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Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan
Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.
Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Carlos Alejandro Custodio González Tania Ortiz Patricia Catalina Medina Pérez (2024, [Artículo, Artículo])
The current development model's accumulation logic has resulted in the emergence and consolidation of social processes like segregation, leading to differentiated access and availability of urban goods and services among social groups based on socioeconomic, ethnic, or societal standing. The current development model's accumulation logic has resulted in the emergence and consolidation of social processes like segregation, leading to differentiated access and availability of urban goods and services among social groups based on socioeconomic, ethnic, or societal standing. This disparity impacts employment levels, educational performance, urban decay, and environmental degradation. In this context, the article aims to examine the socio-spatial segregation in the access to socio-environmental amenities provided by public green spaces (EVP) in a medium-sized city, specifically Durango, Mexico. The analysis utilizes spatial analysis and statistical methods that involve five variables associated with EVPs: surface area, percentage, number, density, and the socioeconomic level of the population. A spatial pattern of segregation was identified through these variables, resulting in four clusters that impact how the city of Durango is inhabited, produced, reproduced, lived, and constructed.
sociospatial exclusion public space spatial autocorrelation spatial patterns spatial justice exclusión socioespacial espacio público autocorrelación espacial patrones espaciales justicia espacial CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
A pre-pandemic study about recreational uses in the Mexico Park located at Mexico City (year 2017)
Ramiro Flores-Xolocotzi Sergio Ceballos (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
A recreational study was carried out through surveys in the Parque México in Mexico City. For this, the relationship between visit patterns with socioeconomic information, uses and perceptions of visitors with 18 years old or older was analyzed. This research uses descriptive statistics and a non-linear canonical correlation analysis to analyze relationships between variables. An ordered probit regression was also performed to determine the variables that explain the frequency of recreational use. It was obtained that the Park mainly receives visitors with at least bachelor's degree (78.6%) and high incomes (more than 50% have a monthly family income higher than $10,000.00 pesos and 27.6% receive more than $30,000.00 per month). Considering the results, the conclusions are that although the highest percentage of the studied population comes from neighborhoods outside the Roma-Condesa Corridor: then the visitors who live in the Corridor and who have higher incomes, have weight in the description of the model. The results allow to conclude too, that higher income increases the frequency of use. It is also observed that the park is used during the Monday to Friday by more than 50% of the population of visitors and with a high percentage of use in the mornings.
urban forestry urban planning leisure green areas correlación canónica no lineal parque urbano probit recreación CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Programa de ordenamiento ecológico y territorial, IMTA: 2da. Etapa
NORMA RAMIREZ SALINAS Luis Arturo Brizuela Mundo Rebeca González Villela Jorge Luis Izurieta Dávila MARICELA MARTINEZ JIMENEZ RODRIGO ULISES SANTOS TELLEZ (2018, [Documento de trabajo])
Con el objeto de ordenar la utilización del suelo y conservar los recursos naturales existentes, el IMTA certifica el predio que ocupa como una Área Destinada Voluntariamente a la Conservación (ADVC) ante la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas. Por lo que, el IMTA se obliga a contar y cumplir con un programa operativo anual que incluya la difusión de la existencia del ADVC en las zonas aledañas, con el fin de inducir una cultura de conservación de la flora y fauna existente.
Áreas protegidas Ordenamiento del territorio Ordenamiento ecológico BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA
Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan
Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.
Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Drought vulnerability indices in Mexico
Drought is one of the most harmful hydro climatic threats to society. Mexico has been historically affected by recurring and long-lasting droughts that have severely impacted society and the economy. Consequently, public programs and policies have been developed in order to reduce the country’s vulnerability to drought, hence the importance of identifying the spatial distribution and the dimension—even in relative terms only—of vulnerability in different regions from social, economic, and environmental perspectives. This article presents a method for obtaining indices and maps of vulnerability to drought in Mexico; indices and maps are based on a set of socioeconomic and environmental indicators that the method combines using an objective analytic procedure that identifies the most vulnerable states and municipalities from social, economic, and environmental perspectives, all of which converge in overall vulnerability to drought. The results obtained indicate that 38.9% of total Mexican population inhabits municipalities with high and very high degrees of overall vulnerability to drought. For this reason, it is necessary to continue implementing actions and preventive and mitigation strategies via public policies and social programs aimed at decreasing the country’s vulnerability to the occurrence of drought events. This is the only way to facilitate the necessary conditions to reduce the impact of drought and to decrease people’s vulnerability to this phenomenon.
Sequías Desastres naturales Gestión de riesgos Vulnerabilidad CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA
Amenazas y vulnerabilidades: las dos caras de los desastres en Celestún, Yucatán
Threats and vulnerabilities: two faces of disasters in Celestún, Yucatán
En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la triada vulnerabilidad-desastres-desarrollo y se presenta un estudio de caso en el municipio de Celestún, Yucatán, sobre percepciones sociales acerca de la vulnerabilidad de la población frente a las amenazas de eventos meteorológicos extremos. Se pretende conocer las opiniones de la población respecto de su acceso a la capacitación sobre cómo enfrentar los huracanes, su capacidad para protegerse de dichas amenazas y su evaluación de la gestión de las autoridades locales en la materia.
Social and environmental constraints of the risks, responses to disasters, as well as the nature of the relationship between disaster and development have been the subject of increasing attention from researchers in the social sciences. That’s because the risks of disasters have become a growing threat by climate change. In this work we reflect over the triad vulnerability-disaster-development and present a case study in the municipality of Celestún, Yucatán, on social perceptions about the vulnerability against extreme weather events. We expected to know the views of the population regarding hurricanes, their access to the training and to evaluation of local authorities’ management.
Investigación realizada con fondos de la Secretaría de Educación Pública-Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ciencias Básicas.
Analisis de vulnerabilidad Desastres naturales Condiciones sociales Celestún CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Variabilidad climática en México: algunos impactos hidrológicos, sociales y económicos
El grado de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) está ligado al desarrollo socioeconómico de las naciones acorde con sus esquemas productivos. Bajo la tendencia actual, a corto plazo se espera un acelerado incremento de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera. Para correlacionar el cambio del clima con distintos impactos terrestres, en este trabajo se parte de una descripción del balance de energía, enfatizando la importancia de la presencia de GEI en la atmósfera. Los resultados indican que la agricultura en México ha sufrido impactos negativos de este proceso, en términos de incertidumbre climática, y ha causado, junto con otros factores, la emigración del campo de miles de personas. Las consecuencias del cambio climático son cuantificadas en términos de anomalías de precipitación, disponibilidad de agua y disminución en la producción agrícola de acuerdo con modelos de simulación biológica de procesos bajo diferentes escenarios de producción de gases de efecto invernadero. Se concluye con una propuesta de mecanismos de acción y preguntas por responder mediante el desarrollo de investigación.
Zonas de riego Agricultura de temporal Cambio climático Impacto ambiental CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA
Análisis de cuatro variables del período de lluvias asociadas al cultivo de maíz temporal
Analysis of four variables associated with rainy seasonal in maize cultivation
Caracterizar y conocer las variables: inicio, duración, terminación de la estación lluviosa y la cantidad de precipitación con fines de precisar su magnitud y relacionarlas con la agricultura bajo condiciones de temporal, es y ha sido una preocupación importante para los agricultores y estudiosos de las ciencias agrícolas. En la región centro norte de México este problema se acentúa por la alta variabilidad de la estación lluviosa y la gran dependencia climática de la agricultura de temporal. La metodología indicada recrea cuatro variables climáticas de la estación lluviosa, analizadas por métodos reconocidos, y con base en un análisis probabilístico se asocian a la agricultura del cultivo del maíz de temporal. El estudio fue realizado para la región ubicada en el sur del estado de Zacatecas, México, sobre la estación climatológica Tlaltenango.
Agricultura de temporal Lluvias Cultivos alimenticios INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA
Juan Manuel Angeles HELENE EMMI KARIN UNLAND WEISS CARLOS ARMANDO DE LOS SANTOS GARCIA Mario Alberto Montiel Gutiérrez MAURO IÑIGUEZ COVARRUBIAS (2013, [Documento de trabajo])
La agricultura de temporal se practica en tres cuartas partes de la superficie cultivada anualmente en México, y es componente fundamental en la construcción de un México más próspero e incluyente. En el trópico húmedo se localizan las zonas agrícolas con mayor potencial productivo, por lo que el gobierno federal ha constituido 23 Distritos de Temporal Tecnificado (DTT), en los que se ha construido obra hidráulica para el desalojo de los excedentes de agua de lluvia y escurrimiento, para evitar la erosión, para desalojar agua del manto freático y para suministrar el riego suplementario. En las zonas agrícolas se ha desarrollado un sistema de estadísticas agrícolas básico, que permite organizar y jerarquizar la planeación del mejor aprovechamiento de agua para la producción agrícola, tanto a corto plazo en los planes de riego anuales, como a largo plazo para la planeación del desarrollo de la agricultura. En este trabajo se presenta el informe final de las actividades llevadas a cabo para elaborar el libro de la estadística del año agrícola 2012 de los distritos de temporal tecnificado.
Agricultura de temporal Estadísticas agrícolas Sistemas de información INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA