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Gamma-diversity partitioning of gobiid fishes (Teleostei: Gobiidae) ensemble along of Eastern Tropical Pacific: Biological inventory, latitudinal variation and species turnover

OMAR VALENCIA MENDEZ (2018, [Artículo])

Gobies are the most diverse marine fish family. Here, we analysed the gamma-diversity (γ-diversity) partitioning of gobiid fishes to evaluate the additive and multiplicative components of α and β-diversity, species replacement and species loss and gain, at four spatial scales: sample units, ecoregions, provinces and realms. The richness of gobies from the realm Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) is represented by 87 species. Along latitudinal and longitudinal gradients, we found that the γ-diversity is explained by the β-diversity at both spatial scales, ecoregions and provinces. At the ecoregion scale, species are diverse in the north (Cortezian ecoregion) and south (Panama Bight ecoregion) and between insular and coastal ecoregions. At the province scale, we found that the species turnover between the warm temperate Northeast Pacific (WTNP), Tropical East Pacific (TEaP) and the Galapagos Islands (Gala) was high, and the species nestedness was low. At the ecoregion scale, historical factors, and phylogenetic factors have influenced the hotspots of gobiid fish biodiversity, particularly in the Cortezian, Panama Bight and Cocos Island ecoregions, where species turnover is high across both latitudinal and longitudinal gradients. At the provincial level, we found that the contributions of the β-diversity from north to south, in the WTNP, TEaP and Gala were high, as result of the high number of unique species. Species turnover was also high at this scale, with a low contribution from species nestedness that was probably due to the low species/gene flow within the provinces. These results highlight the importance and successful inclusion of a cryptobenthic fish component in ecological and biogeographical studies. © 2018 Valencia-Méndez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Article, biodiversity, biogeographic region, biogeography, gene flow, goby fish, nonhuman, phylogeny, species distribution, species diversity, taxonomic identification, teleost, animal, animal dispersal, fish, Pacific Ocean, phylogeography, Animal Di CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE

Do marine reserves increase prey for California sea lions and Pacific harbor seals?


Community marine reserves are geographical areas closed to fishing activities, implemented and enforced by the same fishermen that fish around them. Their main objective is to recover commercial stocks of fish and invertebrates. While marine reserves have proven successful in many parts of the world, their success near important marine predator colonies, such as the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), is yet to be analyzed. In response to the concerns expressed by local fishermen about the impact of the presence of pinnipeds on their communities’ marine reserves, we conducted underwater surveys around four islands in the Pacific west of the Baja California Peninsula: two without reserves (Todos Santos and San Roque); one with a recently established reserve (San Jeronimo); and, a fourth with reserves established eight years ago (Natividad). All these islands are subject to similar rates of exploitation by fishing cooperatives with exclusive rights. We estimated fish biomass and biodiversity in the seas around the islands, applying filters for potential California sea lion and harbor seal prey using known species from the literature. Generalized linear mixed models revealed that the age of the reserve has a significant positive effect on fish biomass, while the site (inside or outside of the reserve) did not, with a similar result found for the biomass of the prey of the California sea lion. Fish biodiversity was also higher around Natividad Island, while invertebrate biodiversity was higher around San Roque. These findings indicate that marine reserves increase overall fish diversity and biomass, despite the presence of top predators, even increasing the numbers of their potential prey. Community marine reserves may help to improve the resilience of marine mammals to climate-driven phenomena and maintain a healthy marine ecosystem for the benefit of both pinnipeds and fishermen. © 2019 Arias-Del-Razo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Article, biodiversity, biomass, climate change, ecosystem resilience, environmental exploitation, fish stock, fishing, marine environment, marine invertebrate, nonhuman, Phoca vitulina, Pinnipedia, prey searching, Zalophus californianus, animal, biom BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)

The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa

Gatien Falconnier Marc Corbeels Frédéric Baudron Antoine Couëdel leonard rusinamhodzi bernard vanlauwe Ken Giller (2023, [Artículo])

Can farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) boost crop yields and improve food availability without using more mineral fertilizer? This question has been at the center of lively debates among the civil society, policy-makers, and in academic editorials. Proponents of the “yes” answer have put forward the “input reduction” principle of agroecology, i.e. by relying on agrobiodiversity, recycling and better efficiency, agroecological practices such as the use of legumes and manure can increase crop productivity without the need for more mineral fertilizer. We reviewed decades of scientific literature on nutrient balances in SSA, biological nitrogen fixation of tropical legumes, manure production and use in smallholder farming systems, and the environmental impact of mineral fertilizer. Our analyses show that more mineral fertilizer is needed in SSA for five reasons: (i) the starting point in SSA is that agricultural production is “agroecological” by default, that is, very low mineral fertilizer use, widespread mixed crop-livestock systems and large crop diversity including legumes, but leading to poor soil fertility as a result of widespread soil nutrient mining, (ii) the nitrogen needs of crops cannot be adequately met solely through biological nitrogen fixation by legumes and recycling of animal manure, (iii) other nutrients like phosphorus and potassium need to be replaced continuously, (iv) mineral fertilizers, if used appropriately, cause little harm to the environment, and (v) reducing the use of mineral fertilizers would hamper productivity gains and contribute indirectly to agricultural expansion and to deforestation. Yet, the agroecological principles directly related to soil fertility—recycling, efficiency, diversity—remain key in improving soil health and nutrient-use efficiency, and are critical to sustaining crop productivity in the long run. We argue for a nuanced position that acknowledges the critical need for more mineral fertilizers in SSA, in combination with the use of agroecological practices and adequate policy support.


Regional analysis of the wage discrimination in the indigenous workers in Mexico

Christian De la Luz-Tovar SIBYL ITALIA PINEDA SALAZAR (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

The objective of this research is to estimate and decompose the wage gap between indigenous and non-indigenous workers by region in Mexico, to examine whether there are regional differences in the existing wage inequality that a priori affects the indigenous population and whether these differences can be attributed to the job profile of this group or by systematic labor discrimination against them. Using the data from the 2018 National Household Expenditure Revenue Survey (ENIGH-N) and the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, it was found that indigenous workers face a wage gap in all regions of the county. But, this gap is more pronounced in the center and south regions, where, on average, the associated component with labor discrimination has a percentage greater than 56. In contrast, in the north-central and northern regions of Mexico, the residual component is on average less than 33%, which suggests that the wage gap is explained by differences in productivity between groups.                         

Labor economics Ethnicity wage gap Indigenous population Regions Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition Economía laboral Brecha salarial étnica Población indígena Regiones Descomposición de Oaxaca-Blinder CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Más allá de los colores del amaranto

JESUS ALFREDO ARAUJO LEON Víctor Aguilar Hernández Ivonne Sánchez del Pino SERGIO RUBEN PERAZA SANCHEZ ROLFFY RUBEN ORTIZ ANDRADE Ligia Guadalupe Brito Argáez (2022, [Artículo])

El amaranto tiene una amplia gama de colores atrayentes, desde amarillos, violetas hasta rojos intensos. Esta heterogeneidad de tonalidades llamó la atención de civilizaciones que se desarrollaron en todas las latitudes del continente americano, como es el caso del imperio azteca que integró este cultivo a su cosmovisión ceremonial para ofrendas a diferentes deidades, dejando una herencia prehispánica cautivadora de su historia. Más allá de los colores, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo abordar las propiedades nutricionales y beneficios para la salud humana de la diversidad de fitoquímicos que son responsables de los interesantes colores del amaranto.


Efectos del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos de México : volumen III : atlas de vulnerabilidad hídrica en México ante el cambio climático

Polioptro Martinez-Austria CARLOS PATIÑO GOMEZ (2010, [Libro])

Tabla de contenido: 1. Índice de vulnerabilidad social -- 2. Escenarios climáticos en México proyectados para el siglo XXI -- 3. Impacto del cambio climático en la temporada -- 4. Vulnerabilidad hídrica global: aguas superficiales -- 5. Vulnerabilidad de la agricultura de riego en México ante el cambio climático -- 6. Calidad del agua.

Este libro, que se suma al acervo generado y acumulado en material de cambio climático en neustro país, más que mostrar una visión catastrófista, es una invitación a la reflexión sobre la necesidad de tomar medidas que permitan reducir la vulnerabilidad de nuestro país y afrontar, de la manera más adecuada, las amenazas relacionadas con el cambio climático.

1. Índice de vulnerabilidad social -- 2. Escenarios climáticos en México proyectados para el siglo XXI -- 3. Impacto del cambio climático en la temporada -- 4. Vulnerabilidad hídrica global: aguas superficiales -- 5. Vulnerabilidad de la agricultura de riego en México ante el cambio climático -- 6. Calidad del agua.

Cambio climático Efectos del clima Recursos hídricos Vulnerabilidad hídrica Atlas México CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA

Especies de abejas sin aguijón en áreas urbanas en Yucatán. Parte II: nidos con entradas poco visibles


Existen especies de abejas sin aguijón que tienen las entradas de sus nidos poco visibles: en grietas de cavidades de árboles, paredes de construcciones urbanas, muchas veces mimetizadas y haciéndolas muy sensibles a la destrucción de estos, al momento de hacer alguna poda de árbol, remodelación o construcción. Algunos géneros de abejas en áreas urbanas y alrededores de ciudades de Yucatán que podemos identificar en esta situación son: Trigonisca, Plebeia, Cephalotrigona, y la especie Frieseomelitta nigra. La poca notoriedad de sus entradas las hace muy vulnerables a ser destruidas en ambientes antropizados.