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Multicriteria assessment of alternative cropping systems at farm level. A case with maize on family farms of South East Asia

Santiago Lopez-Ridaura (2023, [Artículo])

CONTEXT: Integration of farms into markets with adoption of maize as a cash crop can significantly increase income of farms of the developing world. However, in some cases, the income generated may still be very low and maize production may also have strong negative environmental and social impacts. OBJECTIVE: Maize production in northern Laos is taken as a case to study how far can farms' performance be improved with improved crop management of maize with the following changes at field level: good timing and optimal soil preparation and sowing, allowing optimal crop establishment and low weed infestation. METHODS: We compared different farm types' performance on locally relevant criteria and indicators embodying the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic and social). An integrated assessment approach was combined with direct measurement of indicators in farmers' fields to assess eleven criteria of local farm sustainability. A bio-economic farm model was used for scenario assessment in which changes in crop management and the economic environment of farms were compared to present situation. The farm model was based on mathematical programming maximizing income under constraints related to i) household composition, initial cash and rice stocks and land type, and ii) seasonal balances of cash, labour and food. The crop management scenarios were built based on a diagnosis of the causes of variations in the agronomic and environmental performances of cropping systems, carried out in farmers' fields. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that moderate changes in crop management on maize would improve substantially farm performance on 4 to 6 criteria out of the 11 assessed, depending on farm types. The improved crop management of maize had a high economic attractiveness for every farm type simulated (low, medium and high resource endowed farms) even at simulated production costs more than doubling current costs of farmers' practices. However, while an improvement of the systems performance was attained in terms of agricultural productivity, income generation, work and ease of work, herbicide leaching, improved soil quality and nitrogen balance, trade-offs were identified with other indicators such as erosion control and cash outflow needed at the beginning of the cropping season. SIGNIFICANCE: Using farm modelling for multicriteria assessment of current and improved maize cropping systems for contrasted farm types helped capture main opportunities and constraints on local farm sustainability, and assess the trade-offs that new options at field level may generate at farm level.


How diverse are farming systems on the Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia? A multi-metric and multi-country assessment

Brendan Brown Pragya Timsina Emma Karki (2023, [Artículo])

While crop diversification has many benefits and is a stated government objective across the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) of South Asia, the complexity of assessment has led to a rather limited understanding on the progress towards, and status of, smallholder crop diversification. Most studies focus on specific commodities or report as part of a singular index, use outdated secondary data, or implement highly localized studies, leading to broad generalisations and a lack of regional comparison. We collected representative primary data with more than 5000 households in 55 communities in Eastern Nepal, West Bengal (India) and Northwest Bangladesh to explore seasonally based diversification experiences and applied novel metrics to understand the nuanced status of farm diversification. While 66 crops were commercially grown across the region, only five crops and three crop families were widely grown (Poaceae, Malvaceae, and Brassicaceae). Non-cereal diversification across the region was limited (1.5 crops per household), though regional differentiation were evident particularly relating to livestock and off-farm activities, highlighting the importance of cross border studies. In terms of farmer's largest commercial plots, 20% of systems contained only rice, and 57% contained only rice/wheat/maize, with substantial regional diversity present. This raises concerns regarding the extent of commercially oriented high value and non-cereal diversification, alongside opportunities for diversification in the under-diversified pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Future promotional efforts may need to focus particularly on legumes to ensure the future sustainability and viability of farming systems.


Análisis de la actividad de ondas del este y su impacto en la variabilidad intraestacional de precipitación en el trópico mexicano

MAURA GONZALEZ ROBLES (2021, [Tesis de doctorado])

Tesis (Doctora en Ciencias y Tecnología del Agua) -- Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua. Coordinación de Desarrollo Profesional e Institucional. Subcoordinación de Posgrado.

En este trabajo se analizaron los sistemas atmosféricos que aportan variabilidad climática a México y Centroamérica, es decir: la Corriente en Chorro del Caribe (CCC) y las ondas del este (OE). Ambos sistemas aportan humedad, principalmente en Centroamérica, Golfo de México y Océano Pacífico; además, son importantes para los trópicos al modular la convección cuya variabilidad puede afectar el número de huracanes en el Atlántico y modificar la precipitación causando estragos como deslaves, inundaciones, daños en infraestructura y socioeconómicos. Los datos utilizados en este estudio son de Reanálisis ERA-Interim, con resolución temporal horaria y espacial de 75 km; para la precipitación se utilizaron datos de ERA-5, con resolución espacial de 9 km. La CCC y las OE son fenómenos que interactúan a escala local con diferentes tipos de sistemas característicos de latitudes tropicales con variabilidad estacional, anual e interanual. Para analizar la variabilidad se identificaron y analizaron años Niño, Niña y neutro significativos, esto por ser la causa de la mayor variabilidad climática en el trópico. El análisis de variabilidad aplicado es de largo plazo (30 años) e incluyó, entre otros resultados, obtener la magnitud del viento en un punto máximo del núcleo de la CCC (14.25°N y 73.5°W) por año; en junio, julio y agosto (JJA) (septiembre, octubre y noviembre, SON) y se encontró tanto en julio y en el trimestre de JJA, la CCC es más intensa durante años Niño (Niña) ya que varía entre 12 a 18 m/s (menor a 12 m/s), con una extensión zonal de entre 8° a 14° (menor a 10°) y meridional de entre 5° a 6° respectivamente (menor a 4°) lo que da como resultado cambios en los valores de cizalla ideales para contribuir con la ciclogénesis, los cuales deben ser mayores a 10 m/s (7.5 m/s) y menores a 16 m/s (12.2 m/s).

Corrientes en chorro del Caribe Ondas del este Factores meteorológicos CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA

The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa

Gatien Falconnier Marc Corbeels Frédéric Baudron Antoine Couëdel leonard rusinamhodzi bernard vanlauwe Ken Giller (2023, [Artículo])

Can farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) boost crop yields and improve food availability without using more mineral fertilizer? This question has been at the center of lively debates among the civil society, policy-makers, and in academic editorials. Proponents of the “yes” answer have put forward the “input reduction” principle of agroecology, i.e. by relying on agrobiodiversity, recycling and better efficiency, agroecological practices such as the use of legumes and manure can increase crop productivity without the need for more mineral fertilizer. We reviewed decades of scientific literature on nutrient balances in SSA, biological nitrogen fixation of tropical legumes, manure production and use in smallholder farming systems, and the environmental impact of mineral fertilizer. Our analyses show that more mineral fertilizer is needed in SSA for five reasons: (i) the starting point in SSA is that agricultural production is “agroecological” by default, that is, very low mineral fertilizer use, widespread mixed crop-livestock systems and large crop diversity including legumes, but leading to poor soil fertility as a result of widespread soil nutrient mining, (ii) the nitrogen needs of crops cannot be adequately met solely through biological nitrogen fixation by legumes and recycling of animal manure, (iii) other nutrients like phosphorus and potassium need to be replaced continuously, (iv) mineral fertilizers, if used appropriately, cause little harm to the environment, and (v) reducing the use of mineral fertilizers would hamper productivity gains and contribute indirectly to agricultural expansion and to deforestation. Yet, the agroecological principles directly related to soil fertility—recycling, efficiency, diversity—remain key in improving soil health and nutrient-use efficiency, and are critical to sustaining crop productivity in the long run. We argue for a nuanced position that acknowledges the critical need for more mineral fertilizers in SSA, in combination with the use of agroecological practices and adequate policy support.


The cerato-mandibular ligament: a key functional trait for grazing in damselfishes (Pomacentridae)

Damien Olivier Bruno Frederich MILTON ALEJANDRO SPANOPOULOS ZARCO Eduardo Francisco Balart Páez Eric Parmentier (2014, [Artículo])

"The success of a taxonomic group can be promoted by a key character that allows the group to interact with its environment in a different way and to potentially occupy new niches. The Pomacentridae possess a synapomorphic trait, the cerato-mandibular (c-md) ligament, which joins the hyoid bar to the inner part of the lower jaw. It has previously been shown that this ligament is a key trait in communication in damselfishes because it enables them to slam the oral jaws shut causing teeth collision and sound production. This specific behavior of mouth closing could, however, also be used for other tasks, such as feeding. Many territorial damselfishes are referred to as farmers, due to their ability to manage algal crops on which they feed. This study hypothesizes that the c-md ligament provides an advantage for grazing filamentous algae, and should thus be considered a key trait for farming behavior."


¿Cómo mejorar la provisión del transporte público?: el ordenamiento de las rutas de colectivos para alimentar las estaciones del Tren Suburbano en el Estado de México

Pablo de los Cobos Alcalá (2020, [Tesis de maestría])

Después de caminar, el transporte público colectivo es la base de la movilidad en la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México. Sin embargo, los incentivos de la regulación del sector, así como la relación entre transportistas y autoridad, han hecho que este servicio tenga deficiencias que diferentes gobiernos han intentado mejorar. Esta tesina versa sobre uno de esos intentos: el ordenamiento de las rutas alimentadoras hacia las estaciones del Tren Suburbano en el Estado de México. A partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis documental, este trabajo describe la influencia que tienen las estructuras institucionales de gobernanza en los esfuerzos de mejora del transporte público. Esta tesina hace dialogar a las teorías neoinstitucionalistas y de clientelismo político al analizar la forma en la que los grupos transportistas vetan los intentos de mejora por parte de la autoridad. Asimismo, este trabajo discute la pertinencia de las tipologías de provisión del transporte público para comprender las ventajas de las diferentes modalidades de participación de la autoridad, sector privado y personas usuarias. El estudio de las tipologías permite estimar las posibilidades de éxito de ciertas estrategias al considerar si éstas van en un sentido concordante con las lógicas de estructuración institucional.

Urban transportation -- Mexico -- Mexico (State) -- Case studies. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES