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"Se estimó el factor de condición (K), el índice gonadosomático (IGS), hepatosomático (IHS) y de grasa visceral (IGV), así como la composición bioquímica en diferentes tejidos de reproductores silvestres de cabrilla sardinera, Mycteroperca rosacea, para evaluarlos a lo largo de un ciclo reproductivo y ver la relación que presentan los cambios con respecto a la temperatura del agua y fotoperiodo de la zona de muestreo. Se capturaron 187 reproductores, 146 hembras y 41 machos en el golfo de California, México. Se observaron diferencias significativas (P < 0,005) en los IGS, IHS e IGV; en el caso de K no se encontraron diferencias. También, se observaron variaciones significativas (P < 0,05) en la mayoría de los parámetros bioquímicos, encontrándose los valores más altos durante la etapa de desove, mientras que los más bajos durante la etapa de reposo. Todos los índices estimados y los parámetros bioquímicos determinados, se correlacionaron significativamente (P < 0,05) con el fotoperiodo, mientras que solo se encontraron correlaciones significativas (P < 0,05) entre el IGS e IGV con respecto a la temperatura del agua."
"Condition factor (K), gonadosomatic index, (IGS), hepatosomatic index (IHS) and fat visceral index (IGV) were estimated and the biochemical composition in different tissues of wild leopard grouper broodstock was determinate too, in order to evaluate them along a reproductive cycle and see the relationship of these changes with respect to the water temperature and photoperiod in the sampling area. 187 brooders were caught, 146 females and 41 males in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Significant differences (P < 0.005) in the IGS, IHS and IGV but not for K were observed. Significant changes (P < 0.05) were also observed in most of the biochemical parameters, being the highest value during the spawning stage, whereas the lowest occurred during the resting stage. Significant correlations (P < 0.05) between all estimated indices and biochemical parameters were observed, while only significant correlations (P < 0.05) between the IGS and IGV with respect to water temperature."
Mycteroperca rosacea, cabrilla sardinera, ciclo reproductivo, composición bioquímica, fotoperiodo, temperatura, golfo de California wavelet sardine, reproductive cycle, biochemical composition, photoperiod, temperature, Gulf of California BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) FISIOLOGÍA ANIMAL FISIOLOGÍA ANIMAL
Using Observed Residual Error Structure Yields the Best Estimates of Individual Growth Parameters
"Obtaining the best possible estimates of individual growth parameters is essential in studies of physiology, fisheries management, and conservation of natural resources since growth is a key component of population dynamics. In the present work, we use data of an endangered fish species to demonstrate the importance of selecting the right data error structure when fitting growth models in multimodel inference. The totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is a fish species endemic to the Gulf of California increasingly studied in recent times due to a perceived threat of extinction. Previous works estimated individual growth using the von Bertalanffy model assuming a constant variance of length-at-age. Here, we reanalyze the same data under five different variance assumptions to fit the von Bertalanffy and Gompertz models. We found consistent significant differences between the constant and nonconstant error structure scenarios and provide an example of the consequences using the growth performance index _0 to show how using the wrong error structure can produce growth parameter values that can lead to biased conclusions. Based on these results, for totoaba and other related species, we recommend using the observed error structure to obtain the individual growth parameters."
Diet is a primary driver of the composition of gut microbiota and is considered one of the main routes of microbial colonization. Prey identification is fundamental for correlating the diet with the presence of particular microbial groups. The present study examined how diet influenced the composition and function of the gut microbiota of the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) in order to better understand the role of prey consumption in shaping its microbiota. This species is a good indicator of the quality of the local environment due to both its foraging and haul-out site fidelity. DNA was extracted from 20 fecal samples collected from five harbor seal colonies located in Baja California, Mexico. The V4 region of 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced using the Illumina technology. Results showed that the gut microbiota of the harbor seals was dominated by the phyla Firmicutes (37%), Bacteroidetes (26%) and Fusobacteria (26%) and revealed significant differences in its composition among the colonies. Funtional analysis using the PICRUSt software suggests a high number of pathways involved in the basal metabolism, such as those for carbohydrates (22%) and amino acids (20%), and those related to the degradation of persistent environmental pollutants. In addition, a DNA metabarcoding analysis of the same samples, via the amplification and sequencing of the mtRNA 16S and rRNA 18S genes, was used to identify the prey consumed by harbor seals revealing the consumption of prey with mainly demersal habits. Functional redundancy in the seal gut microbiota was observed, irrespective of diet or location. Our results indicate that the frequency of occurrence of specific prey in the harbor seal diet plays an important role in shaping the composition of the gut microbiota of harbor seals by influencing the relative abundance of specific groups of gut microorganisms. A significant relationship was found among diet, gut microbiota composition and OTUs assigned to a particular metabolic pathway. © 2019 Pacheco-Sandoval et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
RNA 16S, RNA 18S, amino acid analysis, animal food, Article, bacterium colony, Bacteroidetes, basal metabolic rate, biodegradation, controlled study, DNA barcoding, feces analysis, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, intestine flora, metabolism, Mexico, microb BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)
