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Determinación del efecto de promotores de turbulencia en el arrastre de la película de enfriamiento de álabes de turbina de gas

EDER URIEL MARTÍNEZ SANDOVAL (2022, [Tesis de doctorado])

En el presente trabajo de investigación se presenta un estudio numérico para

analizar el efecto que tiene el uso de promotores de turbulencia dentro del

canal de enfriamiento sobre la eficiencia de la película de enfriamiento de los

álabes de una turbina de gas. Se compara el aumento de la rugosidad dentro

del canal de enfriamiento (uso de promotores de turbulencia) contra una pared

lisa (condición normal) y cómo estos cambios influyen en la eficiencia de la

película de enfriamiento. Se emplea el modelo de turbulencia a k-ε RNG para

resolver el flujo turbulento, debido a las buenas aproximaciones que se

presentan entre cálculos de CFD y mediciones experimentales de la eficiencia

de la película de enfriamiento. Se varió la relación de soplado con el objetivo

de encontrar la relación que beneficie a la película de enfriamiento, además,

se varió la relación de K=L/h, donde L es la distancia entre los promotores y h

es la altura del promotor de turbulencia dentro del canal de enfriamiento. Los

resultados mostraron que con una relación de soplado M=0.5, la eficiencia de

la película de enfriamiento, la cobertura de protección de la película y la

temperatura en la superficie de la placa plana aumentan significativamente con

el uso de los promotores de turbulencia en el canal de refrigeración, además

que, la mejor eficiencia de la película de enfriamiento se encontró para una

relación de K=11.

In this research work, a numerical study is presented to analyze the effect of

turbulence promoters within the cooling channel on the film cooling

effectiveness of the gas turbine blades. The increase in roughness within the

cooling channel (use of turbulence promoters) is compared against a smooth

wall (normal condition) and how these changes influence the film cooling

effectiveness. The k-ε RNG turbulence model is used to solve the turbulent

flow, due to the good approximations between CFD calculations and

experimental measurements of the cooling film efficiency. The blowing ratio

was varied to find the condition that benefits the film cooling effectiveness, in

addition, the K=L/h ratio was varied, where L is the distance between the

promoters and h is the height of the turbulence promoter inside the cooling

channel. The results showed that with a blowing ratio M=0.5, the film cooling

effectiveness, the protective coverage of the film, and the temperature on the

surface of the flat plate increase significantly with the use of the turbulence

promoters in the cooling channel, in addition to that, the best efficiency of the

cooling film was found for a ratio of K=11.


Modelo de negocio para la comercialización de cursos especializados autogestivos mediante una plataforma de e-learning

MIGUEL ANGEL VALENCIA SERRANO (2022, [Tesis de maestría])

Este trabajo reporta un modelo de negocio novedoso orientado a la

comercialización de cursos especializados en formato autogestivo. Los cursos son

generados por los investigadores, tecnólogos y científicos, de los centros públicos

de investigación mexicanos. Diseñar modelos de negocios no es una tarea sencilla,

principalmente porque cuando se emprende un proyecto de innovación tecnológica,

en la mayoría de los casos, es común no tener identificado el segmento de clientes

al que nos vamos a dirigir, ni la propuesta de valor que va a diferenciarnos de la

competencia. En este proyecto se usó la metodología de cinco etapas de

Osterwalder y Pigneur [1] para la generación de nuestro modelo de negocio. Es

importante aclarar que en este trabajo solo se implementaron las primeras tres

partes asociadas a la movilización, comprensión y diseño del modelo de negocio.

Y, las etapas 4 y 5, aplicación y gestión respectivamente, son parte del trabajo futuro

derivado de esta tesis.

Como herramienta central del proyecto se empleó el Lienzo del Modelos de Negocio

(o Business Canvas Model en inglés). Este lienzo nos permite describir nuestro

modelo de negocios con nueve bloques esenciales que todo modelo debe tener: 1)

propuesta de valor, 2) segmentos de clientes, 3) canales, 4) relación con los

clientes, 5) flujo de ingresos, 6) recursos clave, 7) socios clave, 8) actividades clave

y, 9) estructura de costos. Una vez teniendo el Lienzo de Modelo de Negocio inicial,

se aplicaron estrategias para validación de las hipótesis preliminares, de tal modo

que de manera iterativa e incremental el lienzo se fue actualizando hasta tener la

versión final que es presentada en esta tesis. Al mismo tiempo que se hacía el

diseño, se estudiaron los patrones de modelos de negocio dejando como base de

nuestro modelo el patrón de modelo de plataformas multilaterales.

This thesis work reports an innovative business model oriented to the

commercialization of specialized courses in a self-management format. The courses

are generated by researchers, technologists and scientists from Mexican public

research centers. Designing business models is not an easy task, mainly because

when undertaking a technological innovation project, in most cases, it is common

not to have identified the customer segment that we are going to target, nor the value

proposition that will differentiate us. In this project, the five-stage methodology of

Osterwalder and Pigneur [1] was used to generate our business model. It is

important to mention that in this work only the first three stages associated with the

mobilization, understanding and design of the business model were implemented.

And, stages 4 and 5, application and management respectively, are part of the future

work derived from this thesis. The Business Canvas Model was used as the central

tool of the project. This canvas allows us to describe our business model with nine

essential blocks that every model must have: 1) value proposition, 2) customer

segments, 3) channels, 4) customer relationship, 5) revenue stream, 6) key

resources, 7) key partners, 8) key activities and, 9) cost structure. Once having the

initial Business Canvas Model, strategies were applied to validate the preliminary

hypotheses, in such a way that the canvas was updated iteratively and incrementally

until it had the final version that is shown in this thesis. At the same time that the

design was made, the patterns of business models were studied, leaving the pattern

of the multilateral platforms model as the basis of our model.


'Estudio de la influencia de contenido de Boro sobre la composición, actividad catalítica y propiedades ópticas en la región visible del espectro solar, de películas delgadas de NiB

Josué Rafael López Montelongo (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

En la presente investigación de tesis, se llevó acabo la electrodeposición de películas de NiB sobre cristales conductores de FTO con el propósito de evaluar su eficiencia como electrocatalizadores bifuncionales para la separación electroquímica del agua y analizar sus propiedades ópticas con miras a su aplicación como materiales semiconductores en la región visible del espectro solar.

In the current thesis investigation, the electrodeposition of NiB films onto FTO conudctive crystal was conducted to assess their efficacy as bifunctional electrocatalysts for electrochemical water splitting and to analyze their optical properties for potential applications as semiconductor materials in the visible region of the solar spectrum.

KW: Electrochemical Deposition, Electrocatalysis, Oxygen evolution reaction, Hydrogen evolution reaction.


Estudio termodinámico de los procesos de transporte en semiconductores: cuasineutralidad, rectificación del flujo de carga y efectos de escala

VICTOR HERNANDEZ GARCIA (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

El estudio de transporte de calor y carga en semiconductores tiene sus orígenes

alrededor de la primera mitad del siglo XIX, con los trabajos pioneros de Fourier,

Ohm y Fick sobre la conducción de calor, la conducción de electricidad y los fenómenos de difusión respectivamente, sin embargo, aún hoy en día prácticamente 200 años

después, cobran cada vez más relevancia los estudios de transporte debido al desarrollo

de la tecnología y consecuentemente el surgimiento de nuevos sistemas de estudio

como lo son las películas delgadas de apenas unos pocos nanómetros de espesor,

sistemas nanoestructurados o multicapa en la nanoescala, los cuales han permitido

descubrir el importante papel de distintos fenómenos (trampas de calor, rectificación térmica, captura de luz, etc.) en las escalas mencionadas, no solo en un sentido

teórico o experimental, sino también en un sentido industrial y comercial. Conocer

los mecanismos involucrados en el transporte de calor y carga en semiconductores

u otros materiales puede ayudar a desarrollar nuevos y mejores dispositivos termoeléctricos o de conversión de energía, así como mejorar el desempeño y la eficiencia de los existentes. Para lograr estos propósitos, diferentes modelos de transporte han sido derivados a partir de la termodinámica irreversible lineal o de la termodinámica estadística u otros marcos teóricos, tales modelos han sido una herramienta de gran valor que se van acercando a una descripción más completa, detallada y precisa de los fenómenos de transporte.

Desde mediados del siglo pasado se han hecho importantes contribuciones al estudio de los fenómenos de transporte, por ejemplo el estudio teórico de uniones p-n

en semiconductores y transistores [1], o el de la estadística de la recombinación de

electrones y huecos [2], o las condiciones físicas que simplifican las ecuaciones de

transporte como la condición de cuasineutralidad y el modelo de transporte ambipolar [3].


4d printing research trends and applications in the medical field: a scientometric analysis

MARISELA RODRIGUEZ SALVADOR (2022, [Tesis de maestría])


Innovation plays a key role on a company’s either success or failure. But innovation is not just the creating or adopting new technologies; it is also directly connected with a solid strategic planning. Competitive technology intelligence is based on the systematic and ethical process of gathering, analyzing and transforming information into actionable knowledge. It aims to support decision making and strategic planning, because the knowledge produced by this methodology constitutes an early warning for research, development and innovation [19]. Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a technique of additive manufacturing that has revolutionized engineering, product design and manufacturing, as it allows the rapid conversion of digital 3D model information into physical static objects [45]. However, in the last few years a new possibility has been introduced to add ’time’ as a new dimension to create 4D printing. The medical field keeps changing and progressing at a high speed with new technologies emerging every day. 4D printing on the medical field is an area where it is necessary to provide decision makers with an overview of technological knowledge that helps them generate innovation opportunities. On this thesis, a Competitive technology intelligence approach was executed to identify trends in 4D printing technologies applied to the medical field, in order to provide relevant information through a technological landscape to support decision makers to uncover innovation opportunities. The results of the analysis revealed that most of the research developed is on the materials category, which relates completely to the fact that smart materials are the key difference between 3D and 4D printing. Most of the researches focus on shape memory polymers, hydrogels and liquid crystal elastomers. On the processes category researched is focused on the physical configuration of the printing model, printing parameters and adapting machines to modify the printing configurations. As for the applications, three main subcategories were identified, hollow tubes/stents, tissue engineering and drug delivery. According to the growth kinetics it is a field that although is fairly new, keeps growing and will keep gaining attention.

Maestra en Ciencias con Especialidad en Sistemas de Manufactura


Low thermal conductivity solar domestic water heater


"Solar domestic water heaters (SWH) with thermosyphon circulation are the most common commercial applications of solar energy in Mexico. They are also becoming popular in the rest of the world, given their simplicity, good economic returns, and sustainability. Traditionally the solar collector, the piping, and the storage tank are built of copper and steel. However, wáter quality in many parts of the Mexican Northwest has high mineral contents and, when heated, results in early metal pitting corrosion of SWH parts. Short-lived water heaters are bad promoters of the technology. In this work, a SWH thermoplastic Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) is built and tested under real operating conditions in La Paz, BCS, Mexico. The optimal design is detected with the aid of a suitable numerical model. Results reveal that a full SWH-CPVC can be technically and economically convenient for the weather conditions of the Northwestern states of Mexico."

Low thermal conductivity solar water heater CPVC solar water heater Solar water heater cooper pitting corrosion Thermosiphon circulation INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA ELECTRÓNICA DISPOSITIVOS TERMOELÉCTRICOS DISPOSITIVOS TERMOELÉCTRICOS

Impact of automation on enhancing energy quality in grid-connected photovoltaic systems

Virgilio Alfonso Murillo Rodríguez NOE VILLA VILLASEÑOR José Manuel Robles Solís OA Guirette-Barbosa (2023, [Artículo])

Rapid growth in the integration of new consumers into the electricity sector, particularly in the industrial sector, has necessitated better control of the electricity supply and of the users’ op-erating conditions to guarantee an adequate quality of service as well as the unregulated dis-turbances that have been generated in the electrical network that can cause significant failures, breakdowns and interruptions, causing considerable expenses and economic losses. This research examines the characteristics of electrical variations in equipment within a company in the industrial sector, analyzes the impact generated within the electrical system according to the need for operation in manufacturing systems, and proposes a new solution through automation of the regulation elements to maintain an optimal system quality and prevent damage and equipment failures while offering a cost-effective model. The proposed solution is evaluated through a reliable simulation in ETAP (Energy Systems Modeling, Analysis and Optimization) software, which emulates the interaction of control elements and simulates the design of electric flow equipment operation. The results demonstrate an improvement in system performance in the presence of disturbances when two automation schemes are applied as well as the exclusive operation of the capacitor bank, which improves the total system current fluctuations and improves the power factor from 85.83% to 93.42%. Such a scheme also improves the waveform in the main power system; another improvement result is when simultaneously operating the voltage and current filter together with the PV system, further improving the current fluctuations, improving the power factor from 85.83% to 94.81%, achieving better stability and improving the quality of the waveform in the main power grid.

This article belongs to Special Issue Advances and Optimization of Electric Energy System.


Modular ontology to support manufacturing SMEs toward industry 4.0


Industry 4.0 (I4.0) implementation is a hot topic among manufacturing organizations to reach smart factory status and integrate a fully connected ecosystem. Achieving such a transition presents notable challenges for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) since they often face resource and skilled personnel limitations. This study developed a domain ontology to represent various stages of maturity toward I4.0 implementation. Ontology provides a tool for SMEs to self-assess in situations of machines, processes, and factories for the dimensions of control, integration, and intelligence. This study focused on the identification of classes and relationships according to I4.0 implementation situations in the context of a manufacturing setting, the reuse of ontologies related to the domain of observations to model situations, and the creation and validation of the ontology through the information obtained from the questionnaires applied to SMEs. Finally, the ontology delivers a tool to understand SMEs' current state concerning I4.0 implementation and plan based on informed decisions about the maturity state and the technology required to advance to the next stage in their manufacturing processes.

This study was partially supported by the grants CONAHCYT-CIATEQ CVU 899567 and 162867 and CONAHCYT SNI.

We express our gratitude to Teresa Novales Hernandez for the library support.