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Estimating lime requirements for tropical soils: Model comparison and development

Fernando Aramburu Merlos João Vasco Silva Frédéric Baudron Robert Hijmans (2023, [Artículo])

Acid tropical soils may become more productive when treated with agricultural lime, but optimal lime rates have yet to be determined in many tropical regions. In these regions, lime rates can be estimated with lime requirement models based on widely available soil data. We reviewed seven of these models and introduced a new model (LiTAS). We evaluated the models’ ability to predict the amount of lime needed to reach a target change in soil chemical properties with data from four soil incubation studies covering 31 soil types. Two foundational models, one targeting acidity saturation and the other targeting base saturation, were more accurate than the five models that were derived from them, while the LiTAS model was the most accurate. The models were used to estimate lime requirements for 303 African soil samples. We found large differences in the estimated lime rates depending on the target soil chemical property of the model. Therefore, an important first step in formulating liming recommendations is to clearly identify the soil property of interest and the target value that needs to be reached. While the LiTAS model can be useful for strategic research, more information on acidity-related problems other than aluminum toxicity is needed to comprehensively assess the benefits of liming.


Diversifying with grain legumes amplifies carbon in management-sensitive soil organic carbon pools on smallholder farms

Regis Chikowo Sieglinde Snapp (2023, [Artículo])

Crop diversification with grain legumes has been advocated as a means to increase agroecological resilience, diversify livelihoods, boost household nutrition, and enhance soil health and fertility in cereal-based cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa and around the world. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a primary indicator of soil health and there is limited data regarding SOC pools and grain legume diversification on smallholder farms where soils are often marginal. In Malawi, a range of legume diversification options are under investigation, including rotations and a doubled-up legume rotation (DLR) system in which two compatible legumes are intercropped and then rotated with a cereal. The impact of the DLR system on SOC has not yet been determined, and there is a lack of evidence regarding SOC status over a gradient of simple to complex grain legume diversified systems. We address this knowledge gap by evaluating these systems in comparison to continuous sole maize (Zea mays L.) at three on-farm trial sites in central Malawi. After six years of trial establishment, we measured SOC in bulk soils and aggregate fractions and in faster cycling SOC pools that respond more rapidly to management practices, including water extractable organic carbon (WEOC), particulate organic matter carbon (POM-C), potentially mineralizable carbon (C), and macroaggregate C. Cropping treatment differences were not seen in bulk SOC or total N, but they were apparent in SOC pools with a shorter turnover time. The DLR system of intercropped pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) rotated with maize had higher WEOC, POM-C, potentially mineralizable C, macroaggregate and microaggregate C values than continuous maize. Of the single legume rotations, the pigeonpea-maize rotation had more mineralizable C and microaggregate C compared to continuous maize, while the groundnut-maize rotation had similar C values to the maize system. Overall, this study shows the potential for crop rotations diversified with grain legumes to enhance C in management sensitive SOC pools, and it is one of the first reports to show this effect on smallholder farm sites.


Instruments, allies or adversaries: the presence of the media in the legislations of Mexican states

Salvador De-León-Vázquez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

In this article, we analyze how the media are conceptualized in the legislation of Mexican states. Our starting point is the consideration that the rights of information and communication are recognized and guaranteed by General Constitution and federal laws, who has been thoroughly examined. However, there are very few studies focusing on state or local laws. The theoretical basis comes from discussions on media development and public communication. The methodology consisted of a cartography and subsequent argumentative analysis of a corpus of media-related articles in Mexican state legislations. The findings reveal three general media conceptualizations in the legal instruments examined: as instruments, as allies or as adversaries. The conclusions discuss the implications for democratic development.

Legislation Communication rights Media Media development Public communication Legislación Derechos de la comunicación Medios de comunicación Desarrollo mediático Comunicación pública CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES


Mario Montoya (2022, [Tesis de maestría])

"La inspección de infraestructura de tuberías es esencial en la gestión de su integridad para evitar formación de agentes corrosivos y prevenir fracturas. Sin embargo, los métodos actuales están limitados por baja resolución y bajo alcance físico de medición. En este trabajo, se establece un modelo teórico de propagación láser basado en perfilometría láser de forma libre. Además, incorpora un sistema láser totalmente funcional compuesto por un espejo cónico dentro del sistema óptico para recuperar la información de desplazamiento. El dispositivo óptico presenta alta resolución, precisión y velocidad de adquisición en comparación con tecnologías actuales."

Perfilometría Sensores Haz láser Inspección Emisión láser de superficie Tuberías CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA FÍSICA ÓPTICA LÁSERES LÁSERES

Discussion on sustainable water technologies for peri-urban areas of Mexico City: balancing urbanization and environmental conservation


This paper shows and demonstrates examples of different types of sustainable technologies that can be implemented in the peri-urban areas of Mexico City [rainwater harvesting, EcoSan and biofiltros (small constructed wetlands), and (vermi-)composting]. An innovative participatory planning method, combining scenario development with a participatory planning workshop with key stakeholders, was applied and resulted in three concept scenarios. Specific technologies were then selected for each concept scenario that the technical feasibility and applicability was assessed. Following this, the resulting resource flows (nutrients, water and energy) were determined and analyzed. The results show that decentralized technologies not only have the potential to deliver adequate water supply, sanitation and solid waste services in peri-urban areas and lessen environmental pollution, but also can recover significant amounts of resources thereby saving costs and providing valuable inputs in, for instance, the agricultural sector. Social acceptance of the technologies and institutional cooperation, however, is key for successful implementation.

Participación social Tecnología apropiada Abastecimiento de agua Saneamiento Zonas periurbanas Humedales Lombricultura CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Closing the yield gap of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) in Southern Africa: a case of Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique

Siyabusa Mkuhlani Isaiah Nyagumbo (2023, [Artículo])

Introduction: Smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are increasingly producing soybean for food, feed, cash, and soil fertility improvement. Yet, the difference between the smallholder farmers’ yield and either the attainable in research fields or the potential from crop models is wide. Reasons for the yield gap include low to nonapplication of appropriate fertilizers and inoculants, late planting, low plant populations, recycling seeds, etc. Methods: Here, we reviewed the literature on the yield gap and the technologies for narrowing it and modelled yields through the right sowing dates and suitable high-yielding varieties in APSIM. Results and Discussion: Results highlighted that between 2010 and 2020 in SSA, soybean production increased; however, it was through an expansion in the cropped area rather than a yield increase per hectare. Also, the actual smallholder farmers’ yield was 3.8, 2.2, and 2.3 times lower than the attainable yield in Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique, respectively. Through inoculants, soybean yield increased by 23.8%. Coupling this with either 40 kg ha−1 of P or 60 kg ha−1 of K boosted the yields by 89.1% and 26.0%, respectively. Overall, application of 21–30 kg ha-1 of P to soybean in SSA could increase yields by about 48.2%. Furthermore, sowing at the right time increased soybean yield by 300%. Although these technologies enhance soybean yields, they are not fully embraced by smallholder farmers. Hence, refining and bundling them in a digital advisory tool will enhance the availability of the correct information to smallholder farmers at the right time and improve soybean yields per unit area.


A Case Study on Foreign Language Teachers’ Beliefs about Classroom Management in a Large Public University in Central Mexico

MARIA DEL ROSARIO GARCIA HERNANDEZ (2018, [Tesis de maestría])

Este proyecto de investigación estuvo encaminado a explorar las diferentes estrategias que maestros en el Departamento de Lenguas de la Universidad de Guanajuato (UG) creen o consideran ser las más efectivas para el manejo de su clase. El estudio se dirigió a explorar y escuchar la voz de cuatro maestros de varias lenguas extranjeras. De tal manera se pretende tener un acercamiento a las razones que existen detrás de las actividades que diseñan con el fin de mantener un entorno de aprendizaje adecuado. La investigación se enfocó en responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las creencias de cuatro maestros de lengua extranjera acerca del manejo de clase en el Departamento de Lenguas de la Universidad de Guanajuato? En este estudio de caso el enfoque central se dio sobre los participantes, cuatro maestros de diferentes lenguas extranjeras del Departamento de Lenguas de la UG y el centro de auto aprendizaje del idioma (CAADI). Se siguió una metodología cualitativa apoyada por la implementación de tres técnicas que sirvieron como herramientas para llevar a cabo este proyecto. Las técnicas que ayudaron a triangular la información para este caso de estudio fueron cuestionarios abiertos, observaciones de clase y entrevistas semiestructuradas. De esta forma, los maestros pudieron verbalizar sus creencias sobre el manejo de clase efectivo, de igual forma permitieron dar seguimiento a sus teorías pedagógicas a través del comportamiento observado dentro de sus clases y reflexionaron sobre la relación entre sus creencias y comportamientos dentro del salón. Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren la poca importancia que se le ha dado al manejo efectivo de clase como una herramienta para transmitir los conocimientos de una forma más humana.

This research project was aimed at exploring the different strategies that teachers in the Language Department of the University of Guanajuato (UG) believe or consider to be the most effective for the management of their class. The study was aimed at exploring and listening to the voice of four masters of several foreign languages. In this way it is intended to have an approach to the reasons behind the activities they design in order to maintain an adequate learning environment. The research focused on answering the following question: What are the beliefs of four foreign language teachers about class management in the Department of Languages ​​of the University of Guanajuato? In this case study, the central focus was given to the participants, four teachers from different foreign languages ​​of the Language Department of the UG and the language self-learning center (CAADI). A qualitative methodology was followed, supported by the implementation of three techniques that served as tools to carry out this project. The techniques that helped to triangulate the information for this case study were open questionnaires, class observations and semi-structured interviews. In this way, the teachers were able to verbalize their beliefs about the effective class management, in the same way they allowed to follow their pedagogical theories through the observed behavior within their classes and reflected on the relationship between their beliefs and behaviors within the classroom. The results of this investigation suggest the little importance that has been given to effective class management as a tool to transmit knowledge in a more human way.

CGU- Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza del Inglés LINGÜÍSTICA Lingüística Lingüística aplicada Enseñanza de lenguas

Uso potencial de pellets para el tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con arsénico en comunidades de Xichú, Gto., México

Pellets potential use for the treatment of contaminated water with arsenic in communities Xichú, Gto. Mexico


En el presente trabajo se llevó a cabo el desarrollo del uso de pellets, provenientes de resi-duos lignocelulósicos, para el tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con arsénico de las comu-nidades del municipio de Xichú, Gto., México. Las muestras de agua, n = 72, se evaluaron con base en la NOM-127-SSA1-1994. La concentración más alta de arsénico fue arriba de los límites permisibles, 0.2 mg.L–1 ± 0.04 mg.L–1. Los pellets utilizados fueron a partir de aserrín, paja de trigo, agave y sorgo. Se optimizó la rampa de temperatura para la mejor consistencia de los pellets. Se realizaron varios diseños experimentales con los pellets, n = 162, a diferentes condiciones, para desarrollar el proceso de activación y tratamiento con Fe (III). Los pellets obtenidos fueron colocados en muestras de agua contaminadas con ar-sénico por 24 h. Se logró una remoción de arsénico a pH entre 6.5 a 7, del 98.50% ± 1.2%.

Present work was carried out development of use of pellets from lignocellulosic waste for arsenic-contaminated waters treatment in communities of the municipality of Xichu, Guanajuato, Mexico. Water samples, n = 72, were evaluated based on NOM-127-SSA1-1994.

The highest concentration of arsenic was above permissible limits, 0.2 mg.L–1 ± 0.04 mg.L–1. Pellets used were from sawdust, wheat straw, agave and sorghum. Temperature ramp to the best consistency of pellets is optimized. Several experimental designs with pellets were

performed,n = 162, in different conditions to develop activation process and treatment with Fe (III). Pellets obtained were placed in water samples contaminated with arsenic 24 h. Arsenic removal at pH between 6.5 to 7, of 98.50% ± 1.2% was achieved.

BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA Arsénico Pellets Lignocelulósica Tecnologías sustentables Xichú, Gto. México Arsenic Lignocellulosic wastes Sustainable technologies