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Esther Imelda Ponce García (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
"Las enfermedades causadas por bacterias del género Vibrio en el cultivo de camarón son de gran importancia debido a su impacto negativo en la industria acuícola. Estas bacterias pueden causar diversas enfermedades en camarones, como la necrosis hepatopancreática aguda (AHPND). La fagoterapia es una alternativa para el biocontrol de estas bacterias patógenas que presenta importantes ventajas, como la alta especificidad a sus huéspedes, la replicación en el sitio de infección, y la capacidad de infectar a bacterias resistentes a antibióticos. Sin embargo, la estabilidad de los fagos en el sistema de cultivo es una preocupación latente, ya que los fagos presentan una estabilidad limitada en solución y experimentan una caída significativa en el título de fagos durante el procesamiento y almacenamiento. El método de encapsulación de bacteriófagos, un área que aún no se estudia del todo, se presenta como una potencial alternativa para atender esta problemática. En el presente estudio se evaluó la eficacia terapéutica de un cóctel de bacteriófagos (vB_Vp_PvVp05, vB_Vp_PvVp07 y vB_Vp_PvVp11), encapsulados en alginato de sodio comercial y de mediana viscosidad, pectina, carboxilmetilcelulosa, liposomas y liofilizado en pectina como agente de biocontrol de Vibrio parahaemolyticus para su uso en terapias fagicas pasiva y activa. Se observó que el encapsulado en alginato de sodio de mediana viscosidad presentó la mayor liberación de fagos activos y al momento de ser incorporado a alimento para camarón y horneados a 80 – 100°C, se mantuvo una concentración de 1.3 x105 UFP/g después de 100 días de almacenamiento. Para la evaluación de las terapias pasiva y activa se realizó una infección experimental en juveniles de Penaeus vannamei para conocer la efectividad de los encapsulados, utilizando para la terapia pasiva la cepa Vp M0904 y para la activa la cepa Vp M0605. El experimento de terapia pasiva mostró una mortalidad del 80.6% en los camarones a las 48 hpi (p > 0.05) y una concentración de 5 x102 UFC/mL de Vibrio spp. no fermentativos en TCBS. En el caso de la terapia activa no se presentó mortalidades, pero hubo una disminución de la concentración de Vibrio spp. no fermentativos en TCBS con 5.56 x101 UFC/mL a las 48 hpi (p < 0.05) y aumentó la densidad de vibriófagos en 1.4 x102 UFP/mL en el agua de los acuarios (p < 0.05)..."
"Diseases caused by bacteria of the Vibrio genus in shrimp farming are of great importance due to their negative impact on the aquaculture industry. These bacteria can cause various diseases in shrimp, such as acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND). Phage therapy is an alternative for the biocontrol of these pathogenic bacteria, offering significant advantages, including high specificity to their hosts, replication at the infection site, and the ability to infect antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, the stability of phages in the farming system is a persistent concern, as phages have limited stability in solution and undergo a significant drop in phage titer during processing and storage. The method of bacteriophage encapsulation, an area that is not yet fully explored, emerges as a potential alternative to address this issue. In this study, the therapeutic efficacy of a cocktail of bacteriophages (vB_Vp_PvVp05, vB_Vp_PvVp07, and vB_Vp_PvVp11), encapsulated in commercial medium-viscosity sodium alginate, pectin, carboxymethylcellulose, liposomes, and lyophilized pectin, was evaluated as a biocontrol agent against Vibrio parahaemolyticus for use in passive and active phage therapies. It was observed that encapsulation in medium-viscosity sodium alginate showed the highest release of active phages, maintaining a concentration of 1.3 x 105 PFU/g after 100 days of storage when incorporated into shrimp feed and baked at 80–100°C.For the evaluation of passive and active therapies, an experimental infection was conducted on Penaeus vannamei juveniles to assess the effectiveness of the encapsulated phages. The passive therapy experiment showed a mortality rate of 80.6% in shrimp at 48 hpi (p > 0.05) and a concentration of 5 x 102 CFU/mL of non-fermentative Vibrio spp. on TCBS agar. In the case of active therapy, no mortalities were observed, but there was a decrease in the concentration of non-fermentative Vibrio sp. on TCBS agar to 5.56 x 101 CFU/mL at 48 hpi (p < 0.05), and the density of vibriophages increased to 1.4 x 102 PFU/mL in the aquarium water (p < 0.05). It was determined that passive therapy offered no advantage for the control of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, unlike active therapy, which proved to be effective in controlling this bacterium."
