartir la capacitación.

Organismos operadores Tratamiento de aguas residuales Plantas de tratamiento Capacitación INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Energía limpia del agua sucia: aprovechamiento de lodos residuales


El aprovechamiento del agua residual y sus subproductos cada vez es más relevante, ya que representa una oportunidad impulsar el desarrollo sustentable: no solo se evita la contaminación de los cuerpos receptores, sino que genera una sinergia que permite alcanzar lo que se denomina un círculo virtuoso en el aprovechamiento de los recursos. Se busca crear mayor conciencia para reducir y reutilizar las aguas residuales que se generan por todas las actividades que lleva a cabo el ser humano para garantizar su supervivencia, bienestar y calidad de vida. Este libro presenta los resultados de los esfuerzos conjuntos de la Secretaría de Energía y del Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, para determinar el potencial de generación de energía eléctrica a partir de lodos residuales de plantas de tratamiento municipales.

Fuentes de energía no contaminante Lodos residuales Plantas de tratamiento INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Diluted density. Urban planning in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area

Sheila Ferniza Quiroz Jesús Manuel Fitch Osuna (2021, [Artículo, Artículo])

The Monterrey Metropolitan Area (mma) in Northern Mexico has had an expansive and dispersed growth in recent decades. In 35 years, the city doubled its population and grew 8 times in territory (Secretariat for Sustainable Development, 2020). As a mitigation measure and with the objective of repopulating the areas within the city, urban regulations have been promoted that allow higher density and building potentials in some municipalities; however, the efforts are isolated and without metropolitan coordination. What are the urban regulation guidelines in the municipalities of the mma? How dense are its municipalities? Where are located the densest areas of the city? The objective of this research is to establish the current state of local regulation regarding urban development and to map the housing density to identify the locations with the lowest and highest density at the mma. The gross density at the Ageb scale is mapped for the 18 municipalities of the mma through the QGis software; data from the Inegi 2020 National Population and Housing Census is used. It is found that the peripheral municipalities of recent incorporation to the mma, unlike those of greater urbanization, lack urban development plans, and that most of the municipalities do not have updated regulations based on the current laws. The areas with the highest density are located in the peripheral municipalities, associated with the construction of low-income mass housing, and those with the lowest density in interior municipalities in areas of higher socioeconomic status, diluting the small efforts of densification in the city.

density urban sprawl urban planning densidad expansión urbana planeación urbana HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA

Development and demographic parameters of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) when feeding on rice (Oryza sativa)

Timothy Joseph Krupnik (2023, [Artículo])

Fall Armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), native to the Americas, is a polyphagous insect pest feeding on more than 350 plant species. We studied the developmental and demographic parameters of the maize (Zea mays) strain of FAW on rice (Oryza sativa), and compared the results with its prime host, maize. The developmental period from egg to adult among rice varieties did not differ significantly; however, it did differ significantly between rice and maize, as feeding on rice rather than maize extends development duration of FAW larvae by 15.15%. FAW larvae collected and reared on maize were found to be of significantly higher weight than those reared on rice at two sequential dates of their development; pupal weight however was observed as statistically similar between these two host crops. Regardless of the host, female adults always emerged before males; in maize, female FAW appeared 3.36 days earlier than males. Females derived from rice had longer pre-oviposition periods and shorter oviposition ones than those derived from maize. In rice and maize, the age-specific fecundity rate (mx) peaked at 40 days and 33 days, respectively. When the Fall Armyworm consumed maize instead of rice, there was an increase in the reproduction rate (R 0), the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), and the finite rate of increase (λ). For instance, when FAW fed on rice, the rm value was 0.121, whereas it rose to 0.173 when FAW fed on maize. Feeding on rice instead of maize resulted in significantly longer mean length of generation (tG) and doubling time (tD) for the fall armyworm (FAW). This suggests that it took a longer time for the FAW population to double when it was fed rice under controlled greenhouse conditions. In summary, our research suggests that FAW can survive and complete its life cycle on rice plants and on multiple varieties of rice in Bangladesh. However, field verification is necessary before drawing strong conclusions as to the risk posed by FAW in rice. This requires additional studies of FAW and associated insect community dynamics under non-controlled conditions and in the context of multi-species interactions in Asian rice fields.