
Comparative analysis of power consumption between MQTT and HTTP protocols for an IoT platform designed and implemented for remote real-time monitoring of long-term cold chain transport operations.






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In the actual world, huge technological advances in the IoT area have been developed in the course of the last few years. IoT systems have had an exponential growth and have contributed to the development of novel applications in industries, health, wearables, domotics, smart supply chains, logistics, among many others.

Nowadays, IoT technological solutions have been invented and developed for the transport industry to monitor vehicles speed, avoid accidents, choose better routes, track supply chains, monitor load conditions, among others. The development and production of IoT devices in portable systems brings with it an increase in the importance of power consumption. For this, as alternatives to reduce power wastage, many communication protocols have been tested such as HTTP with the client-server model and MQTT with the publisher-subscriber model.

In this thesis project, the prototype is intended to work on ground cargo transport to monitor temperature and humidity values of the load, and vehicle's location. Temperature, humidity and location variables are sent in real-time via Wi-Fi to a MySQL database and either to a web server created by the NodeMCU microcontroller or to a cloud-based broker. The experimentation is done in both HTTP and MQTT communication protocols in order to make a comparison and demonstrate the differences in power consumption.

First, in this thesis project, research was made in the city of Hangzhou, considered as the capital of e-commerce in China, having as main scope the use of IoT technology and services in a first world country such as China. China has had an important growth in the number of IoT connections over the last 5 years, and in this thesis is pretended to make an analysis of the IoT technology in industries either because IoT solutions are used to be sold or to be implemented in manufacturing processes. In order to locate the area where IoT technology abounds, according to the results of the field investigation, most of the IoT companies which were analyzed in Hangzhou, are focused on mechanical and industrial engineering areas which have been inaugurated between the years 2000 - 2011. Most of these companies have between 51 and 200 employees and earn around 1 to 2.5 millions of dollars in a year.

In the prototype developed in this thesis, a design and validation of an electronic platform system for remote real-time monitoring is proposed using the ESP8266 microcontroller. ESP8266 is a very complete wireless microcontroller, which can be used for many purposes and can work with Wi-Fi technology. Besides, its low-cost and its easy of working make it a good solution in IoT problems.

The system is able to detect the humidity and temperature of the environment with a DHT11 sensor, and detect the actual location with a NEO-6M GPS sensor. The collected information is saved in a MicroSD Card, displayed in a LCD and sent through HTTP or MQTT protocol to a web server where the data can be visualized in real-time with respective indicators and a dynamic map. Also, the information of the sensor readings are sent to a MySQL database.

The server in HTTP protocol is built by the ESP8266 microcontroller, while in the MQTT protocol, ESP8266 is used to communicate with the specialized cloud-based broker Adafruit IO. A device-to-gateway model was used in the MQTT protocol where the Adafruit IO cloud-based broker acts as a cloud-based gateway.

Since MQTT protocol is associated as the main communication protocol in IoT, it is imperative to explore and analyze the power consumption of this protocol with different conditions.

The experimentation is done in HTTP protocol and in MQTT protocol with different QoS levels in order to make a comparison and demonstrate the differences in power consumption. The experimentation in MQTT protocol with QoS 0 and 1 was successful resulting in power savings of 6.03% and 8.33% respectively, compared with HTTP protocol, representing many hours more in the duration of the battery, which can be very useful in technological solutions for the transport industry.

Maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería


Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

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Tesis de maestría

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Repositorio Institucional del Tecnológico de Monterrey




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