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Tutoring to novel teachers. A fragment of skylight from the border of Ciudad Juarez
Silvia Gabriela Alvídrez Minora (2022, [Artículo, Artículo])
This article describes and interprets the tutoring of novice teachers in a preschool area of Ciudad Juarez. The study is situated in the interpretive paradigm; It makes use of the ethnographic method and research techniques such as participant observation and interview. The partial results show that tutoring is considered an important process for the insertion and professionalization of new teachers; however, it is mentioned that this enriching relationship is only possible when there is communication between all the people involved in the tutoring, in addition to being open to peer learning.
Teacher training Novice teachers Tutoring Ciudad Juarez Formación docente Tutoría Ciudad Juárez docentes nóveles CIENCIAS SOCIALES CIENCIAS SOCIALES
Yoshiaki Ando (2023, [Capítulo de libro])
Un factor determinante para la formación de las y los futuros diseñadores de la comunicación gráfica, industriales y arquitectos en los talleres proyectuales es la experiencia profesional que debe tener quien asesora principalmente los proyectos terminales. El perfil deseable de esta, puede ser de experiencia como empleado, emprendedor o ejercicio libre y es quien refuerza las bases para que el alumnado se enfrente al mercado laboral, debido a que conoce la práctica de las diferentes perspectivas de las y los profesionistas, así como las capacidades que deben aprender en su formación universitaria. Por lo tanto, en el presente y futuro, las disciplinas de la división de CyAD deberán reforzar este criterio dada la importancia de la inserción de los futuros profesionistas al mercado laboral.
A determining factor for the training of future graphic communication designers, industrial designers and architects in project workshops, is the professional experience that those who mainly advise terminal projects must have.The desirable profile of them can be experience as an employee, entrepreneur or professional free exercise, and is who can reinforce the bases so that the students can face the labor market, because they know the practice of the different perspectives of the professionals, as well as the skills they must learn in their university education. Therefore, in the present and in the future, the disciplines of the CyAD division must reinforce this criterion due to the importance of the insertion of future professionals in the labor market.
Taller proyectual, experiencia profesional, mercado laboral, egresados, profesionistas. Project workshop, professional experience, labor market, graduates, professionals. College teachers--Professional relationships. College teaching. Reflective teaching. Group work in education. Maestros universitarios. Talleres pedagógicos. LB1778 HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTA PEDAGOGÍA ORGANIZACIÓN Y PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA EDUCACIÓN