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Evaluación de la cinética de liberación de compuestos hidrofílicos y lipofílicos a partir de nanopartículas híbridas polímero-lípido

Evaluation of the release kinetics of hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds from polymer-lipid hybrid nanoparticles

Juan Pablo Carmona Almazán (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

En el tratamiento de enfermedades, la administración de dosis múltiples es una estrategia común para mantener la concentración de los fármacos dentro de un margen terapéutico. Sin embargo, la adherencia de los pacientes a este tipo de tratamiento puede ser un desafío, llevando a una administración irregular de dosis. Una alternativa utilizada para abordar este reto son las nanopartículas híbridas polímero/lípido(NPPLs), las cuales, con menos administraciones, tienen el potencial de alcanzar la dosis necesaria en el tratamiento, posibilitando entonces el incremento del apego al tratamiento. En nuestro proyecto, se llevó a cabo la síntesis de nanopartículas de ácido poli láctico-co-glicólico (PLGA) recubiertas de lecitina de soya, por medio de técnicas de nanoprecipitación y autoensamblaje. Además, integramos estas nanopartículas en una matriz polimérica a base de aerogeles de gelatina de manera que estuvieran distribuidas de manera homogénea y concentrada. Nuestro enfoque central radica en entender la cinética de liberación de un compuesto hidrofílico (ácido gálico) y uno lipofílico (quercetina) a partir de este sistema. Logramos sintetizar nanopartículas con un diámetro hidrodinámico de 100 ± 15 nm, 153 ± 33 y149±21 nm, en el caso de las nanopartículas vacías y cargadas con ácido gálico y cargadas con quercetina, respectivamente. La eficiencia de encapsulación del ácido gálico fue del 90 ± 5 % y de la quercetina fue del 70 ± 10 %. Los resultados que obtuvimos muestran que el ácido gálico sigue una cinética del modelo de Korsmeyer-Peppas, con un valor de n = 1.01 y la quercetina una cinética de primer orden. Dado que los compuestos encapsulados tuvieron una liberación más lenta con respecto a los compuestos libres en los aerogeles de gelatina, nuestro trabajo indica que el encapsulamiento en NPPLs de un compuesto bioactivo, independientemente de su naturaleza química, puede ayudar a retrasar su liberación y reducir el número de dosis administradas, en consecuencia, esto pudiera contribuir a incrementar el apego de un paciente al tratamiento.

In the treatment of diseases, the administration of multiple doses is a common strategy to maintain drug concentrations within a therapeutic range. However, patient adherence to this type of treatment can be challenging, resulting in irregular dosing. An alternative approach used to address this challenge involves polymer/lipid hybrid nanoparticles (NPPLs), which have the potential to achieve the necessary drug dose with fewer administrations, thereby increasing treatment adherence. In our project, we synthesized poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles coated with soy lecithin using nanoprecipitation and self-assembly techniques. These nanoparticles were then integrated into a polymer matrix based on gelatin aerogels to ensure homogeneous and concentrated distribution. Our main focus was to understand the release kinetics of a hydrophilic compound (gallic acid) and a lipophilic one (quercetin) from this system. We successfully synthesized nanoparticles with a hydrodynamic diameter of 100 ± 15 nm, 153 ± 33 nm, and 149 ± 21 nm for empty nanoparticles, gallic acid-loaded, and quercetin-loaded nanoparticles, respectively. The encapsulation efficiency was 90 ± 5 % for gallic acid and 70 ± 10 % for quercetin. The results we obtained indicate that gallic acid follows Korsmeyer-Peppas kinetics with a value of n = 1.01, while quercetin exhibits first-order kinetics. Since the encapsulated compounds showed slower release compared to free compounds in gelatin aerogels, our work suggests that encapsulation in NPPLs with a bioactive compound, regardless of its chemical nature, can help delay its release and reduce the number of doses administered. Consequently, this could contribute to improve patient treatment adherence.

nanopartículas híbridas, cinética de liberación, sistemas poliméricos, PLGA/lecitina, compuestos hidrofílicos y lipofílicos hybrid nanoparticles, release kinetics, polymeric systems, PLGA/lecithin, hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA QUÍMICAS ANÁLISIS DE POLÍMEROS ANÁLISIS DE POLÍMEROS

Implementation of a Nickel-Electroless Coating in Heat Exchanger Pipes Considering the Problem of the Environmental Conditions ofthe Cooling Water Without Recirculation to Increase the Effectiveness Under Uncertainty


This research is based on the operation tube heat exchangers, their use and problematic on hydroelectric power plants. It is based on the design heat exchanger tubes for industrial use, which took the parameters of operation, design, working fluids (air and water) and conditions to assemble a monitoring equipment at appropriate scale for the laboratory, with the necessary measurement instruments to analyze the behavior of heat energy transfer by means of thermocouples, the velocity of the air with a hot wire anemometer and the flow of water with a turbine flow meter, in pipes of different materials: copper, steel 1018 and stainless steel 316L, all in ideal conditions, and with this to found a comparative parameter with pipes of the same materials but under conditions of deterioration with the presence of forced oxidation and with the data mining and support vector machine can be minimized the corrosion problems in pipes.

INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICAS Data mining, Support Vector Machine, Pattern Recognition and Decision Support System, Heat exchangers

On-farm assessment of yield and quality traits in durum wheat

Facundo Tabbita Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Francisco Javier Pinera-Chavez Maria Itria Ibba Carlos Guzman (2023, [Artículo])

BACKGROUND: Durum wheat is key source of calories and nutrients for many regions of the world. Demand for it is predicted to increase. Further efforts are therefore needed to develop new cultivars adapted to different future scenarios. Developing a novel cultivar takes, on average, 10 years and advanced lines are tested during the process, in general, under standardized conditions. Although evaluating candidate genotypes for commercial release under different on-farm conditions is a strategy that is strongly recommended, its application for durum wheat and particularly for quality traits has been limited. This study evaluated the grain yield and quality performance of eight different genotypes across five contrasting farmers’ fields over two seasons. Combining different analysis strategies, the most outstanding and stable genotypes were identified. RESULTS: The analyses revealed that some traits were mainly explained by the genotype effect (thousand kernel weight, flour sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation volume, and flour yellowness), others by the management practices (yield and grain protein content), and others (test weight) by the year effect. In general, yield showed the highest range of variation across genotypes, management practices, and years and test weight the narrowest range. Flour yellowness was the most stable trait across management conditions, while yield-related traits were the most unstable. We also determined the most representative and discriminative field conditions, which is a beneficial strategy when breeders are constrained in their ability to develop multi-environment experiments. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that assessing genotypes in different farming systems is a valid and complementary strategy for on-station trials for determining the performance of future commercial cultivars in heterogeneous environments to improve the breeding process and resources.


Remote sensing of quality traits in cereal and arable production systems: A review

Zhenhai  Li xiuliang jin Gerald Blasch James Taylor (2024, [Artículo])

Cereal is an essential source of calories and protein for the global population. Accurately predicting cereal quality before harvest is highly desirable in order to optimise management for farmers, grading harvest and categorised storage for enterprises, future trading prices, and policy planning. The use of remote sensing data with extensive spatial coverage demonstrates some potential in predicting crop quality traits. Many studies have also proposed models and methods for predicting such traits based on multi-platform remote sensing data. In this paper, the key quality traits that are of interest to producers and consumers are introduced. The literature related to grain quality prediction was analyzed in detail, and a review was conducted on remote sensing platforms, commonly used methods, potential gaps, and future trends in crop quality prediction. This review recommends new research directions that go beyond the traditional methods and discusses grain quality retrieval and the associated challenges from the perspective of remote sensing data.


Influence of novel coconut oil and beeswax edible coating and MAP on postharvest shelf life and quality attributes of lemon at low temperature

Mohammad Mainuddin Molla Ashfak Ahmed Sabuz Md Abdul Matin (2023, [Artículo])

Weight loss, turning of peel colour from green to yellow and microbial infections are the major postharvest problems of lemon. Lipid-based edible coatings and modified atmospheric packaging (MAP) are effective techniques in maintaining postharvest quality of fruits for long-term storage. With this view, an investigation was conducted for the preservation of green lemon using coconut oil and beeswax edible coating and MAP during storage at low temperature. Physiologically matured lemons were collected and washed with potable water; fruit surface water was removed and then coated with coconut oil-beeswax (90:10) or only coconut oil. After coating, lemons were packaged in MAP or kept in open crates and stored at 12±1 °C and 85±5% relative humidity (RH) for 8 weeks and a week interval, the sampling was conducted. The results revealed that coconut oil-beeswax coating had immense effect on retaining shiny green colour, reducing respiration, weight loss, shrivelling and preserving firmness and ascorbic acid of lemon throughout the storage. On the other hand, MAP mainly helped to retain moisture & firmness and reduce shrivelling. Uncoated lemons kept open lost the highest amount of ascorbic acid and retained only 13.7 mg/100 g that is significantly (p < 0.05) less than the lemons of all other treatments at 8th week of storage period. While lemons coated with coconut oil-beeswax and packaged in MAP was preserved the highest amount (24.2 mg/100 g) of ascorbic acid and there was no significant difference (p < 0.05) with the amount of ascorbic acid content of lemons coated with only coconut oil and packaged in MAP at the last week (8th week) of storage. Hue angle value was 93.4 in uncoated lemons packaged in MAP while it was 113.67 in coconut oil-beeswax coated lemon kept open and 112.64 in lemon coated with coconut oil-beeswax and packaged in MAP at 8th week of storage. Based on all sensory, physical and chemical parameters uncoated lemons kept open was acceptable up to 1 week, coconut oil-beeswax coated lemon kept open was 6 weeks and coconut oil-beeswax coated lemon packaged in MAP was 8 weeks with good quality and shiny green colour.


Impact of different on-farm management practices on bread wheat quality: a case study in the Yaqui Valley

Facundo Tabbita Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Francisco Javier Pinera-Chavez Maria Itria Ibba Carlos Guzman (2023, [Artículo])

BACKGROUND: Continuous development of new wheat varieties is necessary to satisfy the demands of farmers, industry, and consumers. The evaluation of candidate genotypes for commercial release under different on-farm conditions is a strategy that has been strongly recommended to assess the performance and stability of new cultivars in heterogeneous environments and under different farming systems. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the grain yield and quality performance of ten different genotypes across six contrasting farmers' field conditions with different irrigation and nitrogen fertilization levels, and to develop suggestions to aid breeding programs and farmers to use resources more efficiently. Genotype and genotype by environment (GGE) interaction biplot analyses were used to identify the genotypes with the strongest performance and greatest stability in the Yaqui Valley. RESULTS: Analyses showed that some traits were mainly explained by the genotype effect, others by the field management conditions, and the rest by combined effects. The most representative and diverse field conditions in the Yaqui Valley were also identified, a useful strategy when breeders have limited resources. The independent effects of irrigation and nitrogen levels and their interaction were analyzed for each trait. The results showed that full irrigation was not always necessary to maximize grain yield in the Yaqui Valley. Other suggestions for more efficient use of resources are proposed. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of on-farm trials with GGE interaction analyses is an effective strategy to include in breeding programs to improve processes and resources. Identifying the most outstanding and stable genotypes under real on-farm systems is key to the development of novel cultivars adapted to different management and environmental conditions.


Esquema de objetivos de inflación, compromiso, comunicación y credibilidad: ¿por qué el Banco de México muestra dificultad para cumplir con su objetivo puntual de inflación del 3%?

César Geovanny Ángeles Sánchez (2021, [Tesis de maestría])

El presente documento realiza tres ejercicios empíricos para los temas de compromiso, comunicación y credibilidad del Banco de México. En última instancia, se busca responder al porqué, durante la implementación del esquema de objetivos de inflación (2003-2020), el Banco de México ha mostrado dificultad para cumplir con su objetivo puntual de inflación del 3%. Ya que, como lo indican los promedios de las series de tiempo, durante este periodo los niveles de la inflación y de las distintas expectativas de inflación se han ubicado por encima de la meta. Si bien los resultados confirman la credibilidad que tiene el Banco de México con el mantener una inflación baja y estable; siguiendo una regla de Taylor, se encuentra evidencia que, durante el periodo 2003-2020, el Banco de México ha sido tolerante con brechas positivas en el nivel de inflación (acentuándose, de manera significativa, durante el 2015-2020). En otras palabras, los resultados del documento sugieren que, durante la implementación del esquema de objetivos de inflación, el Banco de México ha ajustado su tasa de interés en busca de un nivel de inflación que se ubique en el intervalo que va del 3% + 1 punto porcentual pero no en la meta del 3%. Asimismo, resulta interesante que, del 2007 al 2020, cambios en la tasa de interés hayan sido motivados por brechas en el nivel de producción (tal como si el banco central mantuviese un mandato dual). Finalmente, a través de la construcción de un índice de comunicación que emplea los anuncios de política monetaria, se encuentra evidencia que la comunicación del Banco de México influye en las expectativas de inflación implicitas en instrumentos financieros y permite anticipar futuros movimientos en la tasa de interés (“forward guidance”).

Banco de México (1925- ) -- Effect of inflation (Finance) on -- Econometric models. Banks and banking, Central -- Mexico -- Econometric models. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES

Los seres alados y solares del arte maya en el Norte de Yucatán

Rubén Morante (2023, [Capítulo de libro])

En nuestro trabajo de campo en el norte de Yucatán estudiamos la iconografía de sitios como Chichén Itzá, Ek Balam y Mayapán. En ellos observamos esculturas con gran calidad artística de seres humanos que portan alas y que, por ello, se presentan como seres celestes relacionados con deidades del panteón maya de los periodos Clásico tardío, Clásico terminal y Posclásico temprano. Para esta investigación partimos de un breve contexto etnohistórico, geográfico y arqueológico de otros sitios mayas, del centro y oriente de México, incluyendo imágenes de códices y pinturas que nos hablan del posible significado que las plumas, las alas y las aves tuvieron en Mesoamérica. Procedimos al análisis de las figuras aladas que se presentan en relación con importantes edificios de sitios del norte de Yucatán. La advocación solar que sugieren parece haber sido común y en esta zona, no sólo hablan de los grandes artistas que los esculpieron, sino de un sistema de creencias que pudo emanar de tradiciones mayas muy tempranas, que en el siglo IX d.C. se manifiesta de manera clara mediante un estilo depurado, una maestría técnica y una alta sensibilidad estética.

In our field work in northern Yucatán we studied the iconography of sites such as Chichén Itzá, Ek Balam, and Mayapán. There we saw great artistic quality sculptures of human beings that carry wings, and because of that we think that represented celestial beings related to deities of the Mayan pantheon of Late Classic, Terminal Classic and Early Postclassic periods. In our research we started with reviews of ethnohistorical, geographical and archaeological contexts in other Mayan sites, from central and eastern Mexico, including images from codices and paintings that tell us about the possible meaning of feathers, wings and birds in Mesoamerica. We proceeded analyze winged figures presented in relation to important buildings in northern Yucatán sites. Solar evocation suggested probably was common in this area and, sculptures not only speak about belief systems that could emanate from very early Mayan traditions, but also speak about great artists, that in 9th century AD. clearly manifested it through a refined style, technical mastery and high aesthetic sensitivity.

Arte maya, seres alados, Norte de Yucatán, Chchén Itzá, Ek Balam. Mayan art, feathers and birds, Northern Yucatán. Maya art--Themes, motives. Maya arts--Mexico--Yucatán (State) Maya sculpture--Themes, motives. Maya mythology. Arte maya. Mitología maya. F1435.3.A7 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA CIENCIAS DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS TEORÍA, ANÁLISIS Y CRÍTICA DE LAS BELLAS ARTES

Multiple approaches to understanding the taxonomic status of an enigmatic new scorpion species of the genus Tityus (Buthidae) from the biogeographic island of Paraje Tres Cerros (Argentina)

Andres Alejandro Ojanguren Affilastro (2017, [Artículo])

Tityus curupi n. sp., belonging to the bolivianus complex, is described from the biogeographically distinct area of Paraje Tres Cerros in north-eastern Argentina. We also present a molecular species delimitation analysis between Tityus curupi n. sp. and its sister species Tityus uruguayensis Borelli 1901 to confirm species integrity. Furthermore, a cytogenetic analysis is presented for these two species which contain different multivalent associations in meiosis, as a consequence of chromosome rearrangements, and the highest chromosome numbers in the genus. © 2017 Ojanguren-Affilastro et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Argentina, chromosome analysis, chromosome rearrangement, genus, human, meiosis, sister, species, anatomy and histology, animal, Argentina, chemistry, chromosome, classification, ecosystem, fluorescence in situ hybridization, genetics, geography, isl BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA) BIOLOGÍA DE INSECTOS (ENTOMOLOGÍA)