Suppression of breast tumor growth and metastasis by an engineered transcription factor
Adriana Beltran Lopez (2011, [Artículo])
Maspin is a tumor and metastasis suppressor playing an essential role as gatekeeper of tumor progression. It is highly expressed in epithelial cells but is silenced in the onset of metastatic disease by epigenetic mechanisms. Reprogramming of Maspin epigenetic silencing offers a therapeutic potential to lock metastatic progression. Herein we have investigated the ability of the Artificial Transcription Factor 126 (ATF-126) designed to upregulate the Maspin promoter to inhibit tumor progression in pre-established breast tumors in immunodeficient mice. ATF-126 was transduced in the aggressive, mesenchymal-like and triple negative breast cancer line, MDA-MB-231. Induction of ATF expression in vivo by Doxycycline resulted in 50% reduction in tumor growth and totally abolished tumor cell colonization. Genome-wide transcriptional profiles of ATF-induced cells revealed a gene signature that was found over-represented in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) "Normal-like" intrinsic subtype of breast cancer and in poorly aggressive, ER+ luminal A breast cancer cell lines. The comparison transcriptional profiles of ATF-126 and Maspin cDNA defined an overlapping 19-gene signature, comprising novel targets downstream the Maspin signaling cascade. Our data suggest that Maspin up-regulates downstream tumor and metastasis suppressor genes that are silenced in breast cancers, and are normally expressed in the neural system, including CARNS1, SLC8A2 and DACT3. In addition, ATF-126 and Maspin cDNA induction led to the re-activation of tumor suppressive miRNAs also expressed in neural cells, such as miR-1 and miR-34, and to the down-regulation of potential oncogenic miRNAs, such as miR-10b, miR-124, and miR-363. As expected from its over-representation in ER+ tumors, the ATF-126-gene signature predicted favorable prognosis for breast cancer patients. Our results describe for the first time an ATF able to reduce tumor growth and metastatic colonization by epigenetic reactivation of a dormant, normal-like, and more differentiated gene program. © 2011 Beltran et al.
artificial transcription factor 126, complementary DNA, doxycycline, estrogen receptor, maspin, microRNA, retrovirus vector, transcription factor, unclassified drug, estrogen receptor, serine proteinase inhibitor, SERPIN B5, SERPIN-B5, transcription BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)
Isotope analysis in feathers of the Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) to infer its trophic ecology
Andehui Danay Morales Flores (2024, [Tesis de maestría])
El análisis isotópico de plumas primarias utilizando las razones isotópicas δ13C y δ15N permitió estimar la amplitud y superposición del nicho trófico de los conjuntos de las colonias reproductivas de adultos y volantones del charrán mínimo. Se infirió la amplitud del nicho por medio del área de la elipse estándar estimada por métodos Bayesianos (SEAB), se encontró que existen diferencias entre el nicho trófico de adultos y volantones, pues los adultos tienen valores de la media SEAB de 16.3‰2 hasta 28.4‰2 y los volantones de 44.8‰2 hasta 75.5‰2, esto podría ser debido a diferencias en cuanto a las presas seleccionadas y la ubicación geográfica de los adultos durante la muda de las primarias. Por otro lado, la superposición del nicho indicó la similitud entre los adultos de diferentes colonias, por lo cual, se consideró que los adultos de algunas colonias podrían compartir un sitio de invernada o bien la temporalidad en la muda de las primarias. Además, se cumplió con el objetivo de caracterizar la variabilidad de las firmas isotópicas de carbono y nitrógeno durante el crecimiento secuencial de las plumas primarias por medio de los modelos aditivos generalizados y se observó la variabilidad entre las primarias utilizando las anomalías respecto a la media local de cada colonia, lo cual permitió diferenciar estrategias de alimentación específicas para ciertos conjuntos y la variabilidad en la dieta. La búsqueda bibliográfica de los sitios potenciales de migración en invierno más los mapas de gradientes isotópicos de δ13C permitió determinar que el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical es la región geográfica relacionada con la distribución δ13C en plumas primarias del charrán mínimo y es el sitio más probable de invernada.
The isotopic analysis of primary feathers using the isotopic ratios of δ13C and δ15N allowed the estimation of the breadth and overlap of the trophic niche of adult and fledgling least terns. Niche breadth was inferred through the standard ellipse area (SEAB) estimated by Bayesian methods. We found differences between the trophic niche of adults and fledglings, as adults presented mean SEAB values from 16.3‰2 to 28.4‰2 and fledglings from 44.8‰2 to 75.5‰2. This could be due to differences in the prey selected and the geographical location of the adults during the molt of the primaries. The overlap of these values among adults indicates similarity in prey selection and location between the adults of different colonies. Therefore, it was considered that the adults of some colonies could share a wintering site during the period of molt of the primary feathers. We characterized the variability of carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures during the sequential growth of primary feathers through generalized additive models and the variability between primaries using the anomalies of these signatures and the local mean for each colony. This allowed us to differentiate specific feeding strategies of individual least terns and the variability in their diet. The bibliographic search for potential migration and wintering sites found published maps of δ13C isotopic gradients in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean that correspond to the δ13C distribution in primary feathers of the least tern, indicating a potential wintering area for this species.
isótopos, carbono, nitrógeno, ave marina, ecología trófica isotopes, seabird, nitrogen, carbon, trophic ecology BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL (BOTÁNICA) ECOLOGÍA VEGETAL ECOLOGÍA VEGETAL
JEHIEL ZACIL RETANA ARELLANO (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
"El Golfo de Ulloa (GU) es un ecosistema de gran importancia socioeconómica y ecológica por su abundancia de recursos; se encuentra localizado en la costa occidental de Baja California Sur (BCS) bajo la influencia de la Corriente de California (CC). Debido a las artes de pesca empleadas en la zona, existe la interacción incidental con especies que no son el objetivo de la pesca, tal es el caso de las tortugas marinas, todas ellas sujetas a protección especial en la legislación nacional e internacional, sin embargo, a la fecha se desconoce una medición puntual de estas interacciones en el área; al respecto, en el presente trabajo se caracterizaron y dimensionaron las interacciones entre la actividad pesquera realizada con chinchorros y dos especies de tortugas marinas en la zona; para ello se consideró la información obtenida durante el censo pesquero de 2015 así como también la base de datos con información de avistamientos e interacciones de tortugas marinas con las actividades extractivas de la pesca realizada de junio 2015 a julio de 2016. Sobre la base de la información analizada, se registraron 5,661 chinchorros, de los cuales, el 95 % cumple con las medidas autorizadas en los permisos de pesca correspondientes. Por su parte, se registraron 458 avistamientos de tortugas marinas, de los cuales, el 56 % correspondió a tortuga amarilla y el resto a tortuga verde. Las interacciones de las tortugas con los sitios activos de pesca se categorizaron como: (1) viva sin enredo; (2) muerta sin enredo; (3) viva con enredo; y (4) muerta con enredo. Considerando ambas especies y estas categorías, para el periodo analizado, se observaron 85 registros, de los cuales, seis correspondieron a la categoría 1; cinco en la categoría 2; 42 en la categoría 3; y 32 en la categoría 4. Se determinó que la tortuga verde presentó mayor interacción (68.23 %) con respecto a la tortuga amarilla, con registros máximos en junio para ambas especies. Sobre estos registros, se creó un índice de interacción de artes de pesca y las tortugas marinas (IIAT), con el cual, se observó que el área de alto riesgo y daño dentro de la ZRP es muy reducida (<1 % del área total). Adicionalmente, a través de un análisis de probabilidad de Poisson se determinó que es considerablemente más probable (≈30 %) observar una tortuga viva y sin enredo que en cualesquiera de las otras tres categorías para las que se calculó una probabilidad máxima de observación de ≈12 % por cada cuadrante de 10 x 10 km..."
"The Gulf of Ulloa (GU) is an ecosystem of significant socioeconomic and ecological importance due to its abundance of resources. It is located on the western coast of Baja California Sur (BCS) and is influenced by the California Current (CC). Due to the fishing methods used in the area, there is bycatch with species that are not the target of fishing, such as sea turtles, all of which are subject to special protection under national and international legislation. However, there has been no specific measurement of these interactions in the area. In this study, the interactions between fishing activities using seine nets and two species of sea turtles in the area were characterized and quantified. The information obtained during the 2015 census and the database containing information on sea turtle sightings and interactions with fishing activities from June 2015 to July 2016 was considered. Based on the analyzed information, 5,661 seine nets were recorded, of which 95 % complied with the authorized measures in the corresponding fishing permits. Additionally, 458 sea turtle sightings were recorded, with 56 % corresponding to yellow turtles and the rest to green turtles. The interactions of turtles with active fishing sites were categorized as: (1) alive without entanglement; (2) dead without entanglement; (3) alive with entanglement; and (4) dead with entanglement. Considering both species and these categories, 85 records were observed during the analyzed period, of which six corresponded to category 1, five to category 2, 42 to category 3, and 32 to category 4. It was determined that the green turtle had a higher interaction rate (68.23 %) compared to the yellow turtle, with peak records in June for both species. Based on these records, an index of interaction between fishing gear and sea turtles (IIAT) was created. It was observed that the area of high risk and damage within the ZRP (Fishery Refuge Area) is very small (<1 % of the total area). Additionally, a Poisson probability analysis determined that it is considerably more likely (≈30 %) to observe an alive without entanglement turtle than in any of the other three categories, for which the maximum observation probability was ≈12 % for each 10 x 10 km quadrant..."
tortuga marina, captura incidental, pesca y conservación, refugio pesquero Sea turtle, bycatch, fishing and conservation, Fishery Refuge Area CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE PROTECCIÓN DE LOS PECES PROTECCIÓN DE LOS PECES