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Enhancing maize yield in a conservation agriculture-based maize (Zea mays)- wheat (Triticum aestivum) system through efficient nitrogen management

C.M. Parihar Hari Sankar Nayak Dipaka Ranjan Sena Shankar Lal Jat Mahesh Gathala Upendra Singh (2023, [Artículo])

This study evaluated the impact of contrasting tillage and nitrogen management options on the growth, yield attributes, and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in a conservation agriculture (CA)-based maize-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system. The field experiment was conducted during the rainy (kharif) seasons of 2020 and 2021 at the research farm of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three tillage practices [conventional tillage with residue (CT), zero tillage with residue (ZT) and permanent beds with residue (PB)] as main plot treatments and in sub-plots five nitrogen management options [Control (without N fertilization), recommended dose of N @150 kg N/ha, Green Seeker-GS based application of split applied N, N applied as basal through urea super granules-USG + GS based application and 100% basal application of slow release fertilizer (SRF) @150 kg N/ha] with three replications. Results showed that both tillage and nitrogen management options had a significant impact on maize growth, yield attributes, and yield in both seasons. However, time to anthesis and physiological maturity were not significantly affected. Yield attributes were highest in the permanent beds and zero tillage plots, with similar numbers of grains per cob (486.1 and 468.6). The highest leaf area index (LAI) at 60 DAP was observed in PB (5.79), followed by ZT(5.68) and the lowest was recorded in CT (5.25) plots. The highest grain yield (2-year mean basis) was recorded with permanent beds plots (5516 kg/ha), while the lowest

was observed with conventional tillage (4931 kg/ha). Therefore, the study highlights the importance of CA practices for improving maize growth and yield, and suggests that farmers can achieve better results through the adoption of CA-based permanent beds and use of USG as nitrogen management option.


Impact of manures and fertilizers on yield and soil properties in a rice-wheat cropping system

Alison Laing Akbar Hossain (2023, [Artículo])

The use of chemical fertilizers under a rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) has led to the emergence of micronutrient deficiency and decreased crop productivity. Thus, the experiment was conducted with the aim that the use of organic amendments would sustain productivity and improve the soil nutrient status under RWCS. A three-year experiment was conducted with different organic manures i.e. no manure (M0), farmyard manure@15 t ha-1 (M1), poultry manure@6 t ha-1(M2), press mud@15 t ha-1(M3), rice straw compost@6 t ha-1(M4) along with different levels of the recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) i.e. 0% (F1), 75% (F2 and 100% (F3 in a split-plot design with three replications and plot size of 6 m x 1.2 m. Laboratory-based analysis of different soil as well as plant parameters was done using standard methodologies. The use of manures considerably improved the crop yield, macronutrients viz. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients such as zinc, iron, manganese and copper, uptake in both the crops because of nutrient release from decomposed organic matter. Additionally, the increase in fertilizer dose increased these parameters. The system productivity was maximum recorded under F3M1 (13,052 kg ha-1) and results were statistically identical with F3M2 and F3M3. The significant upsurge of macro and micro-nutrients in soil and its correlation with yield outcomes was also observed through the combined use of manures as well as fertilizers. This study concluded that the use of 100% RDF integrated with organic manures, particularly farmyard manure would be a beneficial resource for increased crop yield, soil nutrient status and system productivity in RWCS in different regions of India.



Marisol Domínguez González (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

“En el marco de las celebraciones del IV Centenario del llamado Descubrimiento de América, España organizó en Madrid la exposición Histórico-Americana de 1892, una muestra internacional que reunió a varios países, la mayoría antiguas colonias española, y con la que buscaba ostentar, entre otras cosas, su influencia en el desarrollo de estos territorios. Hacia la última década del siglo XIX los objetos fotográficos ya figuraban en las exposiciones universales fungiendo como una herramienta visual más para construir la imagen y/o la narrativa que un territorio, país o nación pretendía mostrar. Esta investigación explora la colección fotográfica que México presentó en la Exposición Histórico-Americana y se concentra específicamente en las fotos del estado de Yucatán. Con la intención de entender el papel de los conjuntos de fotografías en los procesos de construcción y exposición de un discurso local y nacional, aquí se indaga el qué y el cómo se mostró a México y a Yucatán a través de estas imágenes. Las fotos de Yucatán son series de diversa proveniencia, manufactura y temática que el gobierno estatal envió a la Junta Colombiana, instancia encargada de diseñar la propuesta expositiva de México. Estos objetos, que funcionaron como carta de presentación del estado de Yucatán en Madrid, se abordan dentro de la amplia colección fotográfica que México expuso. A su vez, para contextualizarla, se reconstruyen las salas de México y se revisa la propuesta expositiva y el proceso de participación del país dentro de la lógica general de la Exposición Histórico-Americana”.

Fotografías - Yucatán - Exposiciones. Yucatán - Historia - Exposiciones. Tesis - Maestría en Historia, Peninsular. CIENCIAS SOCIALES HISTORIA HISTORIA DE PAÍSES HISTORIA LOCAL HISTORIA LOCAL

Diagnóstico integral de planeación y modelación hidráulica de la Junta de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Yucatán (JAPAY)

RODRIGO ULISES SANTOS TELLEZ (2017, [Documento de trabajo])

Con el propósito de fortalecer la recuperación ecológico-ambiental de la Península de Yucatán, el proyecto ha tenido como objetivo elaborar un programa jerarquizado de acciones e inversiones, para la gestión y mejora de eficiencias del sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable de la ciudad de Mérida, en el estado mexicano de Yucatán, proyectado a corto y mediano plazo. Lo anterior, con el fin de modernizar los servicios de agua potable, alcantarillado y saneamiento en un marco de autosuficiencia técnica, financiera y ambiental. Para lograrlo, se realizó un diagnóstico integral de planeación, así como un modelo de simulación hidráulica de la red de abastecimiento con el que se obtiene un programa de acciones jerarquizado, para orientar la gestión y mejora de eficiencias e inversiones del organismo operador.

Organismos operadores Organización y administración Protección ambiental Mérida, Yucatán INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

LGBT+ media on the Internet: experiences of communication and information in Mexico

RAUL ANTHONY OLMEDO NERI (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Two digital LGBT+ media in Mexico are analyzed to understand the implications of their operation and their articulation with the informational and social needs of sex-gender populations. It starts from the communicational perspective to conceptualize these projects as exercises in technological appropriation but highlighting their empirical intersections with other analytical frameworks. Through the method of systematizing the experience, the trajectories of ANODIS and Seis Franjas Mx have been recovered; through semi-structured interviews conducted with their co-founders in February 2022, the reasons, horizons and challenges that these projects have faced are analyzed. The results show that the lack of LGBT+ content and representations in the media motivate the creation of these projects, which articulate a sense of collaboration and sociality with other users belonging to sex-gender communities. In addition, the people participating in these projects are part of the LGBT+ populations, becoming them producers and consumers of information that claim the gender-identity dimension in the content. Likewise, these initiatives are specified in the youth stage of their co-founders, which refers to rethinking the role of LGBT+ youth in the new forms of activism and socialization mediated by Internet. Finally, given the progressive formation of this area of ​​knowledge and the lack of consensus on its definition, it is proposed to name this interdisciplinary field of study as LGBT+ Communicational Studies, to show an epistemological perspective from communication and a Latin American ontological position.

Medios de comunicación Internet LGBT Jóvenes redes sociales de apoyo CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Media LGBT youth


María Gabriela Durán Valis (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

“En México, las luchas por la defensa del territorio en el contexto de la implementación de grandes proyectos productivos y de infraestructura involucran a numerosas organizaciones con identidades y tácticas diversas. Este estudio se basa en las teorías del framing o enmarcado en los movimientos sociales y la movilización legal para analizar cómo el acompañamiento jurídico proporcionado por la asociación civil Kanan Derechos humanos a dos grupos que se oponen a la operación de granjas porcícolas en Yucatán, Kanan Lu´um y La Esperanza de Sitilpech, ha transformado la interpretación de los conflictos. A través de una etnografía que incluye observación participante, entrevistas semiestructuradas y un grupo focal, se descubrió que la interacción entre estos actores ha generado un marco de interpretación que permite comprender los conflictos en términos de derechos indígenas legales y medioambiente. Las conclusiones indican que los efectos de las estrategias legales van más allá de su efectividad en los resultados de los juicios, ya que implican transformaciones que fortalecen la acción colectiva. Estos hallazgos desafían los supuestos que consideran a los pueblos indígenas como los únicos actores en las movilizaciones por la defensa del territorio, pues destacan la importancia de las alianzas entre diversos actores. También cuestionan las posturas tajantes sobre el papel del derecho en la movilización social y resaltan que sus resultados pueden ser matizados”.

Movimientos sociales - Aspectos políticos - México. Organizaciones civiles - Yucatán. Problemas sociales - Yucatán. Conflicto territorial - Yucatán. Tesis - Maestría en Antropología Social, CDMX. CIENCIAS SOCIALES SOCIOLOGÍA PROBLEMAS SOCIALES CONFLICTO SOCIAL Y ADAPTACIÓN CONFLICTO SOCIAL Y ADAPTACIÓN

Using microsatellite data to estimate the persistence of field-level yield gaps and their drivers in smallholder systems

Balwinder-Singh Meha Jain (2023, [Artículo])

One way to meet growing food demand is to increase yields in regions that have large yield gaps, including smallholder systems. To do this, it is important to quantify yield gaps, their persistence, and their drivers at large spatio-temporal scales. Here we use microsatellite data to map field-level yields from 2014 to 2018 in Bihar, India and use these data to assess the magnitude, persistence, and drivers of yield gaps at the landscape scale. We find that overall yield gaps are large (33% of mean yields), but only 17% of yields are persistent across time. We find that sowing date, plot area, and weather are the factors that most explain variation in yield gaps across our study region, with earlier sowing associated with significantly higher yield values. Simulations suggest that if all farmers were able to adopt ideal management strategies, including earlier sowing and more irrigation use, yield gaps could be closed by up to 42%. These results highlight the ability of micro-satellite data to understand yield gaps and their drivers, and can be used to help identify ways to increase production in smallholder systems across the globe.