Autor: Felix San Vicente Garcia
Significant SNPs from SeeD GWAS Analysis of Flowering Time
Jorge Alberto Romero Navarro Martha Willcox Juan Burgueño Cinta Romay Kelly Swarts Samuel Trachsel Iván Ortíz-Monasterios Felix San Vicente Garcia Gary Atlin Peter Wenzl Sarah Hearne Edward Buckler (2017)
The files included in this study provide significant SNPs from the gene-level analysis for days to anthesis, days to silking, altitude, and latitude within the SeeD GWAS panel. Markers shown are only those found outside high LD regions as defined in the paper: A study of allelic diversity underlying flowering-time adaptation in maize landraces. Nature Genetics. 2017: 49, 476–480. doi:10.1038/ng.3784, and included in the file: HighLD ranges.txt.