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El proyecto de creación del Estado del Centro, 1870

The project to create the State of the Center, 1870

EVELIN MARES CENTENO (2022, [Artículo])

El 21 de julio de 1870 los principales vecinos de la ciudad de León y el cabildo emprendieron las gestiones necesarias para crear una nueva entidad federativa que llevaría el nombre de Estado del Centro, la cual estaría compuesta por ayuntamientos de los estados de Jalisco y Guanajuato. A pe sar de que se trató de un proyecto político que se llevó a cabo en un momento en el que se estaba reconfigurando la geografía política del país, y de que contaba con los requisitos que solicitaba la Constitución de 1857, no logró consolidarse. Sin embargo, su estudio permite acercarse a conocer el proceso de configuración política del territorio.

On July 21, 1870, the main residents of the city of León and the council, undertook the necessary steps to create a new federal entity that would bear the name of the State of the Center, which would be composed of municipalities of the states of Jalisco and Guanajuato. Despite the fact that it was a political project that was carried out at a time when the

political geography of the country was being reconfigured, and that it had the requirements requested by the 1857 Constitution, it failed to consolidate. However, its study allows us to get closer to knowing the process of political configuration of the territory.

CIENCIAS SOCIALES León, Guanajuato, México Ayuntamiento Lagos Territorio Florencio Antillón, 1830-1903 León, Guanajuato, México Municipalities Lagos Territory Florencio Antillón, 1830-1903

Compuestos bioactivos presentes en geopropóleos de Melipona beecheii y su potencial uso en la medicina tradicional


El interés actual por estudios con productos naturales, ha llevado a realizar investigaciones con geopropóleos. Este producto natural producido por especies de abejas sin aguijón (meliponinos), resulta de una mezcla de material resinoso vegetal, arcilla y secreciones salivales. Estudios farmacológicos realizados con extractos de geopropóleos de Melipona beecheii, han demostrado sus propiedades anticancerígenas, antimicrobianas y antioxidantes, las cuales se relacionan con la presencia de diversos compuestos bioactivos. Debido a sus propiedades terapéuticas, este producto natural puede ser considerado como una potencial alternativa dentro de la medicina tradicional maya.


Chemically modified nanoparticles for enhanced antioxidant and antimicrobial properties with cinnamon essential oil

Aaron Azael Lopez Cano VERONICA MARTINEZ AGUILAR Mariana Peña-Juárez Ricardo López Esparza Enrique Delgado Alvarado Emmanuel Gutierrez MAYRA DEL ANGEL MONROY Elias Perez Agustin L. Herrera-May JOSE AMIR GONZALEZ CALDERON (2023, [Artículo])

We explored the potential of different nanoparticles (TiO2, CaCO3, and Al2O3), considering their pure form and modified with cinnamon essential oil (CEO). These materials were characterized using various techniques, including FTIR spectroscopy, XRD analysis, TGA, and SEM. The interaction between CEO and nanoparticles changed depending on the nanoparticle type. Al2O3 nanoparticles exhibited the strongest interaction with CEO, increasing their antioxidant capacity by around 40% and their transfer of antimicrobial properties, particularly against Gram-negative bacteria. In contrast, TiO2 and CaCO3 nanoparticles showed limited interaction with CEO, resulting in lower antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity. Incorporating pure and CEO-modified nanoparticles into polylactic acid (PLA) films improved their mechanical and thermal properties, which are suitable for applications requiring greater strength. This research highlights the potential of metal oxide nanoparticles to enhance the antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities of polymers. In addition, incorporating cinnamon essential oil can increase the antioxidant and antimicrobial effectiveness of the metal oxide nanoparticles and improve the mechanical and thermal properties of PLA films. Thus, these PLA films exhibit favorable characteristics for active packaging applications.

Author contributions: conceptualization, V.M.-A. and J.A.G.-C.; formal analysis, A.A.L.-C., V.M.-A., M.G.P.-J. and M.D.A.-M.; funding acquisition, A.L.H.-M.; methodology, A.A.L.-C. and V.M.-A.; investigation, E.P.; supervision, R.L.-E., E.D.-A., and E.J.G.-C.; validation, A.L.H.-M. and J.A.G.-C.; writing—original draft, V.M.-A.; writing—review and editing, M.G.P.-J. and J.A.G.-C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Funding: J.A. Gonzalez-Calderon thanks CONAHCYT for supporting the Catedras-CONAHCYT Program, and Verónica Martinez thanks CONAHCYT for the Doctoral Fellowship. The authors also want to thank CONAHCYT for funding the project CF2019 265239 “Ciencia de Frontera”, which made this work possible.

Institutional review board statement: Not applicable.

Informed consent statement: Not applicable.

Data availability statement: Data is contained within the article.

Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge Claudia Hernández and Rosa Lina Tovar for their support during the XRD and SEM analyses.

Conflicts of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Cinnamon essential oil Antioxidant activity Antimicrobial properties Nanoparticles Polylactic acid films INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS