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Ecología trófica del pez damisela Stegastes acapulcoensis (Pomacentridae) en un arrecife de Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca

Trophic ecology of the damselfish Stegastes acapulcoensis (Pomacentridae) in a reef of Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca

Diana Alejandra Vela Espinosa (2023, [Tesis de maestría])

Se caracterizó la alimentación y la morfología del sistema alimentario de la damisela Stegastes acapulcoensis en la bahía La Entrega, Oaxaca, con el objetivo de determinar su espectro trófico. En agosto de 2022, se recolectaron 30 ejemplares de S. acapulcoensis en el período de mayor actividad de alimentación, utilizando arpones caseros y equipo de buceo SCUBA. Las muestras se fijaron con formol al 5% para preservar sus tejidos y facilitar la identificación de presas. Cada ejemplar se sometió a un análisis biométrico detallado, incluyendo mediciones de peso total, longitud total y longitud estándar. Los componentes alimentarios se identificaron y clasificaron en nueve categorías, con las algas destacando como el componente más consumido, seguido del detritus y los invertebrados. El Índice de Importancia Relativa (%IIR) confirmó la importancia de estos componentes en la dieta de S. acapulcoensis. El análisis del espectro trófico reveló que esta especie es un depredador generalista, con una dieta que abarca una diversidad moderada de componentes alimentarios. Además, se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre el peso de los individuos y su consumo de algas, lo que sugiere una relación entre el tamaño y los hábitos alimentarios. La morfología del sistema alimentario, incluyendo el aparato mandibular y las placas faríngeas, apoyó la adaptación de S. acapulcoensis a una dieta herbívora oportunista. Los dientes incisivos y las características de las placas faríngeas indicaron una especialización en la captura y procesamiento de alimentos vegetales. En conjunto, estos hallazgos proporcionaron una visión completa de la ecología alimentaria de S. acapulcoensis en La Entrega, resaltando la importancia de las algas en su dieta y su capacidad para ajustarse a diferentes fuentes de alimento. Además, se amplió nuestra comprensión de la relación entre la morfología y la ecología alimentaria en los peces damisela, lo que contribuye al conocimiento de estos ecosistemas marinos y su gestión.

The feeding and morphology of the food system of the damselfish Stegastes acapulcoensis in La Entrega Bay, Oaxaca, was characterized to determine its trophic spectrum. In August 2022, 30 specimens of S. acapulcoensis were collected during the period of peak feeding activity, using homemade harpoons and SCUBA diving equipment. Samples were fixed with 5% formalin to preserve their tissues and facilitate prey identification. Each specimen was subjected to detailed biometric analysis, including measurements of total weight, total length, and standard length. Food components were identified and classified into nine categories, with algae standing out as the most consumed component, followed by detritus and invertebrates. The Relative Importance Index (%IIR) confirmed the importance of these components in the diet of S. acapulcoensis. Trophic spectrum analysis revealed that this species is a generalist predator, with a diet encompassing a moderate diversity of food components. In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between the weight of individuals and their consumption of algae, suggesting a relationship between size and feeding habits. The morphology of the food system, including the mandibular apparatus and pharyngeal plates, supported the adaptation of S. acapulcoensis to an opportunistic herbivore. The incisor teeth and pharyngeal plate characteristics indicated a specialization in the capture and processing of plant foods. Taken together, these findings provided a comprehensive view of the feeding ecology of S. acapulcoensis in La Entrega, highlighting the importance of algae in its diet and its ability to adjust to different food sources. In addition, our understanding of the relationship between morphology and feeding ecology in damselfish was expanded, contributing to the knowledge of these marine ecosystems and their management.

