
Survey of open-air drying operators in Kenya, 2018: Study of the technical and economic aspects of road-side maize drying


Hugo De Groote

Bernard Munyua

Jacob Ricker-Gilbert

Nivel de Acceso

Acceso Abierto


Abstracto - This file contains the data from a survey conducted with 122 respondents, found drying maize in open air along the roads in the towns and urban centers of major maize growing areas of Kenya (Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu and Nakuru) and Nairobi. Most of them were maize traders, but there were also some farmers and a few millers. They were interviewed on the technical aspects (drying methods, equipment and labor used, volumes handled and duration) and economic aspects (cost of buying and drying maize, buying and selling price) of their maize trading and drying practices. From each participant, two maize samples were taken at the different stages in the drying process (freshly purchased maize, maize in the process of drying, and completely dried maize ready to be shipped) and the moisture content measured.


International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

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Recurso de información

Repositorio Orígen

Repositorio Institucional de Datos y Software de Investigación del CIMMYT




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