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Los médicos costarricenses formados en México durante el cardenismo: retorno e inserción laboral (1934-1961)

Costa Rican doctors trained in Mexico during the Cardenismo: return and labor insertion (1934-1961)

Marco Calderón-Blanco (2021)

El presente trabajo analiza el retorno de los estudiantes costarricenses que viajaron a México durante el cardenismo para cursar la carrera de medicina, con el fin de determinar su inserción laboral en el sistema de salud costarricense entre las décadas de 1940 y 1960. Se exploran las circunstancias que giraron alrededor del retorno y la inserción laboral de dichos profesionales. Al respecto, se evidencia que la integración a la fuerza de trabajo en el Hospital San Juan de Dios permitió un rápido ascenso en el escalafón médico. Esta dinámica posibilitó que un número considerable de los médicos tratados en el presente estudio ocupara puestos de poder en instituciones de salud costarricenses, situación que llevó a que se integraran al proceso de creación de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Costa Rica, la cual entró en funciones en el año de 1961.

The present work analyzes the return of Costa Rican students who traveled to Mexico during the cardenismo period to study medicine, in order to determine their labor insertion in the Costa Rican health system between the 1940s and 1960s. The circumstances surrounding the return and work insertion of these professionals are explored. In this regard, it is evident that the integration to the workforce of the San Juan de Dios Hospital allowed a rapid ascent in the medical ladder. This dynamic made it possible for a considerable number of the doctors treated in this study to hold positions of power in Costa Rican health institutions, a situation that led to their integration into the process of creating the University of Costa Rica’s School of Medicine, which became operational in 1961.


HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Medicina social Médicos costarricenses Cardenismo Retorno Inserción laboral Social medicine Costa Rican doctors Lázaro Cardenas government Return Labor insertion

Appraisal of complementarity of subsurface drip fertigation and conservation agriculture for physiological performance and water economy of maize

C.M. Parihar Hari Sankar Nayak Dipaka Ranjan Sena Renu Pandey Mahesh Gathala ML JAT (2023)

The Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) in north-west (NW) India are facing a severe decline in ground water due to prevalent rice-based cropping systems. To combat this issue, conservation agriculture (CA) with an alternative crop/s, such as maize, is being promoted. Recently, surface drip fertigation has also been evaluated as a viable option to address low-nutrient use efficiency and water scarcity problems for cereals. While the individual benefits of CA and sub-surface drip (SSD) irrigation on water economy are well-established, information regarding their combined effect in cereal-based systems is lacking. Therefore, we conducted a two-year field experiment in maize, under an ongoing CA-based maize-wheat system, to evaluate the complementarity of CA with SSD irrigation through two technological interventions–– CA+ (residue retained CA + SSD), PCA+ (partial CA without residue + SSD) – at different N rates (0, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1) in comparison to traditional furrow irrigated (FI) CA and conventional tillage (CT) at 120 kg N ha-1. Our results showed that CA+ had the highest grain yield (8.2 t ha-1), followed by PCA+ (8.1 t ha-1). The grain yield under CA+ at 150 kg N ha-1 was 27% and 30% higher than CA and CT, respectively. Even at the same N level (120 kg N ha-1), CA+ outperformed CA and CT by 16% and 18%, respectively. The physiological performance of maize also revealed that CA+ based plots with 120 kg N ha-1 had 12% and 3% higher photosynthesis rate at knee-high and silking, respectively compared to FI-CA and CT. Overall, compared to the FI-CA and CT, SSD-based CA+ and PCA+ saved 54% irrigation water and increased water productivity (WP) by more than twice. Similarly, a greater number of split N application through fertigation in PCA+ and CA+ increased agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and recover efficiency by 8–19% and 14–25%, respectively. Net returns from PCA+ and CA+ at 150 kg N ha-1 were significantly higher by US$ 491 and 456, respectively than the FI-CA and CT treatments. Therefore, CA coupled with SSD provided tangible benefits in terms of yield, irrigation water saving, WP, NUE and profitability. Efforts should be directed towards increasing farmers’ awareness of the benefits of such promising technology for the cultivating food grains and commercial crops such as maize. Concurrently, government support and strict policies are required to enhance the system adaptability.