Dieta, ecología, morfología mandibular Diet, ecology, jaw morphology BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA OTRAS ESPECIALIDADES DE LA BIOLOGÍA OTRAS OTRAS

Influence of poverty concerns on demand for healthier processed foods: A field experiment in Mexico City

Marrit Van den Berg Jason Donovan (2023, [Artículo])

Living in poverty can present cognitive biases that exacerbate constraints to achieving healthier diets. Better diets could imply food choice upgrades within certain food categories, such as electing processed foods with an improved nutritional profile. This study evaluated the influence of monetary and health concerns on the willingness to pay (WTP) for healthier processed foods in a low-income section of Mexico City. We employed priming techniques from the scarcity literature, which are applied for the first time to healthier food purchasing behaviours in low-income settings. Our predictions are based on a dual system framework, with choices resulting from the interaction of deliberative and affective aspects. The WTP was elicited through a BDM mechanism with 423 participants. Results showed that induced poverty concerns reduced the valuations of one of the study's healthier food varieties by 0.17 standard deviations. The latter effect did not differ by income level. The WTP for a healthier bread product but one with relatively high sugar and fat content was reduced by induced poverty concerns only among certain consumers without bread purchasing restrictions (78% of the sample). Potential mechanisms were assessed through regression analysis and structural equation modelling. The relationship between poverty concerns and WTP was mediated by increased levels of stress. While we could not rule out impact on cognitive load, it was not deemed a mediator in this study. Our findings signal that improvements in economic and psychological well-being among low-income consumers may aid to increase their demand for healthier processed foods.


Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database

Tommaso Jucker Jörg Fischer Jerome Chave David Coomes John Caspersen Arshad Ali Grace Jopaul Loubota Panzou Ted R. Feldpausch Daniel Falster Vladimir Andreevich Usoltsev Stephen Adu-Bredu Luciana Alves Mohammad Aminpour Bhely ANGOBOY Ilondea Niels Anten Cécile Antin yousef askari Rodrigo Muñoz Ayyappan Narayanan Patricia Balvanera Lindsay Banin Nicolas Barbier John J. Battles Hans Beeckman Yannick Enock Bocko Benjamin Bond_Lamberty Frans Bongers Samuel Bowers THOMAS BRADE Michiel van Breugel ARTHUR CHANTRAIN Rajeev Chaudhary JINGYU DAI Michele Dalponte Kangbéni Dimobe jean-christophe domec Jean-Louis Doucet Remko Duursma Moisés Enriquez KARIN Y. VAN EWIJK WILLIAM FARFAN_RIOS Adeline FAYOLLE ERIC FORNI David Forrester Hammad Gilani John Godlee Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury Matthias Haeni Jefferson Hall Jie He Andreas Hemp JOSE LUIS HERNANDEZ STEFANONI Steven Higgins ROBERT J. HOLDAWAY Kiramat Hussain Lindsay Hutley Tomoaki Ichie Yoshiko Iida Hai Jiang Puspa Raj Joshi Seyed Hasan Kaboli Maryam Kazempour Larsary Tanaka Kenzo Brian Kloeppel Takashi Kohyama Suwash Kunwar Shem Kuyah Jakub Kvasnica Siliang Lin Emily Lines Hongyan Liu CRAIG LORIMER Joel Loumeto Yadvinder Malhi Peter Marshall Eskil Mattsson Radim Matula Jorge Arturo Meave del Castillo Sylvanus Mensah XIANGCHENG MI Stephane MOMO Takoudjou Glenn Moncrieff Francisco Mora Sarath Nissanka Kevin O'Hara steven pearce Raphaël Pélissier Pablo Luis Peri Pierre Ploton Lourens Poorter mohsen javanmiri pour Hassan pourbabaei JUAN MANUEL DUPUY RADA Sabina Ribeiro Ryan Casey ANVAR SANAEI Jennifer Sanger Michael Schlund Giacomo Sellan Alexander Shenkin Bonaventure Sonké Frank Sterck Martin Svatek Kentaro Takagi Anna Trugman Farman Ullah Matthew Vadeboncoeur Ahmad Valipour Mark Vanderwel Alejandra Vovides Weiwei WANG Li Qiu Christian Wirth MURRAY WOODS Wenhua Xiang Fabiano de Aquino Ximenes Yaozhan Xu TOSHIHIRO YAMADA Miguel A. Zavala (2022, [Artículo])

Data capturing multiple axes of tree size and shape, such as a tree's stem diameter, height and crown size, underpin a wide range of ecological research—from developing and testing theory on forest structure and dynamics, to estimating forest carbon stocks and their uncertainties, and integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programmes. However, these data can be surprisingly hard to come by, particularly for certain regions of the world and for specific taxonomic groups, posing a real barrier to progress in these fields. To overcome this challenge, we developed the Tallo database, a collection of 498,838 georeferenced and taxonomically standardized records of individual trees for which stem diameter, height and/or crown radius have been measured. These data were collected at 61,856 globally distributed sites, spanning all major forested and non-forested biomes. The majority of trees in the database are identified to species (88%), and collectively Tallo includes data for 5163 species distributed across 1453 genera and 187 plant families. The database is publicly archived under a CC-BY 4.0 licence and can be access from: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6637599. To demonstrate its value, here we present three case studies that highlight how the Tallo database can be used to address a range of theoretical and applied questions in ecology—from testing the predictions of metabolic scaling theory, to exploring the limits of tree allometric plasticity along environmental gradients and modelling global variation in maximum attainable tree height. In doing so, we provide a key resource for field ecologists, remote sensing researchers and the modelling community working together to better understand the role that trees play in regulating the terrestrial carbon cycle. © 2022 The Authors. Global Change Biology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


Necessity as a driver in bending agricultural gender norms in the Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia

Pragya Timsina Emma Karki Brendan Brown (2023, [Artículo])

The majority of the farmers in the rural Global South continue to depend directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods. Despite the fact that women account for almost half of the world's farmers, they face gender-specific challenges such as deeply rooted cultural and social norms that limit their access to land, assets, financial markets, agricultural training, and information. Using semi-structured interviews with farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains, this study investigates how necessity is becoming one of the major drivers in the bending of agricultural gender norms. The study investigates the connections between feminist political ecology and agricultural technology production frameworks in order to comprehend the implications of technology adoption and influences on gender norms in communities. Women's participation in agriculture was found to be heavily influenced by social and cultural barriers, and they were frequently subjected to social criticism for breaking the systemic gender norms. This paper emphasizes on the growing pattern of bending gender norms with recommendations for increasing women's participation and scope in future agriculture development initiatives through policies and interventions that emphasize gender equity.


The cerato-mandibular ligament: a key functional trait for grazing in damselfishes (Pomacentridae)

Damien Olivier Bruno Frederich MILTON ALEJANDRO SPANOPOULOS ZARCO Eduardo Francisco Balart Páez Eric Parmentier (2014, [Artículo])

"The success of a taxonomic group can be promoted by a key character that allows the group to interact with its environment in a different way and to potentially occupy new niches. The Pomacentridae possess a synapomorphic trait, the cerato-mandibular (c-md) ligament, which joins the hyoid bar to the inner part of the lower jaw. It has previously been shown that this ligament is a key trait in communication in damselfishes because it enables them to slam the oral jaws shut causing teeth collision and sound production. This specific behavior of mouth closing could, however, also be used for other tasks, such as feeding. Many territorial damselfishes are referred to as farmers, due to their ability to manage algal crops on which they feed. This study hypothesizes that the c-md ligament provides an advantage for grazing filamentous algae, and should thus be considered a key trait for farming behavior."


Análisis isotópico en plumas del Charrán mínimo (Sternula antillarum) para inferir su ecología trófica

Isotope analysis in feathers of the Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) to infer its trophic ecology

Andehui Danay Morales Flores (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

El análisis isotópico de plumas primarias utilizando las razones isotópicas δ13C y δ15N permitió estimar la amplitud y superposición del nicho trófico de los conjuntos de las colonias reproductivas de adultos y volantones del charrán mínimo. Se infirió la amplitud del nicho por medio del área de la elipse estándar estimada por métodos Bayesianos (SEAB), se encontró que existen diferencias entre el nicho trófico de adultos y volantones, pues los adultos tienen valores de la media SEAB de 16.3‰2 hasta 28.4‰2 y los volantones de 44.8‰2 hasta 75.5‰2, esto podría ser debido a diferencias en cuanto a las presas seleccionadas y la ubicación geográfica de los adultos durante la muda de las primarias. Por otro lado, la superposición del nicho indicó la similitud entre los adultos de diferentes colonias, por lo cual, se consideró que los adultos de algunas colonias podrían compartir un sitio de invernada o bien la temporalidad en la muda de las primarias. Además, se cumplió con el objetivo de caracterizar la variabilidad de las firmas isotópicas de carbono y nitrógeno durante el crecimiento secuencial de las plumas primarias por medio de los modelos aditivos generalizados y se observó la variabilidad entre las primarias utilizando las anomalías respecto a la media local de cada colonia, lo cual permitió diferenciar estrategias de alimentación específicas para ciertos conjuntos y la variabilidad en la dieta. La búsqueda bibliográfica de los sitios potenciales de migración en invierno más los mapas de gradientes isotópicos de δ13C permitió determinar que el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical es la región geográfica relacionada con la distribución δ13C en plumas primarias del charrán mínimo y es el sitio más probable de invernada.

The isotopic analysis of primary feathers using the isotopic ratios of δ13C and δ15N allowed the estimation of the breadth and overlap of the trophic niche of adult and fledgling least terns. Niche breadth was inferred through the standard ellipse area (SEAB) estimated by Bayesian methods. We found differences between the trophic niche of adults and fledglings, as adults presented mean SEAB values from 16.3‰2 to 28.4‰2 and fledglings from 44.8‰2 to 75.5‰2. This could be due to differences in the prey selected and the geographical location of the adults during the molt of the primaries. The overlap of these values among adults indicates similarity in prey selection and location between the adults of different colonies. Therefore, it was considered that the adults of some colonies could share a wintering site during the period of molt of the primary feathers. We characterized the variability of carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures during the sequential growth of primary feathers through generalized additive models and the variability between primaries using the anomalies of these signatures and the local mean for each colony. This allowed us to differentiate specific feeding strategies of individual least terns and the variability in their diet. The bibliographic search for potential migration and wintering sites found published maps of δ13C isotopic gradients in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean that correspond to the δ13C distribution in primary feathers of the least tern, indicating a potential wintering area for this species.

isótopos, carbono, nitrógeno, ave marina, ecología trófica isotopes, seabird, nitrogen, carbon, trophic ecology BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA VEGETAL (BOTÁNICA) ECOLOGÍA VEGETAL ECOLOGÍA VEGETAL

Evaluación de indicadores de calidad y funcionalidad en islas de recursos, de mezquite (Prosopis articulata) y cardón (Pachycereus pringlei) en una zona restaurada de Baja California Sur

Geovanna Zárate Camargo (2024, [Tesis de maestría])

"Las temperaturas extremas, radiación solar intensa, vientos fuertes, humedad limitada y la baja fertilidad de los suelos desérticos dificultan la recuperación de zonas degradadas en zonas áridas. Uno de los fenómenos naturales más importantes de revegetación en zonas áridas son las islas de recursos, conformadas por algunos tipos de plantas que actúan como nodrizas, las cuales, bajo su dosel, desarrollan un microhábitat favorable para el establecimiento de otras especies que trabajan en conjunto con una larga comunidad de microorganismos que se encuentran en el suelo. Entre las plantas nodriza que se observan con más frecuencia en el Desierto de Sonora, se encuentran las especies del género Prosopis. Las islas de recursos conformadas por mezquites han demostrado tener un efecto positivo como planta nodriza en zonas áridas. Las contribuciones del mezquite son el aumento del contenido de N en el suelo, temperaturas moderadas en el suelo y la superficie, altos niveles de humedad, mayor actividad microbiana, entre otros aspectos que hacen posible los efectos de las islas de recursos. En este estudio se evaluaron diferentes indicadores de calidad de suelo en islas de recursos establecidas hace 19 años, como parte de un proyecto de revegetación de suelos degradados, distintivo del Desierto Sonorense. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si existe un gradiente con respecto a la distancia y profundidad, en la actividad microbiana y enzimática presente en suelos de islas de recursos, resultado de la interacción de mezquite amargo (Prosopis articulata), como planta nodriza y cardón (Pachycereus pringlei), como planta objetivo. Los resultados demostraron que existe un aumento la actividad enzimática y carbono asociado a biomasa microbiana del suelo perteneciente a estas islas, con mayores resultados en zonas próximas a la planta nodriza que en zonas sin su influencia, también se encontró un aumento en la capa superficial del suelo mostrando mayores valores en los indicadores de calidad y funcionalidad bajo el dosel de las islas de recursos. Lo anterior sugiere que el uso de estas islas de recursos es una potencial alternativa en la restauración de suelos degradados, favoreciendo el ciclaje de nutrientes en suelos degradados."

"At desert, the high temperatures, intense solar radiation, strong winds, limited water, and low fertility, determine how challenging will be the recovery of degraded soils in arid lands. One of the most important natural phenomena of revegetation in arid lands are the “resource islands”, that consist of some trees or bushes acting as nurse plants, which under their canopy, develop a beneficial microhabitat for the establishment of other plant species the work with an extensive community of microorganisms found in the soil. Among the most common nurse plants observed in the Sonoran Desert, is the genus Prosopis. The resource islands formed with mesquite have shown positive effects as nurse plant in arid lands. The principal contributions of mesquite are the increase of N in the soil, moderate temperatures on soil and topsoil, high moisture levels, increased microbial activity, among other aspects that make possible the effect of resource islands. In this study, different quality indicators were evaluated in resource islands established 19 years ago, as part of a project for revegetation in degraded soils, distinctive from the Sonoran Desert. The aim of this research was to explore whether there is a correlation between distance, depth, microbial activity, and enzymatic activity in the soil surrounding resource islands formed by the interaction between mesquite amargo (Prosopis articulata) as the nurse plant and cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) as the objective plant. The results demonstrated that there is an increase in the enzymatic activity and microbial biomass carbon from the soil under the canopy of the resource islands, with higher results in zones near the nurse plant than zones without its influence, furthermore, there was found an increase in the topsoil showing higher values in the soil quality and functionality indicators under the canopy of the resource islands. The above indicates that the use of these resource islands is a potential alternative in the degraded soil restoration, supporting the nutrient cycling in degraded soils."

suelo, ecología, revegetación, actividad enzimática, ciclaje de nutrientes soil, ecology, revegetation, enzymatic activity, nutrient cycling CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA CIENCIAS AGRARIAS AGRONOMÍA FERTILIDAD DEL SUELO FERTILIDAD DEL SUELO

Taxonomic versus ecological prey traits among arthropodophagous bats: implications for surveying trophic partitioning patterns


"Species can coexist spatially and temporally by partitioning the niche space and forming complex assemblages made up of different species that share the prey resource. Chiroptera is the second most species-rich mammalian order and about 75% of bat species feed on arthropods, which makes these bats a good model group for studying complex trophic interactions. Next-generation parallel sequencing techniques allow a detailed analysis of arthropod resource partitioning patterns in bats. However, previous studies have not reached a consensus on the concordance between diet composition, habitat use, and segregation of trophic resources in bats. We analyzed diet composition in terms of taxonomy of the insect prey, and the prey characteristics. Feces of 16 bat species were examined in the Mexican Neotropics. We carried out a SIMPER (similarity percentage) test, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, and principal component analyses to identify general segregation patterns of trophic resources in relation to the habitat-use guild of bats and computed Pianka’s niche overlap index between species and Levin’s index to estimate the niche width of each species. Bats from the same locality tend to partition their diet, with a niche overlap ranging between 0.5 and 0.8. The highest values were found between species with different foraging behaviors. We suggest that future bat diet studies should incorporate the ecological and taxonomic information of arthropod prey to better understand the trophic interactions with bats."

