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Assassinatos de mulheres negras no México: Análise desde a conceitualizacao de feminicidio e racioalizacao.

MARISOL ALCOCER PERULERO (2021, [Capítulo de libro])

Este livro analisa as raízes histórico-coloniais do racismo no Brasil, na Bolívia, na Colômbia e no México, aprofundando em suas origens desde a colonização, a escravização de indígenas e africanos durante séculos, a biopolítica de extermínio, submissão, superexploração e negação de suas identidades e culturas; a reprodução da biopolítica de eliminação desses povos até os dias atuais com a renovação de conceitos e discursos eugenistas e discriminatórios, de sua repetição cotidiana em diferentes espaços privados e públicos, nas instituições, nas comunidades, nas famílias, nas relações sociais, no Estado, legitimando e aprofundando as desigualdades estruturais baseadas nos preconceitos de gênero, geracionais, étnico-raciais e de classe social.


Can I speak to the manager? The gender dynamics of decision-making in Kenyan maize plots

Rachel Voss Zachary Gitonga Jason Donovan Mariana Garcia-Medina Pauline Muindi (2023, [Artículo])

Gender and social inclusion efforts in agricultural development are focused on making uptake of agricultural technologies more equitable. Yet research looking at how gender relations influence technology uptake often assumes that men and women within a household make farm management decisions as individuals. Relatively little is understood about the dynamics of agricultural decision-making within dual-adult households where individuals’ management choices are likely influenced by others in the household. This study used vignettes to examine decision-making related to maize plot management in 698 dual-adult households in rural Kenya. The results indicated a high degree of joint management of maize plots (55%), although some management decisions—notably those related to purchased inputs—were slightly more likely to be controlled by men, while other decisions—including those related to hiring of labor and maize end uses—were more likely to be made by women. The prevalence of joint decision-making underscores the importance of ensuring that both men’s and women’s priorities and needs are reflected in design and marketing of interventions to support maize production, including those related to seed systems, farmer capacity building, and input delivery.


Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer and planting density levels for maize production under current climate conditions in Northwest Ethiopian midlands

Kindie Tesfaye Dereje Ademe Enyew Adgo (2023, [Artículo])

This study determined the most effective plating density (PD) and nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate for well-adapted BH540 medium-maturing maize cultivars for current climate condition in north west Ethiopia midlands. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT)-Crop Environment Resource Synthesis (CERES)-Maize model has been utilized to determine the appropriate PD and N-fertilizer rate. An experimental study of PD (55,555, 62500, and 76,900 plants ha−1) and N (138, 207, and 276 kg N ha−1) levels was conducted for 3 years at 4 distinct sites. The DSSAT-CERES-Maize model was calibrated using climate data from 1987 to 2018, physicochemical soil profiling data (wilting point, field capacity, saturation, saturated hydraulic conductivity, root growth factor, bulk density, soil texture, organic carbon, total nitrogen; and soil pH), and agronomic management data from the experiment. After calibration, the DSSAT-CERES-Maize model was able to simulate the phenology and growth parameters of maize in the evaluation data set. The results from analysis of variance revealed that the maximum observed and simulated grain yield, biomass, and leaf area index were recorded from 276 kg N ha−1 and 76,900 plants ha−1 for the BH540 maize variety under the current climate condition. The application of 76,900 plants ha−1 combined with 276 kg N ha−1 significantly increased observed and simulated yield by 25% and 15%, respectively, compared with recommendation. Finally, future research on different N and PD levels in various agroecological zones with different varieties of mature maize types could be conducted for the current and future climate periods.


Addressing agricultural labour issues is key to biodiversity-smart farming

Thomas Daum Frédéric Baudron Matin Qaim Ingo Grass (2023, [Artículo])

There is an urgent need for agricultural development strategies that reconcile agricultural production and biodiversity conservation. This is especially true in the Global South where population growth is rapid and much of the world's remaining biodiversity is located. Combining conceptual thoughts with empirical insights from case studies in Indonesia and Ethiopia, we argue that such strategies will have to pay more attention to agricultural labour dynamics. Farmers have a strong motivation to reduce the heavy toil associated with farming by adopting technologies that save labour but can negatively affect biodiversity. Labour constraints can also prevent farmers from adopting technologies that improve biodiversity but increase labour intensity. Without explicitly accounting for labour issues, conservation efforts can hardly be successful. We hence highlight the need for biodiversity-smart agriculture, that is farming practices or systems that reconcile biodiversity with land and labour productivity. Our empirical insights suggest that technological and institutional options to reconcile farmers' socio-economic goals and biodiversity conservation exist but that more needs to be done to implement such options at scale.


Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan

Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.

Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Conformación de una propuesta de metodología para la integración de productos turísticos innovadores

Jorge López García (2023, [Otro, Trabajo de grado, maestría])

Con la finalidad de ofrecer una herramienta de apoyo para el desarrollo e implementación de nuevas experiencias únicas e irrepetibles, a partir de la participación de los tres órdenes de gobierno de la administración pública, la iniciativa privada y la comunidad, se plantea una propuesta para la conformación de una metodología para la integración de productos turísticos innovadores en la que se identifiquen de forma clara y expedita, el rol de cada uno de los actores, así como las etapas idóneas que conforman la cadena de valor del proceso. Lo anterior, a través de una metodología que se compone por la aplicación, utilización y puesta en práctica de los conocimientos obtenidos del análisis de la información de tres estudios de caso, en los que se ubicaron los participantes y las fases para la creación de productos turísticos, destacando la importancia de que éstos sean diseñados en circuitos.

Innovación turística Innovación tecnológica Turismo Cadena de valor del turismo INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS

Análisis del pretratamiento de residuos lignocelulósicos para la producción de biocombustibles y bioproductos de alto valor agregado.


La búsqueda de nuevas formas de energía renovables ha impulsado el estudio de los biocombustibles a partir de la biomasa lignocelulósica como lo son la paja de trigo, de sorgo o bagazo de caña de azúcar, de la cual se obtienen los azúcares reductores fermentables mediante una hidrólisis enzimática. Para poder utilizar los azúcares reductores que posee esta biomasa, es necesario dar un pretratamiento previo. Por tanto, en este trabajo se hace un análisis de dos tipos de pretratamiento para dos tipos de bagazo de caña (bagazo natural y bagazo hidrolizado): el primer pretratamiento consiste en una autohidrólisis a 121ºC y el segundo en un pretratamiento alcalino-oxidativo. Los productos de los dos tipos de pretratamiento se utilizaron para realizar una hidrólisis enzimática utilizando el complejo comercial Accellerase 1500, donde se encontró que el mejor pretratamiento fue el alcalino-oxidativo donde se obtuvieron hasta 12 g/L de glucosa para el bagazo hidrolizado (78.68% g/g) y 9.9 g/L para el bagazo natural (60.20% g/g), mientras que en la hidrólisis enzimática del bagazo pretratado mediante la autohidrólisis se obtuvieron concentraciones de 0.704 g/L para el bagazo natural (6.67% g/g) y de 1.899g/L para el bagazo hidrolizado (19.65% g/g).

The search for new forms of renewable energy has promoted the study of biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass such as wheat straw, sorghum straw and sugarcane bagasse, which are the source to obtain reducing fermentable sugar through an enzymatic hydrolysis. To make use of these reducing sugars is necessary to perform a pretreatment. This research analyses two kinds of pretreatment for two types of bagasse (natural bagasse and hydrolysed bagasse): the first pretreatment consists of an autohydrolysis at 121ºC and the second pretreatment is an alkaline-oxidative pretreatment. The products of these two types of pretreatments were used for enzymatic hydrolysis using the commercial complex Accellerase 1500, where it was found that the best pretreatment was the alkaline-oxidative which was obtained 12g/L of glucose to the hydrolyzed bagasse (78.68% g/g) and 9.9 g/L for natural bagasse (60.20% g/g) while in the enzymatic autohydrolysis concentration of 0.704 g/L for natural bagasse (6.67% g/g) were obtained and 1,899 g/L for the hydrolyzed bagasse (19.65% g/g).

CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA Bagazo de caña de azúcar Autohidrólisis Hidrolisis enzimática Pretratamiento alcalino

Gestión de proyectos de TIC en Sinersystech con metodología de desarrollo DevOps

Juan Carlos Espino Ortega (2023, [Otro, Trabajo de grado, maestría])

La gestión de proyectos de TIC suele volverse caótica cuando no existe una metodología, con la suficiente madurez, de desarrollo, seguimiento y tampoco las herramientas necesarias para dar seguimiento a las actividades que se realizan en todas las etapas del proyecto. En este artículo abordaremos el uso de la metodología DevOps, así como las aplicaciones de software que pueden soportar el uso de esta para dar seguimiento al desarrollo de los proyectos de TIC en Sinersystech, se realiza revisión de estado del arte, se desarrolla cuestionario con un enfoque cualitativo para entender la situación actual de la empresa y para concluir se documentan las herramientas que nos pueden apoyar en los procesos de desarrollo de software dentro de la empresa adoptando la metodología de desarrollo DevOps, los beneficios de la integración de esta en todas las etapas del desarrollo optimizando, costos, tiempos de entrega y resultado hacia los clientes.