vibriófagos, encapsulado, Penaeus vannamei, terapia activa, terapia pasiva vibriophages, encapsulated, active therapy, passive therapy BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA MICROBIOLOGÍA BACTERIÓFAGOS BACTERIÓFAGOS
Synthetic libraries of shark vNAR domains with different cysteine numbers within the CDR3
The variable domain of New Antigen Receptors (vNAR) from sharks, present special characteristics in comparison to the conventional antibody molecules such as: small size (12–15 kDa), thermal and chemical stability and great tissue penetration, that makes them a good alternative source as therapeutic or diagnostic agents. Therefore, it is essential to improve techniques used for the development and selection of vNAR antibodies that recognize distinct antigens. The development of synthetic antibody libraries offers a fast option for the generation of antibodies with the desired characteristics. In this work three synthetic antibody libraries were constructed; without cysteines (Cys), with one Cys and with two Cys residues within its CDR3, with the objective of determining whether the presence or absence of Cys in the CDR3 favors the isolation of vNAR clones from a synthetic library. The libraries were validated selecting against six mammalian proteins. At least one vNAR was found for each of the antigens, and a clone coming from the library without Cys in the CDR3 was selected with all the antigens. In vitro angiogenesis assay with the isolated anti-VEGF antibodies, suggest that these vNARs are capable of inhibiting in vitro angiogenesis. In silico analysis of anti-VEGF antibodies showed that vNARs from synthetic libraries could rival antibodies with affinity maturation by in silico modeling. © 2019 Cabanillas-Bernal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
aquaporin 1, carcinoembryonic antigen, cysteine, fibroblast growth factor 2, glycophorin A, leukemia inhibitory factor, vasculotropin, vasculotropin antibody, angiogenesis inhibitor, antibody, cysteine, lymphocyte antigen receptor, vasculotropin A, a BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOFÍSICA BIOFÍSICA
Sabah Ul-Hasan (2019, [Artículo])
Microbial communities control numerous biogeochemical processes critical for ecosystem function and health. Most analyses of coastal microbial communities focus on the characterization of bacteria present in either sediment or seawater, with fewer studies characterizing both sediment and seawater together at a given site, and even fewer studies including information about non-bacterial microbial communities. As a result, knowledge about the ecological patterns of microbial biodiversity across domains and habitats in coastal communities is limited–despite the fact that archaea, bacteria, and microbial eukaryotes are present and known to interact in coastal habitats. To better understand microbial biodiversity patterns in coastal ecosystems, we characterized sediment and seawater microbial communities for three sites along the coastline of Puerto Nuevo, Baja California, Mexico using both 16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. We found that sediment hosted approximately 500-fold more operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for bacteria, archaea, and microbial eukaryotes than seawater (p < 0.001). Distinct phyla were found in sediment versus seawater samples. Of the top ten most abundant classes, Cytophagia (bacterial) and Chromadorea (eukaryal) were specific to the sediment environment, whereas Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidia (bacterial) and Chlorophyceae (eukaryal) were specific to the seawater environment. A total of 47 unique genera were observed to comprise the core taxa community across environment types and sites. No archaeal taxa were observed as part of either the abundant or core taxa. No significant differences were observed for sediment community composition across domains or between sites. For seawater, the bacterial and archaeal community composition was statistically different for the Major Outlet site (p < 0.05), the site closest to a residential area, and the eukaryal community composition was statistically different between all sites (p < 0.05). Our findings highlight the distinct patterns and spatial heterogeneity in microbial communities of a coastal region in Baja California, Mexico. This is an open access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. The work is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication.
Elizabeth Brassea Pérez (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"El plastificante bis(2-etilhexilo) ftalato (DEHP) altera el equilibrio entre la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno y las defensas antioxidantes. A pesar de la información disponible sobre los efectos tóxicos del DEHP en organismos modelo, la respuesta celular al DEHP en especies naturalmente adaptadas para tolerar el estrés oxidativo aún no se ha explorado. Los mamíferos marinos están naturalmente adaptados para hacer frente al estrés oxidativo derivado de la isquemia/reperfusión inducida por el buceo. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los cambios en los indicadores de estrés oxidativo asociados al DEHP en células de músculo esquelético de humanos (Homo sapiens sapiens) y lobos marinos de California (Zalophus californianus). Se recolectaron muestras de músculo abdominal de mujeres sanas sometidas a cesárea programada, tras obtener su consentimiento informado. Las muestras de músculo de lobo marino se obtuvieron de crías encontradas recientemente muertas en la colonia de Los Islotes, Golfo de California. Las células de músculo esquelético se aislaron y cultivaron en condiciones estándar. Las células se dividieron en dos grupos. Un grupo fue expuesto a DEHP (1 mM) durante 13 días (n=25; exposición), el otro grupo se mantuvo bajo condiciones control, es decir sin DEHP añadido (n=25; control). Se midió la producción de radical superóxido (O2•-), el daño oxidativo, la actividad de enzimas antioxidantes y la expresión génica mediante métodos espectrofotométricos y RT-qPCR. En células expuestas al DEHP la producción de O2•- y la actividad de superóxido dismutasa (SOD) fueron mayores que en las células bajo condiciones control para ambas especies. La actividad de glutatión S-transferasa (GST) y los niveles de carbonilos proteicos (PC) aumentaron significativamente en las células humanas expuestas a DEHP, y no significativamente en las células de lobo marino. Por el contrario, las actividades de glutatión peroxidasa (GPx) y catalasa (CAT) aumentaron significativamente en las células de lobo marino, pero no en las de humano expuestas a DEHP. Se observó una expresión diferencial de los genes implicados en el metabolismo redox entre las células control y expuestas a DEHP y entre especies. Los patrones de expresión de 26 y 19 genes fueron significativamente diferentes en las células humanas y de lobo marino, respectivamente, después de la exposición a DEHP. En las células humanas, la expresión de la GST1 microsomal y la GST (κ, μ, θ, ω y ᴢ) fue mayor,
"The plasticizer bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) dysregulates the balance between reactive oxygen species production and antioxidant defenses. Despite the information available on DEHP’s hazardous effects in model species, the cellular response to DEHP in organisms naturally adapted to tolerate oxidative stress remains unexplored. Marine mammals are naturally adapted to cope with oxidative stress derived from diving-induced ischemia/reperfusion. The objective of this study was to compare changes in oxidative stress indicators induced by DEHP in human (Homo sapiens sapiens) and California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) skeletal muscle cells. Abdominal muscle samples were collected from healthy women undergoing planned cesarean surgery at full term after obtaining informed consent. Sea lion muscle samples were obtained from recently deceased pups at Los Islotes rookery, Gulf of California. Skeletal muscle cells were isolated and cultured under standard conditions. Cells were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to 1 mM DEHP for 13 days (n=25; treatment), and the other served as a control (n=25; no DEHP). Superoxide radical (O2•-) production, oxidative damage, antioxidant enzyme activities and gene expression were measured using spectrophotometric methods and RT-qPCR. DEHP exposure increased O2•- production and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in both species. While the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and protein carbonyls (PC) levels significantly increased in human cells, these indicators showed a non-significant elevation in sea lion cells. In contrast, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) activities increased significantly in sea lion but not in human cultures exposed to DEHP. Genes involved in redox metabolism showed differential expression between treatments and species. DEHP exposure led to widespread modifications in gene expression patterns, with 26 and 19 differentially expressed genes in human and sea lion cells, respectively. In human cells, DEHP increased GST1 and GST (κ, μ, θ, ω, and ᴢ), while suppressing 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1), CAT, GR, and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) expression, suggesting increased oxidative stress and phase two detoxification processes. In contrast, DEHP increased OGG1, NRF2, GPx2 and SOD3 expression, suggesting that DEHP activates antioxidant defenses in sea lion cells, potentially contributing to maintain redox homeostasis and avoid oxidative...
