Author: Lidia Ivonne Munguía Ocampo

Capability approach and life course cube applied to the migration of skilled women

Lidia Ivonne Munguía Ocampo Arlette Covarrubias (2023)

A proposal is developed to integrate Amartya Sen's Capabilities Approach and the study of life trajectories, represented in the life course cube of Bernardi et al. (2019), taking as an empirical example the couple migration the skilled women. The life curse cube allows the visualization of the interdependencies between (1) the temporality of women's life course and the historical moment where the migration process occurs, (2) the individual, social, and environmental conversion factors that provide or restrict their ability to achieve those functionings they consider of value to their lives and how they exercise their agency to achieve their well-being, and (3) the micro, meso and macro levels of interaction that together connect life domains over time from the individual environment, the social relationships and considering external societal structures.



Enfoque de capacidades, migración calificada, cubo de curso de vida, trayectorias de vida, género. CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES Capability approach skilled migration, life course cube, life trajectories, gender