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El lobo marino de California (Zalophus californianues) y su relación con la pesca en la región de las Grandes Islas, Golfo de California, México

Alfredo Zavala González (1999, [Tesis de doctorado])

El lobo marino de California (Z. californianus) se ha usado desde épocas prehispanicas en aguas mexicanas. En el México Prehispanico los nativos lo utilizaban en bajo nivel. Durante el México Colonial e Independiente, el mayor uso de lobos marinos fue por

The California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) has been utilized in Mexican waters for many years. During the Prehispanic Period, native people used sea lions to a very small extent. The Colonial and Independent Periods showed a higher use of sea lions


Vibrissa growth rate in California sea lions based on environmental and isotopic oscillations


Pinniped vibrissae provide information on changes in diet at seasonal and annual scales; however, species-specific growth patterns must first be determined in order to interpret these data. In this study, a simple linear model was used to estimate the growth rate of vibrissae from adult female California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) from San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The δ15N and δ13C values do not display a marked oscillatory pattern that would permit direct determination of the time period contained in each vibrissa; thus, time (age) was calculated in two ways: 1) based on the correlation between the observed number of peaks (Fourier series) in the δ15N profile and the length of each vibrissa, and 2) through direct comparison with the observed number of peaks in the δ15N profile. Cross-correlation confirmed that the two peaks in the δ15N profile reflected the two peaks in the chlorophyll-a concentration recorded annually around the island. The mean growth rate obtained from the correlation was 0.08 ± 0.01 mm d-1, while that calculated based on the observed number of peaks was 0.10 ± 0.05 mm d-1. Both are consistent with the rates reported for adult females of other otariid species (0.07 to 0.11 mm d-1). Vibrissa growth rates vary by individual, age, sex, and species; moreover, small differences in the growth rate can result in significant differences over the time periods represented by the isotopic signal. Thus, it is important to assess this parameter on a species-by-species basis. © 2018 Rosas-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

carbon, nitrogen, animal, California, chemistry, diet, female, island (geological), Mexico, Otariidae, physiology, Animals, California, Carbon Isotopes, Diet, Female, Islands, Mexico, Nitrogen Isotopes, Sea Lions CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO OCEANOGRAFÍA OCEANOGRAFÍA

Estructura del basamento de la Cuenca Farallón al Sur del Golfo de California, mediante la interpretación de datos potenciales y sísmicos

Basement structure of the Farallon Basin at the south of the Gulf of California, through the interpretation of seismic and potential field data

Marco Antonio Bartens Olortegui (2013, [Tesis de maestría])

El Golfo de California es un rift continental activo con apertura oblicua y desplazamiento lateral derecho y es uno de los pocos ejemplos de un rift continental en la fase inicial donde los procesos de apertura activa se pueden estudiar a lo largo de un rift completo. En este escenario, establecer el límite entre basamento continental y oceánico es clave para entender los mecanismos tectónicos que actúan en esta etapa inicial del rift. Desafortunadamente, esta también es una tarea difícil debido a la presencia de corteza oceánica de nueva creación. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de identificar, delimitar y estimar espesores de la corteza oceánica y corteza continental en la cuenca Farallón. Para ellos se utilizaron datos de sísmica de reflexión multicanal 2D de alta resolucion tomados durante la expedicion Ulloa 2006, datos de anomlías gravimetricas tomados de la base de datos de la gravedad marina global obtenida por altimetría de radar relocalizada de los satélites Geosat y ERS-1. Para su interpretación se realizó modelado gravimetrico bidimensional a lo largo de cada perfil sísmico, seguido por una inversión 3D de los datos potenciales del área de la cuenca Farallón restringidos por los perfiles sísmicos interpretados. La corteza de característica oceánica se sitúa en el centro de la cuenca y se identifica principalmente por la concavidad de sus estructuras, interpretadas como sills en las secciones sísmicas, y por la elevada magnitud de la anomalía de Bouguer en el área. La corteza continental se localiza en los margenes oeste y este de la cuenca y se reconoce por la continuidad del reflector correspondiente y el significativo decremento de la anomalía de Bouguer. Tambien se identificaron: una corteza de naturaleza volcánica en el Macizo Farallón Sur (asociado a un reflector sísmico discontinuo de gran amplitud) y dos capas sobreyacientes de sedimentos, la más profunda afectada aparentemente por intrusiones magmáticas. Las profundidades interpretadas con los modelos gravimétricos indican que se tiene una corteza oceánica delgada al centro de la cuenca, con espesores mínimos de 2.5 km en el eje sur abandonado y 3 km en el eje de la dorsal, así como una corteza continental que se va engrosando gradualmente hacia el continente.

The Gulf of California is an active continental rift with an oblique and dextral opening displacement and it is one of the few examples of an initiating continental rift where active opening processes can be studied along a complete rift. In this scenary, establishing the boundary between continental and oceanic basement holds the key to fully understand the tectonic mechanisms acting on this initial rifting stage. Unfortunately, this is also a challenging task due to the presence of oceanic crust of new creation. The aim of this work is to identify, delineate and estimate the thickness of oceanic and continental crusts in the Farallón basin. For this purpose, they were used high-resolution 2D multichannel seismic reflection data from the Ulloa’s 2006 expedition along with gravity anomaly data from the global marine gravity database obtained by repositioned radar altimetry from Geosat and ERS-1 satellites. For their interpretation, two-dimensional gravity modeling was carried out along each seismic profile, followed by 3D inversion of potential field data from the Farallón basin area as constrained by the interpreted seismic profiles. The oceanic-like crust was located at the centre of the basin and is mainly identified by the concavity of their structures, interpreted as sills in the seismic sections, and the highamplitude of the Bouguer anomaly in the area. The continental crust is located in the western and eastern margins of the basin and it is distinguished by the relevant reflector’s continuity and the significant decrease of the Bouguer anomaly. They were also identified: a volcanic crust at the south of the Farallón Massif (associated to a prominent discontinuous seismic reflector) and two overlying sedimentary layers, the deepest one apparently affected by magmatic intrusions. The interpreted depths from the gravity models indicate that there is a thin oceanic crust at the center of the basin, with minimum thicknesses of 2.5 km in the abandoned south axis and 3 km in the dorsal axis, as well as a continental crust that gradually thickens towards the continent.

sísmica de reflexión, anomalía gravimétrica, Cuenca Farallón, Golfo de California seismic reflection, gravity anomaly, Farallon Basin, Gulf of California CIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA Y DEL ESPACIO GEOFÍSICA SISMOLOGÍA Y PROSPECCIÓN SÍSMICA SISMOLOGÍA Y PROSPECCIÓN SÍSMICA

Estimación de los flujos de materia y energía en la Reserva de Bahía de los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes, mediante un modelo de balance de masas

Estimation of the flows of matter and energy in Bahía de los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes Reserve, using a mass balance model

Ana Lilia Perea Rojas (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

La Reserva de la Biósfera de Bahía de Los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes (RB-BLACS) es un área natural protegida que provee de distintos servicios ambientales a los pobladores de la comunidad de Bahía de Los Ángeles. Tiene una gran importancia ecológica por la diversidad de especies que habitan en ella y para las especies migratorias que la utilizan, algunas de las cuales se encuentran enlistadas dentro de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Con objeto de estimar el efecto de la pesca sobre el ecosistema se construyó un modelo de balance de masas empleando Ecopath con Ecosim. Mediante una revisión documental, se definieron 32 grupos funcionales (GF) y se construyó una matriz de dietas. El modelo se parametrizó con los valores de biomasa (B), relación producción/biomasa (P/B) y se obtuvieron los valores de eficiencia ecotrófica (EE) y relación producción/consumo (P/Q). El rendimiento total del sistema (TST) fue de 13,689 t/km2/año. El nivel trófico de la captura de 3.48 y la producción neta del sistema de 4,641 t/km2/año. La matriz de impactos tróficos mixtos muestra que los grupos que sufren mayor impacto negativo por los Tiburones son los Odontocetos, Misticetos y Tortugas. Se simularon los cambios en la biomasa relativa de los GF bajo escenarios de incremento y decremento del esfuerzo pesquero (5 y 10%) y no pesca, en un lapso de 10 años. Se encontró que los cambios en el esfuerzo pesquero de Elasmobranquios y los Peces de escama son los que mayor efecto tienen sobre otros GF. Resalta que suspender la pesca tendría poco efecto, tanto positivo como negativo (2-3%) sobre la biomasa relativa de los GF, excepto Tiburones y rayas, que incrementarían 245 y 124%, respectivamente. Este modelo podría utilizarse para la toma de decisiones en el manejo y conservación del ecosistema.

The Biosphere Reserve of Bahía de Los Ángeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes (RB-BLACS) is a natural protected area that provides different environmental services to the residents of the community of Bahía de Los Ángeles. It has great ecological importance due to the diversity of species that inhabit it and the migratory species that use it, some of which are listed within NOM-059- SEMARNAT-2001. To estimate the effect of fishing on the ecosystem, a mass balance model was built using Ecopath with Ecosim. Through a documentary review, 32 functional groups (GF) were defined, and a diet matrix was constructed. The model was parameterized with the values of biomass (B), production/biomass ratio (P/B) and the values of ecotrophic efficiency (EE) and production/consumption ratio (P/Q) were obtained. The total system throughput (TST) was 13,689 t/km2/year. The trophic level of the capture is 3.48 and the net production of the system is 4,641 t/km2/year. The matrix of mixed trophic impacts shows that the groups that suffer the greatest negative impact from Sharks are Odontocetes, Mysticetes and Turtles. Changes in the relative biomass of GF were simulated under scenarios of increase and decrease in fishing effort (5 and 10%) and no fishing, over a period of 10 years. It was found that changes in the fishing effort of Elasmobranchs and Finfish have the greatest effect on other GFs. It highlights that suspending fishing would have little effect, both positive and negative (2-3%) on the relative biomass of GFs, except for sharks and rays, which would increase 245 and 124%, respectively. This model could be used for decision making in the management and conservation of the ecosystem.

Ecopath con Ecosim, socio-ecosistema, Golfo de California, pesquerías, conservación Ecopath with Ecosim, socio-ecosystem, Gulf of California, fisheries, conservation BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS

Ecología ectoparasitaria del lenguado de California (Paralichthys californicus) y el lenguado diamante (Pleuronichthys guttulatus) en el Pacífico Norte de Baja California, México

Ectoparasite ecology of the California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) and the diamond turbot (Pleuronichthys guttulatus) in the North Pacific of Baja California, Mexico

Grecia Daniela del Carmen Esquivel Mondragón (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

El lenguado de California (Paralichthys californicus) ocupa el primer lugar según el índice de importancia de la comunidad (ICI) en el Estero Punta Banda (EPB), Baja California (México), y el segundo lugar en Bahía San Quintín (BSQ), mientras que el lenguado diamante (Pleuronichthys guttulatus) se ubica en tercer lugar de importancia en BSQ. Sin embargo, se conoce poco acerca de su parasitismo, lo que puede afectar su ecología. Se recolectaron 122 lenguados de P. californicus y 59 de P. guttulatus en EPB, BSQ y Laguna Manuela (LM), B.C., desde verano 2022 a primavera 2023, se identificaron once especies de ectoparásitos en ambos hospederos y se evaluó su prevalencia (p), abundancia (ap), intensidad (i) y frecuencia de ocurrencia (fo) por hospedero, localidades y estaciones del año (t), y las ap se correlacionaron con temperatura superficial del agua, surgencias, t y localidades. El lenguado de California, P. californicus, presentó diez especies de ectoparásitos y aquellas con mayores índices fueron Lepeophteirus sp. (p: 100%, ap: 16.5, i: 65, fo: 81.4%) en LM durante invierno 2023, Pontogeneia sp. (p: 50%, a: 2.3, i: 10, fo: 25.4%) en LM durante otoño 2022, y tanto Entobdella hippoglossi (p: 44.4%, a: 1.1, i: 6, fo: 15.3%) y Acanthochondria sp. (p: 22.2%, ap: 0.7, i: 5, fo: 6.8%) en LM durante invierno 2023. P. californicus mostró cambios significativos de ap contra las localidades, aunque sin cambios para t, y todas sus correlaciones (longitud total (lt), peso y ap versus t, surgencias, temperatura del agua y sitios) fueron significativas a excepción de ap contra t. Para el lenguado P. guttulatus se identificaron cinco especies de parásitos destacando con mayores índices al copépodo Lepeophteirus sp. (p: 100%, ap: 1, i: 1, fo: 19.1%) en EPB durante primavera 2023. Se presentaron diferencias significativas de ap con respecto al t, mientras que lt contra t, surgencias y temperatura del agua presentaron únicamente correlaciones positivas. Los parásitos de peces son importantes componentes naturales de sistemas ecológicos marinos, y debido a la sensibilidad de la relación huésped-parásito a cambios ambientales, su estudio permitiría generalizar respuestas en hospederos con el aumento o disminución de parásitos.

