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Transcriptome mining provides insights into cell wall metabolism and fiber lignification in Agave tequilana Weber

Luis Fernando Maceda Lopez ELSA BEATRIZ GONGORA CASTILLO Enrique Ibarra-Laclette DALIA C. MORAN VELAZQUEZ AMARANTA GIRON RAMIREZ Matthieu Bourdon José Luis Villalpando Aguilar Gabriela Chavez-Calvillo Toomer John Tang Parastoo Azadi Jorge Manuel Santamaría Fernández Itzel López-Rosas Mercedes G Lopez June Simpson FULGENCIO ALATORRE COBOS (2022, [Artículo])

Resilience of growing in arid and semiarid regions and a high capacity of accumulating sugar-rich biomass with low lignin percentages have placed Agave species as an emerging bioen-ergy crop. Although transcriptome sequencing of fiber-producing agave species has been explored, molecular bases that control wall cell biogenesis and metabolism in agave species are still poorly understood. Here, through RNAseq data mining, we reconstructed the cellulose biosynthesis pathway and the phenylpropanoid route producing lignin monomers in A. tequilana, and evaluated their expression patterns in silico and experimentally. Most of the orthologs retrieved showed differential expression levels when they were analyzed in different tissues with contrasting cellulose and lignin accumulation. Phylogenetic and structural motif analyses of putative CESA and CAD proteins allowed to identify those potentially involved with secondary cell wall formation. RT-qPCR assays revealed enhanced expression levels of AtqCAD5 and AtqCESA7 in parenchyma cells associated with extraxylary fibers, suggesting a mechanism of formation of sclerenchyma fibers in Agave similar to that reported for xylem cells in model eudicots. Overall, our results provide a framework for un-derstanding molecular bases underlying cell wall biogenesis in Agave species studying mechanisms involving in leaf fiber development in monocots. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


Las patologías de los recubrimientos en muros y su repercusión en la salud respiratoria de los usuarios

Rosario Tovar (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

251 páginas. Doctorado en Diseño Bioclimático.

El nivel de calidad del aire interior (CAI) tiene incidencia directa en la salud humana, por eso, es objeto de estudio del diseño bioclimático, toda vez que éste promueve el aprovechamiento de los factores ambientales para la creación y acondicionamiento de espacios en los que los usuarios experimenten confort y bienestar. Además, de impulsar la construcción con sentido común, en donde prevalezca el uso racional de los recursos y una baja dependencia energética. En la presente tesis se pudieron identificar las propiedades de los materiales más comunes que conforman los recubrimientos de muros (cal, cemento, mortero de cemento y yeso) para reconocer los que mejor se adaptan al clima en la Cd. de México, mismos que según se pudo constatar, contribuyen en el control de algunos factores de riesgo (físico: humedad, químico: tóxicos y biológico: microbios) relacionados con una baja calidad del aire al interior de las viviendas. Tal función mitiga o reduce la aparición de algunos de los padecimientos respiratorios más frecuentes en los usuarios como: alergias, asma, rinitis, gripe y sinusitis. Los análisis a los que fueron sometidos los recubrimientos de cuatro materiales ligantes, permitieron evaluar su desempeño ante factores ambientales semi-controlados (temperatura, humedad relativa y concentración de dióxido de carbono) inherentes al funcionamiento del propio espacio interior y al lugar de emplazamiento del mismo. Obviamente, todos los recubrimientos reaccionaron de forma distinta y acorde con las propiedades físicas y químicas de los materiales presentes en cada uno de ellos. Siendo las variaciones más representativas y satisfactorias, las relacionadas con la permeabilidad y el efecto biocida de los recubrimientos hechos con mezcla de cal. Las patologías que mostraron algunos recubrimientos a lo largo del periodo de monitoreo, debido a la insuficiente gestión de la humedad, al alto desarrollo microbiano y a la naturaleza química del material ligante, fueron criptoeflorescencias, moho, bacterias y desprendimiento/diseminación de partículas; mismas que se consideraron definitorias para establecer que al igual que los seres vivos, los materiales de construcción necesitan rangos higrotérmicos específicos, que permitan su óptimo estado de operación. En apego a lo anteriormente citado, es que se considera conveniente concientizar a la población en temas tan importantes para el bienestar social, como la selección de materiales y -consecuente- conservación de los recubrimientos de muros, no sólo para disminuir los costos de ejecución y mantenimiento, sino para aprovechar sus propiedades, ya que tienen una incidencia directa en lo relacionado con el control de las condiciones ambientales básicas, la regulación de la calidad del aire interior y por ende, en la salud de los usuarios. Dicha labor puede iniciar en la etapa formativa de los profesionales de la construcción, con la intención de normalizar el estudio o correcta selección de los sistemas constructivos en función del clima, pero también identificando la función de cada espacio; para garantizar así, que las propuestas de diseño responderán -satisfactoriamente- a los requerimientos de regulación de la humedad, mediante su absorción, transpiración y/o evaporación.

The level of indoor air quality (IAQ) has a direct incidence on the human health, therefore, is the object of study of bioclimatic design, since it promotes the harnessing environmental factors for the creation and conditioning of spaces in which users experience comfort and well-being. In addition, to encourage construction with common sense, where the rational use of resources and low energy dependence prevail. In this thesis it has been identified the properties of the materials that make up the most common wall coverings (hydrated lime, cement, cement mortar and gypsum) for recognizing those that best adapt to the weather in Mexico City, as it could be verified, they contribute to the control of some risk factors (physical:moisture, chemical:toxics and biological:microbes) related with a low indoor air quality at dwellings. This function mitigates or reduces the appearance of some of the most frequent respiratory ailments in users such as: allergies, asthma, rhinitis, flu and sinusitis. The analyses to which the coatings of four binding materials were subjected, allowed to evaluate their performance in the face of semi-controlled environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration) inherent to the operation of the interior space itself and the place of its location. Obviously, all the coatings reacted differently and according with the physical and chemical properties of the materials in each of them. Being the most representative and satisfactory variations, those related to the permeability and biocidal effect of coatings made with hydrated lime mixture. The pathologies that some coatings showed throughout the monitoring period, due to insufficient moisture management, the high microbial development, and the chemical nature of the binding material, were cryptoefflorescences, mold, bacteria and particle shedding/dissemination; they were defining to establish that in similar way to living beings, building materials need specific hygrothermal ranges, to let them works in an optimal state. According with the above, it is considered convenient to raise awareness among the population on issues as important for social welfare, such as the selection of materials and -consequently- conservation of wall coverings, not only to reduce the costs of execution and maintenance, but to take advantage of their properties, since they have a direct incidence in all related with the control of basic environmental conditions, the regulation of indoor air quality and therefore, in users’ health. This work can begin in the formative stage of construction professionals, with the intention of standardizing the study or correct selection of construction systems depending on the weather, but also identifying the function of each space; to guarantee that the design proposals will respond -satisfactorily- to the requirements of humidity regulation, through its absorption, transpiration and/or evaporation.

Muro, recubrimientos, patologías, salud. Wall, coating, pathologies, health. Indoor air pollution--Health aspects. Architecture--Health aspects. Interior walls. Protective coatings. Lime as a disinfectant. Building materials. Communicable diseases--Transmission--Prevention. Contaminación del aire interior. Muros interiores. Revestimientos. Cal como desinfectante. RA577.5 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS ARQUITECTURA DISEÑO ARQUITECTÓNICO

Association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and severe male reproductive organ impairment (Germinal Epithelial Loss): Study on a mouse model and on human patients


Metabolic syndrome (MS) has been associated with testicular damage. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a multisystemic disease that affects different organs, but its effect on the testes is unknown. A study analyzing germ cell involvement on BALB/c mice was carried out. A parallel comparative study was conducted that investigated alterations in the germinal epithelium of male humans that died from an unrelated acute event. The complete medical histories and histologic samples of the thoracic aorta, liver tissue, and testicular tissue from the deceased subjects were collected. The degree of germinal epithelial loss (DGEL) was evaluated and the clinical and histologic data were compared between individuals with and without NAFLD. The only metabolic or morphologic variable that caused a significant difference in the DGEL, in both the animal model and humans, was the presence of liver steatosis. The percentage of steatosis was also correlated with the percentage of the DGEL. In humans, steatosis (greater than 20%) increased the risk 12-fold for presenting with a severe DGEL (OR: 12.5; 95% CI [1.2, 128.9]; p = .03). There was no association with age above 50 years or MS components. Steatosis grade was also correlated with atherosclerosis grade. NAFLD was a strongly associated factor implicated in severe DGEL, as well as the testis was identified as a probable target organ for damage caused by the disease. his finding could result in the search for new approach strategies in the management of men with fertility problems. Further studies are required to confirm these results.

MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD Germ cells Atherosclerosis Testis Metabolic syndrome

Thermal and mechanical properties of PLA-based multiscale cellulosic biocomposites

MIGUEL ANGEL RUZ CRUZ Pedro Jesús Herrera Franco Emmanuel Alejandro Flores Johnson MARIA VERONICA MORENO CHULIM LUCIANO MIGUEL GALERA MANZANO Alex Valadez González (2022, [Artículo])

In this work polylactic acid (PLA) based multiscale cellulosic biocomposites were prepared with the aim to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) on the PLA biocomposites reinforced with cellulose microfibers (MFCs). For this, PLA composite materials reinforced with both MFCs and with a combination of MFCs and CNCs were prepared, while keeping the content of cellulosic reinforcements constant. The thermal and mechanical properties of these multiscale PLA biocomposites were characterized by thermogravimetry (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), flexural mechanical and, dynamic mechanical (DMA) tests. Likewise, they were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the replacement of MFCs by CNCs in the 1–5% range appreciably modifies the thermal and mechanical properties of multiscale compounds. For example, they increase the thermal stability of the materials, modify the PLA crystallization process and play the role of adhesion promoters since the mechanical properties in flexure increase in the order of 40% and the storage modulus increases in the order of 35% at room temperature. Also, the addition of CNCs increases the relaxation temperature of the material from 50 to 60 °C, thereby expanding the temperature range for its use. © 2022 The Author(s)


The search for cryptic L-Rhamnosyltransferases on the Sporothrix schenckii genome

Hector M. Mora-Montes Karina García-Gutiérrez Laura Cristina García Carnero Nancy Lozoya-Perez Jorge Humberto Ramírez Prado (2022, [Artículo])

The fungal cell wall is an attractive structure to look for new antifungal drug targets and for understanding the host-fungus interaction. Sporothrix schenckii is one of the main causative agents of both human and animal sporotrichosis and currently is the species most studied of the Sporothrix genus. The cell wall of this organism has been previously analyzed, and rhamnoconjugates are signature molecules found on the surface of both mycelia and yeast-like cells. Similar to other reactions where sugars are covalently linked to other sugars, lipids, or proteins, the rhamnosylation process in this organism is expected to involve glycosyltransferases with the ability to transfer rhamnose from a sugar donor to the acceptor molecule, i.e., rhamnosyltransferases. However, no obvious rhamnosyltransferase has thus far been identified within the S. schenckii proteome or genome. Here, using a Hidden Markov Model profile strategy, we found within the S. schenckii genome five putative genes encoding for rhamnosyltransferases. Expression analyses indicated that only two of them, named RHT1 and RHT2, were significantly expressed in yeast-like cells and during interaction with the host. These two genes were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified recombinant proteins showed rhamnosyltransferase activity, dependent on the presence of UDP-rhamnose as a sugar donor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about rhamnosyltransferases in S. schenckii. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


In vitro Digestibility of Yarrowia lipolytica Yeast and Growth Performance in Whiteleg Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

ANA RUTH ALVAREZ SANCHEZ CLAUDIO HUMBERTO MEJIA RUIZ Héctor Gerardo Nolasco Soria Alberto Peña Rodríguez (2018, [Artículo])

"Marine yeasts used in aquaculture disease control can also be an important protein source for improving feeding and nutrition of crustaceans. Yarrowia lipolyticca has been studied for its capacity to secrete heterologous proteins and high content of unsaturated fatty acids, beta-glucan, and mannane polymers in the cell wall. We measured in vitro digestibility of Y. lipolyticca by whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei digestive enzymes, and an in vivo assay of Y. lipolytica in feed onwhiteleg shrimp growth. We found that digestive gland enzymes of shrimp digest Y. lipolytica, based on reduced optical density of a yeast suspension. Digestion was –0.00236 ± 0.00010 OD U min–1 for intact cells and –0.00325 ± 0.00010 OD U min–1 for lysed cells. Release of reducing sugars in intact cells (5.3940 ± 0.1713 μmol h–1), and lysed cells (0.8396 ± 0.2251 μmol h–1) was measured. Digestive gland treatment significantly reduced cell viability (near 100%), relative to the control. Electron microscopy shows that the cell wall of Y. lipolytica exposed to the digestive gland enzymes was severely damaged. Shrimp diet containing Y. lipolytica resulted in significantly higher weight gain and specific growth rate of whiteleg shrimp."

Marine yeast, cell digestibility, cell viability, turbidimetry, reduced sugars BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOQUÍMICA BIOQUÍMICA DE ALIMENTOS BIOQUÍMICA DE ALIMENTOS

Hacia el desarrollo de un nuevo antiparasitario basado en células en suspensión de Carica papaya

CYNTHIA ALEJANDRA GUZMÁN MEDINA (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

Las enfermedades parasitarias son un problema de salud pública que afectan a más de la

quinta parte de la población a nivel mundial. Además de la morbilidad que generan, sino

son tratadas y controladas de manera adecuada pueden llegar a causar la muerte.

En el mercado existen diferentes antiparasitarios comerciales, que si bien son efectivos,

presentan diferentes efectos adversos tanto para el individuo parasitado (i.e. destrucción

de la microbiota intestinal) como para el medio ambiente. Este panorama señala la

relevancia de desarrollar tratamientos antiparasitarios más amigables con el ambiente y con

menores efectos adversos que estén disponibles actualmente en el mercado. Productos

obtenidos a partir de plantas con propiedades anti-parasitarias, cultivadas in vitro en

condiciones controladas, podrían representar una alternativa realista. Entre ellas figura la

planta Carica papaya, especie de zonas tropicales y subtropicales del planeta a cuyos frutos

se les adjudica actividades antiparasitarias. Estas propiedades se atribuyen a algunos de

sus compuestos concentrados en el latex y en las semillas como la papaina, la

quimiopapaína, la lisozima, la glicil-endopeptidasa, la proteasa de cisteína y el benzil-


El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la actividad antiparasitaria in vitro e in vivo de

un conjunto de callos y líneas de células de papaya de Carica papaya contra cisticercos de

Taenia crassiceps (cestodo) y contra trofozoitos de Entamoeba histolytica (protozoario). Los

extractos acuosos obtenidos a partir de callos y células cultivados en placa o en suspensión,

respectivamente, de las diferentes líneas de papaya revelaron alta capacidad cisticida

(>98% de mortalidad) in vitro contra cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps. En la evaluación in

vivo la línea no transformada obtuvo mayor efecto cisticida a 10mg/mL reduciendo el

número de cisticercos gemantes y aumentando los cisticercos calcificados en niveles

similares a los obtenidos utilizando antiparasitarios comerciales (albendazol y niclosamida).

Las líneas transformadas y sin transformar de papaya evaluadas indujeron una alta

capacidad amebicida (97% de mortalidad) in vitro contra trofozoitos de Entamoeba

histolytica. Las diferentes líneas transformadas y sin transformar de papaya redujeron

significativamente el número de abscesos amebianos y previnieron la hepatomegalia de

manera no significativamente diferente que el anti-parasitario comercial (metronidazol).

Los resultados generados en el presente estudio señalan al extracto acuoso obtenido a

partir de cultivos en suspensión de células de papaya transformada y no transformada

indujeron alto nivel de protección in vitro e in vivo por lo tanto; este es un producto efectivo

para el tratamiento de la cisticercosis y la amebiasis.

Parasitic diseases are a public health problem that affect more than a fifth of the population

worldwide. Additionally, and along with the morbidity the produce, they can cause death if

they are not treated and controlled adequately.

There are different commercial antiparasitic on the market which, although effective,

present different adverse effects both for the individual (i.e., destruction of the intestinal

microbiota) and for the environment alike. This panorama points out the relevance of

developing more environmentally friendly antiparasitic treatments with fewer adverse effects

than the ones currently available on the market. Products obtained from plants with anti-

parasitic properties, grown in vitro under controlled conditions, could represent a realistic

alternative. Among them is the Carica papaya, a species from tropical and subtropical areas

of the planet whose fruits are believed to have antiparasitic activities. These properties are attributed to some of its compounds concentrated in the latex and seeds such as papain,

chymopapain, lysozyme, glycyl-endopeptidase, cysteine-proteinase and benzyl-


The objective of the present work is to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo antiparasitic activity

of a set of papaya callus and cell lines from Carica papaya against cysticerci of Taenia

crassiceps (cestode) and against trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica (protozoan). The

aqueous extracts obtained from callus and cells cultured in plates or in suspension,

respectively, of the different papaya lines revealed high cysticidal capacity (>98% mortality)

in vitro against Taenia crassiceps cysticerci. Meanwhile, in the in vivo evaluation, the non-

transformed line obtained a greater cysticidal effect at 10 mg/mL, reducing the number of

budding cysticerci and increasing calcified cysticerci at levels like those obtained using

commercial antiparasitic (albendazole and niclosamide). The papaya lines evaluated

induced a high amoebicidal capacity (97% mortality) in vitro against Entamoeba histolytica

trophozoites. The different papaya lines significantly reduced the number of amoebic

abscesses and prevented hepatomegaly in a non-significantly different manner than the

commercial anti-parasitic (metronidazole).

The results produced in this thesis indicate that the aqueous extract obtained from

suspension cultures of transformed and non-transformed papaya cells induced a high level

of protection in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, this may represent an effective product for the

treatment of cysticercosis and amoebiasis.

CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS Carica papaya, antiparasitario, células en suspensión, T. crassiceps, E. histolytica. Carica papaya, antiparasitic, in-suspension cells, T. crassiceps, E. histolytica.

Phylogenetic relationships of Pseudo-nitzschia subpacifica (Bacillariophyceae) from the Mexican Pacific, and its production of domoic acid in culture

Sonia Quijano (2020, [Artículo])

Pseudo-nitzschia is a cosmopolitan genus, some species of which can produce domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin responsible for the Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). In this study, we identified P. subpacifica for the first time in Todos Santos Bay and Manzanillo Bay, in the Mexican Pacific using SEM and molecular methods. Isolates from Todos Santos Bay were cultivated under conditions of phosphate sufficiency and deficiency at 16°C and 22°C to evaluate the production of DA. This toxin was detected in the particulate (DAp) and dissolved (DAd) fractions of the cultures during the exponential and stationary phases of growth of the cultures. The highest DA concentration was detected during the exponential phase grown in cells maintained in P-deficient medium at 16°C (1.14 ± 0.08 ng mL-1 DAd and 4.71 ± 1.11 × 10−5 ng cell-1 of DAp). In P-sufficient cultures DA was higher in cells maintained at 16°C (0.25 ± 0.05 ng mL-1 DAd and 9.41 ± 1.23 × 10−7 ng cell-1 of DAp) than in cells cultured at 22°C. Therefore, we confirm that P. subpacifica can produce DA, especially under P-limited conditions that could be associated with extraordinary oceanographic events such as the 2013–2016 "Blob" in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. This event altered local oceanographic conditions and possibly generated the presence of potential harmful species in areas with economic importance on the Mexican Pacific coast. © 2020 Quijano-Scheggia et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

domoic acid, domoic acid, kainic acid, Article, cell growth, controlled study, diatom, Mexico, morphology, nonhuman, Pacific Ocean, phylogeny, plant cell, plant growth, Pseudo nitzschia, toxin analysis, cell culture technique, classification, diatom, CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Solanum tuberosum Microtuber Development under Darkness Unveiled through RNAseq Transcriptomic Analysis

ELIANA VALENCIA LOZANO LISSET HERRERA ISIDRON Osiel Salvador Recoder-Meléndez Aarón Barraza Celis JOSE LUIS CABRERA PONCE (2022, [Artículo])

"Potato microtuber (MT) development through in vitro techniques are ideal propagules for producing high quality potato plants. MT formation is influenced by several factors, i.e., photoperiod, sucrose, hormones, and osmotic stress. We have previously developed a protocol of MT induction in medium with sucrose (8% w/v), gelrite (6g/L), and 2iP as cytokinin under darkness. To understand the molecular mechanisms involved, we performed a transcriptome-wide analysis. Here we show that 1715 up- and 1624 down-regulated genes were involved in this biological process. Through the protein–protein interaction (PPI) network analyses performed in the STRING database (v11.5), we found 299 genes tightly associated in 14 clusters. Two major clusters of up-regulated proteins fundamental for life growth and development were found: 29 ribosomal proteins (RPs) interacting with 6 PEBP family members and 117 cell cycle (CC) proteins. The PPI network of up-regulated transcription factors (TFs) revealed that at least six TFs–MYB43, TSF, bZIP27, bZIP43, HAT4 and WOX9–may be involved during MTs development. The PPI network of down-regulated genes revealed a cluster of 83 proteins involved in light and photosynthesis, 110 in response to hormone, 74 in hormone mediate signaling pathway and 22 related to aging."

transcriptome-wide analysis, microtubers, potato, Solanum tuberosum, darkness, cell cycle, ribosomal proteins, PEBP family genes, cytokinin BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA GENÉTICA GENÉTICA MOLECULAR DE PLANTAS GENÉTICA MOLECULAR DE PLANTAS