Contaminantes emergentes, enzimas antioxidantes, estrés oxidativo, mamíferos, Una Salud Antioxidant enzymes, emerging pollutants, mammals, One Health, oxidative stress BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA ENZIMOLOGIA ENZIMOLOGIA
Environmental Nanoparticles Reach Human Fetal Brains
LILIAN OFELIA CALDERON GARCIDUEÑAS ANGEL AUGUSTO PEREZ CALATAYUD ANGELICA GONZALEZ MACIEL RAFAEL REYNOSO ROBLES Héctor Gabriel Silva Pereyra Andrea Ramos Morales RICARDO TORRES JARDON Candelario de Jesús Soberanes Cerino Raúl Carrillo Esper JESÚS CARLOS BRIONES GARDUÑO Yazmin del Socorro Conde Gutiérrez (2022, [Artículo])
"Anthropogenic ultrafine particulate matter (UFPM) and industrial and natural nanoparticles (NPs) are ubiquitous. Normal term, preeclamptic, and postconceptional weeks(PCW) 8–15 human placentas and brains from polluted Mexican cities were analyzed by TEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. We documented NPs in maternal erythrocytes, early syncytiotrophoblast, Hofbauer cells, and fetal endothelium (ECs). Fetal ECs exhibited caveolar NP activity and widespread erythroblast contact. Brain ECs displayed micropodial extensions reaching luminal NP-loaded erythroblasts. Neurons and primitive glia displayed nuclear, organelle, and cytoplasmic NPs in both singles and conglomerates. Nanoscale Fe, Ti, and Al alloys, Hg, Cu, Ca, Sn, and Si were detected in placentas and fetal brains. Preeclamptic fetal blood NP vesicles are prospective neonate UFPM exposure biomarkers. NPs are reaching brain tissues at the early developmental PCW 8–15 stage, and NPs in maternal and fetal placental tissue compartments strongly suggests the placental barrier is not limiting the access of environmental NPs. Erythroblasts are the main early NP carriers to fetal tissues. The passage of UFPM/NPs from mothers to fetuses is documented and fingerprinting placental single particle composition could be useful for postnatal risk assessments. Fetal brain combustion and industrial NPs raise medical concerns about prenatal and postnatal health, including neurological and neurodegenerative lifelong consequences."
Environmental medicine Placental impairment Neurodevelopmental disorders Fetal brains Erythroblasts Preeclampsia Nanoparticles NPs extracellular vesicles Petrochemical pollution Villahermosa Tabasco BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA
Danay Hernández (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"La celulosa, localizada en las paredes celulares de las plantas, es uno de los polímeros más prevalentes en la naturaleza y puede ser obtenida mediante diversos métodos, incluida la síntesis de cierto tipo de bacterias. Este polímero da origen a un material específico denominado nanocelulosa, clasificado según su estructura en nanocristales (CNC, por sus siglas en inglés, Cellulose Nano-Crystals), nanofibras (CNF, por sus siglas en inglés, Cellulose Nano-Fibers) y celulosa bacteriana (BC, por sus siglas en inglés, Bacterial Cellulose). En el ámbito biomédico, los nanocristales de celulosa han tenido un impacto significativo debido a su biocompatibilidad y sostenibilidad, destacándose en aplicaciones como la fabricación de apósitos para el tratamiento y monitoreo de la cicatrización de heridas, un proceso que generalmente se evalúa objetivamente por especialistas."
