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23rd Semi-Arid Wheat Yield Trial
Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2017, [Dataset])
The Semi-Arid Wheat Yield Trial (SAWYT) is a replicated yield trial that contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to low rainfall, drought prone environments typically receiving less than 500 mm of water available during the cropping cycle. The combination of water-use efficiency and water responsive broad adaptation plus yield potential is important in drought environments where rainfall is frequently erratic across and within years. Stripe rust, leaf rust and stem rust, root rots, nematodes, and bunts are the key biotic constraints. Typical target environments include winter rain or Mediterranean-type drought associated with post-flowering moisture stress and heat stress such as those found at Aleppo (Syria), Settat (Morocco) and Marcos Juarez (Argentina), all classified by CIMMYT within Wheat Mega Environment 4 (Low rainfall, semi-arid environment; ME4: SA). It is distributed to 150 locations, and contains 50 entries.
Prediction of multiple-trait and multiple-environment genomic data using recommender systems
Osval Antonio Montesinos-Lopez Jose Crossa Ravi Singh Suchismita Mondal Philomin Juliana (2017, [Dataset])
In genomic-enabled prediction, the task of improving the accuracy of the prediction of lines in environments is difficult because the available information is generally sparse and usually has low correlations between traits. In current genomic selection, while researchers have a large amount of information and appropriate statistical models to process it, there is still limited computing efficiency to do so. Although statistical models are usually mathematically elegant, they are also computatio nally inefficient, and they are impractical for many traits, lines, environments, and years because they need to sample from huge normal multivariate distributions. For these reasons, this study explores two recommender systems: a) item-based collaborative filtering (IBCF; method M1) and b) the matrix factorization algorithm (method M2) in the context of multiple traits and multiple environments. The IBCF and matrix factorization methods were compared with two conventional methods on simulated and real data. Results of the simulated and real data sets show that the IBCF technique (method M1) was slightly better in terms of prediction accuracy than the two conventional methods and the matrix factorization method when the correlation was moderately high. The IBCF technique is very attractive because it produces good predictions when there is high correlation between items (environment-trait combinations) and its implementation is computationally feasible, which can be useful for plant breeders who deal with very large data sets.
1st to 10th High Temperature Wheat Yield Trial
Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2019, [Dataset])
CIMMYT annually distributes improved germplasm developed by its researchers and partners in international nurseries trials and experiments. The High Temperature Wheat Yield Trial (HTWYT) is a replicated yield trial that contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents high temperature areas.
Kai Sonder Guillaume Chomé (2017, [Dataset])
Use of remote sensing based radar images for zero tillage detection in Sinaloa (Municipality of Santiago, El Fuerte and Guasave), Mexico.
Kai Sonder Guillaume Chomé (2017, [Dataset])
Use of remote sensing based radar images for zero tillage detection in Guanajuato (Municipality of Valle de Santiago, Jaral del Progreso), Mexico.
Prashant Vikram Carolina Saint Pierre Thomas Payne Juan Burgueño Carolina Sansaloni (2017, [Dataset])
The Linked Topcross Population (LTP) was generated to introgress useful traits from wheat germplasm bank accessions, including synthetic hexaploids and landraces, into elite wheat varieties. In addition to generating pre-breeding materials selected for important traits such as heat and drought tolerance, this population has been used to generate data that can be useful for several applications, including genome-wide association studies.
1st to 23rd Elite Selection Wheat Yield Trial
Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2017, [Dataset])
The Elite Selection Wheat Yield Trial (ESWYT) is a replicated yield trial that contains spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents the optimally irrigated, low rainfall areas. Major stresses include leaf, stem and yellow rusts, Karnal bunt, and lodging. Representative areas include the Gangetic Valley (India), the Indus Valley (Pakistan), the Nile Valley (Egypt), irrigated river valleys in parts of China (e.g. Chengdu), and the Yaqui Valley (Mexico). This ME encompasses 36 million hectares spread primarily over Asia and Africa between 350S -350N latitudes. White (amber)-grained types are preferred by consumers of wheat in the vast majority of the areas. It is distributed to upto 200 locations and contains 50 entries.
Threat of wheat blast to South Asia’s food security: An ex-ante analysis
Khondoker Mottaleb Kai Sonder Gideon Kruseman Hans-Joachim Braun (2017, [Dataset])
Impacts of wheat blast disease on food security in South Asia- ex-ante impact study
TAMASA Ethiopia. Variety phenology calibration dataset, 2016
Experiments at five locations (Dedessa, Uke, Bako, Ambo, Holleta) in Ethiopia on an altitude gradient (1231 to 2351 m) to calibrate development or phenology of 20 maize varieties. There were two to three sowing dates at each location. Observations include dates of emergence, tassel, silking and maturity; biomass and grain yields.
46th International Durum Screening Nursery
Karim Ammar Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])
International Durum Screening Nursery (IDSN) distributes diverse CIMMYT-bred spring durum wheat germplasm adapted to irrigated and variable moisture stressed environments. Disease resistance and high industrial pasta quality are essential traits possessed in this germplasm. It is distributed to 100 locations, and contains 150 entries.