The California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) has the highest community importance index (ICI) in Estero Punta Banda (EPB), Baja California (Mexico), and the second highest in Bahia San Quintín (BSQ), and the diamond turbot (Pleuronichthys guttulatus) holds the third highest ICI in BSQ. A total of 122 individuals of P. californicus and 59 of P. guttulatus were collected in EPB, BSQ and Laguna Manuela (LM), B.C., from summer 2022 to spring 2023. However, very little is known about fish parasitism, which can affect host ecology in these sites. Eleven ectoparasite species were identified in both hosts and the parasite prevalence (p), abundance (pa), intensity (i), and frequency of occurrence (fo) were determined for each host, collection sites and seasons (t), the pa was related to water temperature, upwelling condition, t and sites. P. californicus presented ten species, and those with the highest indices were Lepeophteirus sp. (p: 100%, pa: 16.5, i: 65, fo: 81.4%) in LM during winter 2023, Pontogeneia sp. (p: 50%, a: 2.3, i: 10, fo: 25.4%) in LM during autumn 2022, and both Entobdella hippoglossi (p: 44.4%, pa: 1.1, i: 6, fo: 15.3%) and Acanthochondria sp. (p: 22.2%, pa: 0.7, i: 5, fo: 6.8%) in LM during winter 2023. The halibut P. californicus showed significance in pa regarding the sites, although with no change across t, and its correlations (total length (tl), mean weight, and pa versus t, upwellings, temperature and sites) showed significance, except for ap against t. Five parasites were identified in P. guttulatus, with the copepod Lepeophteirus sp. showing the highest indices (p: 100%, pa: 1, i: 1, fo: 19.1%) in EPB during spring 2023; the turbot P. guttulatus presented differences in pa regarding t, and its tl was correlated significantly with t, upwelling conditions and water temperature. Fish parasites are an important natural component of marine ecological systems and because the host-parasite relationship is sensitive to environmental changes, studying this relationship can allow for generalizing responses in hosts with an increased or decreased levels of parasites.

Lenguado de California y diamante, ectoparásitos, prevalencia, abundancia, intensidad California halibut and diamond turbot, ectoparasites, prevalence, abundance, intensity CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS PECES Y FAUNA SILVESTRE LOCALIZACIÓN DE PECES LOCALIZACIÓN DE PECES

Procesos oceanográficos asociados al desarrollo y dispersión de florecimientos de Gymnodinium catenatum en el norte del Golfo de California

Oceanographic processes associated with harmful algal blooms of Gymnodinium catenatum development and dispersal in the northern Gulf of California

GABRIELA RESENDIZ COLORADO (2023, [Tesis de doctorado])

Durante los últimos años, durante la temporada de invierno y primavera, se ha detectado la presencia de florecimientos algales nocivos (FAN) causados por el dinoflagelado Gymnodinium catenatum en el norte del golfo de California (NGC). Estos eventos tienen impactos ecológicos, económicos y sociales negativos porque G. catenatum es una especie productora de saxitoxina, la cual, está asociada al envenenamiento paralítico por consumo de mariscos, lo que origina que la autoridad sanitaria se vea en la necesidad de implementar vedas en áreas de extracción de almeja generosa en el NGC al detectar producto contaminado. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer los procesos físicos que provocan la ocurrencia y recurrencia de estos eventos, así como contar con un sistema de monitoreo y alerta temprana que permita tomar decisiones y acciones oportunas de mitigación contra los efectos perjudiciales de estos fenómenos. En este trabajo se abordaron estas necesidades de investigación por medio de la implementación de un método de detección remota de estos FAN, utilizando la clasificación de máxima verosimilitud basada en los datos de dos eventos sucedidos en 2015 y 2017. Los resultados de este enfoque fueron satisfactorios al reproducir la temporalidad de la presencia de la especie documentada por medio de muestreos semanales en la bahía de San Felipe, así como de la detección geográfica en las áreas que se conocen que son afectadas recurrentemente. Para estudiar los procesos físicos asociados a estos FAN, se implementó un modelo hidrodinámico usando el Sistema de Modelación Oceánica Regional (ROMS) para el norte del golfo de California. A partir de este modelo se obtuvieron datos de variables como energía cinética turbulenta, temperatura, corrientes y se complementaron con datos de esfuerzo de fondo producido por oleaje estimados a partir de datos de la quinta generación del reanálisis atmosférico del clima global del ECMWF (ERA-5), los análisis de estas variables y la abundancia semanal de G. catenatum permitieron identificar que los principales procesos asociados a la formación de estos florecimientos es el incremento del esfuerzo de fondo asociado al oleaje y la turbulencia. Estos, a su vez, tienen una relación con el cambio en el patrón del viento que se caracteriza por ser del noroeste durante las temporadas de invierno y primavera. Respecto a la dispersión de los florecimientos algales, con base en los datos obtenidos del modelo hidrodinámico, se realizaron experimentos

During the recent winter and spring seasons, harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum have been detected in the northern Gulf of California (NGC). These events have negative ecological, economic, and social impacts because G. catenatum is a species producer of saxitoxin, which is associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning, which causes the need to implement bans by the health authority in extraction areas of generous clam in the NGC when detecting contaminated products. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the physical processes that cause the occurrence and recurrence of these events and have a monitoring and early warning system that allows timely decisions and mitigation actions to be taken against the harmful effects of these henomena. In this work, these research gaps are approached by implementing a remote detection method for these HABs, using maximum likelihood classification based on data from two events in 2015 and 2017. The results of this approach were satisfactory by reproducing the temporality presence of Gymnodinium catenatum documented through weekly sampling in San Felipe Bay, as well as geographic detection in areas known to be recurrently affected. To study the physical processes associated with these HABs, a hydrodynamic model was implemented using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for the northern Gulf of California. From this model, variables such as turbulent kinetic energy, temperature, and currents were obtained and were complemented with data on bottom stress produced by waves estimated from the fifth generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate (ERA-5) data. Analyzing these variables and the weekly abundance of G. catenatum, it was possible that the processes associated with forming these blooms are the increase in bottom stress related to waves and turbulence. These processes are related to the change in the wind pattern characterized by northwest winds during the winter and spring seasons. Regarding the dispersion of algal blooms, based on the data obtained from the hydrodynamic model, lagrangian experiments were carried out to estimate the transport of the HAB. The results showed that the modeled dispersion corresponds with the detection carried out with the remote sensing method mplemented in this work for the 2017 event. The results obtained from this work are essential knowledge for the operational implementation of monitoring and early warning systems ..

Gymnodinium catenatum, florecimientos algales nocivos, percepción remota, modelación hidrodinámica, norte del golfo de California : Gymnodinium catenatum, harmful algal bloom, remote sensing, hydrodynamic modeling, northern Gulf of California BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS

Variaciones en un transecto profundo frente a la costa de Nayarit, México


"Six oceanographic cruises in a NE-SW transect were made nearshore of southern Sinaloa and Nayarit from March 2006 through May 2008, where no in situ hydrographic data are available. Applying the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10) to the observations, the hydrography and geostrophic currents of the region were characterized. Results indicate that surface variability (0-50 m) emerged mainly from seasonal atmospheric forcing. A relative salinity maximum was present during all cruises below this surface layer, which is attributed to a water mass intrusion of Subtropical Subsurface Water that could be associated with the Mexican Coastal Current. Another water mass intrusion is from the California Current. Samples from the 2007-2008 La Niña produced an uncommon circulation, where water flowing from the Gulf of California along the coast of Sinaloa was observed, opposite to what is commonly known as a mean circulation. This uncommon circulation matches the generation of anticyclonic eddies around the Islas Marias archipelago."


Efecto del fotoperiodo y la temperatura sobre la composición bioquímica en reproductores silvestres de cabrilla sardinera, Mycteroperca rosacea (Streets, 1877)

Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the biochemical composition in wild broodstock of sardine cabrilla, Mycteroperca rosacea (Streets, 1877)


"Se estimó el factor de condición (K), el índice gonadosomático (IGS), hepatosomático (IHS) y de grasa visceral (IGV), así como la composición bioquímica en diferentes tejidos de reproductores silvestres de cabrilla sardinera, Mycteroperca rosacea, para evaluarlos a lo largo de un ciclo reproductivo y ver la relación que presentan los cambios con respecto a la temperatura del agua y fotoperiodo de la zona de muestreo. Se capturaron 187 reproductores, 146 hembras y 41 machos en el golfo de California, México. Se observaron diferencias significativas (P < 0,005) en los IGS, IHS e IGV; en el caso de K no se encontraron diferencias. También, se observaron variaciones significativas (P < 0,05) en la mayoría de los parámetros bioquímicos, encontrándose los valores más altos durante la etapa de desove, mientras que los más bajos durante la etapa de reposo. Todos los índices estimados y los parámetros bioquímicos determinados, se correlacionaron significativamente (P < 0,05) con el fotoperiodo, mientras que solo se encontraron correlaciones significativas (P < 0,05) entre el IGS e IGV con respecto a la temperatura del agua."