Innovative experimental plant to improve coffee processing
In Mexico, coffee production refers to a process with traditional processing practices that combine rustic and semi-mechanized activities, where quality is not controlled, placing it in the category of conventional coffee. In recent years worldwide, the demand for high-quality coffee has increased and in order to offer this model, it is necessary to standardize the processing and transformation processes that increase the quality and value of the coffee. In order to exploit the different capacities in our country, it is necessary to design an innovative experimental plant for the processing of the primary coffee beneficiary, which is capable of adapting to the processes known by the producers, through the instruments and machinery the plant will provide The producer has control over the variables that influence taking advantage of the organoleptic properties of the coffee bean prior to harvest. The plant allows experimentation and obtaining controlled results according to the primary processing method to be applied. The development of the experimental plant has three iterative design cycles; 1) concept design, in which the various processes and methods investigated are evaluated to seek their homogenization with the help of instruments for monitoring and control, 2) prototype design, which is carried out with the help of 2D platforms and 3D modeling, that allow visualizing the location of the different equipment, as well as the flows of the different primary processing processes that the producer wishes to apply, and 3) innovation design, in which the products and services allow the value chain to be improved through processes instruments, data control and new techniques. For the development and maintenance of the experimental plant, it is necessary to link the entities that make up the quadruple helix; companies, government, society and public centers and institutes of higher education. In order to promote teamwork, collaboration and the exchange of ideas to strengthen, sustain and enrich the innovation ecosystem created through the experimental plant.
The pedestrian trajectories derived from the barriers of the public space
Amanda Casillas Ana Victoria Casillas Zapata (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Walking behavior respond to various factors, both internal and external, the first one is linked to the pedestrian's motivation, and the second one is linked to the opportunity offered by the built environment. The public space in the cities represents the main articulator of pedestrian movements, allowing flexible or fixed types of trips to be carried out. Therefore, those urban spaces that are detached from the network conformed by the pedestrian infrastructure could limit accessibility and alter the paths of travel. This study addresses the cases of three neighborhood parks that in recent years have had their configuration transformed by closing their perimeters in a partial or total way; the main objective of this study is to identify the types of pedestrian trajectories that derive from these barriers, as for those who move from within the neighborhoods and those who move from outside. These trajectories were analyzed under a qualitative approach and a descriptive scope. This allow us to determine that the parks, according to their disposition, have the potential to attract or repel the pedestrian movement, whether they were used as a destination or a connection place for displacement. In this way, it was possible to determine that the pedestrian trajectories are conditioned by the reduced permeability of these spaces.
Pedestrian mobility Public space Parks Barriers movilidad peatonal espacio público parques barreras conectividad HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
The spatial control of migrants on the Chihuahua border
EDGAR ABEL CASTRO (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article tries to link the immigration policies of the United States and Mexico with the narrative developed by Michel Foucault. It shows how racism is the axis on which the State of biopower exercises its claims and its effects of power on bodies and on life. Thus, the current political rationality goes through the management of the living body of people, their health, and their spatiality. This principle extends to the homicidal function of the State. Two events that occurred on the Chihuahua border demonstrate this.
migrant control Foucault border racism migrante frontera racismo HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA
José María Silva Corrugedo (2022, [Tesis de maestría])
El tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales es una práctica ampliamente
extendida para la reutilización y posterior reincorporación de aguas contaminadas a
las redes de distribución del vital líquido en una ciudad, ya sean redes industriales,
agrícolas o domésticas. La Ciudad de Chihuahua, capital del estado del mismo
nombre, no es la excepción al contar con dos plantas tratadoras de aguas residuales
(PTAR) para satisfacer la demanda de salubridad que requiere su población. Dichas
plantas tienen un proceso de lodos activados aerobios, por lo cual son consideradas
plantas convencionales.
Una de las desventajas que presentan dichos sistemas convencionales, es
la separación del lodo floculante, la cual se da mediante un proceso lento de
sedimentación. Gracias al desarrollo de los gránulos aerobios, en 2005 en los
Países Bajos, se puso en marcha la primera planta de tratamiento de aguas
residuales Nereda. Dicha tecnología consiste en aprovechar la geometría de los
gránulos, que permite una rápida sedimentación de estos, para formar una capa de
lodos al fondo del tanque de alimentación. Esta capa funciona como una barrera
física y es la clave para el funcionamiento de la tecnología Nereda, puesto que la
misma funge como un separador dentro del mismo tanque. Con la capa de lodo
presente, por la parte inferior del tanque se puede alimentar agua residual sin que
ésta entre en contacto con el agua ya tratada ubicada por encima del lodo. Así se
obtiene una ventaja por parte de la tecnología Nereda por sobre la granulación
aerobia tradicional, puesto que el llenado y vaciado del tanque se puede realizar de
manera simultánea.