Author: Caiyun Liu
Genetic data and the linkage map of Seri/Babax population
Caiyun Liu Sivakumar Sukumaran Matthew Paul Reynolds (2019)
These datasets include an updated linkage map for the Seri/Babax RIL population and the raw genotype data we used to construct the map. (1) We updated the genetic map of Seri/Babax population with 1748 non-redundant markers (1165 90K SNPs, 207 DArTseq SNPs, 183 AFLP, 111 DArT array, and 82 SSR). The updated map was 5576.5 cM in length with 31 linkage groups covering the 21 wheat chromosomes. The updated map has a better genome coverage, especially in D genome, and higher density than in earlier maps; and also shows a good collinearity with the IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 genome. The new linkage map can provide a useful genomic resource for further genetic analyses of important traits in the Seri/Babax population. (2) We also uploaded the raw genotyping data of 6470 markers (5386 90K SNPs, 609 DArTseq SNPs, 211 AFLP, 120 SSR, 144 DArT) we used to construct the map. Partners can download the raw data and reconstruct the map by adding new genotyping data, or through different methods and software for better improvement of the Seri/Babax genetic map.
Genetic and phenotypic data of Syn/Weebil recombinant inbred lines under drought and heat stresses
Caiyun Liu Sivakumar Sukumaran Carolina Sansaloni Susanne Dreisigacker Matthew Paul Reynolds (2019)
We studied a RIL population of 276 entries derived from a cross between SYN-D × Weebill 1. SYN-D (Croc 1/Aegilops Squarrosa (224)//Opata) is a synthetic derived hexaploid wheat with dark green broad leaves without wax. The RILs did not segregate for Rht-B1, Rht-D1, Ppd-A1, Ppd-D1, Vrn-A1, Vrn-A1, Vrn-D1, and Eps-D1 genes and showed a narrow range of phenology, which avoids the confounding effect of phenology to identify QTL that may otherwise be masked by crop development. The RILs population was phenotyped in a randomized lattice design with two replications under four environments -drought (2009-2010, D10), heat (2009-2010, H10), heat + drought (2011-2012 and 2012-2013, HD12 and HD13)- at the Campo Experimental Norman E. Borlaug (CENEB), CIMMYT’s experimental station at Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, Northwest Mexico (27.20°N, 109.54°W, 38 masl). Drought stress (D) was applied by normal planting (late November) with significantly reduced irrigation (total water supply < 200 mm); heat stress (H) was applied by late sowing (late February) with supplementary irrigation (total water supply > 700 mm) to avoid the effect of drought; the combined stress (H+D) was applied by delayed planting date (late February) with reduced irrigation (total water supply < 200 mm).