"Condition factor (K), gonadosomatic index, (IGS), hepatosomatic index (IHS) and fat visceral index (IGV) were estimated and the biochemical composition in different tissues of wild leopard grouper broodstock was determinate too, in order to evaluate them along a reproductive cycle and see the relationship of these changes with respect to the water temperature and photoperiod in the sampling area. 187 brooders were caught, 146 females and 41 males in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Significant differences (P < 0.005) in the IGS, IHS and IGV but not for K were observed. Significant changes (P < 0.05) were also observed in most of the biochemical parameters, being the highest value during the spawning stage, whereas the lowest occurred during the resting stage. Significant correlations (P < 0.05) between all estimated indices and biochemical parameters were observed, while only significant correlations (P < 0.05) between the IGS and IGV with respect to water temperature."

Mycteroperca rosacea, cabrilla sardinera, ciclo reproductivo, composición bioquímica, fotoperiodo, temperatura, golfo de California wavelet sardine, reproductive cycle, biochemical composition, photoperiod, temperature, Gulf of California BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) FISIOLOGÍA ANIMAL FISIOLOGÍA ANIMAL

Vibrissa growth rate in California sea lions based on environmental and isotopic oscillations


Pinniped vibrissae provide information on changes in diet at seasonal and annual scales; however, species-specific growth patterns must first be determined in order to interpret these data. In this study, a simple linear model was used to estimate the growth rate of vibrissae from adult female California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) from San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The δ15N and δ13C values do not display a marked oscillatory pattern that would permit direct determination of the time period contained in each vibrissa; thus, time (age) was calculated in two ways: 1) based on the correlation between the observed number of peaks (Fourier series) in the δ15N profile and the length of each vibrissa, and 2) through direct comparison with the observed number of peaks in the δ15N profile. Cross-correlation confirmed that the two peaks in the δ15N profile reflected the two peaks in the chlorophyll-a concentration recorded annually around the island. The mean growth rate obtained from the correlation was 0.08 ± 0.01 mm d-1, while that calculated based on the observed number of peaks was 0.10 ± 0.05 mm d-1. Both are consistent with the rates reported for adult females of other otariid species (0.07 to 0.11 mm d-1). Vibrissa growth rates vary by individual, age, sex, and species; moreover, small differences in the growth rate can result in significant differences over the time periods represented by the isotopic signal. Thus, it is important to assess this parameter on a species-by-species basis. © 2018 Rosas-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

carbon, nitrogen, animal, California, chemistry, diet, female, island (geological), Mexico, Otariidae, physiology, Animals, California, Carbon Isotopes, Diet, Female, Islands, Mexico, Nitrogen Isotopes, Sea Lions BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA INMUNOLOGÍA INMUNOLOGÍA

Do marine reserves increase prey for California sea lions and Pacific harbor seals?


Community marine reserves are geographical areas closed to fishing activities, implemented and enforced by the same fishermen that fish around them. Their main objective is to recover commercial stocks of fish and invertebrates. While marine reserves have proven successful in many parts of the world, their success near important marine predator colonies, such as the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), is yet to be analyzed. In response to the concerns expressed by local fishermen about the impact of the presence of pinnipeds on their communities’ marine reserves, we conducted underwater surveys around four islands in the Pacific west of the Baja California Peninsula: two without reserves (Todos Santos and San Roque); one with a recently established reserve (San Jeronimo); and, a fourth with reserves established eight years ago (Natividad). All these islands are subject to similar rates of exploitation by fishing cooperatives with exclusive rights. We estimated fish biomass and biodiversity in the seas around the islands, applying filters for potential California sea lion and harbor seal prey using known species from the literature. Generalized linear mixed models revealed that the age of the reserve has a significant positive effect on fish biomass, while the site (inside or outside of the reserve) did not, with a similar result found for the biomass of the prey of the California sea lion. Fish biodiversity was also higher around Natividad Island, while invertebrate biodiversity was higher around San Roque. These findings indicate that marine reserves increase overall fish diversity and biomass, despite the presence of top predators, even increasing the numbers of their potential prey. Community marine reserves may help to improve the resilience of marine mammals to climate-driven phenomena and maintain a healthy marine ecosystem for the benefit of both pinnipeds and fishermen. © 2019 Arias-Del-Razo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Article, biodiversity, biomass, climate change, ecosystem resilience, environmental exploitation, fish stock, fishing, marine environment, marine invertebrate, nonhuman, Phoca vitulina, Pinnipedia, prey searching, Zalophus californianus, animal, biom BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA)