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Selecciona los temas de tu interés y recibe en tu correo las publicaciones más actuales
Irina Llamas Torres (2021, [Tesis de doctorado])
Gestión y cultura del agua : tomo II
Fondo Sectorial Semarnat-Conacyt proyectos C01-2002-80 Y C01-2002-077
El libro está dividido en cuatro partes. La primera abarca propuestas actuales para la resolución de problemas ambientales, como son la hidrodiplomacia y el pago por servicios ambientales. En la segunda, presentamos experiencias de gestión del agua en distintos contextos. En la tercera, se reunen trabajos con esta misma caracerística pero que enfatizan la participación social en procesos de gesti´n. Finalmente, la cuarta y última, se refiere al papel de la cultura y el género en análisis del manejo del agua.
Gestión del agua Cultura del agua Política hídrica Demanda de agua Desarrollo sustentable Participación social CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Instruments, allies or adversaries: the presence of the media in the legislations of Mexican states
Salvador De-León-Vázquez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
In this article, we analyze how the media are conceptualized in the legislation of Mexican states. Our starting point is the consideration that the rights of information and communication are recognized and guaranteed by General Constitution and federal laws, who has been thoroughly examined. However, there are very few studies focusing on state or local laws. The theoretical basis comes from discussions on media development and public communication. The methodology consisted of a cartography and subsequent argumentative analysis of a corpus of media-related articles in Mexican state legislations. The findings reveal three general media conceptualizations in the legal instruments examined: as instruments, as allies or as adversaries. The conclusions discuss the implications for democratic development.
Legislation Communication rights Media Media development Public communication Legislación Derechos de la comunicación Medios de comunicación Desarrollo mediático Comunicación pública CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
ZULEYKA MAHITZE OLVERA YABUR (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])
“Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre la socialización intergeneracional como un proceso continuo que impacta en la manera en que los contenidos socioculturales se transmiten, discontinúan u olvidan en una sociedad. Las personas reaccionan ante los cambios socioculturales, económicos y políticos y toman decisiones que derivan en reconfiguraciones en su modo de vida. En este estudio longitudinal, la observación de tres cohortes dio paso a una interpretación sobre qué se modifica y por qué, dando un panorama de interrelación entre los grupos de edad que completó las percepciones y perspectivas de su realidad. Sus diversas interacciones se analizaron, principalmente, desde el proceso comunicativo, por lo que la lengua tuvo un rol central en el análisis. Específicamente, está investigación muestra un recorrido sociohistórico a través de tres generaciones en Moquel –un ejido ubicado en el estado de Campeche-. Da cuenta desde el asentamiento, en 1963, de personas guanajuatenses y, posteriormente, en 1972, de familias michoacanas, que recibieron tierras por parte del gobierno federal, hasta la pandemia de Covid.-19 que fue el contexto en el que se realizó el trabajo in situ. El recorrido sociohistórico permitió abordar el estudio con base en los contenidos socioculturales que se continúan, modifican u olvidan según las adecuaciones de la sociedad, en este caso moqueleña, que delinea la transmisión de conocimientos y prácticas socioculturales a través de los procesos de socialización. Así, en este trabajo los organicé en tres ejes temáticos. El primero es la migración interna e internacional que realizan los moloqueños a Estados Unidos y que se configura, a su vez, como una tradición migratoria. Segundo, la ruralidad que engloba los espacios de socialización como la milpa, la escuela, el hogar y la iglesia donde el registro de las interacciones de las personas define ideologías, valores, creencias y costumbres que, vinculados a sus prácticas socioculturales”.
Migración e inmigración - México - Campeche. Socialización - México - Campeche. Cambio social - México - Moquel (Campeche). Familias - Aspectos económicos - México - Moquel (Campeche). Relaciones entre generaciones - México - Moquel (Campeche). Tesis - Doctorado en Antropología, CDMX. CIENCIAS SOCIALES DEMOGRAFÍA DEMOGRAFÍA GEOGRÁFICA MOVILIDAD Y MIGRACIONES INTERIORES MOVILIDAD Y MIGRACIONES INTERIORES
ANTINOMOS es un proyecto en el que participan 13 instituciones de Europa, Asia, África y América Latina. Se orienta a reducir los contrastes y oposiciones entre las diversas áreas y disciplinas del conocimiento a través del desarrollo de espacios complementarios entre las diferentes especialidades del ámbito del sector agua, con el fin de implementar soluciones concretas a los problemas de abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento, en zonas urbanas y rurales en países en vías de desarrollo.
Abastecimiento de agua Tecnología apropiada Capacitación Cooperación internacional Países en desarrollo Informes de proyectos CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Local markets and food security. The case of the Milpera and Puuc regions in Yucatan
Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo Monserrat Vargas Jiménez Mireya Noemi Hernández Islas (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Food insecurity is a complex problem worldwide. A major part of this problem is the food supply. Local markets can represent a strategy for building social capital, as well as strategies for subsistence and sustainability of food value chains, contributing to food security and its effects. The objective of this research is to determine if the existence of a municipal market in the Milpera and Puuc regions of Yucatán favors the existence of food security, the consumption or the expense of natural foods. The population is located in 18 municipalities of Yucatán, Mexico. To carry out this study, a cross-sectional, non-experimental study, with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The main techniques that were applied were descriptive statistics and contingency tables with respect to 6 hypotheses. This work shows that the existence of markets in the communities makes a significant difference because it positively impacts the food security of the inhabitants, since it allows them to have access to a wider variety of products and at the same time, favors the active dynamics of the economy of the community.
Local markets Food safety Local development Food sovereignty Rural areas Mercados locales Seguridad alimentaria Desarrollo local Soberanía alimentaria Zonas rurales CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
The impact of digital transformation and value capture on business models
In awareness of the importance that Digital Transformation (DT) has gained in Mexican companies in recent years, as well as the concern of Business Models (BM) in capturing value, the purpose of this thesis is to answer the question:
What is the impact of Digital Transformation and value capture on business models?
Five research projects have been developed in Mexico to answer this question. The first research work consisted of a systematic literature review in order to identify relevant opportunities for this research, which is explained in the first chapter of the thesis. Derived from this first research work, the following four research papers were developed.
The second chapter addresses the adoption of the digital transformation of corner stores promoted by large companies. Through the application of in-depth interviews in corner stores resulted in an urgent call for large companies to unify strategies to promote the DT of the front desk with customers.
The third chapter includes an analysis of the sustainability reports of large companies, in which DT actions to achieve sustainability are identified. Concluding that investment in digital transformation actions promote the sustainability of businesses and the permanence of business models.
A successful business model considers satisfactory customer experience as a pillar in its development. Which motivated the fourth paper, focused on investigating how artificial intelligence is perceived in customer service. It was through surveys that we investigated whether the implementation of chatbots improves the customer experience, findings show that it will depend on the purpose of the chatbot, the age of the customer and the level of education.
With the purpose of sharing experiences of Mexican companies in the implementation of DT projects, a fifth research paper is included explaining why digital transformation projects fail in companies. This work was carried out by conducting interviews with Project Managers (PM) and experts in DT projects implementation.
This work is original since it is developed in Mexico, has different research methodologies and has managerial implications that are mentioned in each research paper. There are undoubtedly great opportunities in the research of DT, since it is a topic with many edges, and this thesis only covers some of them.
Doctor of Business Administration
Gestión y cultura del agua : tomo I
Proyecto Conacyt 38115-S, C01-2002-80 y C01-2002-077.
Este libro está organizado en dos grandes partes. La primera, abarca discusiones generales sobre el agua y, a su vez, está dividida en dos apartados: la sustentabilidad, la política neo-liberal de privatización y el derecho al agua; y los aportes de la psicología y la educación ambiental para entender actitudes hacia el agua. La segunda parte reune una serie de estudios de caso organizados a lo largo de tres ejes temáticos: experiencias con la gestión del agua en diversas partes del país y de Latinoamérica; conflictos por el agua, algunos de ellos enmarcados entre lo urbano y lo rural; y el papel de la cultura y el género en el análisis del manejo del agua.
Gestión del agua Cultura del agua Política hídrica Demanda de agua Desarrollo sustentable Participación social CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Economic development, transport investment, and urbanization in Mexico: causality and effects
Vicente German-Soto Alexsandra De la Peña Flores Karina García (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
The transport investment is often used as a tool for economic development and urbanization. However, there is still debate about whether transport improvements promote development and urbanization or, conversely, these latter create the conditions that stimulate the transport. In theory, the transport system contributes to development and urbanization because it speeds up the exchange of goods and services, but the effects can also be reversed, so the direction of causality is not so easily identified. This work uses Mexican state information of the 1988-2018 period, grouped as panel, to know both magnitude and direction of the impacts. Methodology consists in cointegration tests and VECM regressions. The results reveal that long-term causality goes from economic development to transport and its subsectors, which means that economic development is a necessary condition to modernize transport in Mexico. For urbanization, the causality and magnitude of the effects vary depending on the transport subsector. The total economy and passenger sector’s investments cause urbanization, but transportation and subsectors of cargo carriers and communications estimate two-way causality. The conclusions suggest that urbanization depends on improvements in transportation and the latter, in turn, on economic development.
Desarrollo regional Transporte Economía urbana Causalidad Modelo VECM CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Economic development, Granger-Causality, VECM Models, Productivity, Urban Economics
Alejandra Trujillo Miguel Sánchez Álvarez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
San Juan Chamula, Chiapas, is one of the most representative cultures of the native peoples of Mexico. The municipal seat is made up of three main neighborhoods: San Juan, San Sebastián and San Pedro. In ancient times, the architectural design of the houses was made of materials such as straw, adobe, bajareque and others of organic origin, which were part of the natural environment of the inhabitants. Thus, houses were built based on the use of natural elements available to the inhabitants as a result of the use of primary sector activity.
From the Chamula worldview housing has played functions for rest and shelter, therefore it was considered as a sacred place. When building one, ceremonies and offerings were carried out to appease any disgust of the guardians of Mother Earth, as they considered that nature had life, and to avoid any misfortune among the members of the family. For this, it was necessary to offer music, songs, and special dishes to feed the house and the Earth, so there would be harmony and well-being. Today, that worldview has been disrupted by the presence of multiple religions and other factors.
Chamula housing has gone through different stages of transition, from 1990 onwards, it was made of materials such as bricks, blocks and cement. With international migration and the arrival of young Chamula in the United States, changes in the building styles and function of housing are observed, as well as a loss of Chamula-type architectural knowledge, so that traditional architectural knowledge remains only with the elderly. Nowadays, Chamula masons and house builders opt for a foreign architectural design like California, thus changing their cultural identity, their way of life and their relationship with nature.
Keywords: traditional architecture, migration, architectural change.
traditional architecture migration architectural change arquitectura tradicional cambio arquitectónico chamula migración vivienda CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES