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Diseño y evaluación bioclimática para Museo del Agua en el municipio de Tecámac, Estado de México

Luis Roberto Gómez Luna (2023)

155 páginas. Especialización en Diseño Ambiental.

El propósito de ésta idónea comunicación de resultados (ICR) es compartir la metodología aplicada para la aplicación de diseño bioclimático desde el diseño de un proyecto nuevo además de aplicarla en un museo para el organismo público descentralizado para la prestación de los servicios de agua potable, alcantarillado y saneamiento (ODAPAS) con la temática del agua desde su tratamiento, usos, historia, y la parte que conforman en la cultura de Tecámac. Se explica a detalle las estrategias aplicadas para lograr el confort acústico, lumínico, térmico, y de ventilación, especificando la metodología del diseño bioclimático aplicada, así como los resultados de estas.


Academic Sepecialization

Museum architecture. Museum buildings. Architecture and climate. Water conservation. Visual education. Arquitectura de museos. Edificios de museos. Conservación del agua. Educación visual. Arquitectura y clima. NA6690 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA DISEÑO ARQUITECTÓNICO

Historical use of water resources. Civil works evolution in Zacatecas state

Carlos Bautista-Capetillo Georgia González-Pérez Hiram Badillo-Almaraz (2021)

Availability and demand are essential aspects for the human being when planning is made to provide water to the different sectors that may have need of it; still, the demand of suitable volume of water increases day by day, while the supply decreases gradually. In this inverse relationship, anthropogenic and environmental dynamics are decisive to guarantee the needs of the population, specifically due to the climatic transformations evidenced in recent decades. Throughout history, the state of Zacatecas has suffered the ravages of extreme environmental events, mainly those related to drought. Likewise, but on a lesser extent, severe floods have occurred that have caused socioeconomic damage. In this work, the climatic variations of temperature and precipitation and their influence on the evolution of hydraulic systems for the supply of drinking water in the municipality of Nochistlán de Mejía, Zacatecas are analyzed during the period 1930-2015.



drinking water supply historical development of waterworks climate and its transformations Abasto de agua potable desarrollo histórico de obras hidráulicas clima y sus transformaciones CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA

Corrección de defectos óseos en el área de Ingeniería tisular

Correction of bone defects by tissue Engineering


Hoy en día, los defectos óseos representan uno de los casos de mayor impacto en la salud debido a la frecuencia con que éstos ocurren a causa de traumatismos, fracturas, enfermedades congénitas o degenerativas. En la actualidad, los implantes de tejido óseo de gran volumen se encuentran severamente restringidos a causa de las limitaciones de difusión en la interacción con el ambiente del huésped para los nutrientes, intercambio gaseoso y eliminación de desechos. Es por ello que la corrección de los defectos óseos ha cobrado gran importancia en el área de Ingeniería tisular buscando mejorar las estrategias clínicas para su tratamiento. El propósito de esta revisión es proporcionar un panorama general del desarrollo de andamios para la regeneración de tejido óseo, mostrando los avances logrados en los ensayos in vitro e in vivo en la última década

Currently, bone defects cases represent a major impact on health due to how often they occur because of trauma, fractures, congenital or degenerative diseases. Now, bone implants to large volume are severely restricted because of the diffusion limitations in the interaction

with the environment of the host for nutrients, gas exchange and waste disposal. That is why the correction of bone defects has become very important in the field of tissue engineering looking to improve clinical strategies for treatment. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the development of scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, showing the progress made in the in vitro and in vivo in recent decades.


MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Ingeniería tisular regeneración ósea Andamio Tissue engineering Bone regeneration Scaffolds

Spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall and temperature variability and trends for climate resilient maize farming system in major agroecology zones of northwest Ethiopia

Kindie Tesfaye Dereje Ademe Enyew Adgo (2023)

Spatiotemporal studies of the annual and seasonal climate variability and trend on an agroecological spatial scale for establishing a climate-resilient maize farming system have not yet been conducted in Ethiopia. The study was carried out in three major agroecological zones in northwest Ethiopia using climate data from 1987 to 2018. The coefficient of variation (CV), precipitation concertation index (PCI), and rainfall anomaly index (RAI) were used to analyze the variability of rainfall. The Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator were also applied to estimate trends and slopes of changes in rainfall and temperature. High-significance warming trends in the maximum and minimum temperatures were shown in the highland and lowland agroecology zones, respectively. Rainfall has also demonstrated a maximum declining trend throughout the keremt season in the highland agroecology zone. However, rainfall distribution has become more unpredictable in the Bega and Belg seasons. Climate-resilient maize agronomic activities have been determined by analyzing the onset and cessation dates and the length of the growth period (LGP). The rainy season begins between May 8 and June 3 and finishes between October 26 and November 16. The length of the growth period (LGP) during the rainy season ranges from 94 to 229 days.
