Autor: Archisman Mitra

Livelihood Impacts of Commercial Maize Production in the Plateau Ecology of Odisha, India.

Alwin Keil Archisman Mitra (2019)

Large tracts of land in the upland plateau ecology of Odisha are not suitable for rice production and are largely left fallow. In Mayurbhanj district of the plateau area, nearly half of the total cultivable area (43%) falls into the upland category that is not very suitable for growing rice. The tribal farming population either leave this land fallow or grow short duration rice during rainy season with very low productivity. Some farmers also grow traditional maize varieties with low yields and mostly for household consumption. Since 2013, CSISA has been engaged in efforts to sustainably intensify maize production in Mayurbhanj district, working towards enhancing farmers’ access to modern inputs (especially hybrid seed and machinery services for line-sowing), providing training on best agronomic practices, and linking them with output markets, especially poultry feed mills located in the coastal area of Odisha. While there is evidence that the number of farmers engaged in commercial maize production is rapidly growing, there has been no systematic and representative assessment of farmers’ maize growing practices and the impacts that commercial maize production has had on farmers’ livelihoods. The objectives of this study are: (1) current maize growing practices, (2) marketing practices and profitability of maize production, and (3) livelihood impacts of commercial maize production in a remote tribal area of Odisha.



Assessing the Adoption Dynamics of Zero-tillage (ZT) Wheat and the Growth Dynamics of Related Custom Hire Services in Bihar. Survey 1: ZT Adoption and Its Welfare Impacts at the Farm Household Level

Alwin Keil Archisman Mitra (2018)

While there existed some empirical evidence of the incidence of zero-tillage (ZT) adoption in wheat – rice farming systems in Punjab, in 2013 no such assessment existed for Bihar, one of the major focal points of CSISA activities in the second phase. In Bihar, a relatively extensive network of ZT service providers exists, and the technology is probably relatively widely known, making a study which is based on a random sample of ZT service providers, ZT adopters, and non-adopters of the technology feasible. This kind of ground-truthing of the potential of ZT service provision as a business model and the adoption and impacts of the technology at the farm household level is urgently needed in view of a credible quantitative assessment of the impact of CSISA with respect to one of its major supported technologies. The results can help to more effectively target the promotion of ZT and the provision of ZT services and related training activities. The study consists of two interlinked panel household surveys, one focusing on ZT adoption and its welfare impacts at the farm household level (Survey 1) and the other focusing on ZT service provision as a business opportunity (Survey 2). For both surveys, data were collected in two rounds, the initial survey being conducted in 2013 with a follow-up survey in 2016. The objectives of this study are: (1) to assess farmers’ resource endowment and risk preferences; (2) based on (1), identify influencing factors of zero-tillage (ZT) adoption, including influencing factors of the scale of adoption.



Assessing the Adoption Dynamics of Zero-tillage (ZT) Wheat and the Growth Dynamics of Related Custom Hire Services in Bihar. Survey 2: ZT Service Provision as a Business Opportunity

Alwin Keil Archisman Mitra (2018)

While there existed some empirical evidence of the incidence of zero-tillage (ZT) adoption in wheat – rice farming systems in Punjab, in 2013 no such assessment existed for Bihar, one of the major focal points of CSISA activities in the second phase. In Bihar, a relatively extensive network of ZT service providers exists, and the technology is probably relatively widely known, making a study which is based on a random sample of ZT service providers, ZT adopters, and non-adopters of the technology feasible. This kind of ground-truthing of the potential of ZT service provision as a business model and the adoption and impacts of the technology at the farm household level is urgently needed in view of a credible quantitative assessment of the impact of CSISA with respect to one of its major supported technologies. The results can help to more effectively target the promotion of ZT and the provision of ZT services and related training activities. The study consists of two interlinked panel household surveys, one focusing on ZT adoption and its welfare impacts at the farm household level (Survey 1) and the other focusing on ZT service provision as a business opportunity (Survey 2). For both surveys, data were collected in two rounds, the initial survey being conducted in 2013 with a follow-up survey in 2016. The objectives of this study are: (1) to assess service providers’ resource endowment and risk preferences; (2) based on (1), and pooling data with Survey 1, identify influencing factors of engaging in ZT service provision, including influencing factors of the scale of service provision.
