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"In order to provide information on the current knowledge about the native fish Dormitator latifrons and identify the gaps that must be filled to achieve correct resource management, a scientometric study was carried out using different scientific databases. A total of 103 publications were registered between the years 1972 and 2021. Results indicate that the species has been addressed since 2001 with less than one publication per year, with 2008 being the year with the highest number of publications (10). The main topics addressed were ecology, physiology, and parasitology of fish. The available knowledge generated about the species is concentrated in 68 journals, with Mexico as the most productive country, followed by USA and Ecuador, and the most productive research centers about this fish were Mexico’s Instituto Politécnico Nacional and Universidad de Guadalajara. A total of 285 authors were detected contributing knowledge to the species, with Violante-González in the top with ten publications. The co-authorship co-occurrence maps suggest there is no solid collaborative relationship between the scientific community and that the information generated is insufficient for conserving and exploiting this fish. It is essential to increase the study of thematic areas that allow their comprehensive management in the medium term; topics like reproduction in captivity, aquaculture, and nutrition must be addressed in the future to assure a sustainable use of this resource."
Dormitator latifrons, native fish, amphidromous, worldwide database, regional database, cooccurrence map CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE DINÁMICA DE LAS POBLACIONES DINÁMICA DE LAS POBLACIONES
Manuel Ávila Aoki José Benito Elizalde Salas (2017, [Artículo])
The typical semiclassical wave version of the unsorted database search algorithm based on a system of coupled simple harmonic oscillators does not consider an important ingredient of Grovers original algorithm as it is quantum entanglement. The role of entanglement in the wave version of the unsorted database search algorithm is explored and contradictions with the time of execution of Grovers algorithm are found. We remedy the contradictions by employing two arguments, one of them qualitative and the other quantitative. For the qualitative argument we employ the probabilistic nature of a legitimate quantum algorithm and remedy the above inconsistence. Within the quantitative argument we identify a parameter in the wave version of the unsorted database search algorithm which is related to entanglement. The contradiction with the time of execution of Grovers algorithm is solved by choosing an appropriate values of such a parameter which incorporates entanglement to the wave version of the unsorted database search algorithm. The utility of the present arguments are evident if the wave version of the unsorted data base search algorithm is experimentally implemented through a system of N quantum dots with a harmonic oscillator potential as a confinement potential for each of the quantum dots. Each of the above N vibrating quantum dots must be coupled to an extra single vibrating quantum dot which entangles to all of them. In order to obtain optimal results, the coupling constants of the mentioned quantum dots should be adjusted in the way described in the present work.
Computación Unsorted database search Grover algorithm wave entanglement queries time Computación Unsorted database search Grover algorithm wave entanglement queries time INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA
Gap wind jets (Tehuano winds) trigger supersquirts of colder water and mesoscale asymmetric dipoles in the Gulf of Tehuantepec (GT). However, the effects of successive gap wind jets on dipoles and their effects inside eddies have not yet been studied. Based on the wind fields, geostrophic currents, and surface drifter dispersion, this research documented three dipoles triggered and modified by Tehuano winds. Once a dipole develops, successive gap wind jets strengthen the vortices, and the anticyclonic eddy migrates southwestward while the cyclonic eddy is maintained on the east side of the GT. During the wind relaxation stage, the cyclonic eddy may propagate westward, but due to the subsequent re-intensification of the Tehuano winds, the vortex could break down, as was suggested by surface drifter dispersion pattern and geostrophic field data. The effect of the Tehuano winds was evaluating via eddy-Ekman pumping. Under Tehuano wind conditions, Ekman downwelling (upwelling) inside the anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddies may reach ~ -2.0 (0.5) m d-1 and decrease as the wind weakens. In the absence of Tehuano winds, Ekman downwelling inside the anticyclonic eddy was ~ 0.1 (-0.1) m d-1. The asymmetry of downwelling and upwelling inside eddies during Tehuano wind events may be associated with Tehuano wind forcing. © 2019 Santiago-García et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
article, dipole, leisure, Mexico, cold, ecosystem, factual database, geographic mapping, hurricane, Mexico, satellite imagery, season, water flow, wind, sea water, Cold Temperature, Cyclonic Storms, Databases, Factual, Ecosystem, Geographic Mapping, CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA
Yuneisy Milagro Agüero Fernández MIRIAM VICTORIA MARTIN MANZO MARITZA LOURDES SOBERANES YEPIZ Marcelo Ulises García Guerrero Yuniel Méndez Martínez Luis Hector Hernandez Hernandez Laura S López Greco Edilmar Cortés Jacinto (2022, [Artículo])
"Where good management practices on aquaculture are mandatory. The economic and ecological importance of prawns of the Genus Macrobrachium cause an impact at a global level involving economic, academic and social aspects. Macrobrachium americanum appears as one of the genus species with high nutritional value and an economic demand in the national and international markets, as well as a vital income for fisherman and producers of this species. For researchers, it is a challenge to find solutions to culture and propose conservation measures for M. americanum with emphasis on development, nutrition and reproduction. Although there are scientific studies supporting the economic importance of this species, our knowledge about its cultivation, reproduction and conservation is limited. This paper summarizes the latest studies made in cooperation with M. americanum in research lead by the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Mexico. After several years of continuous research, it is considered that those efforts have produced useful information for the sustainable exploitation, conservation and basic management practices of this species."
