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Movements of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) at Cocos Island, Costa Rica and between oceanic islands in the Eastern Tropical Pacific

Elena Nalesso (2019, [Artículo])

Many species of sharks form aggregations around oceanic islands, yet their levels of residency and their site specificity around these islands may vary. In some cases, the waters around oceanic islands have been designated as marine protected areas, yet the conservation value for threatened shark species will depend greatly on how much time they spend within these protected waters. Eighty-four scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini Griffith & Smith), were tagged with acoustic transmitters at Cocos Island between 2005–2013. The average residence index, expressed as a proportion of days present in our receiver array at the island over the entire monitoring period, was 0.52±0.31, implying that overall the sharks are strongly associated with the island. Residency was significantly greater at Alcyone, a shallow seamount located 3.6 km offshore from the main island, than at the other sites. Timing of presence at the receiver locations was mostly during daytime hours. Although only a single individual from Cocos was detected on a region-wide array, nine hammerheads tagged at Galapagos and Malpelo travelled to Cocos. The hammerheads tagged at Cocos were more resident than those visiting from elsewhere, suggesting that the Galapagos and Malpelo populations may use Cocos as a navigational waypoint or stopover during seasonal migrations to the coastal Central and South America. Our study demonstrates the importance of oceanic islands for this species, and shows that they may form a network of hotspots in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. © 2019 Nalesso et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

article, Cocos Island, human, monitoring, nonhuman, resident, shark, South America, animal, Costa Rica, environmental protection, island (geological), movement (physiology), physiology, season, shark, Animals, Conservation of Natural Resources, Costa CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Waterhole detection using a vegetation index in desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates) habitat

Jonathan Gabriel Escobar Flores (2019, [Artículo])

In arid ecosystems, desert bighorn sheep are dependent on natural waterholes, particularly in summer when forage is scarce and environmental temperatures are high. To detect waterholes in Sierra Santa Isabel, which is the largest area of desert bighorn sheep habitat in the state of Baja California, Mexico, we used the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) from Sentinel-2 satellite images. Waterhole detection was based on the premise that sites with greater water availability, where NDVI was higher, can be identified by their density of vegetation greenness. For the detected waterholes, we estimated the escape terrain (presence of cliffs or steep, rocky slopes) around each by the vector ruggedness measure to determine their potential use by desert bighorn sheep based on the animals’ presence as documented by camera traps. We detected 14 waterholes with the NDVI of which 11 were known by land owners and 3 were unrecorded. Desert bighorn were not detected in waterholes with high values of escape terrain, i.e., flat areas. Waterhole detection by NDVI is a simple method, and with the assistance and knowledge of the inhabitants of the Sierra, it was possible to confirm the presence each waterhole in the field. © 2019 Escobar-Flores et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Article, bighorn sheep, environmental aspects and related phenomena, environmental parameters, habitat, Mexico, nonhuman, normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, water availability, waterhole, animal, bighorn sheep, CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS CIENCIA FORESTAL CIENCIA FORESTAL

Biodiversity conservation in an anthropized landscape: Trees, not patch size drive, bird community composition in a low-input agroecosystem

ERIC MELLINK BIJTEL (2017, [Artículo])

One of the most typical agro-ecosystems in the Llanos de Ojuelos, a semi-arid region of central Mexico, is that of fruit-production orchards of nopales (prickly pear cacti). This perennial habitat with complex vertical structure provides refuge and food for at least 112 species of birds throughout the year. Nopal orchards vary in their internal structure, size and shrub/ tree composition, yet these factors have unknown effects on the animals that use them. To further understand the conservation potential of this agro-ecosystem, we evaluated the effects of patch-size and the presence of trees on bird community composition, as well as several habitat variables, through an information-theoretical modelling approach. Community composition was obtained through a year of census transects in 12 orchards. The presence of trees in the orchards was the major driver of bird communities followed by seasonality; bird communities are independent of patch size, except for small orchard patches that benefit black-chin sparrows, which are considered a sensitive species. At least 55 species of six trophic guilds (insectivores, granivores, carnivores, nectivores, omnivores, and frugivores) used the orchards. Orchards provide adequate habitat and food resources for several sensitive species of resident and migratory sparrows. The attributes that make orchards important for birds: trees, shrubs, herb seeds, and open patches can be managed to maintain native biodiversity in highly anthropized regions with an urgent need to find convergence between production and biological conservation. © 2017 Mellink et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

agroecosystem, carnivore, chin, conservation biology, driver, frugivore, granivore, habitat, human, insectivore, landscape, nonhuman, omnivore, orchard, resident, seasonal variation, shrub, sparrow, theoretical model, agriculture, animal, biodiversit CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA

Vibrissa growth rate in California sea lions based on environmental and isotopic oscillations


Pinniped vibrissae provide information on changes in diet at seasonal and annual scales; however, species-specific growth patterns must first be determined in order to interpret these data. In this study, a simple linear model was used to estimate the growth rate of vibrissae from adult female California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) from San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The δ15N and δ13C values do not display a marked oscillatory pattern that would permit direct determination of the time period contained in each vibrissa; thus, time (age) was calculated in two ways: 1) based on the correlation between the observed number of peaks (Fourier series) in the δ15N profile and the length of each vibrissa, and 2) through direct comparison with the observed number of peaks in the δ15N profile. Cross-correlation confirmed that the two peaks in the δ15N profile reflected the two peaks in the chlorophyll-a concentration recorded annually around the island. The mean growth rate obtained from the correlation was 0.08 ± 0.01 mm d-1, while that calculated based on the observed number of peaks was 0.10 ± 0.05 mm d-1. Both are consistent with the rates reported for adult females of other otariid species (0.07 to 0.11 mm d-1). Vibrissa growth rates vary by individual, age, sex, and species; moreover, small differences in the growth rate can result in significant differences over the time periods represented by the isotopic signal. Thus, it is important to assess this parameter on a species-by-species basis. © 2018 Rosas-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

carbon, nitrogen, animal, California, chemistry, diet, female, island (geological), Mexico, Otariidae, physiology, Animals, California, Carbon Isotopes, Diet, Female, Islands, Mexico, Nitrogen Isotopes, Sea Lions CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Hyperiid amphipods from the Gulf of Ulloa and offshore region, Baja California: The possible role of the gelatinous zooplankton as a transport vector into the coastal shelf waters

Bertha Lavaniegos (2020, [Artículo])

Hyperiid amphipod species from the Gulf of Ulloa, Baja California, and the adjacent region (from the shelf break to 200 km offshore) were analyzed to evaluate diversity and abundances. This productive area supports small-scale commercial fisheries, including sand bass (Paralabrax nebulifer), California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus), abalones, clams, and others. Strong coastal upwelling events were observed during summer seasons of the period 2002-2008 between Punta Eugenia and Punta Abreojos. The upwelling plumes at Punta Abreojos are transported southward in slope waters bordering the coastal shelf of the Gulf of Ulloa, contributing to the separation of coastal and oceanic regions, and explain differences in amphipod diversity and abundances between both regions. In the offshore region, the most abundant species were Vibilia armata, Lestrigonus schizogeneios, Primno brevidens, and Eupronoe minuta, similar to previous findings in northern regions of Baja California and southern California. However, abundances of these species were lower (10-30 individuals/1000 m3), only reaching 20-50% of abundance levels reported off northern Baja California. In the coastal shelf of the Gulf of Ulloa, amphipods were virtually absent during 2002, 2003 and 2006. However, during 2004 and 2005, abundances of P. brevidens increased (54 and 20 ind/1000 m3, respectively). Moreover, during the late summer of 2007, abundances of L. schizogeneios, P. brevidens, Lycaea nasuta, Lycaea pulex, and Simorhynchotus antennarius increased considerably (261, 39, 31, 68, 416 ind/1000 m3, respectively), indicating occasional utilization of the coastal shelf by pelagic amphipods. Changes in gelatinous populations (medusae, siphonophores, ctenophores, doliolids, and salps) paralleled changes in hyperiid populations, with highest abundances in 2005-2008 in the coastal shelf. Significant correlations of 17 amphipod species with gelatinous taxa, which are often used as host organisms by hyperiid amphipods, suggest that gelatinous presence enhanced hyperiid abundance and promoted the progression of hyperiid amphipods onto the coastal shelf during parts of the 2002-2008 period. © 2020 Bertha E. Lavaniegos. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

abalone, Amphipoda, article, Baja California, clam, clinical article, Ctenophora, Eugenia, female, fishery, human, human experiment, male, medusa, nonhuman, Panulirus interruptus, plume, summer, zooplankton, Amphipoda, animal, California, ecosystem, CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Climate change and the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) population in Baja California, Mexico

M. Concepción García-Aguilar (2018, [Artículo])

The Earth0s climate is warming, especially in the mid- and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) breeds and haul-outs on islands and the mainland of Baja California, Mexico, and California, U.S.A. At the beginning of the 21st century, numbers of elephant seals in California are increasing, but the status of Baja California populations is unknown, and some data suggest they may be decreasing. We hypothesize that the elephant seal population of Baja California is experiencing a decline because the animals are not migrating as far south due to warming sea and air temperatures. Here we assessed population trends of the Baja California population, and climate change in the region. The numbers of northern elephant seals in Baja California colonies have been decreasing since the 1990s, and both the surface waters off Baja California and the local air temperatures have warmed during the last three decades. We propose that declining population sizes may be attributable to decreased migration towards the southern portions of the range in response to the observed temperature increases. Further research is needed to confirm our hypothesis; however, if true, it would imply that elephant seal colonies of Baja California and California are not demographically isolated which would pose challenges to environmental and management policies between Mexico and the United States. © 2018 García-Aguilar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

air temperature, article, Baja California, climate change, human, Mirounga angustirostris, nonhuman, population size, warming, animal, ecosystem, environmental protection, Mexico, Phocidae, population density, population migration, temperature, Anima CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Fortalecimiento de la salud mental en las instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de nivel medio superior y superior: un enfoque integral para la prevención del suicidio en las juventudes.

JUAN ANTONIO ENCISO GONZALEZ (2023, [Tesis de maestría])


La investigación de esta tesis surge de la necesidad de abordar uno de los desafíos más apremiantes en el ámbito de la salud pública: el crecimiento de los problemas de salud mental y el aumento de suicidios en la población joven en los últimos años.

El problema de salud mental, que afectaba a aproximadamente el 14% de la población mundial en 2019 según datos oficiales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, se ha agravado como resultado de la contingencia sanitaria provocada por el COVID-19. Este aumento es particularmente notable en el grupo de personas de entre 13 y 29 años. Según un estudio llevado a cabo en nueve países en 2020 por UNICEF, en el que participaron 8,444 jóvenes de ese grupo de edades, se reveló que el 27% de ellos informaron experimentar ansiedad, 15% depresión y 50% manifestaron sentirse menos motivados en realizar actividades que anteriormente disfrutaban.

Las tasas de suicidio, tanto en México como en el mundo, han experimentado cambios significativos después de la pandemia. En el caso de algunos estados, como Coahuila, se han registrado tasas de suicidio por encima del promedio nacional. En particular, la ciudad de Monclova, en Coahuila, ha registrado anualmente cifras que colocan al municipio con una tasa superior a la del país, alcanzando un máximo histórico de 13.45 suicidios para el año 2020, llegando a superar en casi 5 puntos la tasa estatal y en más de 7 puntos la tasa nacional para ese mismo año, de acuerdo a los datos proporcionados por la Fiscalía General del Estado de Coahuila y el INEGI.

Para comprender y abordar los desafíos de la salud mental en las y los jóvenes, se tomó como enfoque el entorno educativo, donde se concentra una parte significativa de esta población y se desarrolló una investigación con base en un enfoque mixto, combinando métodos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos que consistieron, estos últimos, en un par de entrevistas semi estructuradas con dos grupos de participantes clave. En primer lugar, un grupo comprendido por 13 profesionales en la salud mental de la ciudad de Monclova, quienes abordaron la problemática desde su perspectiva y experiencia con la atención a jóvenes de la localidad. En segundo, un grupo de 10 estudiantes de distintos planteles educativos de la ciudad, tanto públicos como privados, de los niveles medio superior y superior, los cuales abordaron diversas áreas de oportunidad entorno a la atención a la salud mental y prevención del suicidio que existe tanto en sus planteles educativos, como por parte de los tres órdenes de gobierno. Con la información obtenida derivada de las intervenciones de los psicólogos y estudiantes entrevistados, se ha logrado identificar áreas de oportunidad críticas y proporcionar recomendaciones valiosas para mejorar la atención a la salud mental y la prevención del suicidio en el entorno educativo.

El presente estudio también ha subrayado la importancia de la colaboración intersectorial, involucrando tanto a las instituciones educativas como a los gobiernos a nivel local, estatal y federal, ya que se necesita una estrategia integral y coordinada que aborde los desafíos de la salud mental en los jóvenes desde múltiples frentes, la cual se propone a través de una serie de instrumentos de política pública que se plasman en esta investigación y que sientan las bases para una política pública robusta.

Maestro en Administración Pública y Política Pública


Importancia de la integración del aprendizaje de inteligencia emocional en el currículo escolar

ROSINA TAMEZ ALMAGUER (2022, [Tesis de maestría])

Este proyecto de educación comparada se enfoca en investigar la inclusión del aprendizaje de inteligencia emocional en el currículo de programas educativos de nivel bachillerato a nivel global. A medida que la conciencia sobre la importancia de la salud mental se deja atrás, este estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar la falta de enfoque de inteligencia emocional en estos programas y analizar las posibles repercusiones negativas de ello en sus estudiantes.

La investigación se basa en un análisis comparativo de programas educativos de nivel bachillerato radicando en diferentes regiones consideradas desarrolladas, abarcando diversas culturas y sistemas educativos en los que se examinarán sus programas curriculares, prácticas pedagógicas y niveles de exigencia para identificar la presencia o ausencia de componentes relacionados a las competencias de inteligencia emocional.

Los hallazgos muestran una tendencia generalizada hacia la omisión de la práctica o impartición de conocimientos de inteligencia emocional en sus programas educativos, lo que plantea preocupaciones importantes para la salud mental, emocional y física de sus estudiantes al enfrentarse a los diversos retos impuestos por los mismos programas, creando una competitividad académica cada vez más compleja de sobrevivir al tener una menor capacidad para lidiar con el estrés, relaciones interpersonales y un potencial impacto en su desempeño académico y profesional a largo plazo (Vestad, et al., 2021).

Este proyecto busca generar conciencia sobre la necesidad de incluir el aprendizaje de inteligencia emocional en cualquier plantel educativo. Proporcionando evidencia que respalda la implementación de cambios educativos que promueven un desarrollo integral de los estudiantes, no sólo académicamente sino también humanamente.

Maestría en Educación


Rapid effects of marine reserves via larval dispersal

Richard Cudney Bueno (2009, [Artículo])

Marine reserves have been advocated worldwide as conservation and fishery management tools. It is argued that they can protect ecosystems and also benefit fisheries via density-dependent spillover of adults and enhanced larval dispersal into fishing areas. However, while evidence has shown that marine reserves can meet conservation targets, their effects on fisheries are less understood. In particular, the basic question of if and over what temporal and spatial scales reserves can benefit fished populations via larval dispersal remains unanswered. We tested predictions of a larval transport model for a marine reserve network in the Gulf of California, Mexico, via field oceanography and repeated density counts of recently settled juvenile commercial mollusks before and after reserve establishment. We show that local retention of larvae within a reserve network can take place with enhanced, but spatially-explicit, recruitment to local fisheries. Enhancement occurred rapidly (2 yrs), with up to a three-fold increase in density of juveniles found in fished areas at the downstream edge of the reserve network, but other fishing areas within the network were unaffected. These findings were consistent with our model predictions. Our findings underscore the potential benefits of protecting larval sources and show that enhancement in recruitment can be manifested rapidly. However, benefits can be markedly variable within a local seascape. Hence, effects of marine reserve networks, positive or negative, may be overlooked when only focusing on overall responses and not considering finer spatially-explicit responses within a reserve network and its adjacent fishing grounds. Our results therefore call for future research on marine reserves that addresses this variability in order to help frame appropriate scenarios for the spatial management scales of interest. © 2009 Cudney-Bueno et al.

article, environmental monitoring, fishery, larva, marine environment, marine species, Mexico, mollusc, nonhuman, oceanography, prediction, animal, biology, environmental protection, food industry, geography, growth, development and aging, larva, met CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Análisis de las inundaciones en la planicie tabasqueña en el periodo 1995-2010

Felipe Arreguin RAMON DOMINGUEZ MORA Faustino de Luna Cruz (2014, [Artículo])

Se analizan los factores que influyen en las inundaciones de la planicie tabasqueña, como la ausencia de ordenamiento

territorial adecuado, la deforestación de la parte alta de las cuencas, un falso concepto de disminución del régimen hidrológico asociado con la construcción de las grandes presas en el río Grijalva y el cambio climático. Para el periodo

1995-2010 se hace una revisión de las precipitaciones, escurrimientos, manejo de las presas de la cuenca del río Grijalva e inundaciones; se presentan las acciones que se han tomado para reducir los riesgos de inundación a la población durante ese periodo, incluyendo el Programa Integral de Control de Inundaciones y el Programa Hídrico Integral de Tabasco, señalando la diferencia conceptual entre ellos. El objeto del presente artículo es describir la evolución de las aproximaciones de solución al problema de reducción de desastres por inundación en la planicie Tabasqueña, la gestión de embalses y una propuesta de gestión del territorio basado en la aplicación de un modelo numérico hidráulico bidimensional y un nomograma de resistencia al vuelco.

Inundaciones Control de crecidas Mitigación del riesgo Grijalva-Usumacinta CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA