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Taller: "Aprovechamiento De Los Atlas Moleculares De Maíz Y Trigo." Diciembre 2015

Carolina Sansaloni Cesar Petroli Jorge Franco Gordon Stephen Sebastian Raubach Sarah Hearne Kate Dreher (2015, [Dataset])

PROPÓSITO GENERAL DE APRENDIZAJE: Al finalizar el taller, los participantes serán capaces de utilizar los atlas moleculares de maíz y trigo para el estudio, conservac ión y aprovechamiento de la diversidad genética. A través de un taller se desarrollarán capacidades en los participantes para que aprovechen los atlas moleculares de maíz y trigo generados por el proyecto MasAgro-Biodiversidad; para lo cual se utilizará la exposición, demostraciones prácticas, análisis de casos y discusiones grupales. Se desarrollarán los siguientes ejes temáticos: 1. Fundamentos de la técnica de genotipificación por secuenciación (GbS) 2. An álisis de la diversidad genética para su conservación y aprovechamiento 3. Utilización de los atlas moleculares de maíz y trigo desarrollados por MasAgro - Biodiversidad


Replication Data for: Sparse testing using genomic predication improves selection for breeding targets in elite spring wheat

Ravi Singh Kelly Robbins Jose Crossa Alison Bentley (2022, [Dataset])

In multi-environment yield trials, the use of sparse testing genomic selection enables increasing selection intensity or testing environments. The data presented in this dataset were used in the evaluation of different sparse testing genomic selection strategies in the early yield testing stage of CIMMYT spring wheat breeding pipeline. Phenotypic, genotypic, and coefficient of parentage data are provided. The germplasm is made up of multiple populations each with small family sizes. The findings of the study are detailed in an accompanying article.


Crop types of the Yaqui Valley during the 2016-17 winter growing season

Urs Schulthess Iván Ortíz-Monasterios (2021, [Dataset])

Our study region is located in the northwest of Mexico, in the Yaqui Valley, where most farmers predominantly grow crops under irrigated conditions during the winter months. Sowing typically starts in late October. Dry bean is one of the first crops to be sown (Table 1). Wheat, the dominant crop, is usually sown between mid-November and mid-December, however, some fields are sown as late as early January. Among the other eight crops that will be referred to as minority crops in this study, maize and chickpea were the most important ones. The last crop to be sown during the winter months is safflower. It is typically sown in March or April, after field pea or fallow. Sen2-Agri allows for the identification of only one crop per field and season, we therefore did not include it in the study. The Yaqui Valley also is an important producer of various types of vegetables. Their production is quite dynamic. The growth cycle of vegetables tends to be quite short and often, they do not have a distinct seasonality. Broccoli and different types of tomatoes are the most important ones. We also included some permanent crops such as asparagus, alfalfa and pasture (grassland), as well as tree fruit and nuts, categorized as orchard. Alfalfa and pasture were categorized as forage crop. The planners of the Yaqui Valley irrigation scheme had divided the land into blocks, measuring 2 by 2 km. The blocks were then further subdivided into 40 lots, each measuring 10 ha. The blocks and lots were numbered consecutively. At the beginning of the winter growing season, the irrigation district, called Distrito del Riego del Rio Yaqui, requires each farmer to declare the type of crop they plan to grow on each irrigated lot. The irrigation district kindly shared those data with us. Most farmers do not follow the initial lot boundaries anymore. Some lots got split up, whereas in the majority of cases, lots were merged. If farmers had merged several lots, they would use the number of their first lot as an anchor and also report the area of the entire field, i.e., the merged lots, that was planted with the same crop. This then allowed us to visually match the reported data with the crop fields. Based on the farmer's declarations, which include the crop type, block, lot and field size, the crop types were then assigned to the field boundaries which had been manually drawn beforehand, using a Sentinel-2 image from March 13, 2017 as a background. This resulted in 6048 labeled fields. The average area of a field was 11.5 ha.


Replication Data for: Sparse multi-trait genomic prediction under incomplete block designs

Osval Antonio Montesinos-Lopez Brandon Alejandro Mosqueda González JOSAFHAT SALINAS RUIZ Abelardo Montesinos Jose Crossa (2022, [Dataset])

The efficiency of genomic selection methodologies can be increased by sparse testing where a subset of materials are evaluated in different environments. Seven different multi-environment plant breeding datasets were used to evaluate four different methods for allocating lines to environments in a multi-trait genomic prediction problem. The results of the analysis are presented in the accompanying article.


42nd Elite Selection Wheat Yield Trial

Ravi Singh Carolina Saint Pierre (2022, [Dataset])

The Elite Selection Wheat Yield Trial (ESWYT) is a replicated yield trial that contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents the optimally irrigated, low rainfall areas. Major stresses include leaf, stem and yellow rusts, Karnal bunt, and lodging. Representative areas include the Gangetic Valley (India), the Indus Valley (Pakistan), the Nile Valley (Egypt), irrigated river valleys in parts of China (e.g. Chengdu), and the Yaqui Valley (Mexico). This ME encompasses 36 million hectares spread primarily over Asia and Africa between 350S -350N latitudes. White (amber)-grained types are preferred by consumers of wheat in the vast majority of the areas. It is distributed to upto 200 locations and contains 50 entries.


54th International Bread Wheat Screening Nursery

Ravi Singh Carolina Saint Pierre (2022, [Dataset])

The International Bread Wheat Screening Nursery (IBWSN) is designed to rapidly assess a large number of advanced generation (F3-F7) lines of spring bread wheat under Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents diversity for a wide range of latitudes, climates, daylengths, fertility conditions, water management, and (most importantly) disease conditions. The distribution of these nurseries is deliberately biased toward the major spring wheat regions of the world where the diseases of wheat are of high incidence. It is distributed to 180 locations and contains 300-450 entries.


Wheat Blast Data for the 50th to 51st International Durum Screening Nursery

Pawan Singh Xinyao He (2022, [Dataset])

Wheat head blast index (%) data for the 50th to 51st IDSN is presented. Field trials took place in Quirusillas and Okinawa (Bolivia) and Jashore (Bangladesh) during the 2019 to 2021 cycles. Two sowings were made in each location/cycle.


Evaluation of different varieties of barley, triticale and wheat under irrigation conditions in Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México.

Ravi Gopal Singh (2022, [Dataset])

Different varieties of barley (4 varieties), triticale (4 varieties) and wheat (8 varieties) where evaluated under irrigation conditions in Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México, during 2016 and 2017.