Author: Paswel Marenya

Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Ethiopia 2010

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie (2016)

A multi-stage sampling was employed to identify households. In the first stage 9 districts (five form Oromyia region, three from SNNP region and one from Benshangul region) were selected purposely. Accordingly, Bako Tibe, Gubuesyo, Shalla, Dudga, Adami Tullu, Mesrak Badawacho, Meskan, Hawassa Zuriya and Pawe selected. As the program focused on maize based farming system, maize production and agro-ecology was used as an important criterion to select districts and villages. Seven districts (Shalla, Dudga, Adami Tullu, Mesrak Badawacho, Meskan, and Hawassa Zuriya) fall under low potential agro-ecology zone characterized by low and erratic rainfall, while the remaining districts fall under high potential zone with adequate rainfall. In the second stage a total sample of 74 Peasant Associations (PAs) as shown in the survey summary document in the main project summary page were selected randomly with probability proportional to household size.



Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Malawi 2010

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie (2016)

Using purposive sampling, the central and Southern regions were selected. The Central region transcends from high to low altitude while the Southern region is predominantly a low altitude area. Maize is extensively grown in both regions with groundnuts and haricot beans being the dominant legume crops. The southern region however has pigeon pea as the most dominant legume. Purposive sampling in consideration of maize production potential and the agro-ecological conditions was then used in combination with stratified sampling to arrive at 6 districts; 5 in the Central region (Lilongwe, Kasungu, Mchinji, Salima and Ntcheu) and; Balaka in the Southern region. Three districts in the Central region (Lilongwe, Kasungu and Mchinji) fall under high potential area while the remaining two (Salima and Ntcheu) and Balaka in the southern region fall under a low potential area. Multi-stage random sampling combined with probability to proportional size sampling methods were then used to get 66 Extension Planning Areas (EPA’s), 91 Sections and 234 villages. The same procedure was again used to get 895 households from the 235 villages. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data.



Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Mozambique 2010

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie (2016)

A combination of purposive and stratified sampling methods were used to include a total of four districts (Sussundenga, Manica, Gorongosa, and Angonia) in the survey. Two of the districts, Sussundenga and Manica are situated in the province of Manica while Gorongosa and Angonia are found in the provinces of Sofola and Tete, respectively. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used where a total of 41 administrative Locations and 109 villages were randomly picked from the list prepared from each district. Based on the selected villages, probability proportional to size sampling was used to identify the households that were interviewed. A total of 510 household were targeted for the survey. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data.



Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Mozambique 2010

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie (2016)

A combination of purposive and stratified sampling methods were used to include a total of four districts (Sussundenga, Manica, Gorongosa, and Angonia) in the survey. Two of the districts, Sussundenga and Manica are situated in the province of Manica while Gorongosa and Angonia are found in the provinces of Sofola and Tete, respectively. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used where a total of 41 administrative Locations and 109 villages were randomly picked from the list prepared from each district. Based on the selected villages, probability proportional to size sampling was used to identify the households that were interviewed. A total of 510 household were targeted for the survey. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data.



Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Ethiopia 2010

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie (2016)

A multi-stage sampling was employed to identify households. In the first stage 9 districts (five form Oromyia region, three from SNNP region and one from Benshangul region) were selected purposely. Accordingly, Bako Tibe, Gubuesyo, Shalla, Dudga, Adami Tullu, Mesrak Badawacho, Meskan, Hawassa Zuriya and Pawe selected. As the program focused on maize based farming system, maize production and agro-ecology was used as an important criterion to select districts and villages. Seven districts (Shalla, Dudga, Adami Tullu, Mesrak Badawacho, Meskan, and Hawassa Zuriya) fall under low potential agro-ecology zone characterized by low and erratic rainfall, while the remaining districts fall under high potential zone with adequate rainfall. In the second stage a total sample of 74 Peasant Associations (PAs) as shown in the survey summary document in the main project summary page were selected randomly with probability proportional to household size.



Pathways from information to the adoption of conservation agriculture practices in Malawi and Tanzania

Paswel Marenya Dil Bahadur Rahut (2023)

To reduce agriculture's carbon, land and water footprint, the diffusion of conservation farming methods is one commonly cited proposition. Yet the process of translating available information on new conservation farming methods into farmers' practices is often a black box in many studies. This understanding is critical to inform strategies for scaling these complex, knowledge-intensive, but necessary practices for improving agriculture's resource and climate balance sheet. By implementing a series of mediation analysis using data from 700 households in Malawi and 930 households in Tanzania, this study examines how an improved understanding of conservation agriculture (CA) principles is an important mediator in the pathway from extension contact to the adoption of two of the CA practices examined. For the adoption of conservation tillage, the share of the mediated treatment effect was in the 31.5–34.4% range, while it was 31.6–46.9% for the adoption of soil cover (mulching). Our results suggest that unless learning from external sources strongly correlates with improved farmers' technical understanding of new farming practices, private learning by doing must be a critical adjunct to other avenues of learning. Beyond the basic promotional goals, improving farmers' technical know-how needs to be the centerpiece of holistic efforts in support of conservation farming and similar knowledge-intensive practices necessary for agriculture's sustinability goals.



Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Kenya 2011

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie Gideon Obare (2016)

Based on the data collected during the reconnaissance survey, a total of five districts were selected for the baseline survey. Two districts were from western Kenya region (Bungoma and Siaya) and three districts from eastern Kenya region (Embu, Meru South and Imenti South). A total of 600 households were targeted for this survey (300 in each region). In western Kenya, each district was allocated 150 households. Similarly, in eastern Kenya, each district was allocated 100 households. Efforts were made to ensure representativeness of the sample depending on the population of the study areas. Proportionate random sampling was designed to select divisions from each district, locations from each division (see survey summary document on main project page), villages from each sub-location, and households from each village. The survey villages were randomly picked from the list prepared for each division in each district. Finally, the number of households to be surveyed in each village was proportional to the number of households in that village. A list of households was made from each of the selected village and surveyed households were randomly picked. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data.



Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa - Malawi 2010

Paswel Marenya Menale Kassie (2016)

Using purposive sampling, the central and Southern regions were selected. The Central region transcends from high to low altitude while the Southern region is predominantly a low altitude area. Maize is extensively grown in both regions with groundnuts and haricot beans being the dominant legume crops. The southern region however has pigeon pea as the most dominant legume. Purposive sampling in consideration of maize production potential and the agro-ecological conditions was then used in combination with stratified sampling to arrive at 6 districts; 5 in the Central region (Lilongwe, Kasungu, Mchinji, Salima and Ntcheu) and; Balaka in the Southern region. Three districts in the Central region (Lilongwe, Kasungu and Mchinji) fall under high potential area while the remaining two (Salima and Ntcheu) and Balaka in the southern region fall under a low potential area. Multi-stage random sampling combined with probability to proportional size sampling methods were then used to get 66 Extension Planning Areas (EPA’s), 91 Sections and 234 villages. The same procedure was again used to get 895 households from the 235 villages. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data. Please refer to baseline reports include with the data.
