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Hari Sankar Nayak C.M. Parihar Shankar Lal Jat ML JAT Ahmed Abdallah (2022, [Artículo])
Non-Linear Growth Model Nitrogen Remobilization Right Placement Precision Nitrogen Management CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA GROWTH MODELS NITROGEN NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT
João Vasco Silva Pytrik Reidsma (2024, [Artículo])
Nitrogen (N) management is essential to ensure crop growth and to balance production, economic, and environmental objectives from farm to regional levels. This study aimed to extend the WOFOST crop model with N limited production and use the model to explore options for sustainable N management for winter wheat in the Netherlands. The extensions consisted of the simulation of crop and soil N processes, stress responses to N deficiencies, and the maximum gross CO2 assimilation rate being computed from the leaf N concentration. A new soil N module, abbreviated as SNOMIN (Soil Nitrogen for Organic and Mineral Nitrogen module) was developed. The model was calibrated and evaluated against field data. The model reproduced the measured grain dry matter in all treatments in both the calibration and evaluation data sets with a RMSE of 1.2 Mg ha−1 and the measured aboveground N uptake with a RMSE of 39 kg N ha−1. Subsequently, the model was applied in a scenario analysis exploring different pathways for sustainable N use on farmers' wheat fields in the Netherlands. Farmers' reported yield and N fertilization management practices were obtained for 141 fields in Flevoland between 2015 and 2017, representing the baseline. Actual N input and N output (amount of N in grains at harvest) were estimated for each field from these data. Water and N-limited yields and N outputs were simulated for these fields to estimate the maximum attainable yield and N output under the reported N management. The investigated scenarios included (1) closing efficiency yield gaps, (2) adjusting N input to the minimum level possible without incurring yield losses, and (3) achieving 90% of the simulated water-limited yield. Scenarios 2 and 3 were devised to allow for soil N mining (2a and 3a) and to not allow for soil N mining (2b and 3b). The results of the scenario analysis show that the largest N surplus reductions without soil N mining, relative to the baseline, can be obtained in scenario 1, with an average of 75%. Accepting negative N surpluses (while maintaining yield) would allow maximum N input reductions of 84 kg N ha−1 (39%) on average (scenario 2a). However, the adjustment in N input for these pathways, and the resulting N surplus, varied strongly across fields, with some fields requiring greater N input than used by farmers.
Gerald Blasch David Hodson Francelino Rodrigues (2023, [Artículo])
Very high (spatial and temporal) resolution satellite (VHRS) and high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery provides the opportunity to develop new crop disease detection methods at early growth stages with utility for early warning systems. The capability of multispectral UAV, SkySat and Pleiades imagery as a high throughput phenotyping (HTP) and rapid disease detection tool for wheat rusts is assessed. In a randomized trial with and without fungicide control, six bread wheat varieties with differing rust resistance were monitored using UAV and VHRS. In total, 18 spectral features served as predictors for stem and yellow rust disease progression and associated yield loss. Several spectral features demonstrated strong predictive power for the detection of combined wheat rust diseases and the estimation of varieties’ response to disease stress and grain yield. Visible spectral (VIS) bands (Green, Red) were more useful at booting, shifting to VIS–NIR (near-infrared) vegetation indices (e.g., NDVI, RVI) at heading. The top-performing spectral features for disease progression and grain yield were the Red band and UAV-derived RVI and NDVI. Our findings provide valuable insight into the upscaling capability of multispectral sensors for disease detection, demonstrating the possibility of upscaling disease detection from plot to regional scales at early growth stages.
Manje Gowda Prasanna Boddupalli Kanwarpal Dhugga Vijay Chaikam (2023, [Artículo])
An efficient transformation method for genome editing of elite bread wheat cultivars
Akshaya Biswal Kanwarpal Dhugga (2023, [Artículo])
Particle Bombardment Wheat Growth-Regulating Factor 4 Wheat Growth-Interacting Factor Wheat Mildew Locus O CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CRISPR GENE EDITING TRANSFORMATION WHEAT
Variación morfológica de las hormigas Myrmecocystus de las dunas costeras de Baja California, México
Morphological variation of Myrmecocystus ants from the coastal dunes of Baja California, Mexico
Samuel Antonio Hernández Jiménez (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
La península de Baja California cuenta con dunas costeras aisladas sobre las cuales se distribuyen hormigas del género Myrmecocystus Snelling, 1976, cuya distribución se restringe en estos hábitats; la artropofauna de estas dunas es poco conocida. Se evaluaron las diferencias morfológicas de Myrmecocystus de seis poblaciones recolectadas a lo largo de la península de Baja California correspondientes a seis dunas. Para medir las diferencias morfológicas de las poblaciones, se analizaron 109 individuos, 20 por cada duna, a excepción de una duna en donde sólo se recolectaron nueve individuos. Para evaluar los cambios de forma intra e interpoblacionales, se analizaron dos estructuras morfológico-funcionales: 1) cabeza, incluyendo el clípeo relacionada con la competencia y alimentación y 2) tórax, incluyendo el propodeo, que muestra la diferencia de casta entre obreras. Con una cámara fija montada en un microscopio estereoscópico se tomaron 198 microfotografías digitales, para evaluar cambios de forma mediante un análisis de morfometría geométrica. Se detectaron diferencias asociadas al aislamiento geográfico. La variación observada en la cabeza puede ayudar a diferenciar las poblaciones del norte de la península (Santa Rosaliíta, Punta Mazo, Guerrero Negro y Punta Abreojos) y las del sur (Las Barrancas y Bahía Magdalena), la variación morfológica del tórax no mostró diferencias significativas. Existen variaciones intraespecíficas que podrían ser consecuencia de las condiciones ambientales (fenotípicas) o por procesos aleatorios como la deriva génica. El presente estudio arroja datos de la variación morfológica de seis poblaciones que representan dos especies de Myrmecocystus aun no descritas para la península de Baja California. Estos resultados repercutirán en la descripción y un aumento documentado de la biodiversidad de la artropofauna bajacaliforniana.
The Baja California peninsula has isolated coastal dunes on which ants of the genus Myrmecocystus Snelling, 1976 are distributed, whose distribution is restricted in these habitats; The arthropofauna of these dunes is poorly understood. The morphological differences of Myrmecocystus were evaluated from six populations collected along the Baja California peninsula corresponding to six dunes. To measure the morphological differences of the populations, 109 individuals were analyzed, 20 for each dune, except for one dune where only nine individuals were collected. To evaluate intra- and interpopulation shape changes, two morphological-functional structures were analyzed: 1) head, including the clypeus related to competition and feeding, and 2) thorax, including the propodeum, which shows the caste difference between workers. With a fixed camera mounted on a stereoscopic microscope, 198 digital microphotographs were taken to evaluate shape changes through a geometric morphometry analysis. Differences associated with geographic isolation were detected. The variation observed in the head can help to differentiate the populations of the north of the peninsula (Santa Rosaliíta, Punta Mazo, Guerrero Negro, and Punta Abreojos) and those of the south (Las Barrancas and Magdalena Bay), the morphological variation of the thorax did not show significant differences. There are intraspecific variations that could be a consequence of environmental conditions (phenotypic) or random processes such as gene drift. The present study yields data on the morphological variation of six populations representing two species of Myrmecocystus not yet described for the Baja California peninsula. These results will have an impact on the description and a documented increase in the biodiversity of the Baja Californian arthropofauna.
Alometría, Especiación, Morfometría Geométrica, Forma, Especies no descritas Allotometry, Speciation, Geometric Morphometry, Shape, Undescribed Species BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA) MORFOLOGÍA DE LOS INSECTOS MORFOLOGÍA DE LOS INSECTOS
Marcelo Vidal Curiel Bernal (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
"La presente tesis aborda una investigación sobre la biología, ecología y crecimiento de la Totoaba macdonaldi en el alto golfo de California. La totoaba, una especie endémica a esta región se encuentra actualmente en peligro de extinción debido a una serie de amenazas como: cambios en su ecosistema reproductivo y de crianza, pesca, incidental de juveniles e ilegal de adultos. Aunque en los últimos 30 años la población dio signos de recuperación, existen indicios de que tanto la población adulta como las abundancias de larvas presentan una tendencia decreciente. Lo que resalta la importancia de estudiar cómo la variabilidad ambiental incide en la distribución y abundancia de larvas de totoaba y subsecuentemente en el stock recluta de la especie. El estudio comienza con un análisis de la variabilidad del crecimiento individual en etapas juveniles y adultas de la totoaba. Para este propósito, se utiliza la varianza observada como elemento clave para parametrizar modelos de crecimiento individual. Los resultados indican que este enfoque proporciona estimaciones sólidas de los parámetros de crecimiento. A continuación, se investiga el crecimiento de las larvas de totoaba en condiciones de cultivo. Los datos revelan que un modelo sigmoideo describe mejor el crecimiento y se identifican dos puntos de inflexión en el crecimiento de las larvas. Estos hallazgos tienen importantes implicaciones para la cría y el cultivo de la totoaba para efectos de repoblación. Por último, se analiza la ecología y el transporte de las larvas de totoaba en el alto golfo de California. Se identifica una ventana óptima para el desove de la totoaba en términos de temperatura y concentración de clorofila, y se sugiere que las condiciones ambientales y la distribución de los adultos pueden influir en las abundancias de larvas en diferentes años. Además, se destaca la importancia del frente permanente al sur del alto golfo de California como una posible zona de acumulación de larvas como factor que contribuye al endemismo en la región. En conjunto, esta tesis representa un enfoque multidisciplinario para comprender los aspectos clave de la biología, ecología y crecimiento de la totoaba en el alto golfo de California. Los resultados proporcionan información valiosa para la conservación de esta especie amenazada y destacan la importancia de un enfoque integral en la gestión de los recursos marinos en esta región única."
"The following thesis addresses a research on the biology, ecology, and growth of Totoaba macdonaldi in the upper gulf of California. The totoaba, a fish species endemic to this region, is currently endangered due to a series of threats such as: changes in its reproductive and breeding ecosystem, juvenile bycatch, and illegal fishing. Although over the last 30 years, the population has shown signs of recovery, there are indications that both the adult population and larval abundances are on a declining trend. This underscores the importance of studying how environmental variability affects the distribution and abundance of totoaba larvae and subsequently the recruitment stock of the species. The study begins with an analysis of growth in juvenile and adult stages of the totoaba. For this purpose, observed variance is used to parameterize individual growth models. Results indicate that this approach provides robust estimates of growth parameters. Next, the growth of cultivated totoaba larvae is investigated. The data reveal that a sigmoid model better describes the growth in the early life stages of the totoaba, and two inflection points in larval growth are identified. These findings have important implications for the breeding and cultivation of the totoaba for restocking purposes. Finally, the ecology and transport of totoaba larvae in the upper gulf of California are analyzed. An optimal window for totoaba spawning in terms of temperature and chlorophyll concentration is identified, and it is suggested that environmental conditions and the distribution of adults may influence larval abundances in different years. Additionally, the importance of the permanent front to the south of the upper gulf of California is highlighted as a possible larval accumulation zone and a contributing factor to endemism in the region. Overall, this thesis represents a multidisciplinary approach to understanding key aspects of the biology, ecology, and growth of the totoaba in the upper gulf of California. The results provide valuable information for the conservation of this threatened species and underscore the importance of a comprehensive approach in the management of marine resources in this unique region."
Variabilidad ambiental, crecimiento, dispersión, rutas larvarias Environmental variability, growth, dispersion, larval routes CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PROPAGACIÓN Y ORDENACIÓN PROPAGACIÓN Y ORDENACIÓN
Using Observed Residual Error Structure Yields the Best Estimates of Individual Growth Parameters
"Obtaining the best possible estimates of individual growth parameters is essential in studies of physiology, fisheries management, and conservation of natural resources since growth is a key component of population dynamics. In the present work, we use data of an endangered fish species to demonstrate the importance of selecting the right data error structure when fitting growth models in multimodel inference. The totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is a fish species endemic to the Gulf of California increasingly studied in recent times due to a perceived threat of extinction. Previous works estimated individual growth using the von Bertalanffy model assuming a constant variance of length-at-age. Here, we reanalyze the same data under five different variance assumptions to fit the von Bertalanffy and Gompertz models. We found consistent significant differences between the constant and nonconstant error structure scenarios and provide an example of the consequences using the growth performance index _0 to show how using the wrong error structure can produce growth parameter values that can lead to biased conclusions. Based on these results, for totoaba and other related species, we recommend using the observed error structure to obtain the individual growth parameters."
LORENA PATRICIA LINACRE ROJAS (2021, [Objeto de congreso])
This study assessed the cell carbon content and biomass for genera of dinoflagellates and diatoms in the oceanic ecosystem of the Southern Gulf of Mexico. Carbon content estimates were based on biovolume calculations derived from linear dimension measurements of individual cells and the approximate geometric body shape of each genus. Then, biomass assessments were performed for both groups in two gulf regions (Perdido and Coatzacoalcos) using these carbon content factors and cell abundances. After four seasonal cruises, 11,817 cells of dinoflagellates and 3,412 cells of diatoms were analyzed. Diverse body shapes and cell sizes were observed among 46 dinoflagellate genera and 37 diatom genera. Nano-cells of dinoflagellates (68% <20 μm) and micro-cells of diatoms (77% 20–200 μm, mostly 50–75 μm) were predominant. According to this cell-size structure, on average, diatoms contained 40% more carbon per cell than dinoflagellates. Contrasting carbon content estimates were observed within the genera of both microalgae. Large carbon averages (>10,000 pg C cell-1) were attributed to Gonyaulacal and some occasional genera of dinoflagellates (e.g., Pyrocystis and Noctiluca) and centric diatoms. In contrast, values up to 3 orders of magnitude lower were found for Peridinial and Gymnodinial dinoflagellates and pennate diatoms. Based on these carbon content estimates, which can be considered representative for most of this oceanic ecosystem, seasonal and regional differences were found in the biomass assessments conducted for these functional groups. Overall, dinoflagellates (mostly low-carbon Gymnodinales) had larger depth-integrated biomass than diatoms (mainly rich-carbon centric forms) within the euphotic zone. An exception to it was the late-summer cruise at the Coatzacoalcos region when a surface bloom of centric diatoms was observed in stations influenced by river runoff. This work contributes useful reference information for future ecological studies and models for understanding the biogeochemical functioning of this open-ocean ecosystem. © 2021 Linacre et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
JEHIEL ZACIL RETANA ARELLANO (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
"El Golfo de Ulloa (GU) es un ecosistema de gran importancia socioeconómica y ecológica por su abundancia de recursos; se encuentra localizado en la costa occidental de Baja California Sur (BCS) bajo la influencia de la Corriente de California (CC). Debido a las artes de pesca empleadas en la zona, existe la interacción incidental con especies que no son el objetivo de la pesca, tal es el caso de las tortugas marinas, todas ellas sujetas a protección especial en la legislación nacional e internacional, sin embargo, a la fecha se desconoce una medición puntual de estas interacciones en el área; al respecto, en el presente trabajo se caracterizaron y dimensionaron las interacciones entre la actividad pesquera realizada con chinchorros y dos especies de tortugas marinas en la zona; para ello se consideró la información obtenida durante el censo pesquero de 2015 así como también la base de datos con información de avistamientos e interacciones de tortugas marinas con las actividades extractivas de la pesca realizada de junio 2015 a julio de 2016. Sobre la base de la información analizada, se registraron 5,661 chinchorros, de los cuales, el 95 % cumple con las medidas autorizadas en los permisos de pesca correspondientes. Por su parte, se registraron 458 avistamientos de tortugas marinas, de los cuales, el 56 % correspondió a tortuga amarilla y el resto a tortuga verde. Las interacciones de las tortugas con los sitios activos de pesca se categorizaron como: (1) viva sin enredo; (2) muerta sin enredo; (3) viva con enredo; y (4) muerta con enredo. Considerando ambas especies y estas categorías, para el periodo analizado, se observaron 85 registros, de los cuales, seis correspondieron a la categoría 1; cinco en la categoría 2; 42 en la categoría 3; y 32 en la categoría 4. Se determinó que la tortuga verde presentó mayor interacción (68.23 %) con respecto a la tortuga amarilla, con registros máximos en junio para ambas especies. Sobre estos registros, se creó un índice de interacción de artes de pesca y las tortugas marinas (IIAT), con el cual, se observó que el área de alto riesgo y daño dentro de la ZRP es muy reducida (<1 % del área total). Adicionalmente, a través de un análisis de probabilidad de Poisson se determinó que es considerablemente más probable (≈30 %) observar una tortuga viva y sin enredo que en cualesquiera de las otras tres categorías para las que se calculó una probabilidad máxima de observación de ≈12 % por cada cuadrante de 10 x 10 km..."
"The Gulf of Ulloa (GU) is an ecosystem of significant socioeconomic and ecological importance due to its abundance of resources. It is located on the western coast of Baja California Sur (BCS) and is influenced by the California Current (CC). Due to the fishing methods used in the area, there is bycatch with species that are not the target of fishing, such as sea turtles, all of which are subject to special protection under national and international legislation. However, there has been no specific measurement of these interactions in the area. In this study, the interactions between fishing activities using seine nets and two species of sea turtles in the area were characterized and quantified. The information obtained during the 2015 census and the database containing information on sea turtle sightings and interactions with fishing activities from June 2015 to July 2016 was considered. Based on the analyzed information, 5,661 seine nets were recorded, of which 95 % complied with the authorized measures in the corresponding fishing permits. Additionally, 458 sea turtle sightings were recorded, with 56 % corresponding to yellow turtles and the rest to green turtles. The interactions of turtles with active fishing sites were categorized as: (1) alive without entanglement; (2) dead without entanglement; (3) alive with entanglement; and (4) dead with entanglement. Considering both species and these categories, 85 records were observed during the analyzed period, of which six corresponded to category 1, five to category 2, 42 to category 3, and 32 to category 4. It was determined that the green turtle had a higher interaction rate (68.23 %) compared to the yellow turtle, with peak records in June for both species. Based on these records, an index of interaction between fishing gear and sea turtles (IIAT) was created. It was observed that the area of high risk and damage within the ZRP (Fishery Refuge Area) is very small (<1 % of the total area). Additionally, a Poisson probability analysis determined that it is considerably more likely (≈30 %) to observe an alive without entanglement turtle than in any of the other three categories, for which the maximum observation probability was ≈12 % for each 10 x 10 km quadrant..."
tortuga marina, captura incidental, pesca y conservación, refugio pesquero Sea turtle, bycatch, fishing and conservation, Fishery Refuge Area CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PROTECCIÓN DE LOS PECES PROTECCIÓN DE LOS PECES