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Estudio etnofarmacológico y fitoquímico de las plantas medicinales de mayor uso en Julián Blanco, Guerrero, México


El uso de plantas medicinales para tratar diversas enfermedades se ha visto fuertemente impulsado por el aumento del costo de los medicamentos y los efectos secundarios de éstos. Así, en países en vías de desarrollo, el uso de plantas medicinales se ha vuelto cada vez más importante en la atención primaria de la salud. En este artículo, se describen las especies vegetales que los habitantes de Julián Blanco, Guerrero, México, utilizan frecuentemente para el tratamiento de sus enfermedades. La información sobre nombres comunes, partes usadas y métodos de preparación fue obtenida a través de la aplicación de una encuesta mixta a 100 personas de la localidad. Se reporta un total de 74 especies pertenecientes a 35 familias y 69 géneros. Las especies vegetales con mayor porcentaje de mención fueron: Ceiba aesculifolia (Kunth) Britten & Baker f. (Malvaceae) (23%), Aristolochia tentaculata O.C.Schmidt (Aristolochiaceae) (12%), Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. ex Britton & P.Wilson (Verbenaceae) (12%), Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (Fabaceae) (12%) y Heterotheca inuloides Cav. ex Sosa & Gómez (Astaraceae) (10%). Mediante pruebas fitoquímicas clásicas, se registró que las especies de mayor uso contienen alcaloides, terpenos, flavonoides, cumarinas y triterpenos. Además, se llevó a cabo un análisis de cromatografía de gases masas (CG-MS) a C. aesculifolia, la especie vegetal de mayor mención, y se identificó el alcano nonacosano como compuesto mayoritario. Estos resultados indican que existe una gran variedad de especies vegetales y un conocimiento valioso para combatir las enfermedades.

The use of medicinal plants to treat various diseases is strongly encouraged by the increase in

drug costs and their side effects. In underdeveloped countries, it has become increasingly important in primary health care. This work describes the plant species frequently used by the inhabitants of Julián Blanco, Guerrero, Mexico, for the treatment of their diseases. The information on common names, parts of the plants and preparation methods was obtained through a mixed survey of 100 people from the locality. A total of 74 species belonging to 35 families and 69 genera are reported. The plant species with the highest percentage of mentions were: Ceiba aesculifolia (Kunth) Britten & Baker f. (Malvaceae) (23%), Aristolochia tentaculate O.C.Schmidt (Aristolochiaceae) (12%), Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson (Verbenaceae) (12%), Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (Fabaceae) (12%) and Heterotheca inuloides Cav. ex Sosa & Gómez (Astaraceae) (10%). Classical phytochemical tests recorded that the most popular species contain alkaloids, terpenes, flavonoids, coumarins, and triterpenes. In addition, a mass gas chromatography (GC-MS) analysis was performed on C. aesculifolia, the most frequently mentioned plant species. The alkane nonacosane was identified as the main compound. These results indicate that there is a great variety of plant species and valuable knowledge to combat diseases.

BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA Plantas medicinales, conocimiento tradicional, enfermedades, estudio fitoquímico.


ROMULO GARCIA VELASCO (2022, [Artículo])

En México, el Estado de México constituye el principal productor de crisantemo. La roya blanca causada por el hongo Puccinia horiana Henn se considera como una de las enfermedades más devastadoras en el cultivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto de Trichoderma barbatum Samuels y Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckfeldt & Nirenberg en el control de la roya blanca en crisantemo. Se demostró de forma exitosa el efecto biocontrolador de las cepas nativas, así como su efecto benéfico en el crecimiento de las plantas de crisantemo. Ambas cepas resultaron promisorias para el control de la roya blanca en el cultivo de crisantemo.

The State of Mexico is the main producer of chrysanthemums in Mexico. White rust caused by

the fungus Puccinia horiana Henn is considered one of the most devastating diseases in crops. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of Trichoderma barbatum Samuels and

Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckfeldt & Nirenberg in the control of white rust in chrysanthemum. The biocontrol effect of native strains was successfully demonstrated, as well as its beneficial effect in the growth of chrysanthemum plants. Both strains proved promising for the control of white rust in chrysanthemum crops.

CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS control biológico, enfermedades, patógeno, plantas ornamentales

Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Improve Growth and Fruit Quality of Cucumber under Greenhouse Conditions

GERARDO ZAPATA SIFUENTES Luis Guillermo Hernández Montiel Jorge Sáenz Mata Manuel Fortis Hernández EDUARDO BLANCO CONTRERAS ROBERTO GREGORIO CHIQUITO CONTRERAS Pablo Preciado Rangel (2022, [Artículo])

"Cucumber fruit is rich in fiber, carbohydrates, protein, magnesium, iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and antioxidants. Agrochemical-based production of cucumber has tripled yields; however, excessive synthetic fertilization has caused problems in the accumulation of salts in the soil and has increased production costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on cucumber fruit growth and quality under greenhouse conditions. The rhizobacteria Pseudomonas paralactis (KBendo6p7), Sinorhizobium meliloti (KBecto9p6), and Acinetobacter radioresistens (KBendo3p1) was adjusted to 1 × 108 CFU mL−1 . The results indicated that the inoculation with PGPR improved plant height, stem diameter, root length, secondary roots, biomass, fruit size, fruit diameter, and yield, as well as nutraceutical quality and antioxidant capacity, significantly increasing the response of plants inoculated with A. radioresistens and S. meliloti in comparison to the control. In sum, our findings showed the potential functions of the use of beneficial bacteria such as PGPR for crop production to reduce costs, decrease pollution, and achieve world food safety and security."


Effect of Pectimorf on the rooting ability, and morpho-physiological physiological trials of national cocoa (Theobroma cacaoL.) under different substrates

JUAN JOSE REYES PEREZ Luis Tarquino Llerena Ramos Víctor Hugo Reynel Chila Juan Antonio Torres Rodríguez FAROUK SAAD Luis Guillermo Hernández Montiel Wilmer Tezara (2022, [Artículo])

"Cocoa is an economical cash crop that is formerly planted worldwide. Cuttings are a method of vegetative propagation suitable for maintaining desirable characteristics in cocoa trees. A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the optimal concentrations of Pectimorf® (0, 10, 50, and 100 mg L-1) for rooting ability and seedling establishment as well as some physiological trials of 4 months EETP-800 national cocoa cuttings grown under two different substrates (S1: 80% soil + 20% sand and S2: 70% soil + 20% sand + 10% rice husk). The data showed that in most cases there are no significant differences in vegetative growth and root characteristics as well as gas exchange parameters between the two substrates. On the other hand, the application of Pectimorf® concentration enhanced all tested traits compared to untreated plants. The most effective in this regard was 100 mg L-1, that giving the highest value of all trials. As for the interaction effect, the result also shows that the application of Pectimorf® concentration in special at 100 mg L-1 among two substrates had an additive effect on plant growth, gas exchange, and survival percentage compared to non-treated cuttings. The application of 100 mg L-1 Pectimorf® with S2 substrate produced stronger seedlings with a higher survival percentage. This protocol can be used commercially for cocoa propagation commercially."


Growth Promoting Activity of Annona muricata L. Leaf Extracts on Lactobacillus casei


"Soursop leaves are a source of phytochemical compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, hydrolyzable tannins, and acetogenins. These compounds can have several types of biological activities. Lactic acid bacteria can uptake phenolic compounds present in plants or fruits. The aim of the present work was to investigate the in vitro effect of hexane, acetone, methanolic, and aqueous extracts of soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) on the growth, motility, and biofilm formation of Lactobacillus casei, and to determine compounds related to growth. The minimum concentration promoting growth, motility (swimming, swarming, and twitching), and biofilm-forming capacity (crystal violet) were evaluated. The results showed the growth-promoting capacity of acetone and aqueous extracts at low doses 25–50 mg/L, and an inhibition in the four extracts at higher doses of 100 mg/L. The L. casei growth is related to ellagic acid, quercetin rhamnoside, kaempferol dihexoside, quercetin hexoside, secoisolariciresinol, and kaempferol hexoside-rhamnoside. Hexane extract increased the three types of motility, while aqueous maintained swimming and twitching motility similar to control. The four extracts inhibited the biofilm formation capacity."


Isolation and characterization of endophytic bacteria associated with roots of jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneid)

RICARDO VAZQUEZ JUAREZ TANIA ZENTENO SAVIN ENRIQUE MORALES BOJORQUEZ Elvia Pérez Rosales Lilia Alcaráz Meléndez María Esther Puente Eduardo Quiroz Guzmán (2017, [Artículo])

"In this communication, the diversity and beneficial characteristics of endophytic bacteria have been studied in Simmondsia chinensis that has industrial importance because of the quality of its seed oil. Endophytes were isolated (N = 101) from roots of the jojoba plants collected, of which eight were identified by partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA gene. The isolated bacteria were Bacillus sp., Methylobacterium aminovorans, Oceanobacillus kimchi, Rhodococcus pyridinivorans and Streptomyces sp. All isolates had at least one positive feature, characterizing them as potential plant growth promoting bacteria. In this study, R. pyridinivorans and O. kimchi are reported as plant growth promoters."

Endophytic bacteria, plant growth promoters, Simmondsia chinensis, seed oil BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA MICROBIOLOGÍA BACTERIOLOGÍA BACTERIOLOGÍA

Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on regional organic substrates in Agave salmiana production in Huichapan, Hidalgo, Mexico

EMILIO RAYMUNDO MORALES MALDONADO MONICA GUTIERREZ ROJAS RAMON JAIME HOLGUIN PEÑA Daniel Ruiz-Juárez Jorge Luis Vega Chávez Ana Cristina Reyes Godoy (2022, [Artículo])

"Mexico has 159 species of Agave spp. In the agri-food industry stand out are Agave tequilana, A. angustifolia, and A. salmiana. A limitation to producing maguey seedlings is the low availability of organic substrates that favor plant adaptation in the field. The objective was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) found in substrates in response to vegetative and root growth of A. salmiana in agricultural areas of Huichapan, Hidalgo, Mexico. The treatment consisted of earthworm humus (EH) and leaf compost (LC) substrates with materials from the region with different percentages of EH (100, 75, 50%), LC (5, 10%), and sand (20, 40%). The treatments were applied with 14 random replications in two phases in seeds and 40-day-seedlings. The variables evaluated were NPK amount and pH in substrates. The physiological variables measured were plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, root length, and volume. Significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed in seedling physiology due to the effect of the treatment. The best agronomic responses (plant growth and root length/weight) of Agave seedlings were T5 (75% earthworm humus + 20% sand + 5% leaf-soil) and T6 (50% earthworm humus + 40% sand + 10% leaf-soil); in both treatments, the NPK percentages were different from the control (Haplic Phaeozem soil) group. The final concentration of NPK in T6 was N = 0.04%, P = 398.13 mg Kg-1 and K = 11.88 meq 100g-1 . The results infer that NPK availability in soil and progressive acidification (initial pH = 8.6, final pH = 7.4) of the substrate can favorably influence the plant response. The interactions between NPK availability in the substrate and their use for a better response in maguey seedling adaptability open up new lines of research on the productive systems in the región of Huichapan, Hidalgo, Mexico."

maguey, nutritional quality, plant physiology, productive soils, seedling BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL (BOTÁNICA) FERTILIDAD DEL SUELO FERTILIDAD DEL SUELO

Phylogenetic relationships of Pseudo-nitzschia subpacifica (Bacillariophyceae) from the Mexican Pacific, and its production of domoic acid in culture

Sonia Quijano (2020, [Artículo])

Pseudo-nitzschia is a cosmopolitan genus, some species of which can produce domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin responsible for the Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). In this study, we identified P. subpacifica for the first time in Todos Santos Bay and Manzanillo Bay, in the Mexican Pacific using SEM and molecular methods. Isolates from Todos Santos Bay were cultivated under conditions of phosphate sufficiency and deficiency at 16°C and 22°C to evaluate the production of DA. This toxin was detected in the particulate (DAp) and dissolved (DAd) fractions of the cultures during the exponential and stationary phases of growth of the cultures. The highest DA concentration was detected during the exponential phase grown in cells maintained in P-deficient medium at 16°C (1.14 ± 0.08 ng mL-1 DAd and 4.71 ± 1.11 × 10−5 ng cell-1 of DAp). In P-sufficient cultures DA was higher in cells maintained at 16°C (0.25 ± 0.05 ng mL-1 DAd and 9.41 ± 1.23 × 10−7 ng cell-1 of DAp) than in cells cultured at 22°C. Therefore, we confirm that P. subpacifica can produce DA, especially under P-limited conditions that could be associated with extraordinary oceanographic events such as the 2013–2016 "Blob" in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. This event altered local oceanographic conditions and possibly generated the presence of potential harmful species in areas with economic importance on the Mexican Pacific coast. © 2020 Quijano-Scheggia et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

domoic acid, domoic acid, kainic acid, Article, cell growth, controlled study, diatom, Mexico, morphology, nonhuman, Pacific Ocean, phylogeny, plant cell, plant growth, Pseudo nitzschia, toxin analysis, cell culture technique, classification, diatom, CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Desarrollo y comercialización de adyuvantes herbolarios como alternativa terapéutica para el tratamiento del síndrome metabólico en adultos mexicanos. Evaluación de solicitud de patente y registro sanitario

SYLVIA ADRIANA PINAL CALVILLO (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

Este trabajo de tesis parte de la creciente preocupación global sobre la Epidemia

Metabólica, enfocándose en su prevalencia, impacto económico y las perspectivas

futuras en México. Se centra en la interconexión entre enfermedades metabólicas,

factores de riesgo compartidos y la respuesta a intervenciones comunes,

destacando la obesidad, diabetes y síndrome metabólico como ejes centrales.

Adicionalmente, examina la Medicina Ancestral y la estandarización en la

producción de remedios herbolarios como estrategias potenciales para mitigar esta


El trabajo revisa los antecedentes de la Medicina Tradicional según la Organización

Mundial de la Salud (OMS), su uso en condiciones metabólicas, y su integración en

sistemas de salud. Se presta especial atención al uso de plantas medicinales en

México y a nivel global, resaltando la transferencia intercultural de conocimientos

herbolarios en la era de la globalización.

En el marco general, se establecen los objetivos del estudio y se detalla la

caracterización de productos herbales específicos para el tratamiento del síndrome

metabólico, se centra en el uso sinérgico de: Syzigium cumini, Coix lacryma-jobi, y

Mossanona depressa. Se analizan sus propiedades farmacológicas y usos en el

tratamiento de la diabetes y el síndrome metabólico.

La sección de formalización comercial aborda la constitución de la sociedad, los

registros ante el Instituto Mexicano de Propiedad Intelectual (IMPI) y la Comisión

Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos a la Salud (COFEPRIS), la determinación

de patentabilidad, y las estrategias de protección de propiedad intelectual.

Finalmente, el estudio concluye con recomendaciones para la mejora regulatoria en

este campo y detalla la tramitología necesaria para la implementación de estas

estrategias. La investigación subraya la importancia de integrar la medicina

tradicional en los sistemas de salud modernos para combatir la epidemia

metabólica, especialmente en contextos como el de México.

BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA Epidemia metabólica, medicina ancestral México, Herbario Mundial, obesidad, diabetes, síndrome metabólico, tratamiento herbolario, factores riesgo metabólicos, intervenciones epidemia metabólica, carga económica Salud México, remedios naturales diabetes, integración medicina tradicional, OMS Medicina Tradicional, plantas medicinales metabólicas, Syzigium cumini, Coix lacryma-jobi, Mossanona depressa, Propiedad Intelectual Herbolarios, Registro COFEPRIS, Patentabilidad Productos Naturales, Legislación Mexicana Salud, Mejora Regulatoria Medicina Tradicional.