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deepmala sehgal Susanne Dreisigacker zafer mert EMEL SELMA OZER Alexey Morgounov (2016, [Dataset])
Turkish landraces were genotyped using GBS and phenotyped for grain yield and yield component traits and stripe rust resistance at three locations. The data was used for a genome wide association study and important marker-trait associations were identified.
46th International Bread Wheat Screening Nursery MAS data
Susanne Dreisigacker (2017, [Dataset])
The International Bread Wheat Screening Nursery (IBWSN) is designed to rapidly assess a large number of advanced generation (F3-F7) lines of spring bread wheat under Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents diversity for a wide range of latitudes, climates, daylengths, fertility conditions, water management, and (most importantly) disease conditions. The distribution of these nurseries is deliberately biased toward the major spring wheat regions of the world where the diseases of wheat are of high incidence. It is distributed to 180 locations and contains 300-450 entries.
14th Acid Soil Wheat Screening Nursery
Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Acid-Soils Wheat Screening Nursery (ASWSN) contains spring bread wheat germplasm adapted to areas affected by low pH that are predominately in Brazil, the highlands of central Africa, and the Himalayas; the total estimated area is close to 2 million hectares. Disease and stress problems are similar to ME2. However, aluminum and manganese toxicities, plus phosphorus deficiency, are major constraints to production. Red grain is generally preferred, except in the Himalayas. High-level quality is demanded, especially in Latin America.
8th Stress Adapted Trait Yield Nurseries
Matthew Paul Reynolds Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
Within the framework of SATYN, two types of nurseries are produced: SATYN series with odd numbers are lines for drought-stressed areas, and SATYN series with even numbers are lines for heat stress conditions. These nurseries have been phenotyped in the major wheat-growing mega environments through the International Wheat Improvement Network (IWIN) and the Cereal System Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) network, which included a total of 136 environments (site-year combinations) in major spring wheat-growing countries such as Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, and Pakistan.
Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Kenya 2011
Menale Kassie Gideon Obare (2016, [Dataset])
Based on the data collected during the reconnaissance survey, a total of five districts were selected for the baseline survey. Two districts were from western Kenya region (Bungoma and Siaya) and three districts from eastern Kenya region (Embu, Meru South and Imenti South). A total of 600 households were targeted for this survey (300 in each region). In western Kenya, each district was allocated 150 households. Similarly, in eastern Kenya, each district was allocated 100 households. Efforts were made to ensure representativeness of the sample depending on the population of the study areas. Proportionate random sampling was designed to select divisions from each district, locations from each division (see survey summary document on main project page), villages from each sub-location, and households from each village. The survey villages were randomly picked from the list prepared for each division in each district. Finally, the number of households to be surveyed in each village was proportional to the number of households in that village. A list of households was made from each of the selected village and surveyed households were randomly picked. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data.
Govindan Velu Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Harvest Plus Yield Trial (HPYT) contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to ME1 (Optimally Irrigated, low rainfall environment) and ME5 (Warmer area environment) environments. It has total 50 entries with 2 replications, white grain color and distributed to more than 70 locations.
Govindan Velu Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Harvest Plus Yield Trial (HPYT) contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to ME1 (Optimally Irrigated, low rainfall environment) and ME5 (Warmer area environment) environments. It has total 50 entries with 2 replications, white grain color and distributed to more than 70 locations.
3rd Stress Adapted Trait Yield Nurseries
Matthew Paul Reynolds Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
Within the framework of SATYN, two types of nurseries are produced: SATYN series with odd numbers are lines for drought-stressed areas, and SATYN series with even numbers are lines for heat stress conditions. These nurseries have been phenotyped in the major wheat-growing mega environments through the International Wheat Improvement Network (IWIN) and the Cereal System Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) network, which included a total of 136 environments (site-year combinations) in major spring wheat-growing countries such as Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, and Pakistan.
6th Harvest Plus Advanced Nursery
Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Harvest Plus Advanced Nursery (HPAN) contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to ME1 (Optimally Irrigated, low rainfall environment) and ME5 (Warmer area environment) environments. It has 100-200 entries with a single replication, white grain color and distributed to more than 35 locations.
4th Harvest Plus Advanced Nursery
Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
The Harvest Plus Advanced Nursery (HPAN) contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to ME1 (Optimally Irrigated, low rainfall environment) and ME5 (Warmer area environment) environments. It has 100-200 entries with a single replication, white grain color and distributed to more than 35 locations.