
Genetic and phenotypic data of Syn/Weebil recombinant inbred lines under drought and heat stresses


Caiyun Liu

Sivakumar Sukumaran

Carolina Sansaloni

Susanne Dreisigacker

Matthew Paul Reynolds

Access level

Open Access


Abstract - We studied a RIL population of 276 entries derived from a cross between SYN-D × Weebill 1. SYN-D (Croc 1/Aegilops Squarrosa (224)//Opata) is a synthetic derived hexaploid wheat with dark green broad leaves without wax. The RILs did not segregate for Rht-B1, Rht-D1, Ppd-A1, Ppd-D1, Vrn-A1, Vrn-A1, Vrn-D1, and Eps-D1 genes and showed a narrow range of phenology, which avoids the confounding effect of phenology to identify QTL that may otherwise be masked by crop development. The RILs population was phenotyped in a randomized lattice design with two replications under four environments -drought (2009-2010, D10), heat (2009-2010, H10), heat + drought (2011-2012 and 2012-2013, HD12 and HD13)- at the Campo Experimental Norman E. Borlaug (CENEB), CIMMYT’s experimental station at Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, Northwest Mexico (27.20°N, 109.54°W, 38 masl). Drought stress (D) was applied by normal planting (late November) with significantly reduced irrigation (total water supply < 200 mm); heat stress (H) was applied by late sowing (late February) with supplementary irrigation (total water supply > 700 mm) to avoid the effect of drought; the combined stress (H+D) was applied by delayed planting date (late February) with reduced irrigation (total water supply < 200 mm).


International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

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Repositorio Institucional de Datos y Software de Investigación del CIMMYT




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