Author: Denise Costich
Denise Costich (2020)
The Global Popcorn Project began in 2014, by asking the basic question: How many popcorn accessions do we have in the Maize Collection of the CIMMYT Maize and Wheat Germplasm Bank? Six years later, we are closing in on answering that basic question and have also moved on to more complicated ones, with the help of an international team of graduate students and their supervising professors, from Mexico, Brazil and China. We are starting with the phenotyping guides (in English and Spanish) and the first data set compiled in 2014, using the methodology described in the manuals, and we will be continually updating this site with publications and their supporting data sets. Don’t miss the video of our phenotyping team in action! This project was carried out as a collection-related activity of the Maize Collection in the CIMMYT Germplasm Bank, supported by the CGIAR Genebank Platform and the Global Crop Diversity Trust. The graduate students involved in the project were supported during their internships in the germplasm bank as follows: Braulio Torres: Programa de Formación y Desarrollo de Científicos y Tecnólogos, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT-Mexico); Natalia Almeida: Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - Brazil) and Jing Li: Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC).
Terence Molnar Marcela Carvalho Juan Burgueño Jose Crossa Samuel Trachsel Monica Mezzalama Denise Costich Sarah Hearne (2018)
These data describe the evaluation of landraces and landrace-derived pre-breeding materials for biotic and abiotic stress resistance as well as for general yield potential in 2016. Populations and accessions of interest for terminal drought and Tar Spot tolerance were evaluated for yield potential and response to both stresses under the MasAgro Biodiversidad project. Populations and accessions of interest for terminal heat and MCMV tolerance were evaluated for response to both stresses under the MAIZE CRP project.
Guo-Bo Chen awais rasheed Kai Sonder Cristian Zavala Espinosa Denise Costich Patrick Schnable Sarah Hearne Huihui Li (2019)
This dataset contains the genotypic data obtained using genotyping-by-sequencing (tGBS®) technology (Data2Bio LLC) and the passport data of a total of 1,143 maize accessions, which were collected from 20 countries, including 11 teosinte inbred lines, 764 landraces sampled from the maize collection of the CIMMYT germplasm bank (MGB), 290 CIMMYT elite maize lines (CMLs), and 78 popcorn lines from the USDA Ames inbred collection (Romay et al., 2013).