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- 2022 (1)
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- Filosofía y derechos de niños (1)
- Philosophy and children´s rights (1)
- Structural violence (1)
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Structural violence against children in Chihuahua
Hector Castro-Loera Gabriela Orozco Lopez (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
Within the framework of philosophy and its social function, structural violence against children in Chihuahua is studied; To approach the phenomenon and propose alternatives, three theories will be related: i) feminist studies regarding violence, concepts such as intersectionality, pedagogies of cruelty and structural violence will be used, ii) the philosophy of children's rights, child´s play will be appreciated as a necessity and legal position of freedom, and iii) the event of the Aufklärung, that is, the assimilation of the present of humanity or the Enlightenment in Foucault's thought.
Structural violence Philosophy and children´s rights Chihuahua Violencia estructural Filosofía y derechos de niños CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES