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“We place our hope in the land”: defense of the territory against mining in Ixtacamaxtitlán, Puebla

Veronica Vazquez_Garcia Esteban Martínez Vásquez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Mexico occupies first place in mining exploration in Latin America, a situation that has caused alarm among native peoples because the implementation of extractive projects threatens their vital space. The objective of this paper is to analyze the actions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Ixtaca Project in Ixtacamaxtitlán, Puebla, as well as the strategies of territorial defense undertaken by the communities to stop its expansion. Data was gathered through one survey, one workshop and various interviews conducted in three communities affected by the project. Results discuss three actions of CSR: 1) job offers; 2) investment in community infrastructure; 3) support for social events. Three main defense strategies were identified: 1) collective agreements refusing to sell water to the company; 2) legal litigations in favor of the right to be consulted as native peoples; 3) the strengthening of peasant agriculture thanks to the defense of the ejido, the conservation of irrigation water and the support received from the federal program Sembrando Vida. The paper concludes that, despite the negative impacts of RCS actions, these strategies have proven effective because mining concessions have been cancelled and some families have returned to agriculture.  


native peoples peasantry mining OIT Convention socioenvironmental conflict pueblos originarios campesinado minería Convenio OIT conflicto socioambiental CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Calibración de un modelo hidrológico aplicado en el riego tecnificado por gravedad

Calibration of an hydrology model applied in the technology irrigation by gravity


Este estudio tuvo como propósitos comparar la tecnología de riego tradicional con una metodología tecnificada, así como medir la respuesta de la producción de maíz (Zea mays) a la aplicación de nitrógeno en forma tradicional y en fertirriego. El experimento se desarrolló en el módulo 2 del distrito de riego (DR076), en el Valle del Carrizo, Sinaloa, México. La tecnología denominada riego tradicional es la utilizada por los agricultores, y la tecnificada es una propuesta del Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua.

Cultivos alimenticios Maíz Fertirriego Modelos matemáticos Riego tecnificado INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Transformation and innovation of knowledge in the construction and sustainable function of housing at the headwaters of San Juan Chamula.

Alejandra Trujillo Miguel Sánchez Álvarez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])



San Juan Chamula, Chiapas, is one of the most representative cultures of the native peoples of Mexico. The municipal seat is made up of three main neighborhoods: San Juan, San Sebastián and San Pedro. In ancient times, the architectural design of the houses was made of materials such as straw, adobe, bajareque and others of organic origin, which were part of the natural environment of the inhabitants. Thus, houses were built based on the use of natural elements available to the inhabitants as a result of the use of primary sector activity.


From the Chamula worldview housing has played functions for rest and shelter, therefore it was considered as a sacred place. When building one, ceremonies and offerings were carried out to appease any disgust of the guardians of Mother Earth, as they considered that nature had life, and to avoid any misfortune among the members of the family. For this, it was necessary to offer music, songs, and special dishes to feed the house and the Earth, so there would be harmony and well-being. Today, that worldview has been disrupted by the presence of multiple religions and other factors.


Chamula housing has gone through different stages of transition, from 1990 onwards, it was made of materials such as bricks, blocks and cement. With international migration and the arrival of young Chamula in the United States, changes in the building styles and function of housing are observed, as well as a loss of Chamula-type architectural knowledge, so that traditional architectural knowledge remains only with the elderly. Nowadays, Chamula masons and house builders opt for a foreign architectural design like California, thus changing their cultural identity, their way of life and their relationship with nature.


Keywords: traditional architecture, migration, architectural change.

traditional architecture migration architectural change arquitectura tradicional cambio arquitectónico chamula migración vivienda CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Institutionalization of leftist utopias in Latin America: a case study

Guillem Compte Nunes (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])

Faced with popular dissatisfaction with liberal-capitalist democracy, at the beginning of the 21st century there is a governmental shift to the left in Latin America, in which Mexico is recently participating, with the arrival of the Morena party to power. The social movements that promote these political projects convey leftist utopias that seek to institutionalize themselves in political systems and public policies. However, this process of utopian institutionalization presents tensions and contradictions within the so-called party-movements. In this paper I present a methodological proposal for utopian analysis, which I apply to the “Colectivo La Calle”, a group that is part of the lopezobradorista movement in Mexico. I analyze three utopias mediated by this group and find that indeed the Colectivo is mobilizing against Morena’s pragmatism. This result adds to previous literature, which, given contemporary governmental experiences, questions the ability of the Latin American institutional left to overcome conservative hegemony.

utopía lopezobradorismo México acción colectiva Morena CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Utopia Mexico collective action

Noteworthy record of the kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) and its relation to physiographic characteristics in Baja California, Mexico

SARAHI SANDOVAL ESPINOZA MARIANA DELGADO FERNANDEZ Jonathan Gabriel Escobar Flores (2017, [Artículo])

"The kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) lives in sandy and shallow soils of the Pacific coastal plains and the ecoregion of San Felipe desert. The reports of this species are scarce and in Mexico it is listed as a threatened species. The populations of V. macrotis tend to decrease due to the change in the habitat to agricultural land, which has been one of the causes of the disappearance of kit fox populations in Mexico. As part of the project “Characterisation of water bodies in Sierra Santa Isabel, Baja California”, 12 camera traps were placed in six watering holes that are visited by wildlife from January to August 2015. Digital terrain elevation models were used to describe three variables: roughness, slope inclination and orientation; these variables are essential for the kit fox to build its burrows, catch its preys and escape from predators. The analyses were also carried out in localities where this carnivore had previously been recorded in Baja California. An analysis of variance was used to determine the existence of similarities or differences between the topographical characteristics of the historical localities and the new record. The first photographic record of the kit fox was obtained in one of the watering holes located within the Valle de los Cirios Flora and Fauna Protection Area. The analyses of variance confirmed that there are no significant differences between roughness (F(4, 780) = 0.11, P > 0.05), slope inclination (F(4, 1275) = 0.319, P > 0.05) and orientation (F(4, 15) = 0.41, P > 0.05), between the historical localities and the site where the new record was obtained. Other carnivores were also recorded in the watering hole, such as the cougar (Puma concolor), bobcat (Lynx rufus), coyote (Canis latrans) and gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). The presence of the kit fox is likely occasional in the watering hole, because the slopes are greater than 10 degrees and, therefore, these sites are unsuitable for the construction of burrows. However, flat sites with sandy substrates that empty into the Gulf of California occur at a distance of less than 5 km from the watering hole, which are therefore suitable to be inhabited by the kit fox. the analysis of topographic variables of the historical records coupled with camera traps jointly confirmed that the site with the new record has characteristics that are suitable for the kit fox."

"La zorra norteña (Vulpes macrotis) habita en los suelos arenosos y pocos profundos de las planicies costeras del pacifico y de la ecorregión del desierto de San Felipe. Los reportes de esta especie son escasos y en México esta enlistada como una especie amenazada. Las poblaciones de V. macrotis tienden a disminuir por la transformación del hábitat a tierras agrícolas, la cual ha sido una de las causantes de la extirpación de poblaciones de zorra norteña en México. Como parte del proyecto “Caracterización de los cuerpos de agua en Sierra Santa Isabel, Baja California”, se colocaron 12 cámaras trampa en seis aguajes que son visitados por la fauna silvestre de enero a agosto de 2015. Mediante modelos digitales de elevación del terreno se describieron tres variables: rugosidad, pendiente y orientación de las laderas, estas variables son esenciales para que la zorra norteña construya sus madrigueras, capture a sus presas y escape de sus depredadores. Los análisis también se realizaron en localidades que previamente se había registrado a este carnívoro en Baja California. Por medio de un análisis de varianza de una vía se determinó si existen similitudes o diferencias entre las características topográficas de las localidades históricas y el nuevo registro. En uno de los aguajes que se ubica dentro del Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Valle de los Cirios, se obtuvo el primero registro fotográfico de la zorra norteña. Con los análisis de varianza se confirmó que no hay diferencias significativas entre la rugosidad (F(4, 780) = 0.11, P > 0.05), pendiente (F(4, 1275) = 0.319, P > 0.05) y orientación (F(4, 15) = 0.41, P > 0.05), entre las localidades históricas y el sitio donde se obtuvo el nuevo registro. En el aguaje también se registraron otro carnívoros, como el puma (Puma concolor), gato montés (Lynx rufus), coyote (Canis latrans) y zorra gris (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). La presencia de la zorra norteña posiblemente es ocasional en el aguaje, debido a que las pendientes en el lugar son mayores a 10 grados y por lo tanto estos sitios no son idóneos para la construcción de madrigueras. Sin embargo, a una distancia menor a 5 km del aguaje se encuentran sitios planos con sustratos arenosos que desembocan al Golfo de California, y por lo tanto son idóneos para que la zorra norteña sea residente de esos lugares..."


Remoción de arsénico mediante procesos de membrana

César Calderón Mólgora María Laura Quezada Jiménez CARLOS HERNANDEZ YAÑEZ (2012, [Artículo])

Con el objeto de verificar la viabilidad técnica y económica de potabilizar mediante procesos de membrana agua contaminada con arsénico, se llevaron a cabo pruebas de tratabilidad utilizando pilotos de coagulación-microfiltración (C-MF) y de nanofiltración (NF) en un pozo, cuya concentración promedio de arsénico fue de 67 μg/l y la conductividad promedio de 975 μS/cm.

Arsénico Coagulación Membranas Microfiltración Nanofiltración INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Dialéctica, estructura y génesis: la presencia de Lautman en lo virtual deleuziano

Dialectic, structure and genesis: Lautman’s presence in Deleuze’s virtual

Gonzalo Santaya (2022, [Artículo])

Este artículo busca realizar un aporte a los estudios deleuzia nos en torno al concepto de lo virtual, a partir del examen de una fuente fundamental para su determinación: la noción de “dialéctica” extraída de la filosofía matemática de Albert Lautman. Antes que referir a Platón o Hegel, Deleuze se apropia de la dialéctica a partir de este autor, para determinar el plano de lo virtual como un campo problemático,

estructural-genético, simultáneamente inmanente y trascendente a las soluciones actuales que produce. Analizaremos primero el desarrollo del propio Lautman sobre la dialéctica en la filosofía matemática, para

mostrar luego cómo Deleuze pretende extender esa dialéctica más allá de la matemática; finalmente, presentamos algunas reflexiones sobre el privilegio de la matemática que caracteriza los desarrollos de lo virtual en Diferencia y repetición.

This paper aims to make a contribution to Deleuzian studies concerning the concept of the virtual, by examining a fundamental source in its determination: the notion of “dialectic” developed in Albert Lautman’s philosophy of mathematics. It is not Plato or Hegel, but Lautman, who Deleuze chooses to address his conception of the dialectic, determining the virtual field as a problematic one, which is both

structural and genetic, and simultaneously immanent and transcendent

to the actual solutions it produces. We will first analyze Lautman’s own

presentation of the dialectic in philosophy of mathematics to show, secondly, how Deleuze extends this dialectic beyond mathematics; finally, we make some considerations about the privilege given to mathematics in Deleuze’s developments on the virtual in Difference and Repetition.

HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA Gilles Deleuze, 1925-1995 - Crítica e interpretación Albert Lautman, 1908-1944 - Crítica e interpretación Dialéctica Virtual Matemáticas Gilles Deleuze. Diferencia y repetición, 1968 - Crítica e interpretación Gilles Deleuze, 1925-1995 - Criticism and interpretation Albert Lautman, 1908-1944 - Criticism and interpretation Dialectics Virtual Mathematics Gilles Deleuze. Difference and Repetition, 1968 - Criticism and interpretation

Diseño de riego por melgas empleando las ecuaciones de Saint-Venant, y Green y Ampt


Se presenta un método de diseño de riego por melgas basado en la aplicación de un modelo que emplea las ecuaciones de Saint-Venant, para describir el flujo del agua sobre el suelo, y la ecuación de Green y Ampt, para representar el flujo del agua en el suelo. La principal ventaja del modelo presentado es el poco tiempo de cómputo que requiere para su aplicación, en comparación con el necesario para ejecutar un modelo hidrodinámico completo reportado en la literatura, mismo que emplea las ecuaciones de Saint-Venant para el flujo del agua sobre el suelo, acopladas internamente con la ecuación de Richards, que permite modelar el flujo del agua en el suelo.

Riego por inundación controlada Modelos matemáticos Gasto óptimo CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA

Solución en diferencias finitas de la ecuación de Boussinesq con porosidad drenable variable y condición de radiación fractal en la frontera

Finite difference solution of the Boussinesq equation with variable drainable porosity and fractal radiation boundary condition


El drenaje subterráneo es utilizado para eliminar excedentes de agua en la zona radical y suelos salinos para lixiviar las sales. La dinámica del agua es estudiada con la ecuación de Boussinesq, sus soluciones analíticas son obtenidas asumiendo que la transmisibilidad del acuífero y la porosidad de drenable son constantes y que la superficie libre se abate de manera instantánea sobre los drenes. La solución en el caso general requiere de soluciones numéricas. Se ha mostrado que la condición de frontera en los drenes es una condición de radiación fractal y la porosidad drenable es variable y relacionada con la curva de retención de humedad, y ha sido resuelta con el método del elemento finito, que en un esquema unidimensional puede hacerse equivalente al método de diferencias finitas. Aquí se propone una solución en diferencias finitas de la ecuación diferencial considerando la porosidad drenable variable y la condición de radiación fractal.

Drenaje agrícola Hidrodinámica Modelos matemáticos INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA

Thermal and ammonia concentration gradients in a rabbit barn with two ventilation system designs


Rabbit barns are of economic importance in central Mexico, where rabbit breeders use rustic buildings for production. In such barns, climate conditioning is mostly based on natural ventilation (NV) where the lack of a well-designed NV system may be a limiting factor. In this study, computational fluid dynamics was used to analyse the performance of the NV system in a 24 x 4 x 4.8 m typical Central Mexico rabbit barn with a density of 20 rabbits m-2 of cage. The barn included both side vents at 1.2 m in height from the ground. Results indicated exchange rates of 0.052 and 2.9 x 10-4 m3 m-2 s-1 when the wind direction was simulated as orthogonal and parallel to the side vents, respectively, suggesting the orthogonal direction favoured the exchange rate. However, such conditions produced an accumulation of ammonia underneath the rabbit cages. Thus, a design modification including a lower inlet vent was analyzed. Such modification substantially decreased the concentration gradients of temperature and ammonia.

Conejeras Turbulencia Modelos matemáticos Simulación Ventilación INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA