Author: Perla Noemi Chavez Dulanto
Sivakumar Sukumaran Susanne Dreisigacker Marta Lopes Perla Noemi Chavez Dulanto Matthew Paul Reynolds (2017)
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted for grain yield (YLD) and yield components on a wheat association mapping initiative (WAMI) population of 287 elite, spring wheat lines grown under temperate irrigated high-yield potential condition in Ciudad Obregón, Mexico, during four crop cycles (from 2009–2010 to 2012–2013). Raw data for grain yield, yield components and physiological traits are provided.
Sivakumar Sukumaran Susanne Dreisigacker Marta Lopes Perla Noemi Chavez Dulanto Matthew Paul Reynolds (2017)
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted for grain yield (YLD) and yield components on a wheat association mapping initiative (WAMI) population of 287 elite, spring wheat lines grown under temperate irrigated high-yield potential condition in Ciudad Obregón, Mexico, during four crop cycles (from 2009–2010 to 2012–2013). Raw data for grain yield, yield components and physiological traits are provided.