"Aproximadamente el 75% de las especies de murciélagos se alimentan de artrópodos, algunas de estas especies pueden coexistir espacial y temporalmente al particionar el espacio del nicho. Los murciélagos forman ensamblajes complejos compuestos por diferentes especies que comparten su recurso trófico. Por tanto, los murciélagos pueden utilizarse como grupo modelo para estudiar interacciones tróficas complejas. Las técnicas de secuenciación masiva paralela del ADN permiten un análisis detallado de sus patrones de partición de recursos tróficos. Sin embargo, los estudios no han llegado a un consenso sobre la concordancia entre la composición de la dieta, el uso del hábitat y la partición de los recursos tróficos en los murciélagos. Analizamos la composición de la dieta en términos de taxonomía de los artrópodos presa y sus características ecológicas. Examinamos las heces de 16 especies de murciélagos a lo largo del Neotrópico Mexicano. Se utilizaron análisis de similitud porcentual (SIMPER), escalamiento multidimensional no métrico y análisis de componentes principales para identificar patrones generales de partición de recursos tróficos en relación con el gremio de uso de hábitat de los murciélagos. Calculamos el índice de superposición de nicho de Pianka entre especies y el índice de Levin para estimar la amplitud del nicho de cada especie. Encontramos que los murciélagos de la misma localidad tienden a diferenciar su dieta, con una superposición de nicho que varía entre 0.5 y 0.8. Los valores más altos se encontraron entre especies con diferentes hábitos de alimentación. Sugerimos que, en el futuro, los estudios de dieta de murciélagos consideren las características ecológicas de sus presas y utilicen la información taxonómica como clave para recuperar información sobre la biología de las presas y comprender la ecología de estas interacciones tróficas."

arthropods, bats, foraging ecology, next-generation sequencing, prey traits, resource partitioning, trophic ecology artrópodos, ecología trófca, murciélagos, partición de recursos, rasgos de presa, secuenciación de nueva generación BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA BIOLOGÍA ANIMAL (ZOOLOGÍA) ECOLOGÍA ANIMAL ECOLOGÍA ANIMAL

Vibrissa growth rate in California sea lions based on environmental and isotopic oscillations


Pinniped vibrissae provide information on changes in diet at seasonal and annual scales; however, species-specific growth patterns must first be determined in order to interpret these data. In this study, a simple linear model was used to estimate the growth rate of vibrissae from adult female California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) from San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The δ15N and δ13C values do not display a marked oscillatory pattern that would permit direct determination of the time period contained in each vibrissa; thus, time (age) was calculated in two ways: 1) based on the correlation between the observed number of peaks (Fourier series) in the δ15N profile and the length of each vibrissa, and 2) through direct comparison with the observed number of peaks in the δ15N profile. Cross-correlation confirmed that the two peaks in the δ15N profile reflected the two peaks in the chlorophyll-a concentration recorded annually around the island. The mean growth rate obtained from the correlation was 0.08 ± 0.01 mm d-1, while that calculated based on the observed number of peaks was 0.10 ± 0.05 mm d-1. Both are consistent with the rates reported for adult females of other otariid species (0.07 to 0.11 mm d-1). Vibrissa growth rates vary by individual, age, sex, and species; moreover, small differences in the growth rate can result in significant differences over the time periods represented by the isotopic signal. Thus, it is important to assess this parameter on a species-by-species basis. © 2018 Rosas-Hernández et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

carbon, nitrogen, animal, California, chemistry, diet, female, island (geological), Mexico, Otariidae, physiology, Animals, California, Carbon Isotopes, Diet, Female, Islands, Mexico, Nitrogen Isotopes, Sea Lions BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA INMUNOLOGÍA INMUNOLOGÍA