Freshwater ecosystem, growth rate, native prawn species, conservation, sustainable fishing BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) ECOLOGÍA ANIMAL ECOLOGÍA ANIMAL
Javiera Yanina Donoso Jiménez (2010, [Artículo])
El objeto de esta investigación es analizar la relación existente entre el Estado chileno durante el gobierno de Michelle Bachelet y el pueblo mapuche, centrándonos en el caso de la Alianza Territorial Mapuche (Pu Lof Xawun). Lo anterior nos permitirá analizar la calidad de la democracia en Chile a través de las estrategias utilizadas para dar solución al procesamiento del conflicto socio-político.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship that the Chilean State and Mapuche people had during Michel Bachelet's Government, being the object of the study the Mapuche Territorial Alliance (Pu Lof Xawun). The previously mentioned, allow us to analyze the quality of the democracy in Chile through the strategies that had been used to give a solution to the prosecution of the social-political conflict.
Estudio espacio-temporal del régimen pluviométrico en la zona meridional de la república mexicana
El territorio de la república mexicana presenta una importante variación espacio-temporal de la precipitación. Con valores que van desde los 200 mm en el norte del país hasta los 3,000 mm en la frontera sur. Se presenta una distribución de probabilidad de Poisson para modelar el número de eventos lluviosos (parámetro λ) y una distribución exponencial para modelar la lámina media de lluvia (parámetro β) por evento. Utilizando el método de Kriging se generan los mapas de dichos parámetros y se emplean los diagramas de Hovmöller para caracterizar el régimen pluviométrico. Se comprueba que estos diagramas son una valiosa herramienta de gestión, al presentar, simultáneamente, la relación entre el número de días lluviosos, su lámina media, su variación temporal y espacial. Los resultados que se presentan para la Región Hidrológica 30, zona Iimítrofe con Guatemala y Belice, indican que las distribuciones de probabilidad propuestas explican de una forma aceptable la variación espacio-temporal de la precipitación.
Régimen de lluvia Distribución de Poisson Distribución exponencial Regionalización hidrológica Sur de México CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA
La identificación de agrupamientos industriales como estrategia de análisis de la economía regional.
JOSE MANUEL SANCHEZ GAMBOA (2005, [Tesis de maestría])
CIENCIAS SOCIALES Planificación regional Localización industrial Política económica
Anani Bruce Dan Makumbi Yoseph Beyene Prasanna Boddupalli Paul André Calatayud (2023, [Artículo])
“We place our hope in the land”: defense of the territory against mining in Ixtacamaxtitlán, Puebla
Veronica Vazquez_Garcia Esteban Martínez Vásquez (2023, [Artículo, Artículo])
Mexico occupies first place in mining exploration in Latin America, a situation that has caused alarm among native peoples because the implementation of extractive projects threatens their vital space. The objective of this paper is to analyze the actions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Ixtaca Project in Ixtacamaxtitlán, Puebla, as well as the strategies of territorial defense undertaken by the communities to stop its expansion. Data was gathered through one survey, one workshop and various interviews conducted in three communities affected by the project. Results discuss three actions of CSR: 1) job offers; 2) investment in community infrastructure; 3) support for social events. Three main defense strategies were identified: 1) collective agreements refusing to sell water to the company; 2) legal litigations in favor of the right to be consulted as native peoples; 3) the strengthening of peasant agriculture thanks to the defense of the ejido, the conservation of irrigation water and the support received from the federal program Sembrando Vida. The paper concludes that, despite the negative impacts of RCS actions, these strategies have proven effective because mining concessions have been cancelled and some families have returned to agriculture.
native peoples peasantry mining OIT Convention socioenvironmental conflict pueblos originarios campesinado minería Convenio OIT conflicto socioambiental CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Conjuntos de dinoflagelados del Cretácico Inferior de Colombia
Assemblages of dinoflagellate from the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia
Maribel Reyes Tixteco (2023, [Tesis de maestría])
Los dinoflagelados se usan como indicadores en investigaciones ecológicas y son uno de los principales causantes de toxicidad en florecimientos algales nocivos (FANs). Estas microalgas producen quistes resistentes y fosilizables, los cuales son muy útiles como indicadores bioestratigráficos y paleoecológicos. Los dinoflagelados del Cretácico han sido ampliamente estudiados en estratos de latitudes medias y altas, pero los conjuntos tropicales casi no han sido estudiados. Para ayudar a remediar esta falta de conocimiento, se estudiaron cuantitativamente y cualitativamente el contenido de dinoflagelados de 50 muestras de núcleos de los pozos ANH-CR-MONTECARLO-1X y ANH-CON-06-ST-S, localizados en Colombia. La edad de la sedimentación en ambos pozos se interpreta como Albiano, aunque hay un poco de incertidumbre en la edad de inicio. Los taxones heterotróficos tienen menor riqueza de especies, pero presentan mayor abundancia, mientras que los autótrofos tienen mayor riqueza de especies pero menor abundancia. En el pozo ANH-CR-MONTECARLO-1X se identificaron 20 géneros y 24 especies, con altos valores de concentración total de 1,441.00 qst / gr sed, en la muestra IIES-PALY-6015 por la presencia de Subtilisphaera y 1,036.88 en la muestra IIES-PALY-6021 dominada por Muderongia. Dichas muestras son correlacionables con dos transgresiones marinas, del Albiano tardío (104.4 Ma) y el Albiano temprano (111 Ma) respectivamente. Además, indican que los ensamblajes de quistes en este pozo, están dominados por formas Peridinoideas y Ceratioideas. En el pozo ANH-CON-06-ST-S se encontraron 16 géneros y 15 especies, con un valor máximo de 3,539.62 qst / gr sed en la muestra IIES-PALY-5995 por el alto contenido de Subtilisphaera, y correlacionable con la transgresión marina del Albiano tardío (104.4 Ma). Los ensamblajes de quistes en este pozo, están dominados por las formas Peridinoideas. La litología y el contenido de palinomorfos de los pozos indican un ambiente nerítico interno (NI) a transicional (T), con mayor aporte de terrígenos en el pozo ANH-CON-06-ST-S. Se propone un clima cálido para el Cretácico Inferior por la alta diversidad de taxones autótrofos característicos de aguas cálidas y estratificadas.
Dinoflagellates produce resistant and fossilizable cysts, which are useful as biostratigraphic and paleoecological indicators. These microalgae are used as indicators in ecological studies and are one of the main causes of toxicity in harmful algal blooms (HABs). Cretaceous dinoflagellates have been extensively studied in mid- and high-latitude strata, but tropical assemblages have hardly been studied. To help remedy this lack of knowledge, the dinoflagellate content of 50 core samples from the ANH-CR-MONTECARLO-1X and ANH-CON-06-ST-S wells, located in Colombia, were quantitatively and qualitatively studied. The age of sedimentation in both wells is interpreted as Albian, although there is some uncertainty in the beginning of the depositional age. Heterotrophic taxa have lower species richness but higher abundance, while autotrophs have higher species richness but lower abundance. In the ANH-CR-MONTECARLO-1X well, 20 genera and 24 species were identified, with high total concentration values of 1,441.00 cst / gr sed, in the IIES-PALY-6015 sample, due to the presence of Subtilisphaera and 1,036.88 in the IIES sample -PALY-6021, dominated by Muderongia. These samples are correlable with two marine transgressions, from the late Albian (104.4 Ma) and early Albian (111 Ma) respectively. Furthermore, they indicate that the cyst assemblages in this well are dominated by hetrotrophic forms. In the ANH-CON-06-ST-S well, 16 genera and 15 species were found, with a maximum value of 3,539.62 qst / gr sed in the IIES-PALY-5995 sample due to the high content of Subtilisphaera, and correlated with the transgression marina from the late Albian (104.4 Ma). The cyst assemblages in this well are also dominated by the heterotrophic forms. The lithology and palynomorph content of the wells indicate an internal neritic (NI) to transitional (T) environment, with a higher terrigenous influx in the ANH-CON-06-ST-S well. A warm climate is proposed for the Lower Cretaceous due to the high diversity of autotrophic taxa characteristic of warm and stratified waters.
Dinoflagelados, Cretácico Inferior, Bioestratigrafía, Paleoambientes, Paleoecología Dinoflagellates, Lower Cretaceous, Biostratigraphy, Paleoenvironment, Paleoecology CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO GEOLOGÍA GEOLOGÍA REGIONAL GEOLOGÍA REGIONAL