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De Novo assembly and annotation of the Pacific calico scallop (Argopecten ventricosus) transcriptome for immune-related gene discovery

RUTH ESCAMILLA MONTES GENARO DIARTE PLATA GABRIELA BERENICE MENDOZA MALDONADO Aarón Barraza Celis Carlos Eliud Angulo Valadez Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar Jesús Arturo Fierro Coronado ANTONIO LUNA GONZALEZ (2022, [Artículo])

"Invertebrates' immune defense mechanisms play a critical role in pathogen recognition and elimination. De novo assembly and annotation of the Argopecten ventricosus transcriptome were performed for the immune-related gene identification. Scallops (height: 4.4 cm) were challenged with inactivated Vibrio parahaemolyticus IPNGS16. The RNA from different tissues was pooled for a single cDNA library construction sequenced by NextSeq 500 platform 2×75 paired‐end chemistry. Before de novo assembling with Trinity, reads were analyzed with FastQC, Trimmomatic, and Prinseq. Assembled sequences were analyzed by CD-HIT-EST and TransDecoder. The corresponding annotation was performed against NCBI-nr, RefSeq protein, and KAAS (KEGG) databases. The Trinity assembly yielded 107,516 contigs. TransDecoder yielded 25,285 sequences as CDSs of which, 16,123 were annotated against the NCBI-nr protein, most of them scored with Crassostrea gigas data. Gene ontology mapped sequences (15,262) were classified in molecular functions (~13,000), cellular components (~11,000), and biological processes (~13,000). The KAAS analysis showed biological categories for metabolism (13%), cellular processes (12%), genetic information processing (10%), organismal systems (19%), environmental information (13%), and human diseases (33 %). Within the organismal systems, 467 immune-related genes (KO) were identified. Sixty-four immune-related genes were annotated/blasted against the NCBI-nr and RefSeq protein databases. An RT-qPCR was performed to analyze the expression level of immune-related genes obtained in the transcriptome analysis in scallops (height 4.5 cm) treated with probiotic bacilli added to culture water. Bacilli significantly increased the expression of the HSP70 and PGRP genes. The gene transcripts analysis of A. ventricosus will better understand its immune response against pathogens in culture systems."

Argopecten ventricosus, calico scallop, transcriptome, bivalve, immune genes BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) INMUNOLOGÍA INMUNOLOGÍA

Gene expression in primary hemocyte culture of the Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei infected with different white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) strains


"Five previously analyzed white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) strains from northwest Mexico,differing in their genome architecture as well as in virulence, were selected (high virulence JP and LG strains;moderate virulence GVE and DIV strains; and low virulence LC10 strain) to evaluate pathogenesis response in vitro. Expression of phagocytosis-activating protein PAP, manganese superoxide dismutase MnSOD and peroxiredoxin PRX, and two genes of immediate-early expression (IE1 and WSSV304) were measured by qPCR in a primary hemocyte cell culture from Penaeus vannamei at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h post-infection (hpi). PAP expression was significantly higher at 1 and 3 hpi, and JP and LC10 strains induced the highest expression. The response of MnSOD was high at 1 hpi, and a significant increase in PRX expression was detected at 3 hpi, probably due to the occurrence of an oxidative burst; expression levels of MnSOD and PRX were significantly higher at 1 and 3 hpi, respectively, induced by the LG strain (high virulence), suggesting an acute response. In general, expression of most immune-related - genes decreased after the initial hours of infection. Expression levels of IE1 and WSSV304 were exceptionally high at 1 hpi in almost all five WSSV analyzed strains,confirming their efficient mechanism for replication and viral fitness. The results of this study do not show an accurate link between the genome size and WSSV virulence of the strains, albeit the strain with the smallest genome showed the highest virulence. All strains induced an early immune response in heterogeneous ways."

Penaeus vannamei, virulence, gene expression, viral fitness, viral pathogenesis, immune response BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL PATOLOGÍA ANIMAL