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Habitability conditions for floods: the case of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico
MARCELINO GARCIA BENITEZ Saul Nucamendi Hernandez Omar Ávila Flores (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
At present, there are changes in the environment that favor the presence of extreme climatic phenomena such as floods, this exposure implies that the populations of urban areas suffer effects on their material assets, which limits their capacity for individual and / or family development. Given the lack of local territorial planning, the establishment of colonies was allowed on the banks of the Sabinal river and its tributaries that present episodes of flooding during the rainy season (Sistema Municipal de Protección Civil, 2015).
The study evaluates the habitability conditions of the urban population exposed to flooding, the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas is taken as a reference, since historically it is a recurring problem during the summer. The methodology interrelates geostatistical, spatial and cartographic databases with hemerographic information sources based on the review of the literature for the construction of the general index, determined in dimensions that group social, economic, educational aspects, availability of basic services, goods with those that count the dwellings and their accessibility, etc., on a geographical scale of Urban Geostatistical Areas (AGEB).
The results obtained generated an index on the distribution of habitability conditions by urban Ageb, they are interrelated with spatial data on floods and their relationship with Sustainable Development Goal 11 (ODS), which proposes to improve infrastructure conditions in cities and towns. sustainable communities so that the inequality originated among the population exposed to future extreme flood events that occur in the different areas that make up the city is reduced.
Habitability conditions floods Sustainable Development Goals urban Ageb city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas AGEB urbana ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas condiciones de habitabilidad inundaciones CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Digital artifacts reveal development and diffusion of climate research
Bia Carneiro Tek Sapkota (2022, [Artículo])
Do provisioning ecosystem services change along gradients of increasing agricultural production?
Ronju Ahammad Stephanie Tomscha Sarah Gergel Frédéric Baudron Jean-Yves Duriaux Chavarría Samson Foli Dominic Rowland Josh Van Vianen Terence Sunderland (2024, [Artículo])
Context: Increasing agricultural production shapes the flow of ecosystem services (ES), including provisioning services that support the livelihoods and nutrition of people in tropical developing countries. Although our broad understanding of the social-ecological consequences of agricultural intensification is growing, how it impacts provisioning ES is still unknown. Objectives: We examined the household use of provisioning ES across a gradient of increasing agricultural production in seven tropical countries (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nicaragua and Zambia). We answered two overarching questions: (1) does the use of provisioning ES differ along gradients of agriculture production ranging from zones of subsistence to moderate and to high agriculture production? and (2) are there synergies and/or trade-offs within and among groups of ES within these zones? Methods: Using structured surveys, we asked 1900 households about their assets, livestock, crops, and collection of forest products. These questions allowed us to assess the number of provisioning ES households used, and whether the ES used are functionally substitutable (i.e., used similarly for nutrition, material, and energy). Finally, we explored synergies and trade-offs among household use of provisioning ES. Results: As agricultural production increased, provisioning ES declined both in total number and in different functional groups used. We found more severe decreases in ES for relatively poorer households. Within the functional groups of ES, synergistic relationships were more often found than trade-offs in all zones, including significant synergies among livestock products (dairy, eggs, meat) and fruits. Conclusions: Considering landscape context provides opportunities to enhance synergies among provisioning services for households, supporting resilient food systems and human well-being.
Itzel Mota Castañeda (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La tesis se enfoca en abordar los desafíos en sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica, con el objetivo principal de diseñar redes de conformación de haz eficiente para un arreglo circular de antenas. Esta red debe reducir la dependencia de cambiadores de fase o dispositivos activos y cumplir con patrones de radiación específicos. Para lograr esto, se propone una solución que combina una red de excitación cofasal y una red CORPS cilíndrica. La red de alimentación cofasal, optimizada mediante algoritmos genéticos, demuestra la capacidad de generar un haz de radiación que puede ser escaneado en todo el plano azimutal. Esto se logra aprovechando las propiedades de rotación y simetría del arreglo circular. Además, se alcanza un rendimiento destacado en la supresión de lóbulos laterales, con una reducción significativa de -16 dB en comparación con el caso sin optimizar. Esta mejora en la calidad del haz de radiación es crucial para la transmisión confiable de señales en sistemas de comunicación. La red CORPS cilíndrica presentada en la investigación simplifica la red de alimentación en un 50%. Permite generar una cantidad distribuida de haces en todo el plano azimutal, y la dirección de escaneo de cada haz se ajusta según el número de puertos de entrada. Cada puerto de entrada controla un haz de radiación, lo que simplifica la complejidad del sistema y permite un mayor control sobre los lóbulos laterales. A medida que se aumenta el número de elementos y puertos de entrada en el arreglo, se mejora aún más el rendimiento en la supresión de lóbulos laterales. Esto ofrece la flexibilidad de ajustar el nivel de lóbulos laterales según los requisitos específicos de diseño. La investigación ha demostrado que la combinación de una red de alimentación cofasal optimizada y una red CORPS cilíndrica ofrecen una solución efectiva para la conformación de haz en arreglos circulares de antenas. Esta solución reduce significativamente la dependencia de dispositivos activos, mejora la calidad de la señal y simplifica la operación del sistema. Estos resultados abren oportunidades para futuras investigaciones y prometen mejoras en la industria de las comunicaciones inalámbricas.
This work is focused on the challenges in wireless communication systems, with the main objective of designing efficient beamforming networks for a circular antenna array. This network must reduce the reliance on phase shifters or active devices and meet specific radiation patterns. To achieve this, we propose two possible solutions: a cophasal excitation network and a cylindrical CORPS network. The cophasal feed network, optimized by genetic algorithms, generates a radiation beam that can be scanned in the whole azimuth plane. It is possible by taking advantage of the rotation and symmetry properties of the circular array. Furthermore, we achieve an outstanding performance in sidelobe suppression, with a significant reduction of -16 dB compared to the unoptimized case. This improvement in the quality of the radiation beam is crucial for the reliable transmission of signals in communication systems. The cylindrical CORPS network (presented in this research) simplifies the power network by 50%. It allows the entire azimuth plane to generate a distributed number of beams and adjust the scanning direction of each beam in according to the number of input ports. Each input port controls one radiation beam, simplifying the complexity of the system and allowing greater control over the side lobes. As the number of elements and input ports increases, sidelobe suppression performance is further improved. This proposal offers the flexibility to adjust the level of side lobes based on specific design requirements. Research has shown that the optimization of a cophasal feeder network and a cylindrical CORPS network offers an effective solution for beamforming in circular antenna arrays. This solution significantly reduces dependency on active devices, improves signal quality, and simplifies system operation. These results open up opportunities for future research and promise improvements in the wireless communications industry.
Arreglo circular de antenas, algoritmos genéticos, Red CORPS cilíndrica Circular array of antennas, Genetic algorithms, Cylindrical CORPS network INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES ANTENAS ANTENAS
Ana Garduño (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
I am focusing on the interaction between a cultural agent, Carlos Chávez, and the government elite, related to the circumstances of the enunciation of a public and official organism, INBA (The National Institute of Fine Arts), because I assume that political relations are fundamental to understand a process that endorsed the official culture as an appendage of politics. In spite of its relevance, this subject has not been studied. Based on archival documentation (at the National Archive of Mexico and the archive of INBA) I am examining the cultural policies derived from the foundation of INBA. Due to the current pandemic situation, it was not possible to consult other documental sources. I am formulating that the concept of “high culture” was at the core of a wider conflict between governmental interests and those of representative social actors, and I conclude that this obstacle would have conferred a major political and symbolical importance to the Institute, and consequently, would restrict its budget.
Carlos Chávez INBA Agentes culturales Políticas institucionales Centralización artística HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Foundation of the National Institute of Fine Arts in Mexico (INBA), Cultural agents Institutional policies Artistic centralization
Study, suspend and optimization a spread of epidemic infections. The dynamic Monte Carlo approach
Gennadiy Burlak (2020, [Artículo])
We study a dynamics of the epidemiological infection spreading at different values of the risk factor β (a control parameter) with the using of dynamic Monte Carlo approach (DMC). In our toy model, the infection transmits due to contacts of randomly moving individuals. We show that the behavior of recovered critically depends on theβ value. For sub-critical valuesβ<βc~0.6, the number of infected cases asymptotically converges to zero, such that for a moderate risk factor the infection may disappear with time. Our simulations shown that over time, the properties of such a system asymptotically become close to the critical transition in 2D percolation system. We also analyzed a next ended system, which includes two additional parameters: the limits of taking on/off quarantine state. It is found that the early quarantine off does result in the irregular (with positive Lyapunov exponent) oscillatory dynamics of infection. If the lower limit of the quarantine off is small enough, the recovery dynamics acquirers a characteristic non monotonic shape with several damped peaks. The dynamics of infection spreading in case of the individuals with immunity is studied too.
Estudiamos una dinámica de la propagación de la infección epidemiológica a diferentes valores del factor de riesgo β (un parámetro de control) con el uso del enfoque dinámico de Monte Carlo (DMC). En nuestro modelo de juguete, la infección se transmite debido a los contactos de individuos que se mueven al azar. Mostramos que el comportamiento de los individuos recuperados depende críticamente del valor de β. Para valores subcríticos β<βc~0,6, el número de casos infectados converge asintóticamente a cero, de modo que para un factor de riesgo moderado la infección puede desaparecer con el tiempo. Nuestras simulaciones mostraron que, con el tiempo, las propiedades de dicho sistema se acercan asintóticamente a la transición crítica en el sistema de percolación2D. También analizamos un sistema extendido, que incluye dos parámetros adicionales: los límites de activación/desactivación del estado de cuarentena. Se encuentra que la cuarentena temprana da como resultado la dinámica oscilatoria irregular (con exponente de Lyapunov positivo) de la infección. Si el límite inferior de la cuarentena es lo suficientemente pequeño, la dinámica de recuperación adquiere una forma característica no monótona con varios picos amortiguados. También se estudia la dinámica de la propagación de la infección en el caso de los individuos con inmunidad.
INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS optimization of a spread of epidemic infections; dynamic Monte Carlo, numeric simulations.
Control de sistemas usando aprendizaje de máquina
Systems control using machine learning
Jesús Martín Miguel Martínez (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
El aprendizaje por refuerzo es un paradigma del aprendizaje de máquina con un amplio desarrollo y una creciente demanda en aplicaciones que involucran toma de decisiones y control. Es un paradigma que permite el diseño de controladores que no dependen directamente del modelo que describe la dinámica del sistema. Esto es importante ya que en aplicaciones reales es frecuente que no se disponga de dichos modelos de manera precisa. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo implementar un controlador óptimo en tiempo discreto libre de modelo. La metodología elegida se basa en algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo, enfocados en sistemas con espacios de estado y acción continuos a través de modelos discretos. Se utiliza el concepto de función de valor (Q-función y función V ) y la ecuación de Bellman para resolver el problema del regulador cuadrático lineal para un sistema mecánico masa-resorte-amortiguador, en casos donde se tiene conocimiento parcial y desconocimiento total del modelo. Para ambos casos las funciones de valor son definidas explícitamente por la estructura de un aproximador paramétrico, donde el vector de pesos del aproximador es sintonizado a través de un proceso iterativo de estimación de parámetros. Cuando se tiene conocimiento parcial de la dinámica se usa el método de aprendizaje por diferencias temporales en un entrenamiento episódico, que utiliza el esquema de mínimos cuadrados con mínimos cuadrados recursivos en la sintonización del crítico y descenso del gradiente en la sintonización del actor, el mejor resultado para este esquema es usando el algoritmo de iteración de valor para la solución de la ecuación de Bellman, con un resultado significativo en términos de precisión en comparación a los valores óptimos (función DLQR). Cuando se tiene desconocimiento de la dinámica se usa el algoritmo Q-learning en entrenamiento continuo, con el esquema de mínimos cuadrados con mínimos cuadrados recursivos y el esquema de mínimos cuadrados con descenso del gradiente. Ambos esquemas usan el algoritmo de iteración de política para la solución de la ecuación de Bellman, y se obtienen resultados de aproximadamente 0.001 en la medición del error cuadrático medio. Se realiza una prueba de adaptabilidad considerando variaciones que puedan suceder en los parámetros de la planta, siendo el esquema de mínimos cuadrados con mínimos cuadrados recursivos el que tiene los mejores resultados, reduciendo significativamente ...
Reinforcement learning is a machine learning paradigm with extensive development and growing demand in decision-making and control applications. This technique allows the design of controllers that do not directly depend on the model describing the system dynamics. It is useful in real-world applications, where accurate models are often unavailable. The objective of this work is to implement a modelfree discrete-time optimal controller. Through discrete models, we implemented reinforcement learning algorithms focused on systems with continuous state and action spaces. The concepts of value-function, Q-function, V -function, and the Bellman equation are employed to solve the linear quadratic regulator problem for a mass-spring-damper system in a partially known and utterly unknown model. For both cases, the value functions are explicitly defined by a parametric approximator’s structure, where the weight vector is tuned through an iterative parameter estimation process. When partial knowledge of the dynamics is available, the temporal difference learning method is used under episodic training, utilizing the least squares with a recursive least squares scheme for tuning the critic and gradient descent for the actor´s tuning. The best result for this scheme is achieved using the value iteration algorithm for solving the Bellman equation, yielding significant improvements in approximating the optimal values (DLQR function). When the dynamics are entirely unknown, the Q-learning algorithm is employed in continuous training, employing the least squares with recursive least squares and the gradient descent schemes. Both schemes use the policy iteration algorithm to solve the Bellman equation, and the system’s response using the obtained values was compared to the one using the theoretical optimal values, yielding approximately zero mean squared error between them. An adaptability test is conducted considering variations that may occur in plant parameters, with the least squares with recursive least squares scheme yielding the best results, significantly reducing the number of iterations required for convergence to optimal values.
aprendizaje por refuerzo, control óptimo, control adaptativo, sistemas mecánicos, libre de modelo, dinámica totalmente desconocida, aproximación paramétrica, Q-learning, iteración de política reinforcement learning, optimal control, adaptive control, mechanical systems, modelfree, utterly unknown dynamics, parametric approximation, Q-learning, policy iteration INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LOS ORDENADORES INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL
"The aquaculture industry faces many challenges regarding the intensification of shrimp rearing systems. One of these challenges is the release of excessive amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus into coastal areas, causing disruption in nutrient cycling and microbial equilibrium, which are important for coastal productivity. Biosecurity within the shrimp rearing systems can also be compromised by disruption to the nutrient fluxes, and as consequence the microbiome of the system. In certain conditions, these changes could lead to the blooming of potentially pathogenic bacteria. These changes in the external microbiome of the system and the constant fluctuations of nutrients can affect the intestinal microbiome of shrimp, which is involved in the growth and development of the host, affecting nutrient absorption, regulating metabolic processes, synthesising vitamins, modulating the immune response and preventing growth of pathogenic bacteria. It has been suggested that specific changes in the intestinal microbiome of Litopenaeus vannamei may be an avenue through which to overcome some of the problems that this industry faces, in terms of health, growth and waste. Recent research, however, has focussed mainly on changes in the intestinal microbiome. Researchers have overlooked the relevance of other aspects of the system, such as the microbiome from the benthic biofilms; zooplankton, plankton and bacterioplankton; and other sources of microorganisms that can directly affect the microbial status of the intestinal and epiphytic communities, especially in rearing systems that are based on intensification and microbial maturation processes, such as a biofloc system. It is therefore necessary to place holobiome studies into context, including the ‘holobiome of the aquaculture system’ (microbiomes that make up the culture system and their interactions) and not only the intestinal microbiome. Thus, we describe factors that affect the shrimp microbiome, the methodology of study, from sampling to bioinformatic workflows, and introduce the concept of the ‘holobiome of the aquaculture system’ and how this enables us to promote the intensification, biosafety and eco-efficiency of shrimp farming. The holobiome perspective implies a greater investment of resources and time for research, but it will accelerate the development of technology that will benefit the development and sustainability of the aquaculture industry."
litopenaeus vannamei, microbiome, intensification, biofloc, holobiome of aquaculture systems CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL NUTRICIÓN NUTRICIÓN
Maria de Lourdes Morales Vargas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article expresses some reflections on the practice of urban muralism and the result of the approach to urban muralism projects or initiatives that have taken place in some cities, towns and villages in the state of Chiapas. This approach has made it possible to describe the dynamics, forms of participation, processes and agents that participate in the configuration and collective expression of urban murals in these spaces. From descriptive ethnography and its tools it was possible to approach the experiences of urban intervention that coexist with the community, in streets, parks, business walls, houses. This has made it possible to understand the practice of urban muralism as an artistic, collective, community process, a project of regeneration or urban recovery and as a practice of symbolic production of incidence in the space where it is implanted, configuring multiple experiences.
The social responsibility of tobacco production in Nayarit. Who pays the price?
Dagoberto De Dios Hernández Jesús Antonio Madera Pacheco (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
In Nayarit, Mexico, there is an Integrated System of Tobacco Production (SIPT) which operates mainly with the participation of campesino families. However, for some preparatory work and to guarantee the harvest, local jornaleros and indigenous migrant families from the mountainous regions of Nayarit, Jalisco, Durango, and Zacatecas are hired, manly on a temporarily basis. They live for several months in precarious conditions in the houses and yards of the growers and on the agricultural plots. Since the Marco’s Convention and the General Law on Tobacco Control, the companies that control the SIPT have adopted new narratives and strategies for managing and sustaining their businesses, mainly emphasizing the so-called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The objective of this article is to analyze the CSR actions of the tobacco companies from an approach of accumulation by dispossession, understanding CSR as a capitalist tool for the extraction of surplus value. With the support of a qualitative methodology, based on bibliographic and hemerographic review, direct observation, field diaries and interviews, also corporate actions comprised between 2018 and 2023 have also been documented. British American Tobacco and Tabacos del Pacífico Norte have "sponsored" the operation of the Florece centers and the Sustenta program in the tobacco fields of Nayarit, even though, in the tobacco reality of the tobacco industry the operation of such programs and their costs are assumed and absorbed by the growers, while the companies disseminate an image of sustainable business management.
Tobacco Social Responsibility Tobacco companies Indigenous families CMCT Tabaco Responsabilidad social Empresas tabacaleras Familias indígenas CIENCIAS SOCIALESCIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES