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Monitoring and evaluation of the effects over time of conservation agriculture practices on crop yield, soil quality, weeds, pests and diseases.

Christian Thierfelder Blessing Mhlanga (2016, [Dataset])

This data set is from a long-term (2010-2016) trial set in sandy soils. The study seeks to monitor and evaluate the effects over time of conservation agriculture (CA) practices on crop yield, soil quality, weeds, pests and diseases. The trial was set as a randomised complete block design with the following treatments: T1: Check plot (CP); traditional farmers practice using the mouldboard plough, maize as a sole crop, no residue retention, stubbles incorporated T2: Direct seeding with animal drawn seeder (DSM), maize as a sole crop, residue retention (at a rate of 2.5-3 t ha-1 in the first year, thereafter all crop residues retained) T3: Basin (BAM), maize as a sole crop, residue retention T4: Jab planter (JPM), maize as a sole crop, residue retention T5: Direct seeding with animal drawn seeder (DSMB), biochar incorporated, maize as a sole crop, residue retention T6: Direct seeding with animal drawn seeder (DSMP), maize-pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) intercropping, residue retention T7: Crop rotation A1 (A1M): direct seeding with animal drawn seeder, maize-groundnut rotation (Phase 1), residue retention; Maize- Groundnut T8: Crop rotation A2(A2G): direct seeding with animal drawn seeder, maize-groundnuts rotation (Phase 2), residue retention; Groundnuts- Maize T9: Crop rotation B1 (B1M): direct seeding with animal drawn seeder, maize-sunflower rotation (Phase 1), residue retention; Maize- Sunflower T10: Crop rotation B2 (B2S): direct seeding with animal drawn seeder, maize-sunflower rotation (Phase 2), residue retention; Sunflower- Maize.


32nd Semi-Arid Wheat Screening Nursery

Ravi Singh Thomas Payne (2017, [Dataset])

The Semi-Arid Wheat Screening Nursery (SAWSN) is a single replicate trial that contains diverse spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) germplasm adapted to low rainfall, drought prone, semi-arid environments typically receiving less than 500 mm of water available during the cropping cycle. CIMMYT' s breeding approach attempts to combine high yield potential with drought resistance for ME4. The combination of water-use efficiency and water responsive traits plus yield potential is important in drought environments where rainfall is frequently erratic across years. When rains are significantly above average in certain years, the crop must respond appropriately (water responsive) with higher yields, while expressing resistance to the wider suite of diseases that appear under more favorable conditions. Constrains including leaf, stem and yellow rusts, and Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., Pyrenophora tritici-repentis tan spot, nematodes and root rots must be considered. It is distributed to 120 locations, and contains 150-250 entries.


TAMASA Ethiopia. Yield, soil and agronomy data from farmers’ maize fields collected by CSA, 2015 season

MESFIN KEBEDE DESTA (2017, [Dataset])

This files ontains yiedl and soils data coillected by CSA (Central Statistical Agency) from four zones in Oromia (East Showa, Wollega, West and South West Showa and Jimma) and one Zone in Amhara (West Gojjam). A total of 38 primary sampling units were covered and making a total of 383 sampling points. Unreplicated crop cuts were made on farmers maize fields and yield measured. Soil samples were also collected at 0-20 and 20-50cm but are not all analysed yet.


45th International Durum Screening Nursery

Karim Ammar Thomas Payne (2017, [Dataset])

International Durum Screening Nursery (IDSN) distributes diverse CIMMYT-bred spring durum wheat germplasm adapted to irrigated and variable moisture stressed environments. Disease resistance and high industrial pasta quality are essential traits possessed in this germplasm. It is distributed to 100 locations, and contains 150 entries.


47th International Durum Screening Nursery

Karim Ammar Thomas Payne (2020, [Dataset])

International Durum Screening Nursery (IDSN) distributes diverse CIMMYT-bred spring durum wheat germplasm adapted to irrigated and variable moisture stressed environments. Disease resistance and high industrial pasta quality are essential traits possessed in this germplasm. It is distributed to 100 locations, and contains 150 entries.


Replication Data for: Investigating genomic prediction strategies for grain carotenoid traits in a tropical/subtropical maize panel

Mary-Francis LaPorte Pattama Hannok Peter Bradbury Jose Crossa natalia palacios rojas Christine Diepenbrock (2024, [Dataset])

Vitamin A deficiency continues to cause challenges around the world including in areas where maize is an important component of human diets. Biofortification offers one solution for alleviating this deficiency. A Carotenoid Association Mapping panel, developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) contains 380 inbred lines adapted to tropical and subtropical environments that have varying grain concentrations of provitamin A and other health-beneficial carotenoids. The data in this study were used to assess the accuracy of several genomic prediction (GP) strategies for maize grain carotenoid traits within and between four environments in Mexico. Results are provided for these strategies including Ridge Regression-Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (including all markers versus subsets of markers), Elastic Net, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, and Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. The findings described in the accompanying journal article indicate the utility of genomic prediction methods for grain carotenoid traits and could inform their resource-efficient implementation in biofortification breeding programs.


Replication data for Identification of QTL for early vigor and stay-green conferring tolerance to drought in two connected advanced backcross populations in tropical maize (Zea mays L.)

XUECAI ZHANG (2016, [Dataset])

Replication data for: Identification of QTL for early vigor and stay-green conferring tolerance to drought in two connected advanced backcross populations in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) We aimed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for secondary traits related to grain yield (GY) in two BC1F2:3 backcross populations (LPSpop and DTPpop) under well-watered (4 environments; WW) and drought stressed (6; DS) conditions to facilitate breeding efforts towards drought tolerant maize. Out of the 105 detected QTL, 53 were overdominant indicative of strong heterosis. For 14 out of 18 detected vigor QTL, as well as for eight flowering time QTL the trait increasing allele was derived from CML491. Improving drought tolerance while at the same time maintaining yield potential could be achieved by combining alleles conferring early vigor from the recurrent parent with alleles advancing flowering from the donor. The highest yielding ten entries for all population-by-irrigation treatment combination (except LPSpop WW) used in this study outyielded the best check (CML312/CML444) by 32.5% (DTPpop WW) to 60% (DTPpop DS). Moreover three entries (((CML491/DTPWC9F104)//CML491)B2/CML503; ((CML491/LPSC7F64)//CML491)B154/CML503; ((CML491/LPSC7F64)//CML491)B218/CML503) ranked within the top ten across irrigation treatments. Best performing entries identified here under drought can therefore be used as new trait donor using phenotypic and/or molecular selection.


48th International Bread Wheat Screening Nursery MAS data

Susanne Dreisigacker (2017, [Dataset])

The International Bread Wheat Screening Nursery (IBWSN) is designed to rapidly assess a large number of advanced generation (F3-F7) lines of spring bread wheat under Mega-environment 1 (ME1) which represents diversity for a wide range of latitudes, climates, daylengths, fertility conditions, water management, and (most importantly) disease conditions. The distribution of these nurseries is deliberately biased toward the major spring wheat regions of the world where the diseases of wheat are of high incidence. It is distributed to 180 locations and contains 300-450 entries.