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Diseño de arreglos de antenas para entornos de 5G utilizando técnicas de simplificación en la red de alimentación

Design of antenna arrays for 5G environments using simplification techniques in the feeding network

ELIZVAN JUAREZ PACHECO (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

En los últimos años, las redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas de quinta generación (5G) han tomado gran relevancia debido al crecimiento del número de usuarios móviles que se conectan a estas redes inalámbricas. Estas redes utilizan arreglos de antenas para generar haces de radiación directivos que pueden escanearse en una o múltiples direcciones en el espacio mediante el control de una red de alimentación. En una red de alimentación convencional cada elemento de antena se alimenta con un dispositivo amplificador y desfasador, lo que resulta en sistemas costosos y complejos de implementar. Por lo tanto, esta tesis de investigación propone nuevas técnicas de diseño que simplifican la red de alimentación al reducir el número de puertos de entrada y dispositivos desfasadores necesarios en el sistema de antenas. Las configuraciones propuestas consideran como requisitos de diseño el nivel de lóbulo lateral (SLL por sus siglas en inglés), rango de escaneo del haz principal y ancho de banda de operación adecuados para sistemas de 5G. Así, se introduce la técnica de bloques CORPS (Estructuras Periódicas de Radiación Coherente, en inglés) como una solución para simplificar la red de alimentación en arreglos lineales y planares. Esta técnica aprovecha la propiedad de interpolación de fase de las redes CORPS de una capa para generar los valores cofasales ideales necesarios para escanear el haz principal. Además, la aplicación de una excitación de amplitud de coseno alzado genera un haz de radiación con bajo SLL. Adicionalmente, se aplica la técnica de bloques CORPS en configuraciones con subarreglos para mejorar la reducción de desfasadores en comparación con la implementación individual de cada tecnología. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulación electromagnética y mediciones experimentales validan los diferentes diseños propuestos. Todo esto contribuye al estado del arte al presentar diferentes diseños de arreglos de antenas que simplifican la red de alimentación manteniendo buenas características en el patrón de radiación en comparación con diseños tradicionales.

In recent years, fifth-generation wireless networks (5G) have become very relevant due to the exponential growth in the number of mobile users connecting to wireless networks. These networks employ antenna arrays to generate directional radiation beams that can be scanned in one or multiple directions in space by controlling a feeding network. In a conventional feeding network, each antenna element is fed with an amplifier and phase shifter device, which results in expensive and complex systems to implement. Therefore, this thesis proposes novel design techniques that simplify the feeding network by reducing the number of input ports and phase shifter devices required in the antenna system. The proposed configurations take into account requirements such as side lobe level (SLL), scanning range, and bandwidth appropriate for 5G systems. Thus, the CORPS (Coherent Radiation Periodic Structures) blocks technique is introduced as a solution to simplify the feeding network in linear and planar phased arrays. This technique takes advantage of the phase interpolation property of single-layer CORPS to generate the ideal cophasal values necessary for the main beam scanning. Furthermore, the application of a raised-cosine amplitude distribution generates a radiation beam with low SLL. Additionally, the CORPS blocks technique is applied in subarrays configurations to improve the phase shifters reduction compared to the individual implementation of each technology. The results obtained by electromagnetic simulation and experimental measurements validate the different proposed designs. This contributes to the state of the art by different designs of antenna arrays that simplify the feeding network while maintaining good radiation pattern characteristics when compared to traditional designs.

Arreglo de antenas, Red de alimentación, Quinta generación, Arreglo lineal, Arreglo planar Antenna array, Feeding network, Fifth Generation, Linear array, Planar array INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS TECNOLOGÍA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES ANTENAS ANTENAS

XYZ Micropositioning System Based on Compliance Mechanisms Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing

CARLOS ANDRES FERRARA BELLO Pedro Vargas Chable José Gerardo Vera Dimas Margarita Tecpoyotl Torres (2021, [Artículo])

This article presents the design and implementation of a micropositioning system actuated

by three piezoelectric stacks to control its displacements on XYZ axes. The use of conventional

piezoelectric buzzers allows us to reduce fabrication costs. The working or mobile platform is the base

for objects that will be manipulated, for example, in automated assembling. The micropositioner can

be integrated into a microgripper to generate a complete manipulation system. For micropositioner

fabrication, at first, Polylactic Acid (PLA) was chosen as the structural material, but after simulation

and some experimental tests performed with a micropositioner made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene

Styrene (ABS), it showed larger displacement (approx. 20%) due to its lower stiffness. A third test

was performed with a positioner made with Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG), obtaining an

intermediate performance. The originality of this work resides in the geometrical arrangement based

on thermoplastic polymer compliance mechanisms, as well as in the use of additive manufacturing

to fabricate it. An experimental setup was developed to carry out experimental tests. ANSYS™ was

used for simulation.

INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS PETG, MEMS, micromanipulation, piezoelectric actuation, hysteresis effect linearization

Whole-genome comparison between reference sequences and oyster Vibrio vulnificus C-genotype strains


Whole-genome sequences of Vibrio vulnificus clinical genotype (C-genotype) from the CICESE Culture Collection, isolated from oysters, were compared with reference sequences of CMCP6 and YJ016 V. vulnificus C-genotype strains of clinical origin. The RAST web server estimated the whole genome to be ~4.8 Mb in CICESE strain 316 and ~4.7 Mb in CICESE strain 325. No plasmids were detected in the CICESE strains. Based on a phylogenetic tree that was constructed with the whole-genome results, we observed high similarity between the reference sequences and oyster C-genotype isolates and a sharp contrast with environmental genotype (E-genotype) reference sequences, indicating that the differences between the C- and E-genotypes do not necessarily correspond to their isolation origin. The CICESE strains share 3488 genes (63.2%) with the YJ016 strain and 3500 genes (63.9%) with the CMCP6 strain. A total of 237 pathogenicity associated genes were selected from reference clinical strains, where—92 genes were from CMCP6, 126 genes from YJ016, and 19 from MO6-24/ O; the presence or absence of these genes was recorded for the CICESE strains. Of the 92 genes that were selected for CMCP6, 67 were present in both CICESE strains, as were as 86 of the 126 YJ016 genes and 13 of the 19 MO6-24/O genes. The detection of elements that are related to virulence in CICESE strains—such as the RTX gene cluster, vvhA and vvpE, the type IV pili cluster, the XII genomic island, and the viuB genes, suggests that environmental isolates with the C-genotype, have significant potential for infection. © 2019 Guerrero et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Article, bacterial gene, bacterial strain, bacterial virulence, comparative study, controlled study, gene cluster, gene identification, genomic island, genotype, nonhuman, phylogenetic tree, sequence analysis, strain identification, Vibrio vulnificus BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA GENÉTICA GENÉTICA