
Circadian cycle of digestive enzyme production at fasting and feeding conditions in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Cichlidae)



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Fish have photoperiod-dependent rhythms (circadian cycle of about 24 h), including the enzymatic

secretion cycles, and this information has not been available for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,

1758). The knowledge on the digestive enzymes in Nile tilapia may have practical implications in fi sh nutrition.

The aim of the presently reported study was to determine the circadian cycle of digestive enzyme production of

Nile tilapia, in fasting and feeding regimes, in hope to receive information that might improve feeding schedules

of this fi sh in aquaculture.

Materials and methods. In juvenile Nile tilapia the circadian cycle of concentrations of total soluble protein,

protease, pepsin-like, trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, and lipase were determined. The baseline (fasting) and

feeding conditions (ad libitum) were sampled and monitoring every hour for 24 h.

Results. The basal peak of enzyme activity in the intestine occurred at 18:44 h for amylase, at 19:57 h for

proteases, and 20:29 for trypsin. The minimal activity for most enzymes, appeared between 4:51 h (amylase) and 10:13 h (lipases). In the feeding treatment (ad libitum), stomach activity (pepsin-like) had maximal activity at 20:06 h and minimal activity 05:46 h. Intestinal amylase activity covered an extended period of low enzymatic activity beginning at the 05:46 h and ending at 12:59 h. The peak of digestive enzyme activity occurred within 18:44–20:29 h. In general, secretion of digestive enzymes was positively stimulated by food, for all enzymes assayed.

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Repositorio Orígen

Repositorio de acceso abierto a la información científica, tecnológica y de innovación del centro de biotecnología genómica del IPN: Doctorado en Ciencias en Biotecnología en Red del IPN




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