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El interés actual por estudios con productos naturales, ha llevado a realizar investigaciones con geopropóleos. Este producto natural producido por especies de abejas sin aguijón (meliponinos), resulta de una mezcla de material resinoso vegetal, arcilla y secreciones salivales. Estudios farmacológicos realizados con extractos de geopropóleos de Melipona beecheii, han demostrado sus propiedades anticancerígenas, antimicrobianas y antioxidantes, las cuales se relacionan con la presencia de diversos compuestos bioactivos. Debido a sus propiedades terapéuticas, este producto natural puede ser considerado como una potencial alternativa dentro de la medicina tradicional maya.
Evangelina Cervantes Holguín Pavel Roel Gutiérrez Sandoval (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
The article analyzes, from the qualitative method, the participation of families and teaching staff of the first cycle of primary education in the state of Chihuahua (Mexico) to carry out the various activities of the Learn at Home program implemented in March 2020 as a response to the resulting health confinement by COVID-19. It is concluded that the participation of families in school emergency situations implies improving the relationship between teachers, families, and the community in the implementation processes of educational programs with greater support to organize study times, take advantage of the different cultural capitals and promote family co-responsibility.
Aprendizaje Educación a distancia Enseñanza primaria Epidemia Familia COVID-19 Chihuahua HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Family Elementary education Epidemics Distance education Learning
The spatial control of migrants on the Chihuahua border
EDGAR ABEL CASTRO (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article tries to link the immigration policies of the United States and Mexico with the narrative developed by Michel Foucault. It shows how racism is the axis on which the State of biopower exercises its claims and its effects of power on bodies and on life. Thus, the current political rationality goes through the management of the living body of people, their health, and their spatiality. This principle extends to the homicidal function of the State. Two events that occurred on the Chihuahua border demonstrate this.
migrant control Foucault border racism migrante frontera racismo HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
Manejo de pasturas para la crianza de llamas
Santiago Lopez-Ridaura Ravi Gopal Singh (2022, [Libro])
Kindie Tesfaye Vakhtang Shelia Pierre C. Sibiry Traore Dawit Solomon Gerrit Hoogenboom (2023, [Artículo])
Seasonal climate variability determines crop productivity in Ethiopia, where rainfed smallholder farming systems dominate in the agriculture production. Under such conditions, a functional and granular spatial yield forecasting system could provide risk management options for farmers and agricultural and policy experts, leading to greater economic and social benefits under highly variable environmental conditions. Yet, there are currently only a few forecasting systems to support early decision making for smallholder agriculture in developing countries such as Ethiopia. To address this challenge, a study was conducted to evaluate a seasonal crop yield forecast methodology implemented in the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT). CRAFT is a software platform that can run pre-installed crop models and use the Climate Predictability Tool (CPT) to produce probabilistic crop yield forecasts with various lead times. Here we present data inputs, model calibration, evaluation, and yield forecast results, as well as limitations and assumptions made during forecasting maize yield. Simulations were conducted on a 0.083° or ∼ 10 km resolution grid using spatially variable soil, weather, maize hybrids, and crop management data as inputs for the Cropping System Model (CSM) of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). CRAFT combines gridded crop simulations and a multivariate statistical model to integrate the seasonal climate forecast for the crop yield forecasting. A statistical model was trained using 29 years (1991–2019) data on the Nino-3.4 Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) as gridded predictors field and simulated maize yields as the predictand. After model calibration the regional aggregated hindcast simulation from 2015 to 2019 performed well (RMSE = 164 kg/ha). The yield forecasts in both the absolute and relative to the normal yield values were conducted for the 2020 season using different predictor fields and lead times from a grid cell to the national level. Yield forecast uncertainties were presented in terms of cumulative probability distributions. With reliable data and rigorous calibration, the study successfully demonstrated CRAFT's ability and applicability in forecasting maize yield for smallholder farming systems. Future studies should re-evaluate and address the importance of the size of agricultural areas while comparing aggregated simulated yields with yield data collected from a fraction of the target area.
Miet Maertens Oyakhilomen Oyinbo Tahirou Abdoulaye Jordan Chamberlin (2023, [Artículo])
There is growing evidence on the impacts of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) from Asia. The evidence for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where SSNM developments are more recent and where conditions concerning soil fertility and fertilizer use differ importantly from those in Asia, is extremely scarce. We evaluate a SSNM advisory tool that allows extension agents to generate fertilizer recommendations tailored to the specific situation of an individual farmer’s field, using a three-year randomized controlled trial with 792 smallholder farmers in the maize belt of northern Nigeria. Two treatment arms were implemented: T1 and T2 both provide SSNM information on nutrient use and management, but T2 provides additional information on maize price distributions and the associated variability of expected returns to fertilizer use. We estimate average and heterogenous intent-to-treat effects on agronomic, economic and environmental plot-level outcomes. We find that T1 and T2 lead to substantial increases (up to 116%) in the adoption of good fertilizer management practices and T2 leads to incremental increases (up to 18%) in nutrient application rates, yields and revenues. Both treatments improve low levels of nutrient use efficiency and reduce high levels of greenhouse gas emission intensity, after two years of treatment. Our findings underscore the possibility of a more gradual and sustainable intensification of smallholder agriculture in SSA, as compared with the Asian Green Revolution, through increased fertilizer use accompanied by improved fertilizer management.
Luis Abraham Lozano Hernández (2020, [Tesis de doctorado])
"Fluorescent and phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) devices were fabricated by solution process and optimized. From their basic characterization (J-V-L curves, electroluminescence spectra) external quantum efficiency (EQE) was calculated. Two small molecule, carbazole derivatives (CZ-1 and CZ-2), previously reported and used for OLEDs showed very good luminances (~ 4000 cd/m2) and current densities (< 200 mA/cm2) resulting in a high EQE (9.5 %). Likewise, fluorescent OLEDs based in the new polymer PF-2F presented an acceptable performance even on a simple architecture with a good EQE (2.6 %), photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) about 1 and excellent properties of processability. The influence of its CF3 group in the optical, chemical, electronic and mechanical properties in OLEDs was determined.
Also, a new family of three fluorescent oligomers (BT-F32, BT-F42 and BT-F52) with excellent properties in solution, high PLQY (~1) and highly luminescent, were used in simple and multilayer OLEDs achieving a very high luminance (29 499 cd/m2). These oligomers have different chain lengths, which influence the device luminance, efficiency and their lifetime. Lifetime was monitored and the stretched exponential decay (SED) model was used in order to obtain the device half-life (LT50). Also, phosphorescent devices, based on a host/guest system (PVK:Ir(ppy)3), were prepared, the influence of the electron transport layer (ETL) into the electron/hole ratio was analyzed.
By using a new proposed method, a PEDOT:PSS anode was developed and applied in rigid and flexible substrates, with low sheet resistance (40 Ω/□) and acceptable transmittance (> 85%). This new proposed method consists in volume evaporation, in which basically the loss of water induces closeness among the conductive fractions of PEDOT. This PEDOT:PSS anode easy of fabricating following an economical procedure could be applied not just in OLEDs but in other optoelectronic devices such as organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs), perovskite solar cells (PeSCs), etc."
Validación del potencial antioxidante de citrus aurantium en Tabasco, México
Validation of the antioxidant potential of citrus aurantium in Tabasco, Mexico
CLAUDINA VILLARREAL MARIA TERESA CADENAS GONZALEZ Francisca Méndez Morales GLORIA IVETTE BOLIO LÓPEZ Manuel Mateo Hernández Villegas Nidia Elena Rivera DAMIANYS ALMENARES LOPEZ Catalina Rivas Morales (2023, [Artículo])
Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae), comúnmente conocida como naranja amarga, posee múltiples potenciales terapéuticos. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo experimental con el objetivo de conocer las características del consumo de C. aurantium (CA) en población tabasqueña. Para validar su uso, se preparó un extracto etanólico (85 %) de las hojas secas de CA y se realizó el tamizaje fitoquímico, con posterior cuantificación del contenido de fenoles y flavonoides totales. Posteriormente se determinó actividad antioxidante por el ensayo DPPH y toxicidad aguda con Artemia Salina. Las partes más empleadas de la planta son las hojas para aliviar dolores musculares, síntomas de resfriados. En el estudio fitoquímico se encontraron que el extracto contiene alcaloides, flavonoides, cumarinas, quinonas y taninos. En la cromatografía de capa fina del extracto hidroalcohólico se demostró la presencia de la naringina. Se obtuvo un contenido de fenoles totales de 69.42 ± 3.47 EAG/g MS y de flavonoides totales de 14.78 ± 0.28 EQ/g MS. Contiene actividad antioxidante de 9240 ± nmol TEAC/gMS y el ensayo de toxicidad aguda demostró una toxicidad moderada. Los resultados evidencian que el extracto etanólico al 85 % contiene compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides, permitiendo sostener las propiedades medicinales y farmacológicas conferidas a la planta en el estado de Tabasco.
Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae), commonly known as bitter orange, has multiple therapeutic potentials. An experimental qualitative study was carried out with the objective of knowing the characteristics of the consumption of C. aurantium (CA) in the Tabasco population. To validate its use, an ethanolic extract (85 %) was prepared from the dry CA leaves and phytochemical screening was performed, with subsequent quantification of the content of total phenols and flavonoids. Subsequently, antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH assay and acute toxicity with Artemia salina. The most used parts of the plant are the leaves to relieve muscle pain, cold symptoms. In the phytochemical study it was found that the extract contains alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, quinones and tannins. In the thin layer chromatography of the hydroalcoholic extract, the presence of naringin was demonstrated. A total phenol content of 69.42 ± 3.47 EAG/g DM and total flavonoids of 14.78 ± 0.28 EQ/g DM were obtained. It contains antioxidant activity of 9240 ± nmol TEAC/gMS and the acute toxicity test showed moderate toxicity. The results show that the 85% ethanolic extract contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids, allowing to sustain the medicinal and pharmacological properties conferred to the plant in the state of Tabasco.Conclusions: this study showed the existence of phenols and flavonoids, the antioxidant activity of hydroalcoholic extracts from C. aurantium leaves and their moderate toxicity against Artemia salina.
Conflicto de interés: Los autores declaran que no existe ningún conflicto de intereses.
Contribución por autor: DAL: diseño, escritura y revisión del documento, MTCG, MMHV, GIBL, NERL, FMM, ECVI, CRM: asesoría, escritura y revisión del documento.
Financiación o fondos: El presente estudio no conto con ningún apoyo financiero, todo fue con recurso propio de los investigadores.
Conflicto de interés: Los autores declaran que no existe ningún conflicto de intereses.
Contribución por autor: DAL: diseño, escritura y revisión del documento, MTCG, MMHV, GIBL, NERL, FMM, ECVI, CRM: asesoría, escritura y revisión del documento.
Financiación o fondos: El presente estudio no conto con ningún apoyo financiero, todo fue con recurso propio de los investigadores.
Citrus aurantium Antioxidante Fenoles Flavonoides Toxicidad aguda Citrus aurantium Antioxidant Phenol Flavonoids Acute toxicity INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS
El paisaje maya en la experiencia turística de finales del siglo XX en el territorio yucateco
Daniel Jesús Reyes Magaña (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
Los recorridos turísticos de miles de visitantes por año en el territorio maya yucateco, al norte de la Península de Yucatán, son herencia de los primeros viajeros extranjeros del siglo XIX. Desde esa época, estos aventureros se establecieron como los guías que, a través de su legado, conducen la mirada hacia la contemplación del pasado. Los turistas en la actualidad caminan por los pasos de dichos viajeros, atestiguando la mirada del paisaje depositada en los vestigios mayas ancestrales, que articulan cada uno de los elementos del paisaje del territorio. Sin embargo, la velocidad del viaje en el escenario turístico contemporáneo ha detonado la pérdida de la integralidad paisajística originaria debido a la actual búsqueda de emociones efímeras en el turismo. La parafernalia turística ha cubierto el patrimonio paisajístico maya de consumismo y mercantilización, enfocados a la venta de experiencias. En contraparte, el encuentro profundo entre el hombre y el paisaje, condicionado determinantemente por la dinámica turística, es posible en la experiencia humana como se descubre en la poética paisajística de la obra literaria “Palmeras de la brisa rápida” de Juan Villoro publicada por primera vez en 1989, y que revela las pautas del acontecimiento paisajístico en los viajeros contemporáneos.
The sightseeing tours of thousands of visitors per year in the Yucatan Mayan territory, north of the Yucatan Peninsula, are the heritage of the first foreign travelers of the nineteenth century. From that time on, these adventurers established themselves as the guides who, through their legacy, printed in travel books, engravings, and holiday triptychs, turn their gaze to the contemplation of the past. Tourists today walk through the footsteps of such travelers, attesting to the view of the landscape deposited in the ancestral Mayan vestiges, which articulate each of the elements of the landscape of the territory. However, the speed of travel on the contemporary tourist stage has detonated the loss of original landscape integrality due to the current search for ephemeral emotions in tourism. Tourist paraphernalia has covered the Mayan landscape heritage of consumerism and commodization, focused on the sale of experiences. In contrast, the deep encounter between man and landscape, conditioned decisively by tourist dynamics, is possible in the human experience as discovered in the poetic landscape of Juan Villoro’s literary work “Palmeras de la brisa rápida” first published in 1989, and which reveals the patterns of the landscape event in contemporary travelers.
Yucatán, turismo, experiencia paisajística, Juan Villoro, paisaje maya. Yucatan, tourism, landscape experience, Mayan landscape. Yucatán (Mexico : State) Cultural landscapes--Mexico. Tourism--Mexico--Yucatán (State) Yucatán (Mexico : State)--Commerce. Paisajes culturales. Turismo. F1376 CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS ECONOMÍA SECTORIAL ECONOMÍA SECTORIAL. TURISMO
Ciudad Juarez from historical sketch of national migration policies
Luis Fernando Noyola Rojas Luis Manuel Lara Rodríguez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
The context of migration in the Mexican case and its migration policies are analyzed here, taking the case of Ciudad Juarez as a node of movement and link of said policies; for this, the work is divided into four sections. A historical review of the way of how migration policies, through programs operated by different institutions and spheres of government, have worked through the manifestations of the domestic and international Mexican migration it is proposed. It also serves to contextualize and to understand how they are created and why the objectives they intend to meet are more orientated to immediate problems rather to recognize the complexity of migratory problems, in need of specific policies.
migración políticas migratorias Ciudad Juárez frontera migración interna CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES migration migration policies Ciudad Juarez border internal migration