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Ajustar las condiciones de operación de una prensa hidráulica horizontal de fabricación propia para un proceso de doblado en frío a 90°

Hugo Estrada Pimentel HUGO ARCOS GUTIERREZ JOSE ANTONIO BETANCOURT CANTERA Jan Mayén Chaires John Edison García Herrera (2023)

During the cold-bending process, the tooling suffers considerable damage due to excess pressure. This also causes the machines to break down, causing problems in the precision and quality of the metal parts formed. The precision depends on the operating conditions of the press, the tooling employed, and the elastic recovery effect of the material. This study determines the working conditions for a made-in-house horizontal hydraulic press through an experimental design (DOE). This research carried out the V-forming to 90° (ISO 2768-1) of a hot-rolled carbon steel plate, considering pressure, piston permanence time, and recovery factor (Kr). The experimental and statistical analysis ensures accurate forming while the work pressure decreases by 17% and 33%, respectively, regarding the maximum. This reduction will delay the appearance of fatigue damage and have the operating parameters well established; in turn, it will be possible to design tools according to commercial standards.

Durante el proceso de conformado en frío, las herramientas sufren daños considerables debido al exceso de presión. Esto también causa que las máquinas se rompan, causando problemas en la precisión y calidad de las piezas metálicas formadas. La precisión depende de las condiciones de funcionamiento de la prensa, las herramientas empleadas y el efecto elástico de recuperación del material. Este estudio determina las condiciones de trabajo de una prensa hidráulica horizontal fabricado en casa a través de un diseño experimental (DOE). Esta investigación llevó a cabo el conformado en V a 90° (ISO 2768-1) de una placa de acero al carbono laminada en caliente, teniendo en cuenta la presión, el tiempo de permanencia del pistón y el factor de recuperación (Kr). El análisis experimental y estadístico asegura un conformado preciso, mientras que la presión de trabajo disminuyó en un 17% y 33%, respectivamente, con respecto al máximo. Esta reducción retrasará la aparición de daños por fatiga y tendrá los parámetros de funcionamiento bien establecidos; con estos, a su vez, será posible diseñar herramientas de acuerdo con los estándares comerciales.

Authorship acknowledgement: Hugo Estrada: Conceptualization; methodology; validation; writing; revision; project administration; software; investigation; display; draft writing; reviewing and editing. Hugo Arcos: Conceptualization; methodology; validation; writing; revision; simulation; software; reviewing. José A. Betancourt: Supervision; methodology; validation; writing; revision; draft writing: writing reviewing and editing. Jan Mayen: Supervision; methodology; validation; writing; revision; formal analysis.

John E. García: Conceptualization; supervision; methodology; validation; writing; revision; project management; formal analysis, draft writing: writing reviewing and editing.


Cold forming DOE ANOVA Recovery factor (Kr) Factorial analysis 2k Spring back (SB) Conformado en frío Factor de recuperación (Kr) Análisis factorial 2k Recuperación elástica (SB) INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES TECNOLÓGICAS OTRAS OTRAS

Physical–Chemical Assessment of Azo Dye Basic Violet I (BVI) Discoloration Using the Corona Plasma in Batch and Flow Systems

Josefina Vergara Sanchez CESAR TORRES SEGUNDO Hugo Albeiro Saldarriaga Noreña (2024)

The decolorization of the Basic violet I (BVI) dye when interacted with a corona discharge is studied in the present work, taking in account two systems, batch and flux. The current and voltage were measured during the whole process in which a corona plasma was generated, with an applied power of 51.9 and 167.72 W where the transport gas was air. A batch reactor and a flow reactor were used, where 500 and 5000 mL of

samples were treated, respectively. Optical emission spectra (OES) were measured where the oxidizing species ・OH were at wavelengths of 307.597 and 310.148 nm, associated with the A2Σ+ − X2Π transition. The absorption spectra for the batch system showed a discoloration of 85.7% in the first 10 min, while in the flow system, the absorption was 93.9% at the same time and 4.5% at the same time by conventional heating. Characteristics of the final sample included an acidic solution with an electrical conductivity of 449.20 } 55.44 and 313.6 } 39.58 μS/cm, a dissolved oxygen concentration of 7.74 } 0.2 and 6.37 } 0.23 mg/L, an absorbance of 0.04 } 0.01 and 0.03 } 0.01 au, with turbidity measuring 1.22 } 1.59 and 10.34 } 4.96 NTU, and an energy cost of 1.1 × 10−1 and 6.3 × 10−1 g/kWh in the batch and continuous flow systems, respectively. The interaction of the corona plasma with water promoted the production of reactive species, resulting in the discoloration of the Basic Violet I dye.


BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA QUÍMICA anions, degradation, dyes and pigments, electrodes, plasma